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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 66 KB, 696x754, moneybiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10656418 No.10656418 [Reply] [Original]


really makes you think

>> No.10656432

this thread again? well since i have pleasure of first post, let me say this. if you can catch the money before you get old you can be happy. but if you never catch it you will never be happy anyway. so your better off chasing it until you do.

most people wont ever get it tho lel.

>> No.10656449

whats ur point?
That's life faggot
Keep growing, or just end up dead anyways

>> No.10656452

>makes you think
only if you're poor. you didn't really miss out on crypto did you? too late now unfortunately, at least 75% of the money's already been made. no excuse to have missed out on it though, it's been in your face for years

>> No.10656459
File: 1.09 MB, 1280x720, gookbehaviur.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10656538

white guy fails to catch him and face palms
and literally all the asians just watch

fuck richmond

>> No.10656558

You can also die with no money

>> No.10656592

a better way to die
then your offsprings wont be like vultures when you die

>> No.10656661

>only if you're poor. you didn't really miss out on crypto did you? too late now unfortunately, at least 75% of the money's already been made. no excuse to have missed out on it though, it's been in your face for years

Pure troll. The thing is barely starting.

>> No.10656670

What's the story behind this?

>> No.10656702

the old lady is a iota buyer
the fat gook is iota after he got money

>> No.10656805
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yikes, sounds like you bought in at peak...

>> No.10656926

>He grabs the money and lets it devalue in his hand
>He doesn't invest it in stocks or crypto

>> No.10656940

kek. spoken like a true 2017 buyer.

>> No.10656954

Stupid american, the money will not make you any happier. Friends, gf and family will.

>> No.10657034

The point is to throw all your money down the hill before you die so your faggots sons/nephews have to do sacrifice like you did instead of just enjoying your money in their 20s/30s/40s.

>> No.10657164

Jackie Chan in real life

>> No.10657423

>he he don't chase money, just be happy meme
fuck off, how can you be happy if you're poor? can you be happy when you have to wgaslave and constantly count money for bills/food? can you be happy renting a shitty appartments from some kike?
I'm not saying everyone needs a lambo and a mansion, but having $1M in order to not have to wageslave and worry about money would make 99% of people happy.

>hurr don't chase money
enjoy your blissful delusion and wake up with nothing when you're 40yo

>> No.10658305

>enjoy your blissful delusion and wake up with nothing when you're 40yo
Enjoy your delusion when you wake up with nothing except money at 40

>> No.10658323

>no money
oh no no no

>> No.10658347

and what can you have right now without money? can you have your own place? afford your own family? can you be happy wagecucking? the only way to be happy is to have enough money to not have to worry and think about it. It's better to be obsessed with money and get it ASAP than slowly chase it your whole life

>> No.10658470

Young people bust their ass and waste their youth to get rich and all rich people waste their money to recapture their youth.

>> No.10658931


>> No.10659214

I have a sabbatical next year. One year no work. You can wagecuck the rest of your like. Have fun.

>> No.10659258

how can you have friends, gf or family if you have to work? there's not enough time and you are constantly tired, sleepy and stressed as fuck

>> No.10659377


>> No.10659485

i bought in 2013, and he's right
stateless currency and networks will be huge, rich people love that shit, especially when government instability or taxes or other things get worse

>> No.10659497
File: 33 KB, 600x580, 1532790940683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit jobs/country
trying living in europe kids

>> No.10659542


Thanks. I did buy in 2017 but also in 2013 and also 2018. Never sold.

>> No.10659582

You didn't sell at all when it went insane? I did, planning to buy back a bit. Maybe soon...

>> No.10659740

ITT Daily poorfag NEET cope