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10650135 No.10650135 [Reply] [Original]

Why are conservatives under 30 such cucks who want to let boomers fuck us over?

>> No.10650144

muh job creators go jump out of a helicopter u gommie XXXXDDDDDDD

>> No.10650176


None of them have worked long enough to become jaded about boomers yet. Most are still in school.

>> No.10650181

You realize that there are millennial employers right? If you want a liveable wage, maybe you should lower your living standards or do something worth keeping you alive.

>> No.10650187

Millennial conservative here

Come to the trailer park and you can live fine on minimum wage

>> No.10650216

Don't live beyond your means.

>> No.10650236

>i want to smoke weed and play video games for a living on youtube

cancer millennial

>> No.10650237
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>cant afford iphone XIII
>cant buy starbucks 3 times a day
>cant afford video game habit

>> No.10650300

It's easy to compete with fossils without IT understanding and decreasing work morale. The most difficult part is getting that first relevant job after uni.

>> No.10650314

Pretty much this. Wages are also low due to overhiring in made up positions for made up victims thanks to liberal ideology. OP, the millennial meme won't become organically political ever (which im certain was the plan all along). Identity politics are forever dead. All that remains are values and debased moralities from here on out, for good or bad. I only know that you will not win. You have no control. Tell your boss that it is no longer worth posting liberal propaganda here and dont be late for hebrew school

>> No.10650335

>don't live beyond means
>have shit job
>pays shit
>have to live in ghetto
>get shot

>> No.10650359


Think about it from a different perspective. If they won't buy iphones, lattes and gaymess then it's bad for the economy.

>not an issue, only affluent people should buy these products!

nope, these are mass produced things. Apple/Starbuxx/Blizzard etc revenue would plummet if they can only sell to the people who can afford it. Modern economy is way beyond this point, they have to sell to literally everyone if order to stay afloat. And after you sold to everyone you rebrand your shit and sell some more.

It's like with mortgages and car loans. For example some car makers have entire square MILES of cars which are produced, but cannot be sold, even when they have tried VERY HARD to give a car loan to everyone with a pulse. You go and try to tell them
>uhmm, you guys, you should only sell to people who can afford it!

see what happens

>> No.10650390
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Theyre are just as many "Cancer Millenials" as there are "Cancer Boomers". Unfortunaetley the "Cancer Boomers" have the ability to cause more damage than any Millenial ever could. So far the biggest Millenial "Fuckup" has been the facebook hack and the fallout from that.

>> No.10650395

Conservative under 30 here, like probably 80% of this board. We want to reclaim what the boomers have stolen from us by having them buy our bags at the peak of the next bullrun. When Holochain gets shilled on CNBC that's probably the time to start taking profits.

>> No.10650402
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hmmm i wonder how the boomers keep getting away with it hmmmmmmmmmmmmm let's get our boomer economists together to solve this one hmmmmmmmmm

>> No.10650421
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>increases minimum wage to $15
>everyone except for the biggest corporations becomes unprofitable
>>yeah, weeell, we were heading in that direction anyway!
gee i cannot imagine why
>>fukking boomers, right?? xD
you ARE the new boomers
you're doing the work of the colluding parties in government & private industry for them
if you want a living wage, you make your money more valuable by allowing free enterprise to operate freely
that way, then among other reasons, if a company starts pulling shit that society frowns upon, people can take their money and employment elsewhere if they see it fit to do so, because there are so many businesses

>> No.10650437

Correlation is not causation. How many union leaders fall under that 10%? Do you honestly feel unions are still fulfilling the same functions that they were created for? Not being a dick for once, I want to know your thoughts

>> No.10650442
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It's always hilarious reading retarded shit spewing like this. What the fuck does any of that mean and what does it have to do with what I said in the OP? Retard

Refute this chart of neck yourself

>> No.10650457
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it's a really tough one lets take time to puzzle it out

>> No.10650475

80% of this board are probably neo-nazis/white supremacists, though I guess that's what mainstream "conservatism" is nowadays.

>> No.10650480

>Pajeet and Chang cost less than Mike and Tom.

>> No.10650483

It isn't about what you buy, it's about impossibly high rent prices. If you don't have a well paying salary job it isn't uncommon for rent to be more than 50% of your take home.
Or should the working class only be able to afford food and rent and nothing else in life because companies don't give a shit about their employees.

>> No.10650489
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Money is being taken from you, friend, but not by other workers.

>> No.10650502

Then get robinhood gold and buy on leverage if you're sure of that you fucking idiot.

>> No.10650509


>> No.10650515


here idea retard


>> No.10650516


People aren't entitled to luxury goods. If companies are aiming for a small and shrinking demographic, then it's their own fault for overproducing goods that they have difficulty selling. You make it sound like you're arguing for a higher min wage for feeding a neurotic consumer habit.

>> No.10650525

>CA: 76k
>NY: 65k

isn't that like fuck all for these places? People in Kansas might be earning less, but they probably paying less taxes and cost of living is also lower.

>> No.10650534

It makes sense, megacorps hire too many retards to complete a task that one well paid useful employee could solve. That chart doesnt really prove anything. Also why is it using a relative index to 1970? Isnt that right around when walmart started to scale up? The Vietnam draft? Both events could explain such a gap in the chart.

>> No.10650540

Good work ethic, you go-getters! You sure do know how to pull yourselves up by the bootstraps! There's a position at Amazon for someone with your mentality!


>> No.10650542

Right, half the country should have to relocate to bum fuck rural town and search for new jobs and start a new life because of greedy corporations.

here's an idea retard
kill yourself

>> No.10650543

Nice meme gramps. Literally the only people I know that go to Starcucks 3X a day are literal boomers. Also how many games does the average person buy in a year 3-4 maybe? Oh wow $200 a year habit, much worse than that McMansion that every fucking boomer has. Also you can buy a fucking iphone 7 for like $100.
Mental boomer kissing brainlet.

>> No.10650546
File: 342 KB, 741x1000, 005186A8-41E2-4558-A4BE-E94FFA44C97F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love being a Millennial. There has never been a generation that has mentally touched people for this long. I love it. Please, continue suck pur dick.

>> No.10650563

I do agree that the military-industrial complex has a hand in that chart, but not for the reasons why you do.

>> No.10650586

wow union membership baloon after world war 2 and fell during the tech boom. Who would have thought?

If you feel like your skills will earn you more in the free market than what your employer is paying you, go out and earn it yourself lol.

