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File: 514 KB, 764x628, Wall-St-Cheat-Sheet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10675160 No.10675160 [Reply] [Original]

*casually drops this map here*

>> No.10675173

Panic/Capitulation? Or Depression?

>> No.10675177
File: 506 KB, 768x624, complacency.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10675179

how do you feel?

>> No.10675183
File: 97 KB, 1267x785, FC1AB543-56F7-4050-AD55-5D8DD73F229E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-were at disbelief r-right?

>> No.10675230

>this rally will fail like the others
>like the others

>> No.10675240


We've passed complacency, closer to anxiety and denial

Boy was it fun to see the look on those smug fags when we breached 10k.

>> No.10675271
File: 50 KB, 680x350, 1534110468652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have obviously heen fluctuating between denial and panic sometimes touching the top of capitulation for the past 6 months. This markets is being propped up on decreasing volume. These prices cannot be sustained forever.

>> No.10675294

You weren't here for April-May? or this last month and a half that bitcoin went up 70%?

>> No.10675324

Alts leaving denial slowly and entering capitulation.

Bitcoin entering Anxiety

>> No.10675334

I'm honestly pretty comfy. I'm up 10x from when I started in January. Tethered up a couple days ago. Could buy back in and increase my positions by 20%

>> No.10675339

Depressed and hopeless desu

>> No.10675348
File: 31 KB, 487x160, youarehere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


at least the high should overlap...

>> No.10675481

Alts are further along. Down 90-95% across the board. Volume is basically non existent. What is left to sell? They might drop another 50% but the trade size will be minuscule.

>> No.10675507

crypto is dead, i dont know why i cuntinue to come here. how will i tell my wifes son i lost his 4 years of tuition

>> No.10675517

I unironically just sold all my alts at a large loss and I am planning my suicide in the next couple of months

>> No.10675560

complacency just wore off. sub $300 ETH and I am full on anxiety.
$200 ETH denial
$100 ETH panic
$20 ETH depression

>> No.10675566

>we're at x

>> No.10675618

I watch them in btc ratio because that's what matters. Most alts aren't 90% down in btc ratio, sure some are but most not. Have you seen panic yet? I didn't.

Don't do it brother.

>> No.10675657

>I watch them in btc ratio because that's what matters. Most alts aren't 90% down in btc ratio, sure some are but most not. Have you seen panic yet? I didn't.

Any where I can see that ratio?

>> No.10675676

Nah man Crypto was my only hope, they are taking my fathers farm without compensation. I have nowhere to flee to. I am fucked and so is every white person in my nation with a net worth under $500k.

>> No.10675696

Any alt/btc trade pairing?

>> No.10675719

Really trying hard to bank that square in the circle hole.

>> No.10675735
File: 2.84 MB, 500x409, 1521688636070.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know about others, but if my ICX goes below 0.5 thats some depression shit right there.

>> No.10675794

eth had two bubbles, the first did the full cycle and stabilized at ~$300.
The second bubble took eth to $1400 and is now in either capitulation or anger low.

>> No.10675830

not even close. faggots are still shilling their shitty alts when BTC goes up a little and people are still bullish for 2018. There is more suffering to be done, but 2020 will be oh so sweet

>> No.10675845
File: 75 KB, 841x403, Screenshot_2018-08-13 r ethtrader - HODL is dumb as rocks .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

case in point
that's absolutely not anxiety, that's full capitulation.

>> No.10675912

I've been trying to figure out where we are. I think 2k bitcoin might unironically be the bottom. Think about it, most people who bought before that probably got their stacks in the triple or double digits and have no plans on selling because muh libertarian principles. Most people who got in after 2k are speculators or hyper emotional kids who have only experienced crypto during a bull run.

You can look at the link chart as a microcosm of this too. It never gets below 15-20¢ because the people who got in in the range or lower probably got in during the ico or believe in the massive potential of the project.

I don't want my post to be misconstrued as a link shill post, but I think it fits the what I said at least retroactively. But in general is that the right way of looking at prices, as a dichotomy between people who hold based on speculative potential vs fundamentals?

>> No.10675932
File: 8 KB, 593x74, Screenshot_2018-08-13 r ethtrader - Daily General Discussion - August 13, 2018 depression.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10675959

I just feel depressed to be quite honest
the local baseball game is on TV
they lost by 8 runs
I'm listening to the postgame show break down how they lost by 8 runs

>> No.10675970

We’re at euphoria retard

>> No.10676033

anxiety/denial... im still like 2000% in the green but idk. any lower and im probably gunna start taking profits

>> No.10676046

We're firmly in denial with everyone talking about "The Golden Bull Run". Once that stops we'll have hit the floor.

>> No.10676191

>Firmly in denial
>A guy just stole a plan and committed suicide

Yes, yes very denial.

>> No.10676259

how is that crypto related?

>> No.10676262

still at denial. alts need to be down 99+% and btc down 90+% before panic starts

>> No.10676289

I just read his portfolio was mostly btc with a few shit coins

>> No.10676297

(the not stinky type)

>> No.10676302

He was a bagholder with a very public suicide. Lots of less visible ones happening everyday. I know of one guy who failed an attempt last month because of crypto.

>> No.10676385
File: 47 KB, 728x569, beyond-rekt-ta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10676489


>being over 2000% in the green
>only now taking profits
>in the middle of a bear

dumb nigger i hope you lose it all

>> No.10676507

absolute retard

that chart is based upon the overall view on the price, no one is fucking euphoric at these prices

euphoria was december and early jaunary, no idea where we are now

>> No.10676676

I've been through depression. I've been acting as if I have 0 money on market for the last ~1.5 months.

>> No.10676691
File: 5 KB, 228x221, al2a5l3cdczz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10676729

bear euphoria

>> No.10676809

>how will i tell my wifes son
Tell him you spent it all on hookers and blow he may respect you more for it especially if you cut him some blow.

>> No.10676854

what kind of faggot are you ?

>> No.10676872

please tell me you're trolling

>> No.10677132

we're in the middle of capitulation and anger. Bitcoin isn't going to be back at 20k for another year at least.

>> No.10677209

or between anger and depression. Either way, my point still stands. Look at the difference in time between when Bitcoin first hit $1k and when it hit $1k again. It took almost 3 years for it to hit that price again--the same year it hit $1k again, it went 20x. The conditions are different now--everyone knows about Bitcoin--but even at this point 1 year is hopeful for it to be back at its peak. 20x in a year from today is laughable.

>> No.10677281

i think you are wrong about that we are going for $100k not $20k.

>> No.10677350

Wait what was that guy one of us? He was into crypto? I only saw the video of him doing a barrel roll wtf

>> No.10677397

Bitcoin is entering depression. Alts are entering panic.

>> No.10677420

keep deluding yourself. keep buying whenever it goes up to 7 or 8k and selling when it goes down to 6 or 5k.

>> No.10678010

The bottom is $5.8k. It might drop very temporarily below that, but that is the bottom.

>> No.10678210

Hey bro you should buy right now, these prices are literally like stealing!

>> No.10678336


>> No.10678351

>denial + anxiety

>> No.10678584

panic. 200 eth capitulation 120 depression

>> No.10678741

>all these depressed people saying we need to drop another 1mm%

>> No.10678796

I’m thinking anger but who knows. Could still be capitulation could be depression

>> No.10679367

Apply for a humanitarian visa and come to Aus, our immigration minister is a white supremacist

>> No.10679407

Anxiety/Denial for me

>> No.10679703

had this map in admnistration class last month

>> No.10679706

Imagine the panic if tether popped right now...