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10683191 No.10683191 [Reply] [Original]

How do I find friends who aren't Normies? I'm so fucking depressed as I've already /madeit/ and all my old people I knew from my old life were fucking normals.

I just want to go golfing with people who know about 9/11 and the jews. I want to be able to go to the gym with someone who knows about the Sandy hook false flags. Is This too much to ask? Im so fucking depressed with having no one to talk about these topics with while going out in public.

>> No.10683220

I know the feels Anon,
My friend told me I should just dumb myself down to fit in, but I refuse.

>> No.10683246

I'll be your fren if you're not a turbo autist, I'll even teach you how to get laid if you need help

>> No.10683264
File: 120 KB, 1374x1031, dcn45ac3xzwy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ has meetups bro, see pic related.
Also I'm pretty right wing but Sandy Hook definitely happened. Have you ever visited or met anyone from that town?

>> No.10683266

Are you me. God dam I love golf.

>> No.10683277

>I just want to go golfing with people who know about 9/11 and the jews

Try your local psychiatric institution kek

>> No.10683286

imeetups in the specific board? can you elaborate? i would probably feel kinship with everyone given that I am actually unironically staring at a candlestick chart of bitcoin for the past 90 minutes because it is fascinating to watch

What tare the agreed upon rules, if any

>> No.10683294

ahahaha shalom shalom, you got that goy you got the goyim good.

>> No.10683310


>dam I love golf.
You are a normie
Get out with your cheap normie ats/glp/pol16 golf cart brain

>> No.10683340

Where do you live dude?

>> No.10683365
File: 57 KB, 497x767, b40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know dude lol, that was a meetup in NY last year. I'm not sure if it got organized on /pol/ or /soc/ or whatever. Make a meetup thread. If you live in the sticks it might be hard to find anyone neat you though.

>> No.10683421

is this really clever satire?

>> No.10683441
File: 174 KB, 1200x900, 1486792747795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like you might even have a shot at getting laid, OP. there's some based qt3.14s there.

>> No.10683519

Arizona as of recently. Moved with family out of NY.

>> No.10684099

its ok to talk about other shit

>> No.10684126

Go back to /pol/ you fucking lunatic. The reason you can't be friends with anyone normal is because you're a nutjob. Check yourself in to a psych ward and you'll find your people.

>> No.10684191

Me too bro. Join the northwest from. Lots of cool dudes up here.

>> No.10684224
File: 345 KB, 1000x1000, 1533491085646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in Arizona. I'm a bit of a normalfag though. Just a lowkey racist and anime watcher. How old are you?

>> No.10684241

Put up some flyers with subtle meme references.
"Merchants? On my golf course? It's more likely than you think. Woke golf buddy, apply here!"

>> No.10684540

>go on place with tons of people like you
>make money
>decide to hunt for people like you in other places instead of lifting up people you already know are like you
i swear you fucks pick the most contrived ways to get to what you want just so you have something to complain about

>> No.10684569

why are these non whites in this picture even on pol to begin with. wtf

>> No.10684570

when did normie start to mean people without severe mental illness?

>> No.10684583