>> No.10650599


maybe you need to move to to bumfuck retard town because you're a bumfuck retard

prices will literally not drop unless people stop paying for them

>> No.10650601

If I was a boomer I would automate and outsource every single job to a third world country so entitled millennials can go fuck themselves with their $15 minimum wage

>> No.10650603


>Top ten average salary
>States with a high cost of living

>Bottom ten average salary
>States with a low cost of living


>> No.10650609

All must band together to ensure gen z does not become millenials or boomers. Both have proven that they stuggle to both grow and grow with the world. The next batch may just break through someday. It is keks plan and his will

>> No.10650610

>major sector productivity

Inflation affects both businesses and workers so the productivity increase would either have to come from automation or hiring cheaper workers. Small businesses can only compete by hiring cheaper workers while large companies can do both.

>> No.10650612
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Yep I'll just walk right out the door and start raking it in thanks to this free, open system!

>> No.10650624
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I think there's other ways to make things affordable.

>> No.10650632


>People aren't entitled to luxury goods

iphones/vidya/shitbox cars are MASS products, not luxury goods. It's not Vertu/Bentley brands, ffs.

>If companies are aiming for a small and shrinking demographic

It's YOU who is aiming to sell them to "a small and shrinking demographic" aka "those who can afford it".
Mass products, by definition, are meant for as broad customer base as possible. That's why loans are so widespread.

>> No.10650633

Go take some of the wealth back if you want change. You expect it to be gifted to you? Tell me exactly how you have tried to do so and what has actually stopped you in your path. You know you actually have to apply to jobs right?

>> No.10650635


yes lets all starve to death instead great idea karl

>> No.10650646

No matter how high you raise the min wage, people will get them selves in debt regardless because they will continue to buy the next level of luxury goods they can't afford.


>> No.10650667

It's about 50/50 between authentic and banter. I don't actually harbor any ill-will towards people due to their race. At the same time, I wouldn't be concerned about the white race being under attack under attack if it wasn't becoming socially acceptable to hate us.

>> No.10650692

You're probably right! No one's ever been violently suppressed for asking for more than what the 1% decide they deserve!

>> No.10650720

Yep, it's that reckless spending leading to debt! Maybe if people worked harder and through work injuries they can't afford to fix, then they'd pay for their fancy lattes!


>> No.10650759

We are trying to take it back by supporting sane consumer protection laws, workforce protection laws, and stricter regulation on corporate corruption and monopolies

Your "billion dollar business out of a garage" fantasies can by definition only work for a small minority, not anyone can do it because if everyone could do it they wouldn't be outstanding

>> No.10650816

So much for Obamacare.

>> No.10650858

Jesus, this thread has morphed into a dookie flinging carnivel museum.

>> No.10650861
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Yeah for real. Maybe boomers hate millenials so much because they see their real competition.

I am a millennial for now. But my true form will be much more sinister and megalomaniacal.

>> No.10650882



>> No.10650903

Yep, this story about an oppressed warehouse worker who can't afford medical bills really shows why we shouldn't have a single-payer health system like every other advanced nation! That's what I took away from that reporting!

>> No.10650908

Right let's just follow le invisible hand adam smith
Where I live (Oregon) prices have shot up in the last decade because people from california with much higher incomes move here and flat out buy houses and condos with cash. People are being priced out of their own neighborhoods and it's not their fucking fault.
Stop being so close minded, man.

>> No.10650924

The solution to this is that there needs to be significantly higher taxes for owning a property that nobody lives in.

>> No.10650926

> When the boot is just TOO good

Some people lick, and some people really just gobble it down

>> No.10650929
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>damn kids these day!
>back when i was 20 I could work part time and afford a 2 bedroom house!
>you fucking "MILLENNIALS" need to toughen up and work harder!!!

Kys boomer

>> No.10650954

My dad literally worked part time as a grocery store bagger as a kid and it paid for his college (associate's degree) and for him to rent a house with his friends and throw beer parties every day. He also owned multiple different muscle cars that he drove his girlfriends around in. All off that job. He brags about this and pretends like young people these days just don't want to work, but when I asked how much he made and adjusted it for inflation it was like $18/hr and he somehow had access to all kinds of shitty $400 cars from his parents friends all the time. He thinks he pulled himself up by his bootstraps. I now make 6 figures and don't live as good as he got to. Fuck boomers

>> No.10650982

The financial irresponsibility argument is particularly mind-numbing in light of the fact that they're the ones responsible for the financial crisis, and they're the ones responsible for the next one given that they've rolled back nearly all of Dodd-Frank.

>> No.10650989

He also bought his house for like $110k and it's now $750k because the surrounding area has gentrified a ton, and he thinks this makes him a hard worker and good investment mind

>> No.10650999

Yeah my parents say the same things.
Boomers are pieces of shit.

>> No.10651006
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The only way to defend yourselves from the boomer menace is to never buy their houses, and never rent them. Allow the next housing bubble to explode so you can pick up their assets cheaply. And that goes double for their boomer stocks.

Let the bubble burst, sell your boomer stocks, let them panic sell, and pick up their assets on the cheap. It's the only way to level the playing field.

>> No.10651048

the fuck...

>> No.10651068

do you really not get how demanding EVEN MORE RULES be made protects the preexisting corporate/government entities by further crushing any chances there are for new corporations that operate with no government connecions and no massive piles of money laying around have to even get a single foot out the door before they go into virtually unpayable debt
you are STUFFING $100 BILLS through the laces of the boots of the ultracorporations right now
i'm sorry to say, but people who think like you are honorary 70-year-old boomers

>> No.10651071

Try this in Detroit and no one would ever want to buy property there.

>> No.10651075

I do get a little annoyed competing with the geriatric fux who won't just retire already, I make $31/hr after differentials and all but they're making north of $40. Still they are not all powerful, I got hired straight out of a two year program at $60k and started working a couple weeks later. I did some digging and found a part time position paying $43/hr, so I'm starting that soon and may even quit my full time job. Follow the money, livable wage is actually easy to find. In January I should be able to get an even higher paying position, they just force me to wait for bullshit reasons. I want it but I'm not married to any one place. This is the key to millennial success. Our mobility gives us mobility. Maybe seems like disloyalty but we have a mercenary attitude when it comes to work. We value competence over seniority and don't mind hopping on another ship if it's headed to greener pastures.

>> No.10651077

Ohhhh yehhhh cost of living in Cali vs. Mississippi has NOTHING to do with these numbers

>> No.10651085

And we should care whether people buy empty houses and don't live in them, why? They're just squatting and hoping someone else fixes the city so their home values go up. Essentially trying to profit off of future taxpayer dollars

>> No.10651109

Good luck attracting anyone to invest in the city.

