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File: 700 KB, 687x833, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10655466 No.10655466 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the housing market in the US such bullshit?

And it's not just California

This is what $100,000 gets you in the bumfuck midwest flyover country: a whopping 633 sqft


>> No.10655476

U ever watch the show house hunters? Hilarious. And yeah even renting is a rip off here dude...

>> No.10655478


Runaway immigration and population runaway increases demand for home everywhere.

We need a plague and a purge.

>> No.10655515

Lmao what, that house would fetch a half million where I’m from.

>> No.10655527
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Raise interest rates back to 10% like they were 30 years ago. Ban idiots from leveraging their existing homes to buy more homes, this was directly done by the Obama and Bush administrations to create a permanent renter class.

Trump helped by removing the 1031 exchange tax loophole so fascists like Jeff Bezos get taxed every time he buys cuckpartments to rent out to his slaves.

REMOVE ZONING LAWS. Tokyo has done this, one of the most densely packed cities on earth, yet their property prices are fairly reasonable. Austin has fairly lax zoning regulations and their property prices aren't full retard like California's.

>> No.10655541


Nobody will buy for that price though. My dad's house is worth 40k apparently but he recently way undersold because no one wants to live in his drug infested midwest town.

>> No.10655676

I don't get it, that's a low price.

>> No.10655684


It's smaller than a studio apartment and in the middle of nowhere. Should be $50k tops

>> No.10655697


>> No.10655728

zoning laws are how you get shitty McMansions and tiny, ornamental cucklawns with no potential to work the land/soil due to susan, sharon, andy and the rest of the shitty HoA.

>> No.10655739

where the fuck are you ever going to find a 50k house in the western world that has electricity, road access and city water utilities?

>> No.10655775


You could 10 years ago.

>> No.10655781


in fact, 10 years ago you could easily get a three bedroom house with a garage and yard for 85-100k

>> No.10655796

it took me 20 seconds to find a house on 3.6 arces in north carolina for $49k

>> No.10655806

You seem so certain of your beliefs. Why? You clearly know nothing about economics OR morality. Just shut up. Shut the fuck up and read.

>> No.10655811
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Consider yourself lucky anon this what you get just to live 30 miles away from london

>> No.10655818

kek. in the shithole im from in aus that would be 500kaud. america is still the most affordable housing market in the world(check demographia)

>> No.10655821

this looks like pain

>> No.10655830


>> No.10655832

Its the same in all countries where the jews try to replace the white population.

>> No.10655844

the jews did this

>> No.10655862

What would the price be if MN wasn't packed with Somalian rapists?

>> No.10655869

I see double wide homes like this for sale around 30k most of the time.

>> No.10655871

Get a job NEET.

>> No.10655876
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<Laughs in Australian>

Fuck I hate this country

>> No.10655893

Basically housing is always under tight control by the GUBERNMENT since selling faulty houses on the FREE MARKET can often be considered murder. Prices are raised simply because they can, and it's good for investors which make it good for everyone allegedly, and when you and other people can't pay for them there are a million crooked Indians and Chinese who can.

>> No.10655902

This really just shows that the US is actually a developing country. People complaining about houses that cost 100k LMAO

>> No.10655910

Shut the fuck up you privileged burger CUNT. Where I'm from this would unironically cost 2-3 times the price in your money, same location middle of nowhere.
Muslim and nigger gates opening to the US when? These cunts need to feel what it's truly like to suffer from mass migration and house price manipulation.

>> No.10655934

I paid $95k for a 2200 SQ foot house in 2012 that was built in 2006. In one of the top 10 population cities.

>> No.10655936

looks like a cheap playskool kids fort

>> No.10655939

The world doesn't owe you a house, OP.

>> No.10655949
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Sorry Pajeet nigger, we are full. You gotta go back.

And as far as morality, I have a moral duty to call out the bullshit that will destroy this country in the long run, and the fact is that people like you are invaders and enemy state. kys.

>> No.10655958


>> No.10655968


>> No.10655978

I used to live in this town the first few years my family came to the US. Would not recommend unless you're poor.

