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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 274 KB, 2200x1080, Screenshot_20180812-221011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10667318 No.10667318 [Reply] [Original]

141 sat / .088 cents


WOW. Their telegram/Reddit are in full meltdown. Goalposts have been airlifted. Now the node operators are "supposed" to be secret. "Migration" of all the "partnerships" isn't going to happen until Q4!

I'd almost feel bad for the losers if they weren't such insufferable cunts.

Pic related. Transactions per day. Millions I thought?

>> No.10667330

Get a grip incel faggot.

>> No.10667355
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Tell us? When did you buy in and how much?

>> No.10667363

This feels so good.

>> No.10667428

how do you migrate a partnership lol

>> No.10667445
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>trust the foundation

>> No.10667460

That total supply tho kek

>> No.10667470
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>scoop up some vet guys

>> No.10667474

There are some projects that I feel a bit sorry for bagholders. VEN is not one of them. You have to be a fucking cretin to get excited when the project is constantly TELLING you to get excited. That's pleb tier and I have no sympathy.

>> No.10667490
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Sunny selling off by the looks of it too.

>> No.10667519
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>we are vechainthor
>so lucky to hold these bags

>> No.10667538

Top kek

>> No.10667556
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>> No.10667559

Honestly I'm starting to doubt that these are real people anymore. No community can be collectively so delusional. Are these just all bots/chinese slaves? At what price will they stop saying shit like this? If you'd have told them this coin would get this low a few months ago they would have laughed in your face and bet their lives it wouldn't happen. When does it stop? When VeThor is 0.001 will they be the same? Its kind of facinating.

>> No.10667584



Maximum shilling

>> No.10667598
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>> No.10667630
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More retarted partnership connections than link.

>> No.10667687 [DELETED] 
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>Price collapse
Better than half the shit peddled on this board.

>> No.10667694
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>Price collapse
Better than half the shit peddled on this board.

>> No.10667712

Now that is a commendable feat to pull off

>> No.10667729

holy fuck imagine typing that all out

>> No.10667803
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>> No.10667853

135 sat

>> No.10667862

How come yall FUD Vechain so much even though they have 10+ multi-billion dollar partnerships where the partner themselves have said they are working with Vechain?

>> No.10667863


>> No.10667875
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>> No.10667886

It’s either a paid group since they post the same thing every day, or they have a few screws lose, maybe Sunny raped someone close to them. VeChain’s just a normal altcoin in terms of price peformance but you’d think it was Bitconnect if you look at how they talk about it.

>> No.10667900

I hate these motherfuckers talking about "great time to buy"

Everybody bought at ATH and has no money left, including them.

>> No.10667901

So they're exactly like Linkies

>> No.10667914

When you believe in the technology and team, this is realy nothing.
I'm always surprised, when I wake up in the morning and VeChain dropped another 20%.
It realy is a blessing because I can buy more now.

>> No.10667918

I'm all in on VeChain myself and sometimes post funny FUD memes and stuff but this stuff just seems tired and uninspired at this point.

>> No.10667919


>10 + mulit billion dollar partnerships

What does this even fucking mean? What billions? What partnerships?

No one is using the blockchain. You have like 500 transactions a day lmao

>> No.10667927


>bagholding: the post

>> No.10667949

You and I both know the list of companies they are on-boarding haha, blockchain transactions set to pick up end of Q3/beginning of Q4 as stated in the roadmap that was released a while ago. Rome wasn't built in a day.

Anyways, what crypto or stock do you recommend if you think VET is a bad pick?

>> No.10667954
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lol Vechain about to get passed by 0x

>> No.10667968
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DNV GL is a $2 billion dollar revenue company. There thousands of companies with that much or more revenue.

Nor do their billions translate to billions of sales for vechain.

Most of the rest of the shit is chink companies and unconfirmed angel investors. Nobody knows because nobody knows who holds the nodes.

Ofc the nodes don't even matter at this point because no one is using the blockchain.

>comparing vechain to rome

>> No.10667974

What coins do you like?

>> No.10667981


XLM and 0x

>> No.10668000

Why do you post about this every day

>> No.10668036

>this isn't a white paper, it just isn't...

>> No.10668042

For a minute I thought you were serious then I saw that half the posts in here are you, haha. You should scoop up a nice stack at these prices big dog - good stuff coming.

>> No.10668055


Why do venfags always assume it's one guy named FoxyIT fussing their shit?

>I wouldn't be holding these bags, if it wasn't for these meddling trolls

>> No.10668059



I dumped VEN at $4.50


>> No.10668085

That's sick dude I sold at $7 and bought back in at $3 a few weeks ago. Adding more soon.

>> No.10668093


>so you're bragging about losing 2/3rds of your money

>> No.10668107

Never buy chinese coins. This shit is faker than Donald trumps hair.

