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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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10684311 No.10684311 [Reply] [Original]

I'm calling it. Bottom will be around 2.7k - 3k for BTCUSD. Check pic related. Full view link https://www.tradingview.com/chart/BTCUSD/coHC8GBp-Updated-previous-chart-with-some-bears-in-mind/

>> No.10684328

keep smoking meth fool

>> No.10684335

Delusional if you think it will slow bleed that long with all the big names entering the market

>> No.10684343

>all the big names entering the market
Name three

>> No.10684363

What big names? Michaelsoft? Nobody is buying this shit right now.

>> No.10684364

$4-5k is the bottom

>> No.10684371

Literally only need to name one but I’ll appease you retard

Goldman Sachs
Morgan Stanley

>> No.10684386

don't forget Theil and Soros.

>> No.10684389

Not until EOY. My chart above showing Jan 2019 will be the bullrun of these conglomerate your talking about.

>> No.10684418

Did you just post your actual fucking name to 4chan?

>> No.10684420

>with all the big names entering the market
when and WHY will this happen?

>> No.10684421

Maybe but it won’t go that low, you think they’re just gonna buy the day the exchanges open? No they’re loading up now

>> No.10684426

>big names will pump it so us retail traders stop suffering!

Maximum pain for maximum accumulation. These people will do everything to make you, my retail trader friend, capitulate. And they will be buying your coins at a deep discount.

Only a slow, painful bleed with maximum despair will allow them to accumulate enough for the next bullrun

>> No.10684434
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>> No.10684436

My 34rd anon name.

>> No.10684602

You know what Thiel is also in? Mutha fucking Brave. The silicon valley mafia is gonna make that shit moon.


>> No.10684648

because crypto has crashed so buy low sell high you retard

>> No.10684925

When do u think it hits?

>> No.10684958

you forgot world economy collapse, it will boost things a bit

>> No.10685146

28/jan/2019 see chart vertical line.

>> No.10685186

Because so many faggots think it’s $4k to $5k, you know the bottom is already in.

>> No.10685234

Nobody is entering the buying bit coins market, some might enter the collecting trading fees business if there are any to be collected

>> No.10685273

The currency creators are now flush with cash. They extracted Billions over the past eight months, you think they can’t buy politicians and even banks? Sheeeeet. This market just got more secure. Enjoy the show.

>> No.10685388

I don't understand what the fuck you are talking about. The market isn't going to go away, a $200 bit coin can be traded the same as any small cap stock, but mega bank like GS would lose interest in the effort to collect fees on that and their 'entry' would merely never happen.

>> No.10685424
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Who agrees with my autism?

Elliot wave strikes again.. i had drawn this recent dip a couple days ago and i shorted 100x but closed out recently.

Who else is with me?

Do you think this last dip was ABC of ABCDE or do you think that we're going to see a bigger bounce??

A bounce is likely either way but i dont see it getting to 6400 which is the liquidation price..

>> No.10685450
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Sure thing, billy

>> No.10685465
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>> No.10685480
File: 117 KB, 768x359, facts-about-cockroaches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this so much

worst case scenario we have to trade on a decentralized exchange (dex) but in that case the governments would only be motivating further development of those platforms.

I traded bitcoin when it was 10 dollars to 13 dollars.. i wish i would have taken it more seriously back then because it was soooo easy but there will always be a trade to be had as long as the internet survives.

Pandora is out of the box and the genie is out of the bottle.. trading crypto gives traders an opportunity to make 25k or 50k and open margin day trading accounts on other markets like stocks or forex.. they can't stop us.. we are like cockroaches.

Right now is a chance to double or triple up.. put 10 percent of your money into a short position with leverage! It cant get much more predictable than this!

>> No.10685499
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Well it's not like they're going to bar us out of trading tomorrow and if they do it will motivate the development of better decentralized exchanges.

But lol can you imagine the US gov saying citizens can't trade crypto "tokens" unless you have 25k in one of their "regulated" exchanges??!?!

yeah right.. it will only serve to motivate more subversion

>> No.10685525

ABCDE before long sideways and taking off. Situation is very red right now. Most people/normies bought in at 10k-20k, perhaps selling off in panic until EOY.

>> No.10685545

k so you agree we are on a the C bounce of ABCDE then?

i think we'll test about 6200 cause that was the last support but then take a shit to DE of ABCDE..

>> No.10685553


Facilitating clients trading derivatives, so long as there is sufficient interest, is literally what I am saying. These have nothing to do with anybody buying physical bit coins. When the biggest exchange on the planet provided such faculties we bombed.

>> No.10685565

Shut up deluded bear fag, we pumping now 6k is solid support

>> No.10685574

Kek January would actually be a reasonable point for the trend to start reversing. A one year bear market is nothing.