>> No.10655985
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> Be American, get shot

>> No.10655995

>be american
>fall for the msm tricks

>> No.10656008

Stop being so poor, shit a flat that size in London would be over a million.

>> No.10656009

not a bubble.

>> No.10656020

Why do people owe more than half their waking time on this earth to the jews? (((The world))) isn't up to the same standards as it was, believe it or not, when you charge people money they can't pay it's not anybody else's problem.

>> No.10656028 [DELETED] 
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How's it feel to be poorer than a NIGGER

>> No.10656039
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>> No.10656040
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Not sure how relevant this is but Stefan Molymeme made an interesting point in an interview he did with some Australian guy. He said the housing market is what underpins the entire financial market so if it falls (I.e. prices fall) the whole thing will come crashing down AND that we are experiencing demographic implosion so that there is no other alternative to house prices also imploding due to falling demand. This means the entire political and financial system is geared around artificially maintaining high prices.

Not sure what country this will hit first or hardest. I currently own my own property so it really bothered me to hear this and made me glad I'm building a position in bitcoin as a hedge.

>> No.10656068


This is the interview, its about halfway in I think

>> No.10656328
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This house sold for $990,000 in Australia.

>> No.10656334
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>> No.10656341
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>> No.10656357

You retard. Why do you think we have illegal immigration?

Building the wall is a literal national security threat. And stupid trumplets thought he was going to do! LMAO. And crash the world? Yea right. The trumplets would be rioting in a heartbeat if they got their dumb wall and a 50% drop in prices.

>> No.10656372

In the 1970s high-inflation made it so that whenever you bought something, you were going to actually pay it in full at some point, since anything else was impractical since the value of money was always being inflated. Though in Ronald Reagan's low-inflation-society sellers assume you are going to take a massive loan to pay for it, which means they can hike up prices however they want.

>> No.10656427
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Why? I don't know anything about australia. Are you all loaded or something? Is it really central in a capital city? Don't get it.

>> No.10656435

You dumb cunt, don't you think I already know about immigration (legal AND illegal) being the issue? That's literally the exact point molymeme was making, I wanted people to go and watch the video and learn why this is happening
You probably already know that inflation is just the banks embezzling the citizenry out of their taxes. The difference here being that the banks would benefit from bringing in immigrants because they would just continue to pay in taxes (or so they think) and thus prop up the system.
One thing I've learned is that immigrants just accelerate collapse so if the fucking banks want to keep promoting more immigration, then good because pretty soon they will run out or countries from where they can operate. The west is almost certainly going to implode in about 30 years, definitely in our lifetime.

>> No.10656471
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We on da block fuckin all da thots white boa
Go on to work so yo bitch can suck my dick

>> No.10656491

Funny how house prices in Australia and Canada line up so well with levels of capital flight from China. Xi Jiping is reigning in chinese shadow bank lending at long last, thank goodness.

>> No.10656527

The shame of buying one of these overpriced cuck sheds. Might as well paint 'FORGOT TO SAVE FOR RETIREMENT LMAO' on the front.

>> No.10657089

Our government, media, and financial system are all in the business of helping rich Chinese people launder their money through the Australian property market to keep it out of the hands of the Chinese Communist Party. The Australian Government also makes this money laundering even more effective by promoting one of the largest rates mass immigration of any country in history, which of course causes property prices to rise even further, and means rich Chinese can launder more money more easily.

The benefits to Australia are twofold. First, because the Australian economy is actually a house of cards it prevents it from collapsing because these property sales show up in GDP figures which gives the impression that things are ok. Second, because boomers own property and their property values rises. In fact I read just the other day that Australian retirees - literally people who do not work anymore at all and have no income other than their savings - have seen their net worth increase by about 60% in the past few years, while younger Australians who actually work a job have seen it only increase 3% in the same time period. It's because retirees generally own property, and young Australians don't.