>> No.10651125

How exactly does owning a house in the city that nobody lives in "investing in the city" in any beneficial way? Please justify your position in detail without vague statements

>> No.10651144
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You kids just don't know how to earn a dollar anymore. I worked 40 years as a unionized plumber and I have 3 paid of vehicles a house, and paid my kids colleges tuition, now I'm a proud grandpa.

>> No.10651160

Any person who believes in unfettered capitalism is mentally deficient.

>> No.10651163

> blaming poor brown people for the world's problems
I'm sure if we let predatory capitalism have its way, the wealth will trickle down! Innovation comes from corporations, not people! Taylorism is always the solution!

>> No.10651174

What is property tax?

>> No.10651192

Interesting. Are you in construction field?

>> No.10651205

It's barely anything on cheap tiny Detroit homes retard

Anyway my suggestion can be more nuanced. There can be exceptions for decrepit cities that actually need houses to be owned. The issue is crowded cities with no more real estate remaining, resulting in massive property and rent prices because investors scoop up all of the property and it just sits there

>> No.10651212
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livable wages are fine.

But, the real gold is a pension or some of retirement that isn't the cucked 401k.

>> No.10651253

No one is blaming poor brown people for taking opportunities that are handed to them. The problem is the kike bankers who have been given a carte blanche to import said browns en mass for cheap labour and to drive down wages, and who are allowed to import products from countries who use slave/child labour, making it impossible for domestic producers to compete with prices.

>> No.10651269

Libertarianism is a power fantasy for incels who study STEM. The reality is that much of the economy is governed by the same rules that oppressed the STEM incel for most of his life--networks, nepotism, social compatibility.

>> No.10651287

What's wrong with a 401k you idiot? Do you /biz/tard crypto-only-cucks even know what a 401k is?

>> No.10651301

You know I'm so sick of retards repeating this same shit over and over. If you want to go work picking fields of peaches in the heat in California go do it retard.

>> No.10651304

> what is the banana massacre
> who is doc duvalier
> who is trujillo
> what are the dozens of other catastrophic instances of interventionism
Buddy, in some of your thinking you're not wrong, but you've got the wrong culprit if you're going after the jews.

>> No.10651328

Compelling argument my friend

It's globalists in general, which is unarguably spearheaded by Jews. But yes, basically any large transnational corporation is complicit, as well as virtually every western political system over the past half century.

>> No.10651340

Name one industry where immigrants are suppressing wages

>> No.10651345

Name one where they aren't

>> No.10651352

Consuming is the core skill of 99% of participants in an industrial society. Consumption is the thing that allows for growth, and everywhere except the US has forgotten that, because basic arithmetic is hard, or something.

>> No.10651354

Yeah, good ole Teddy Roosevelt, the first globalist....
Learn some history my dude

>> No.10651357

you deserve nothing. kill yourself.

>> No.10651366

>It's barely anything on cheap tiny Detroit homes retard

Money is money. There's also back taxes. You don't see the long term picture. The properties would be reassessed regularly. If the local improves, the local government would receive more tax money. There's also no logical reason for the property owner not to rent out the properties to people who can't afford houses. These people would also contribute to the local economy.

>The issue is crowded cities with no more real estate remaining, resulting in massive property and rent prices because investors scoop up all of the property and it just sits there

You're only looking at only one side of the problem. In the cities were property prices are rising, the local government also heavily restricts what, where, and when new housing can be built for mostly for no reason other than to keep the "classic" appearance of the city. Since only well-to-people can afford to buy property, this creates a feedback loop where only successively richer people can afford to buy property as the economy improves.

>> No.10651368

No, you're the one making this claim, it's your job to justify it, you can't ask me to disprove you.

>> No.10651372

Well, we are.

>> No.10651373


“I’d appreciate $15 for flipping burgers”

“No lmao”

“Something muh chains”

>> No.10651375
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>past half-century

>> No.10651377

Agricultural harvesting
IT services
Food services

These three alone comprise a plurality of jobs in a contemporary postindustrial economy.

>> No.10651384

Nobody lives there, there's nobody to rent those houses you fucktard

If they rent them out this added tax on empty houses owuldn't apply to them, so your scenario is meaningless. Remember what you're originally replying to here - me suggesting additional taxes above what exists for ownership of empty houses. If they rent them out they aren't empty.

>> No.10651394

Literally any industry where immigrants are present. It's basic math my pal. More workers = lower demand = lower wages.

>> No.10651396

Dummy, my examples were mostly pre-1970, as are most of the bloodiest and ugliest instances of interventionism. That's what I'm referring to

>> No.10651400

Have you read about the ICE raids on factories? Why do you think business owners are hiring illegal workers instead of citizens?

>> No.10651403

Your condescending remarks show you're a fucking loser that's on the brink of a mental breakdown. Shut the fuck up you useless fucking faggot.

>> No.10651415

Everything pre-1970 was a bloody mess. Capitalism, communism, globalism, nationalism. Everyone got slaughtered. Not an argument.

>> No.10651425

>Agricultural harvesting
Go get one of these shitty seasonal jobs then, believe me they'd take you. Only immigrants want to do these jobs. I used to live in CA for a short period and our local news channel did numerous segments where news anchors walked around offering people who were out of work job offers from these farms in the middle of the desert out in CA to pick fruit in the heat, none of them accepted it. People don't want these jobs but they love to complain that immigrants "take" them, it's just a racist conservative dog whistle

>IT services
There are tons of Indians in IT because they choose to enter IT, outsourcing is another story. I work at a major software company on a largely Indian team. Guess what, they're highly educated, extremely good, and rich, and I've learned a lot from them. Don't fall for the racist "pajeet" memes on 4chan. If you're good enough you will be hired

>Food services
They're not "taking" jobs there are just more of them now, there's literally a Taco shop on my drive to work that has had a "now hiring" sign up for months. Go work there fucktard. Oh wait, you don't want to move, like the conservacuck boomers keep telling everyone else to do in this thread

>> No.10651431

Do you know what a fucking investment is, shitface? Do you buy crypto? Same logic there.

>> No.10651434

Mental breakdown for handily refuting your retard argument?

>> No.10651435
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401k is for cucks like yourself.

So if you're a cuck, continue to use it.

I for one will get a guaranteed pension paid by the company, faggot.

>> No.10651441

He didn't refute anyone except make womanly, condescending remarks. And I wasn't talking to you either you stupid fuck

>> No.10651446
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>> No.10651453

And so after 11:59 on December 31st, 1969, the world started anew?
You cannot claim to understand these problems while simultaneously waving away all of history. There's a reason why there's an influx of undocumented immigration, and there's a reason why there's cheaper, readily available labor in south america.
Being stubborn about finding out why is even worse than being a > muh jooz knuckle-dragger

>> No.10651470

You didn't explain what it is to demonstrate that you understand what it is. It's literally just an investment account. Also pensions don't exist anymore for anyone but boomers who used to have them.