>> No.10685609
File: 32 KB, 576x720, Kennedy-2017-00958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah especially the 100 billion market cap

but it's basically written in the stars now.. it's a self fulfilling prophecy...

we basically have to break the support at this point and go down.. people WILL sell now.. there's really no stopping this..

>> No.10685720

You think people who’ve held on through numerous crashes not unlike this one are going to sell? They’ve gotten very used to seeing their funds dwindle. If they haven’t sold yet, you could even safely assume they’ve gotten used to the idea of losing It all.

>> No.10685753

kek is he a muslim or a jew?

>> No.10685759

OP here. A rich muslim descendant.

>> No.10685798

With a name like yours, you’re as good anonymous anyway. There must be at least twenty faggots like you with that same name.

>> No.10685827

Not a very smart muslim with your 'I'm calling it' post. Literally every TA fag has called for 3k since this decline began. Wew, lad.

what I dislike about TA fags is, it only takes one idiot to take your advice seriously and then lose all his money

>> No.10685843

Literally "I AM" calling it. Not asking you to follow any of the TAs.

>> No.10686083
File: 964 KB, 500x212, original.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure we're going to see support but think of all the normies that bought at 3-4k and think of the manipulators that want to push the price down

the prophecy is foretold.. it's self fulfilling, nothing can stop it now

>> No.10686178

Christ that’s a lot of MA’s

>> No.10686373

Whatever you say. Just bought some more.

>> No.10686430

well it's bouncin' now but just wait we're going to test the 5800 resistance a couple times then break through the floor

>> No.10686449

>le magical complicated chart mess prediction
This literally never predicts a fucking thing and nobody gives a fuck what ""analysts"" think. We're gambling and trying to read the crowd. Stop trying to act like a fucking scientist.

>> No.10686502


>> No.10686816
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>> No.10686887

K JEew

>> No.10686941

Nice coping tard, some reddit coping level, they also telling retarded shit about all the "wallstreet" money and other deluded stuff, I hope they gonna kill themselve because they have 100k$ loans that they bought crypto at ATH with.

>> No.10687557

>catching a falling knife

actually i do it all the time


>> No.10687773
File: 50 KB, 408x439, 1530953863275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shorting after a large drop
It miiiiight work...

>> No.10688078

somebody translate this whale talk for me

>> No.10688113

He is saying reddit plebs are deluded with hopium and ask the other guy to kill himself.

>> No.10688242

You fucking retard. Your "big names" aren't just gonna sweep up a ton of BTC and make the price moon. What we need is another round of normies falling for the ponzi.

>> No.10688255

It’s called capitulation for a reason

>> No.10688277

100% this

>> No.10688280

Big names are exiting the market as we speak.

>> No.10688907

K jew OP
kek uncovered you, now begone kike

>> No.10689015

This 2017 bullrun is equivalent to a black swan event?

>> No.10689043

So if that happens, RSI levels will stay between 40 and 20 levels until the 2020 bullrun amirite?

>> No.10689077

Depends on the shilling level of those "big names". 2017 run was 80% normie money. Not sure what next, perhaps combination of big money and normie? (Eg. NYSE, Bakkt, JP Morgan, GS etc)

>> No.10689102

The cringe.
Bitcoin isn't worthless nothing like jew stocks, it's something actually real backed by physical processes.
Let me spell it to you, and think about it for one hour.
Maybe you'll understand then.

The mining cost of one bitcoin is 5800$.

>> No.10689128

This is what you want. The king of shorts.

>> No.10689142

> The mining cost of one bitcoin is 5800$.
source? or did you pull that figure out of your ass?

>> No.10689166

Ok, so what? Mining isn't the only factor market moves though.

>> No.10689173

you guys said that at 6400

breaking key resistance is a thing you know?

if it goes to 5800 u should short

>> No.10689179

It's the other way around lol
If you think THIS is the bottom, it's going way lower

>> No.10689184

You really think this market is coming back don’t you? You actually truly believe...I wish I could have such faith but I don’t I really think it’s over. The only thing that will survive is bitcoin and if smart contracts figure out the oracle problem(chainlink succeeds).

>> No.10689197

What normies fell for it last time? I don't know one normie who bought crypto last fall, not even among the CNBC watching crowd. I think the whole "normies caused the moon" meme is just that, a meme.

We haven't seen anything yet.

>> No.10689226

>80% normie money
Are you pulling that out of your ass? Got a source?

>> No.10689302

See reddit, ask your friend, google "bitcoin seminar earn up to 10% every month". aka bubble has popped.

And yes 80% is just random number from my rectum.

>> No.10689330

>muh oracle problem solver

kys stinky

>> No.10689333

lmao you have no idea what you're talking about
just leave

>> No.10689356

trips checked but I won't. You bull fags gotta accept the fact, there are no more hype around the value of bitcoin to send us to the moon anymore. Short now or regret later.