Of course this policy means that young people will literally never be able to enter the property market, will have to rent for life and inherent a nation filled with smelly foreigners who don't assimilate and are a massive burden on welfare and the environment, but it doesn't matter because boomers are more comfortable now, and this is boomer country.

>> No.10657333

Boomers are not even able to walk anymore. And I think calling people like me born in 1980 "millennials" is just fucking stupid. I do not identify with "millennials".

>> No.10657358

You need to watch "The Big Short" and short the housing market it you think it's overvalued you idiots

>> No.10657486


>> No.10657548


LOL jesus I thought its probably that much because its going to be right up near the cbd or close to it in a nice eastern suburb but thats right next to fucking Footscray.

For all you yanks thats one of our most vibrant and diverse locations in Australia.

>> No.10657667

lmao looks like russian houses but in russia you can buy a twice as big and decent house with a giant property in a decent location for $50k

>> No.10657774

remember your words when I turn off your water supply, I will make you drink your own urine

>> No.10657825
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Why people think what housing is a bubble? Population increases -> Demand for homes increases -> Prices rise
Seems reasonable to me.

>> No.10657983

It's not a bubble persay but it's not natural either. Housing in general is 30% above the rate of inflation. Bring back 20% interest rates with 20% down and don't allow foreign investors and we'd have a healthy correction.

>> No.10657997


Is Compton still a bad place? That house seems nice.

>> No.10658014

>10% interest rates

the economy cannot support that anymore, cheap money is the future

>> No.10658026

neets need to band together and build houses for each other, like the amish do.

>> No.10658148

What about the supply of homes though? If we intentionally have a shortage of supply, prices skyrocket. In the free market, shitty sellers are supposed to be outcompeted in the market, but this is a kind of gradual trial and error process, and if you are a shitty construction company that sells shitty houses that leak gas or fall apart and kill families, that's called murder so housing is never actually object of the free market, it's all subject to extensive regulations, zoning laws and what not which is easily manipulated.

>> No.10658621

How to fix the economy.

Remove minimum wage.
Remove interest rate caps.
Don't bailout failing businesses.
Let the free market decide.

>> No.10658682

I could believe it, that seems comparable to housing types and prices here in New Orleans

>> No.10658716

>Literal fence around the house
>A bad case of niggers


>> No.10658726

hey, we need more no skilled immigrants

>> No.10658757

I'm sure the Chinese have nothing to do with housing prices in Canada either huh?

>> No.10658763

>my knowledge comes from pop-culture from more than 30 years ago
Black residents in Compton had actually decreased beginning in the 90's

>> No.10658768

Name 1 negative that instantly raising rates to 10% would have.

>wipes out insolvent fraudulent banks
>wipes out housing cartels
>wipes out auto finance parasites
>stops dumb wagies taking out thousands of dollars of loans for their beats by dre
>reigns in creeping cancer companies like amazon who can eat losses at negative rates

>> No.10658776
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>> No.10658984

Could be worse, I'd be delighted to get 633 sq foot per £78k in England. Although at least here it wouldn't look like a shed.

>> No.10659324
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No lmao, the free market is why we have this problem in the first place. Despite all the membery, the free market CANNOT fix it.

Molyneux is fucking retarded, why people take him seriously, I will never understand. He is so fucking smug and yet he is incredibly vapid and basic in his beliefs.

>> No.10659359

He's a smug cunt I think everyone realises, but to call him retarded is in itself retarded. He's not vapid. Basic maybe but I think that's because he looks for simple elegant Occam's razor explanations instead of looking for the complicated answer.

>> No.10659381
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it's all part of the plan

>> No.10659435

he's really not that smart. People just gravitate to him because he's a reactionary.

>> No.10659444

Because propping up housing prices in Western nations is the only thing keeping the entire global economy alive right now.

Every single major bank on earth, every one of them, is leveraged 30/1 against solid assets. The majority of these assets are, as mentioned earlier, real estate in Western nations.

If that price collapses, so do all the banks, and it makes 2008 look like a joke. Dollar collapse likely comes shortly afterwards.