I put a percentage of my wages directly into my 401k and my employer matches 50%, then I can allocate the wealth to any investments I want, that's great.

>> No.10651483
File: 54 KB, 720x405, peterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always said that the all-caps ragefest is a bastion of rationality, while the condescending and sarcastic remarks are the source of discord and insanity in the universe.
Buy my self help book here

>> No.10651486

I was a fruit picker in Florida for a couple of summers. Non-immigrants would do the work if they paid what the work was worth or if the conditions were better. Instead, growers have opted to use illegal labor that has zero bargaining power, whom they can use for pennies on the dollar and pocket the difference. Ignoring the actual human rights abuses involved in some of these workplaces, if your business or financing model requires that you break the law in order to break even, your model is non-competitive.

>> No.10651493

Unions only give benefits to older members.
They are literally anti-younth.
Wonder why even the most liberal generation do not join them.

>> No.10651507

all that stuff is cheap af compared to housing

>> No.10651526

So businesses use illegal labor and this indicates the issue is immigrants and illegal immigrants? No, the issue is a lack of effective regulation of corporations and businesses. The bad actors here are those companies, not the illegal immigrants. You want the illegal immigrants to take what you perceive to be the economic moral high ground and refuse these jobs and starve, so that you can have them instead because you think legal immigrants are morally superior to illegal immigrants? Okay. Sorry but no, it's the company's job and they should be prosecuted for this, but guess what - white collar crime is rarely if ever prosecuted, and this is largely conservatives' fault

>> No.10651534

Some highlights from the argument that pushed me to the brink of insanity:
> ?!?!?!?!??!?!??!?
> !!!!!!!!!!
> ?!?!?!?!?!
> ?!?!?!?!??!?!??!?

>> No.10651542

The absolute state of conservacucks

>> No.10651551

good, good. everything is going according to plan. make sure to tip the doctors on the way out.

>> No.10651553


huh? Missouri isn't right-to-work; in fact they just held a referendum and voted down legislation that was trying to make them such.

>> No.10651562

You missed the point entirely. If there are more workers, especially desperate workers, companies have more leverage and hence can more easily hire workers at lower wages because the labor pool is so large. It's basic economics.

>> No.10651613

>You want the illegal immigrants to take what you perceive to be the economic moral high ground and refuse these jobs and starve, so that you can have them instead because you think legal immigrants are morally superior to illegal immigrants?

Wrong. I want illegal immigrants to be kicked out of the economy and go somewhere - anywhere - else.

>> No.10651614

The government letting illegal immigrants in so easily doesn't help either. It's like a carte blanche for them to become illegal workers.

>> No.10651699

Wow, so people are fucking retards. big shock that Tyrone who spends his welfare and rims and iphones has less wealth than Dave who maxes out his 401k and doesn't spend beyond his means.

Seriously, if you feel that your labor is undervalued by your employer, beat them at their own gain and take the profit for yourself. That's what I did.

>> No.10651740

> Why can't you idiots exploit the system by exploiting the oppressed like I did!
Thanks Papa robber Baron, now I know what to do!

>> No.10651748

> It's basic economics
In that, and only that, we agree. Now ask, where did those easily-exploitable populations come from?

>> No.10651757

>I happened to be lucky at the biggest ponzi scheme of our life time and every else should fuck off

>> No.10651762

>It's another "he thinks his 401k he responsibly invests in would give him gains even if people didn't spend their money on bullshit" episode
You rely on Tyrone idiot. Your portfolio has AAPL in it

>> No.10651771
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"livable wage" is the biggest meme
hey maybe the problem is your parents kicking you out of your home at the first opportunity causing you to NEED to live off a beginner job at fucking mcdonalds?
nah couldnt possibly be that

>> No.10651789

boomer parents

>> No.10651812


>> No.10651851

As a general rule in a capitalist society there are inequalities but the society as a whole is more productive allowing for a general higher standard of living for everyone.

In this society communists will look at the fat cats who have six yachts and say that they do not deserve it and that while La Quesha and her cohort have ample food and their basic necessities covered in excess she does not have a yacht and as such she should rise up and kill the fat cat and that capitalism is the problem.

In a communist society nobody has food and everyone is equal but some are more equal than others and anyone who offers a dissenting opinion gets a bullet to the head. Communists still blame capitalism in this society.

>> No.10651882
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>communists on a business forum

>> No.10651885

If your labor is worth so much independently do it outside of your employer. If its worth as much as you say it is you'd be able have your "real" wage.

>> No.10651888


>> No.10651924

now where did we go off the gold standard

>> No.10651989

Yeah cap! I'll eschew all goods produced by my fellow workers while I'm at it! No more food or goods for me, after all they're produced under capitalism!

>> No.10652067

if you don't own a business or a real estate property or some other means by which to exploit people stop calling yourself a capitalist. it's like if some peasant living in feudalism was calling themselves the king. fucking embarrassing

>> No.10652099

I'm a mutt mix of Native American and Mexican American who lives in Los Angeles county and I've seen with my own eyes what illegal immigration does to an area. It suppresses wages, costs American workers jobs and displaces Americans from the community. Anyone who argues otherwise is either purposefully being disingenuous or is willfully ignorant.

>> No.10652104

You're not getting it. If your labor is worth so much more then what you are paid then offering your services independently should get you your desired wage. If it doesn't that means whatever labor your supplying is overvalued at what you think its worth and forcing the market to pay whatever arbitrary number you think its worth will only cause other prices to adjust around it cause it is not at equilibrium with the market.

>> No.10652116

>Capitalism is only what I say it is and I say it has to be bad so capitalism is bad
You're a special kind of dense aren't you?

>> No.10652129

Sorry, but changing the definition won't boost your numbers up. Just because I'm poor doesn't mean I'm your "comrade". I would rather be poor and well-fed than equal and starving.

>> No.10652131

Join a union faggot

>> No.10652144


when did I say it was bad?

>> No.10652156

Ceser Chavez was against illegal immigration

>> No.10652173


>> No.10652183

Oh I'm sorry you must have meant the positive connotation of the phrase "exploit people". I'll be more open minded next time someone tries to backpedal :^)

>> No.10652186


>> No.10652198

I'm aware, he talked about how it was impossible to unionize farm work because the farm owners would just bring in more "wetbacks" who were always more than happy to be scabs.