Chinese people don’t have a clue about decentralisation. They just wear suits and take part in silly meetings with white monkeys

Not to say that there arent talented Chinese developers (there are a bunch of Taiwanese kids I know who have an amazing solution for ETH ((check out funderstoken)) and lots of other great devs) but they are being suffocated by these suit wearing chinese parasites.

>> No.10668109

The tech still hasn't changed

>> No.10668118
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>muh decentralization
yep, it's a shitcoin

>> No.10668120

>Buying back into scam coins
Dude the writing is on the wall, ffs

>The tech still hasn't changed
This guy gets it. The tech can't change if it never existed

>> No.10668146

Yeah but I got in at 25 cents last winter so I'm still up 900%. I'll be a millionaire when we get to 9 cents, can't wait!!

>> No.10668153

Bagholder bingo

>> No.10668163


You mean ethereum?

>> No.10668182


>9 cents
>currently struggling to stay above 1 cent

Getting a bit ahead of yourself. Also VEN did hit $9.00, so technically you were a millionaire but chose to hold bags.

>> No.10668183

Still doing the token swap. Node monitoring starts in September. Enterprise activity expected late Q3 and Q4. Now neck yourself.

>> No.10668194

>Enterprise activity expected late Q3 and Q4.

lol they said it was going to be now. There is none.

The latest vechain hustle. Just wait guys. Hold your bags. You'll see.

>> No.10668214

I told you already I sold at $7 and bought back in lower senpai.

>> No.10668229

How does it make you feel buying back into a scamcoin that will not recover? How much of your profits did you waste on this scam?

>> No.10668245

Could you post a screenshot of someone at VeChain saying enterprises would use the mainnet by now? I think they’ve always been clear it wouldn’t happen at the same time as launch. Maybe their deluded community thought that, but I don’t think anyone at VeChain did.

>> No.10668256


Once clients are online the the VTHO starts flowing it'll be great!

>> No.10668262

I bought ven at $5 and sold at $2.50 because I was about to go bankrupt and needed to keep my head above the water.

I was going to keep holding, because this type of dump was totally unbelievable. I still can't believe it.

Coming to terms with the idea that I got ripped off so thoroughly is pretty difficult. Maybe this is my punishment for pump and dumping so many Chinese chicks in my 20s (worked in Hong kong).

>> No.10668265
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Just when you thought it couldn't get cringer, venlets are talking about mr. Roger now

>> No.10668322
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>> No.10668341

The worst is yet to come. VeChain's market cap is still half a BILLION dollars. This is still insanely overvalued.

>> No.10668346


>> No.10668369
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Projection AND cope



>> No.10668375

Except that leddit pretty much hates Link.

>> No.10668610
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>> No.10668758


>> No.10668913
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and another day passes where you obsess over vechain instead of kys. do it you fucking pussy. take a look in the mirror for inspiration.

>> No.10669064
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Moonmission soon

>> No.10669100

>the rumour is true

>> No.10669143

so this is how people see us linkies...

>> No.10669305

I was at my local library the other day, and I saw Sunny Lu. I went up and said hi to him, with my book in hand, and what he said was startling. "WHY YOU READ THERMODYNAMICS BOOK, ROUND EYES? YOU MUST STUDY BLOCKCHAIN TO CONTRIBUTE TO VERESEARCH. WE GLOBAL BLOCKCHAIN RESEARCH TEAM." At this point I'm just thinking, what the fuck, so I try to play it cool and say, "Blockchain's pretty cool, but engineering is my passion." At this point I could tell he was not happy. He looked straight into my eyes, and immediately did a fierce karate kick into my genitals. So I'm sitting on the floor, rolling around in pain, and the dude starts removing books from the library shelves. He literally rips the barcodes off each one, and starts throwing them at me, repeating for each one: "NOT SECURED BY A GLOBAL LEDGER. NOT SECURED BY A GLOBAL LEDGER." I finally start to get up to run away, and he spits in my face and walks away laughing at the top of his lungs.

>> No.10669327

honestly know nothing about this coin but i'm tempted to buy this crash

>> No.10669356

It's Plebbit. To maintain the integrity of the hugbox anyone who isn't a mindless golem is purged from the group, silenced, and their posts deleted. The results, from the outside, show only the most dedicated members of the cult. Its how that entire site operates.

>> No.10669609
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Thanks for buying

>> No.10669635
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Sure is fascinating. Just think of VeChain as a filter for delusional brainlets with superiority complex. The ones still hodling are the worst of their kind.

>> No.10669658

Pasting a BMW logo on a powerpoint presentation doesn't really mean partnership dude lmao

>> No.10669664
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>> No.10669677

It’s called a “Medium-article partnership” LOL

>> No.10669681
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>> No.10669723

Again, not a partnership. That was just an open competition and everyone was invited to participate freely.

>> No.10669739

It feels like stealing at these prices.