So we do what we can to keep the price high. In Europe we flood the country with immigrants and pay property owners govt funds to house them, then we tax those property owners, creating a self-sustaining cycle that can in no way ever go wrong ever.

In America we just go further into debt piling money onto home owning boomers as SS and Medicaire, which will never be a problem so long as we just keep increasing the population. Sucks that our local high IQ population which actually generates the only positive revenue as taxes is actually decreasing. True we may lose money for every mexican and black we import, but as the old adage goes I guess we'll make it up in scale.

In Australia and Canada they just do the smart thing and sell all their land to Chinese millionaires. And there is no way that having a hostile country owning significant portions of your land could ever be a problem.

So you see it's all to create this stable, totally okay system that is totally going to work long term.

>> No.10659446

>shit goverment is the reason there’s a housing shortage and cheap money is inflating everything away
>it’s the free market

>> No.10659479

>Dollar collapse likely comes shortly afterwards.
and then within hours all shelves are empty and the country has devolved into complete lawlessness, civil war. they won't let it happen. every single major government's monetary policy is complete fantasy bullshit that can print on demand. they will all race to the bottom together. it's a slow structural decline that will end in communism and UBI. crypto is the only ray of hope and the only way out

>> No.10659519

I dont understand?

>> No.10659533

Nah, people don't gravitate in the same way to retards like Ramz Paul or Brittany Venti just because they're reactionary. Meme is actually good at analysing important shit and getting to root causes. Of course he is wrong about a lot, but he's one of the most intelligent people on the right, I don't even like the guy much, I'd be the first to admit hes a cunt but I can recognise the good he does. His family-problems call in shows are great.

>> No.10659550

I would love to live my life in a house like this. Holland fucking sucks.

>> No.10659625

people copy what they see on TV and what works for other people. they also need protection from the elements. they don't understand interest rates or balance sheets.

>> No.10659647

So what will trigger the next housing crisis ?

>> No.10659650

Do lots of people in America "flip" houses?

>> No.10659662

You have no understanding of how the world works, and sound like a half retarded parrot.

>> No.10659668

hhahahaha a house like that in bumfuck middle of nowhere switzerland is worth 1 millions usd , check your privileges

>> No.10659672

These are the kind of eloquent critiques that change minds and nations

>> No.10659680

now its all mexicans, still gang bangers though so nothings changed

>> No.10659716


>> No.10659788

no more then interest rates, lending policies, land restrictions, population demands and other factors. foreign investment is relatively low compared to domestic demands, sub 5%.

>> No.10659808


>> No.10659819
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I can tell by your sentence structure that you are a butt-hurt third-worlder.

>> No.10659827

>so nothings changed
Where were you when you realized that being a nigger does not require an elevated melanin level?
Where were you when you realized that some NEET retard LARPing as a savior of the white race is more of a nigger than your pajeet doctor who is so dark light has trouble escaping from his vicinity

>> No.10659933
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Y'all are just looking in the wrong place

>> No.10659950
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Get on my level

>> No.10660083

Lads how do I short the housing market? I'm pretty sure its going to crash in a year or so.

>> No.10660126



>> No.10660160

>bought my 2500sqft home in a nice white suburb not in the middle of nowhere for 200k with seller paying all closing costs in 2010 when the market was at bottom
>3.25% fixed 15 yr mortgage

Comfy AF.

>> No.10660183


here's your (you)

>> No.10660318

a common financial joke in America is, "when the public starts getting involved in stocks it's time to sell everything."

while not a whole lot of people originally flipped houses, the public has caught on and it's gaining popularity again. This happened in the past, right before the stock market crash of 2008.

>> No.10660341

sell the loans people are buying.

>> No.10660369

that, or wait for the crash and then buy all the property you can before the chinese do

>> No.10660827

>6 beds
>4 baths


seems more like some house a group of friends would buy than a family, thats just excessive, like a small hotel

>> No.10660898

Get ready to pay $12,000/year in property taxes. I live in Texas and the property taxes are brutal if you live in the nicer places away from the riffraff. Also, unless you are already independently wealthy, never forget that property taxes are always due no matter whether you have a job or not. Lost your job? You still have to pay your $12,000 in property taxes. At least income taxes go to zero if you lose your job.