>> No.10652208

> Never once have monopolies, price-fixing, monopsony in a labor market, or violent suppression of individual enterprise ever interfered with my ideals
Jesus Christ boomers

>> No.10652221
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Most of the stuff millenials complain about is not being able to buy houses, food being too expensive, health insurance being retarded, and car insurance being too expensive. All the stuff you posted sounds like Gen Z bullshit. They only care about phones, starbucks, and fortnite. Millenials are 30 and care about adult shit now.

>> No.10652225

> The forest is the trees! The post

>> No.10652250

Uuurg so many kids with Socialist ideas here. Their whole generation wont make it...

>> No.10652252

this is true af, but people need places to live.

>> No.10652274
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You're gonna be starving soon with those diminishing wages though. Hell US isn't even 1st world anymore in some places. People dying of staph infections in the deep south from malpractice and you can't even give birth to babies in the US without moms dying from preventable blood loss. Kek I ain't even communist but there's a reason why they're gaining so much ground in your country right now.

>> No.10652283

Virtually all of them. Everything from restaurants to gas stations to the IT department to programming to doctors, pharmacists, and everything in between. The H1B visa is villified for a reason. There is a reason those silicon valley companies love it. It allows the dirty hoards of foreigners to pour in and lower wages on everyone else.

>> No.10652293

Millennials already don't buy houses. Boomers don't need millennials when they have immigrants.

>> No.10652297


With rich countries like the US becoming so shitty for poor people I don't understand why you're surprised. I visited Alabama a few months ago and it looks like a 3rd world country and smells like raw sewage everywhere. There are fucking slums in the US now. LMAO don't be surprised when people are pushing for communism and it becomes an authoritarian state. Shits collapsing so hard that rich are flocking to other countries from the US in droves. Building bunkers in New Zealand even

>> No.10652302

more workers = more supply of labor actually. The demand for labor would not change.

>> No.10652309

>I visited niggerville and it was a slum

>> No.10652315
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They literally steal money out of our pockets, and then blame our poor conditions on fucking immigrants.

>> No.10652317


This is also the problem. You import 3rd worlders you BECOME 3rd world. The wall ain't going to save you if you import them from China or India or other places legally. The whole "muh illegal" stuff is a misdirection to make 3rd worlders come in legally and turn the US into a shithole (although in some places it already is). When you shit on native millenials and import the 3rd world, there's going to be consequences.

>> No.10652318


or maybe the fact that they aren't making it in the current system is a contributing factor to why they have those ideas now. people get tired of getting fucked eventually

>> No.10652321

Have you ever stopped to consider that the reason unskilled labor rates have unilaterally stagnated is because perhaps a reduction in the need for it due to increasing efficiency/automation? I mean one could apply Halon's razor to this and get a similar result, but I suppose its more comforting to assume every down turn is evil backroom meetings organizing to keep you down. At least in that respect you share commonalities with /pol/.

>“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.” The post.

>> No.10652324

If fruit picking paid $40 dollars an hour I would go pick fruit in the heat. If mexicans did not exist farmers would be forced to pay that much because self respecting white men dont work for less. The fruit would still get picked either way.

>> No.10652329


I visited not just Alabama but many other places and there are fucking slums and homeless camps in fucking rich areas. Like Seattle. What the actual fuck Americans. GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER.


Yes part of the problem is rich sitting with thumbs up their asses not doing anything to fix infrastructure or put any money towards their own citizens. Something so obvious for every other 1st world nation seems lost on the mutts in the US.

>> No.10652337

Communism needs to happen. Half of the global population needs to be wiped out and we need to restart capitalism

>> No.10652341

dude you guys are hopeless
you do not grasp the fundamental fact that what we live in is not capitalism, and you interpret my claim that "immigrants moving into a country for its welfare is a problem to that country" as "poor brown people cause the world's problems"
you're helpless
it's as if you're not reading what i write, but instead looking from within yourself to find something that you think resembles my arguments, and trying to criticize those inner thoughts of yours

so, buddy can act like a condescending fucking cunt, immediately jumping into aggressive and vulgar remarks when responding to my post
and then, when i hold him to his own standards, you and him
you and him complain

you're both fucking severely mentally ill and you know it, and you want to spread your mental illnesses as far as your reach can extend

>> No.10652352


nope, they would just stop growing fruit in the US and grow it all in a place where they can pay workers less.

>> No.10652369

>Kek I ain't even communist but there's a reason why they're gaining so much ground in your country right now.

You can blame the government for that. They can lower housing costs by allowing more development. They can reduce food costs by relaxing zoning rules and allow local farming. They improve healthcare to a degree by keeping standards high (e.g., banning affirmative action based admission/hiring process).

>> No.10652376

Its almost like technology and knowledge have advanced to a point where picking fruit isn't very valuable anymore.

>> No.10652385

>Can't afford food or heat while working as an electronics repair man

"You lazy millennial, have you tried getting a job and developing some actual skills?!"

>> No.10652403

As ever people are the problem with communism. Always one murder away from a perfect society. But remember those other guys failed because it true communism.

>> No.10652405

Awfully mobile goalposts there. Explaining away historical levels of wealth concentration and worker exploitation with "why don't you try to market yourself better?" quickly became "Robots make you useless." Labor is not useless, as demonstrated by those historical concentrations.
Halon's razor isn't very sharp, my man.

>> No.10652409

>the market
It's only people making decisions on values of things they can sense

>> No.10652420


because I'm sure if it was truly valuable your benevolent masters would just willingly pay people more than what they have to and not try to profit from it as much as possible, as they have done with nearly all manufacturing

>> No.10652431

Nobody in this thread, except for the knee-jerk hysterics, have brought up communism.
When folks act like advocating for common-sense reforms is the same as calling for gulags, you know something's up

>> No.10652440

Dude I'm a fucking valet. I live by myself and pay for everything. I work 50-60 hours a week but it can be done. My job is considerably shittier than yours too in terms of pay.

>> No.10652443


Will they shut up if everyone including themselves is starving to death? I read that about half of all kids in the US rely on school lunches to be fed, and some don't eat at all on weekends. For summer break they get donated food. Perhaps the ones complaining might have enough to sustain them for 2 weeks before starving to death at most.


I'm not communist but I am pro socialist being from a socialist country. They aren't the same thing, but mutts get them confused a lot.

>> No.10652463

This, thank you. Any time anyone criticizes the rampant unfettered capitalism of the US someone claims that we're advocating communism.

>> No.10652467

I actually get it. You took drugs one time and had visions of a libertarian ideal. You're probably super into trains or some other autistic shit.
Whatever you saw is not how the world works. Capitalism as it presently functions is a moral nightmare, and what you seek is a dystopia. There's no point in use arguing further.