>> No.10669740

Why’s the price tanking then?
>muh irrational market
>muh long term

>> No.10669748

Yes, but they said they had a partnership with BMW and couldn't reveal more because of a NDA

>> No.10669749

>open twitter account called Porsche General Garage
>buy crypto
>say you have a partnership
>sell crypto
china hustled my friend

>> No.10669769

This. Fair value for this turd is in the 10’s of millions, if that.

Still got -1000% to go

>> No.10670005

“CCI is a very rowdy TG that's also an excellent source of info about Chinese Crypto. Very elitist crowd so its definitely not for everyone but I love it. Lot's of whales etc.”


>> No.10670068
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Read it again.
>I got a job at Google!
>Mmm yeah but it's not really a job, it was an open competition for the position and everyone was invited to apply freely.

>> No.10670077 [DELETED] 


Fifth retweet concerns VeChain.

>> No.10670112


Mega Gook'd

>> No.10670134

There’s a long way to go from “partnership” to token price increase you overhyped faggot. And where’s your Oxford partnership? Fuck off back to your Reddit echo chamber.

>> No.10670168

Yep, it's a shitcoin

>> No.10670262

You are a newfag, no offence. There is ALWAYS a new level of stupid to reach, especially in crypto. You'd think after Bitconnect they'd be out of money, but nope. It just keeps happening and it forever will. Endless entertainment.

>> No.10670356


>> No.10670389

FUD you just gotta trust the TECH

Literally stealing at these levels bro


>> No.10670425

VeChain’s overvalued. Most cryptos are. There’s not a single smart contract platform that should be worth more than 100 million.

Factom has real partnerships with real world usage and has a market cap of what, 50 million?

But FUDing VeChain by calling its partnerships fake is just retarded. Of course they’re not fake. That’s not the issue. The issue is, how does that demand translate to a value that’s derived from real world usage instead of pure speculation? Right now, it’s pure hype.

>> No.10670439

I'm inmune to lawyer rethoric (lawyer underlines in this case lmao), I don't need to read it again.

>> No.10670444
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>> No.10670453

>Get in at .60
>Hold from 9 all the way down to $4
>Sell it all
>Cash out 50K
>Hold the rest in alts
>Go from 300K to 80K in this market
>Initial investment in crypto was 10K

When I sold I thought Ven might moon and make me suicidal. Boy was I wrong.

>> No.10670459

vettitor spotted

>> No.10670460
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>> No.10670465

>hurr bagholder bingo
>he said the thing

The amount of people who don't recognize the bait is embarrassing

>> No.10670466
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>> No.10670520

These tokens were used for VEN -> VET swaps. It's a multi-clause transaction and it went to many different wallets, none of which are exchanges.

>> No.10670594


you still made profit bro, GG

>> No.10670641
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That's the beauty of getting chink raped, you cannot even feel their tiny member penetrating your asshole until it is too late and they have allready filled your anal cavity with onions sauce flavored semen.

>> No.10670757

is she OK???

>> No.10670799

No she is a slope, they are disposable

>> No.10671074

I want every fucking chinky stinky shitcoin to die.
TRON, VEN, WALTON, NEO, QTUM, ICON so many worthless scams valued so highly.

>> No.10671091

She död

>> No.10671373




Fuck all of you morons and your Chink scams. 2018 is the year of Chink Shitcoin genocide.

>> No.10671376
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>> No.10671442


>Blah bulbull Billion partnerships

There's less than $1 dollar of actual revenue. Those are all fraudulent partnerships.

If they weren't fraudulent, Vechain would be an actual business.

But it isn't.

Vechain is an MLM which is a fancy way of saying pyramid scheme.

>> No.10671520

Remember to do the opposite of biz, they are doing this so you will sell your bags but infact now is the perfect opportunity to buy for quick profit as it will at least go back to 200 sats.

>> No.10671526

A bunch of Virgin neckbeards who think link and holochain are gonna save them from their inevitable death in their parents basement are the really geniuses and this is all a scam. Keep dreaming faggots

>> No.10671726

There are currently less than 2 million VTHO available for sale on a single exchange. VTHO will never be more scarce than it is now, and yet the price continues to plummet – $0.004 today, down from $0.04 – because there is zero demand. This time next year, somewhere between 5 and 30 billion VTHO will have been generated by VET holders. If the price is crashing now when the supply is almost non-existent, why on earth would the price go up as millions and millions more VTHO flood the market every week? Falling for a Chinese scam that promises you daily passive income in dollars, ETH or even VET itself is pretty stupid, but falling for one that promises daily returns in the form of a brand new token, with no agreed-upon value, named after the God of Thunder, is goddamn retarded.

>> No.10671766

You’re too gullible to be saved

>> No.10671770

>Are these just all bots/chinese slaves?
In Chinese business everything is seen a scam.

>> No.10671804


If true, that is Charlie Lee level pump and dump.

>> No.10672008
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>> No.10672035