>> No.10660926


watching it right now, actually. I watch it all the time when I want to take a nap

>> No.10660948

post the area its located in and the sq footage.

>> No.10660960

now compare wages

>> No.10660964

neck yourself 14 year old

>> No.10660977

You can have 100 people for every house and still have a bubble if the average house costs 100 years' salary and the people have no savings at all. Interest rates are (were) at multi-thousand year lows and it was very cheap to borrow money: under 4% for a 30-year mortgage. This when, historically, 30-year mortages in the U.S. average nearly 8%.

When the mortgage rates revert to mean, it means people will be able to borrow a lot less money. This will cause housing prices to fall and result in smaller, less expensive homes being built. Regular people who bought their houses with low-interest mortgages will not be able to sell at the price they bought because the new buyers will not be able to borrow enough money.

At least theoretically. It remains to be seen what desperate new measures the Federal Reserve and the U.S. government take to reflate the real estate bubble again after this current re-load cycle.

>> No.10660992

I just bought a 2400sqft house for 163k with a pool, tornado shelter, and hot tub on a .75 acre lot.

Maybe move somewhere that is not there.

>> No.10661000

yeah, well i guess you have something in common with mentally ill trannys that refuse to identify with what they are too.

you were born in the millennial generation, apparently at the very beginning of it. would it be too hard to just say you culturally feel like an xer? stop being a special snowflake, own your identity and stop licking boomer boots so they can pat you on the head and stop making tide pod jokes.

>> No.10661019

Hey, that was what I did for crypto. Once I saw grandmas on facebook posting about buying "bitcoin packages" I started watching for a falloff and got out early.

>> No.10661024

That's because we were in a fucking recession 10 years ago, dumbass.

>> No.10661176

carolina has fucked home prices

>> No.10661242
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poor people shouldn't even be allowed to own houses

>> No.10661252

That 2509 Howler one is sexy as all hell. That perfect second floor windowed office

>> No.10661259

Deep State nest.

>> No.10661277

it looks like 5 shipping containers covered in vinyl

>> No.10661279

>Austin has fairly lax zoning regulations

what the fuck are you talking about? The permiting process is fucking insane. And the city literally has dozens of dystopian "code enforcement agents" that do nothing but drive around and make sure your grass is cut at 2" and you recycle and you're not operating a (heaven forbid) business out of your garage.

You are probably thinking of Houston, that city is a free-for-all ancap paradise compared to Austin.

>> No.10661302

Without a doubt the ugliest house of them all, it's only redeeming feature is the sq/f

>> No.10661325


Did your school start back up yet?

>> No.10661327

I like it


>> No.10661350
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this is what $2.5M gets you in Vancouver

I started looking at property ~50km outside of Vancouver and it's really not much better. To get a zero bedroom 400sqft bachelor apartment an hour outside of the city is seriously ~$250-300k

>> No.10661368

Yeah. Hopefully people aren't retarded and fall for that price. Anyways, most of time, buyers don't pay listing price. They make offers usually below it.

>> No.10661378

Right because immigrants are the ones buying your properties and not wall street/banks/Chinese investors

someone took the jew bait

>> No.10661384

I really lost it when I saw that it was sold.

>> No.10661411


Chink, or Pajeet.

Either way, get the fuck out, invader.

>> No.10661450


How fucking stupid are you? There was a housing bubble and the recession brought prices back down to reasonable levels.

>> No.10661689


you're the only jew here, Judenstein.

>> No.10661785

>bumfuck midwest flyover country
>middle of large city
move to the country nigger

>> No.10661810
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>population: 100k
>large city


>> No.10661836

so what? that's a perfectly livable house with land for a 2 years median wage

>> No.10661899

Rochester is a moderately sized and grow city with a relatively low crime rate for a city. You're paying for the location and its not a bad location. It's not even a suburb; that home is literally right in the city near everything.