>> No.10652474


LOL mutt cope. "I can just barely get by if I work 60 hours..." lmao you guys are so cucked by capitalism I'm surprised you guys function as a country anymore. Is all the lead and fluoride in the water fucking up your brains or something? How would someone argue in favor of this system where you work 60 hours to just barely to get by?

>> No.10652483
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>common sense reforms

>> No.10652493

The planet is officially overpopulated. We need to begin culling the herd.

>> No.10652504

The libertarians in this thread are so fucking stupid. I hope they all get the mumps.

>> No.10652519
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oh dummy, communism works so obviously well for my 180IQ superior intelect that communism is common sense for me, you fucking sub 150IQ brainlet

>> No.10652542
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Carl gets up at 9am, smokes a bowl, then exits his 600 sq ft apartment he rents and takes the cramped, slow-moving commuter bus to some big city white colar job at 10am where he makes $70,000 a year. He thinks he's richer than those dumb rural Republicans who make half of what he does yet somehow own a house and car and have at least two children.

On his way to work he listens to NPR, he hears of the great Venezualan socialist system and how great it works for them compared to evil America (They actually did this 10 years ago I shit you not). His commute is about an hour long. Halfway through his ride, a middle aged, overweight smelly black lady finds a seat next to his, where the two touch butts on the cramped bus

Carl arrives at work and sees Laura, the front desk girl, whom he has a crush on. Carl is literally a cuck and talks about the dullest, most safest conversations imaginable. His jokes are literally the cleanest, politically correct jokes he could possibly come up with as to not offend anyone. Laura does a pretend laugh. She is literally annoyed with him and his lack of any masculinity but must be polite. She smiles, then abruptly ends the conversation, as always, saying she needs to get back to work. Carl literally thinks this signifies she likes him and he'll get laid that day, but like every day, he does not.

"CARL, CAN YOU PLEASE GET THOSE PAMPHLETS UPLOADED, LIKE NOW?" "S-sorry, I-I uh, I've been having issues at home, please understand. I"ll get them over right to you!" Barbara, his boss, loves to put Carl in his place. He is constantly made guilty because it empowers Barbara, an older feminist lady married to a wealthy college professor. Carl goes on throughout the day feeling guilty with a chip on his shoulder because he can never perform to Barbara's expectations so he goes home feeling bad for himself, which is why he smokes pot.

>> No.10652544

> Certain combinations of words trigger me
More safe spaces for boomers! Third way Boomer corps!

>> No.10652546

lol @ these useless butthurt lefty zoomers

like how can you not make decent money lmao like get some skills

>> No.10652548



>> No.10652549

For lunch, Carl goes out to eat at one of the overpriced restaurants downstairs and takes an hour off. His lunch costs $18+tip. Hardly any meat or carbs. Just a thai wrap on a paper thin roll. He returns back to work, feeling sleepy because of the lack of protein in his meal. His productivity declines throughout the day and he ends up browsing reddit by the time the work day is over.

Carl then begins his commute back home on the bus. This time a group of hispanic Americans enter the bus, tired and sweaty from the days labor, pulling out the old drywall from a nearby building being renovated. As Carl sits in his seat, the Mexicans stand, despite their long, hard work day. Carl loves how these hard working Mexicans do the jobs he refuses to do, and how evil white Republicans just want to kill them all. The thought of his moral superiority calms him mind of the days stresses.

As he gets home, Carl turns on the TV and then his tablet to watch netflix and some news. He gets distraut when he hears CNN on the latest news of Trump. He finishes the Chinese leftovers from the fridge and decides to play Mass Effect until 1am to escape the worlds problems, including his own. After he turns off his computer, he heads to bed and gets comfortable on his tablet. He logs onto Reddit and sees more terrible news on that evil man named Donald Trump on reddit/politics. He comes up with a brilliant post to respond, and begins with "He thinks this because he represents modern day Republicans. He is talking to......."

Such a brilliant post there, Carl. You've sure showed those racist white Republicans in your heavily moderated and censored echo chamber! Carl sees the gold star, he smiles and with that token of satisfaction, falls asleep.

>> No.10652563

Lefty here and doing better than you could ever dream of. You have to be an uneducated, low income rube to support trump at this point.

>> No.10652572
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>pictures of plush pepes trigger me

>> No.10652578

Horses were historically very useful too my dude. By that logic they should be incredibly useful and valuable today.
>Moving goal posts
I try to make a point to show that your labor isn't nearly as valuable as you think it is and you respond with "da joooo- err I mean backroom capitalist" then I point out your paranoid conspiracies and you cry goalposts have been moved. My dude you have not elaborated or defended a single fucking statement you've this entire thread only attacked people who pointed out your dumb arguments. And yes by the way what you are doing now is probably useless or about to become useless very soon. Adapt.
Value is determined by what people are willing to pay you dingus.
You know what a neat concise term is for a group of people buy and selling items and by doing so determining a value for said products..... yeah me either.

>> No.10652580

Then why exactly are you in this thread? I thought you were mad about boomers not paying you enough

>> No.10652581
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>Halfway through his ride, a middle aged, overweight smelly black lady finds a seat next to his, where the two touch butts on the cramped bus
im feeling physically ill

>> No.10652584

>it's an "Americans learn freedom isn't free" episode
Trump would have been okay if he at least followed on his word of getting rid of illegals. All I see is backpedaling and sending a few people back, and even fucking that up. Now even his supporters are turning on him. lol

>> No.10652594

I have been foiled by this fourberie!

>> No.10652600

Trump has been deporting shit loads of illegals and is literally building the wall.

>Now even his supporters are turning on him.
>this time drumpf is finished for sure!!!

I've been hearing people say this for 3 years now

>> No.10652606

And his approval rating keeps going up, I might add. And thats a good thing

>> No.10652613

Self made. Boomers are a plague. I’m watching my friends live their exact timeline with far less money, more debt, and endless amounts of stress and anxiety... all so these fat old fucks can continue to go on wine tours and contribute nothing new to culture or the economy. They are the absolute most spoiled generation in the history of the western world.

>> No.10652627

>Self made.


Quit LARPing Carl

>> No.10652628


>le drumpf meme
This shit is cringy

Also the wall won't save you. I already mentioned it. You do realize Chinese own half the US right now?

>> No.10652641

No, value isn't determined by what ppl want to pay because no one has the same notion of value and what they pay is more a reflection of what power looks likes.
Fuck you and anyone that thinks like you

>> No.10652643

>You do realize Chinese own half the US right now?