>> No.10661904

>As of 2015, the Rochester metropolitan area has a population of 215,884
For MN thats pretty big, move out of the city/suburbs and land is cheap,

>> No.10661908
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>free market

>> No.10661921

100k is a large city. it's definitely not a suburb. Suburbs outside of Rochester are even cheaper. 100k is fucking low for a home in that spot dude

>> No.10661942

Thanks for the tip op, will buy soon ;)

>> No.10661984
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U.S. literally has the cheapest home prices in the world
>BIZ "hurrr, why is real estate so expensive, jews, i am going to wait for a crash

at what point do you guys realize you are just morons?

>> No.10662000

>mfw ops house would go for 1 million where I'm from.


>> No.10662011
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if you are wealthy, why wouldn't you stick to houses and blue chip stocks? Why gamble it on crypto?

>> No.10662018

Bruh, I feel you. Bought a 900sqft second story apartment for 174k including a parking spot, which is now worth more than 260k. 1.9% fixed mortgage over 10 years. The added bonus is that my current GF also bought a second story apartment in the same area, which is also worth 70k more than the original purchase price.

Right now we're thinking of renting out our apartments through a real estate agent for 1300/1100 a month (I pay 800 a month for my mortgage, she pays 500 a month), and using the additional income to buy a house, while some schmuck pays off our assets.

>> No.10662026

without all of the corruption and bullshit politics our homes would be cheaper

>> No.10662027

What is the reason for saudi arabia having such cheap prices?

>> No.10662029


home prices =/= total cost

You're forgetting property taxes, PMI insurance, etc...All of that tacks on hundreds to your payment.

also inb4 someone says you should only pay for a house in cash

>> No.10662043

> you should only pay for a house in cash

Yes, you should, stupid Jew

>> No.10662074


probably low population density, and locals preferences to buy second homes outside the country

>> No.10662094


every country has those, you tard

>> No.10662132


They're not all the same you fucking imbecile.

The shitty infograph you posted only factored in prices.

>> No.10662220

>I'm so scared of the free market, gobberment should regulate more
>government regulates and fucks everything up
>muh free market did it again

>> No.10662336
File: 1.10 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180812-165514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can get this beautiful house in Detroit for 165 k


>> No.10662404


It's a shame it's surrounded by weaponized niggers.

>> No.10662424

LOL that's exactly what I said. Jesus Christ...

>> No.10662428

no kikes. no economy entirely propped up by leveraged housing and usury

subverted and bluepilled

>> No.10662591
File: 83 KB, 493x349, australia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Population increases

Fucked up on point one, anon. Every developed country that isn't the USA looks like this pic.

>> No.10662606

>dem titties

>> No.10662681

In all seriousness, why do non US citizens have the privilege to buy our property?

Seriously, some of the places here are bought by greedy chinks.

ANYONE can buy property in the US.

>> No.10662692

Ultra based and black pilled

>> No.10662929

>bumfuck Midwest flyover
You posted a house a few blocks away from the rank 1 hospital in the entire fucking world.

>> No.10662967


LMAO. A fucking mobile home. with some ugly ass rose covered stained glass shit on the front as well.

>> No.10662997



>> No.10663040

Rochester MN isnt a shit hole you low iq dumb fuck

Its rated as one of the best places to live in the US

>> No.10663083

It's because of how easy it is to get big loans and how low interest rates are. Blame the current fiat and fractional reserve banking system, as well as current banking regulations and lackthereof.

>> No.10663124

So the Jews.

>> No.10663425

You are a good man. Keep fighting.

>> No.10663445

Not an argument you retard.

>> No.10663459

People don’t just have money to start flipping houses because they see it on tv you retard.

>> No.10663467

Now ya gettin' it

>> No.10663786

then you have shit taste bud

>> No.10663825

CIA nigger-infested shithole

>> No.10663842

you can get fha loans with 3 percent down. people definitely do have the money.