Yeah, them and what army? Come and take it chinks. I can't wait for their shadow puppet economy to collapse and for the mass starvation to kick in

>> No.10652648


This board is full of lefties, a lot of them are into crypto. A good chunk of /g/ is full on communist, which is why this board was even created in the first place. But keep coping. Nobody who ever contributed anything is a spoiled leech who hoards wealth.

>> No.10652654

>Complains about people calling him a communist for holding some communist ideas claiming he never brought it up
>Proceeds to bitch about people he assumes are libertarians despite no one in the thread bringing it up besides him accusing and critizing people of a ideology he assumes they hold cause they dare to disagree with him

Oh I get it now. You completely lack self-awareness. I'll let you mature in peace so that one day you can get over your cognitive dissonance.

>> No.10652658

It’s wasy to have numbers rise as the size of your base shrinks. That’s basic math, but then again this is biz and you idiots believe a digital coin can help you escape the misery boomers unwillingly birthed you in to. Compare your life to someone yor age in countries where funding basic human needs is considered an “ok” thing to do and realize that you are doomed. I don’t hate those of you on the right, I just wish you weren’t so fucking hard headed and could see that human rights are something your “enemies” care about regardless of your party affiliation. We’re not all purple haired trans pottery majors trying to molest you in a bathroom in North Carolina. You deserve more.

>> No.10652661

You can't be spoiled if your wealth is generated through your own labor and ingenuity. Spoiled would be the leftycucks raises on Xbox and Pornhub who feel entitled to other peoples money.

>> No.10652662

nobody is reeeeing at capitalism
if you are going to have a consumer driven society
its best that they have money to consume with

>> No.10652664
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>This board is full of lefties
have a cookie

>> No.10652666


Mass starvation in the US is pretty likely if things continue as they are. Like I said, about half of the kids who are still in school are 1 meal away from starving to death. Take away those free lunches and not only are kids going to die from gunshots, then they'll be dying of starvation in school. Only the best for the richest country in the world. You guys make Africa jealous.

>> No.10652669

*Way easy

>> No.10652675

>It’s wasy to have numbers rise as the size of your base shrinks.

That is not how polls work and even then approval rating is a bipartisan poll.

>> No.10652680
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>Mass starvation in the US is pretty likely if things continue as they are. Like I said, about half of the kids who are still in school are 1 meal away from starving to death. Take away those free lunches and not only are kids going to die from gunshots, then they'll be dying of starvation in school
>Dump free meals

>> No.10652682


>he doesn't know this board was created because people wouldn't stop posting crypto on /g/
>he doesn't know that Stallman is literally a communist

Have 2 cookies fren

>> No.10652683

Pertinent from earlier in this thread:
You're now attempting to negate the proven power of collective bargaining by arguing that labor isn't valuable, which is a truly bizarre, ass-eating ideological ouroboros.
Also, there is a long history of value/prices being manipulated -- you have yet to acknowledge the point about monopsonies, monopolies, and price-fixing. These are basic economic principles.
Don't act like you're approaching the argument from a common-sense angle when you're discussing hypotheticals and ideals.

>> No.10652684

It's already, always has been happening. Wake up from your A (American) dream.

>> No.10652689

Not if you cherry pick an approval rating from Fox News viewers. Don’t act like statistics in this country aren’t violently skewed. Trump is losing bigly. Mueller will help us all. You’ll never admit it. But your life will be better post trump.

>> No.10652690

>Mass starvation in the US is pretty likely if things continue as they are.
>what are farms

Good thing I don't live in the city and easily could farm and raise livestock in the occurrence of a food shortage. I would love if all the niglets in the city starved to death

>> No.10652692

>southern states cucked themselves
based and redpilled

>> No.10652704

>Grugg wants rocks
>Grugg has berries
>Gurgg wants berries and has rock
>Surgug wants berries and has rock
>Gurgg offers 1 rock for berries
>Surgug offers 2 rocks for berries
>What is berries value
You can figure it out I believe in you

>> No.10652707

Because conservatives are usually small dick white boys losing their livelihood to the bbc so they have conceded in the game of life

>> No.10652714

>Like I said, about half of the kids who are still in school are 1 meal away from starving to death
This is the same country that has the highest rate of childhood obesity in the world yes? I require proofs for these claims.

>> No.10652715

The guy was actually arguing that what we're living under "isn't capitalism," that's how strong the libertarian flowed through him.
If you can't read, that's on you.

>> No.10652719

>31k salary in Kentucky
>4 bedroom house on 5 acres and 2 cars

>76k in cuckifornia
>studio apartment in a shitty part of town that you can barely afford

>> No.10652720


cool thing is in my country our lunches are good and kids aren't starving to death. So I don't have a nightmare to wake up from.


Yea too bad it's not just niglets but whites too. Because like I said, HALF of all children are 1 meal away. That's a good chunk of white kids. In some areas I think 90% are on free lunches.

>> No.10652721
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>commies complained about crypto so biz was created
>someone completely unrelated to biz is a commie therefore biz which is not g is commie
those leaps

>> No.10652731

>In some areas I think 90% are on free lunches.

I grew up in a wealthy area and even I knew kids who received free lunches. Its called gaming the system, if you can get away with receiving free shit by sending in some paperwork you'll do it

>> No.10652739

Have any of you trump people thought about the fact that the current republicans in no way would want to lose the current banking system they control? This is a CRYPTO board. You think they want to be anywhere near your fat flip sweat monster energy tank tops and MAGA hats? They loathe you but constantly con you into a vote. You’be all been mentally JUSTED and are far to manically proud and ignorant to even contemplate that. Sheep.

>> No.10652751


The newfags who came after obviously aren't going to be commies (they don't care about the tech, they just want to get rich). But the original posters from /g/ are far more likely, considering the ideals supported by the board are pro open source, pro file sharing, and basically anything that mimics communistic ideals.

>> No.10652760

Hi newfriend. /biz/ was originally shitty penny stocks the board before crypto happen and this board was not created for that purpose.
Also /g/ is full of fucking retards that suck proprietary software dick and bash even remotely progressive opensource devs and the Gentoo Stallman >>10652682 meme was a inside joke aimed to get newbies to linux to spend 100+ hours to get their computer working and/or break it.

>> No.10652776

You were not two posts ago complaining that people were calling you a commie despite not actually saying you were THEN in the same breath did the exact same thing to a guy who at no point claimed he was a libertarian.THEN made a unquoted blanked post about libertarians in this thread despite no one actually claiming they were. All after complaining about being assumed to be a commie.

>> No.10652779


you can't afford a house on 31k in kentucky. maybe a small trailer. housing is fucking stupid everywhere

>> No.10652781


That's because all the people who believed in those ideals are no longer on /g/. They've migrated, like I mentioned earlier. Some are on /biz/ (I'm not a commie but definitely leftist). Some moved to "infinite" chan. I don't go on /g/ much anymore, but just from a quick look it's not the /g/ I remember at all.

>> No.10652786

Except my name isn't grugg. Fuck off with your dated bullshit. Material means things differently to ppl and no one is ever gonna think like you no matter how much you green text

>> No.10652860

If we're playing pedant, then no -- no one was "calling" me a commie, and I was not complaining about being "called" one. You're an idiot.
If we're not being that cutesy, then sure, I acknowledge your point. Despite ample self-professed evidence that someone is a libertarian I'm engaging in a vague double standard here... I guess?
You might want to do the same with, you know, all of my points, coward

>> No.10652871

You're lucky. My job won't give over 40 hours and will fire if you get a second job. But they do pay for one class a semester in school, as long as it pertains to my job.

>> No.10652875

anyone notice we only have these long ass debate threads when crypto is in the shitter

>> No.10652886


when everyone is too concerned about getting rich, quality of the board diminishes. You get pajeets, newfags, and even literal niggers trying to either scam or hustle. I'm getting quite rekt but I enjoy the company.

>> No.10652898

The funniest thing about this thread is communists trying to co-opt libertarian /g/ autists as being commies.

>> No.10652907

Collective bargaining doesn't work when the entire world is a scab. In case you haven't noticed this is a post nationalist world and no one has to hire "the only people they can get". Collective bargaining also doesn't work if said labor can be replaced by a non-human. Again horses were very useful at some point and I won't deny historically so was collective bargaining how ever this is the current year and your nationalist circle jerk is over big $ is king.
Yeah I'm going to call it. You were never on /g/. Your idea about what it was like is a fucking fantasy.
>infinite chan
Oh good gamer gate.
From 10 seconds of google search
You'd be surprised how affordable rural land is.
I blame the lack of red wojak JUSTing threads the lingering anticipation is turning us hostile against eachother.

>> No.10652927

They already do that for every crop possible. The stuff thats left cant be moved. What are they going to do, pick up millions of acres of farmland and ship the land to thailand?

>> No.10652948

i love how neither you nor anyone else is so much as talking about my main point, which is that government-business collusion is what is making people poor
what's funny is that our corporatocracy is similar to socialism; the state is untouchable and up until recently was always expanding, the government-backed private institutions are untouchable and are guaranteed to have money flowing into them from the government, and there's a massive wealth gap in which a lot of people seem to be extremely poor while the preexisting rich keep on getting eternally richer

also, i'm personally not obsessed with trains and i've never taken drugs in my life
sure as hell never will
shit—i've never so much as taken a tylenol, and i fucking axed myself in the leg like a goddamn moron earlier today

woah! hey, guys—take it easy with the accusations! sorry about that—it's just that we have all these advocates for "common sense reforms" for owning guns who then go on to advocate for the total prohibition of civilian firearm ownership—but, we know better! we KNOW that you're different, and would never stand behind anything like "the workers should own the means of production"—right?

>> No.10652954

I cant wait until AI gets good enough to do every single one of your jobs hundreds of times better than you could ever possibly do it, for free. Lets see you extol the virtues of capitalism while you are starving to death.

>> No.10652997

> Workers have no power
You've finally admitted your view. Enjoy the taste.

>> No.10653018


I don't know why but it seems like AI isn't progressing much right now. Just pajeet street shitters being hired for jobs at lower wages and mexicans. Plus if anything you'd think white collar would be automated rather quickly since saving money on workers who demand to be paid more is better for the owners/shareholders.


Except I'm not a communist, which I've mentioned several times.
Yes there were libertarian leftists on /g/, I'm not even denying that.

>> No.10653021


"This property may have oustanding back taxes, code violations, and/or liens. It is the buyer's responsibility to research the title prior to buy a property.?????As-is quitclaim deed sale. Buyer should research the property and any back taxes and liens. We didn't see the property, please visit the site before submitting a processing fee. property sold as is via quit claim deed Please verify all information with the county. Property will be sold AS IS via Quit Claim Deed"

I'm sure there are actual examples out there but come on this sounds like a fucking scam lol

>> No.10653042

>Except I'm not a communist
Bullets really don't make the distinction between socialist and communist either.

>> No.10653043


lol so edgy

>> No.10653044


Are mutts really this retarded? You do realize a good chunk of the countries in the 1st world are socialist mix economies?

>> No.10653075

Same here fren. I enjoy the flame war its good to focus on minor things that make you happy during troubled times even if it is just shit shit stirring.
Yeah and the rough average of what its worth to various people adjusting for elasticity and promptness is the value. I guarantee given enough of a volume and prospective buyers you could mathematically calculate the value of anything.
Thank fucking god a single ray of light has gotten through your thick skull here. If nothing else maybe you'll hold others to your own standards a bit more consistently in the future.
That is actually how we're going to achieve "communism" though admittedly a decidedly Non-Marxes variety. When the singularity hits the only people who will survive the die off are those who "made it" and like the agrarian revolution a small group of the few and their prodegy will inherit the earth.

Or it goes skynet and kills us all. Either way worrying about that is like worrying about cosmic rays. Their is literally nothing you can do about it and it will happen eventually.
They do have incredibly little power and will continue to have less and less adapt to it or not. Either way your bitching won't do much. The people you think are on your side are not.

>> No.10653102

True, but the related properties underneath seem to be along the category of fa rless then 50k and even less then 10k if you're just buying land to later build on. Point stands the rural parts of America (and really most of the world) are dirt cheap.

>> No.10653123

I'm edgy and yet communism is responsible for more deaths than literally any other ideology.

Socialist countries are communist countries in transition. Any socialist mix country is going to blame the capitalistic element for the failings and shortcomings socialism creates until eventually it goes full communist.

>> No.10653137

They're the nu-cuckservatives they accused boomers of

>> No.10653146


the vast majority of society in capitalism must exchange their labor, their ability to perform work is a commodity, in order to not die. This is just a fact. If we are so post scarcity and so advanced that labor has no value, essentially saying the vast majority of society has no value in capitalist society. Do you think that every working person is just going to die off peacefully?

>> No.10653164

the only acceptable conservative ideas if you are under 30 are: Being racist, advocating for less immigration, and not wanting to promote LGBT.

I honestly view people who actually believe in "trickle down" economics, as the finance equivalent of a cuck. It's basically like having Mr. Goldstein fuck your wife while you lay underneath and hope some of his cum dribbles out of her pussy into your mouth and you then thank him for it.

>> No.10653180

You've conviently bobbed and weaved around all points and arguments, and are now cloistered in a position that runs contrary to both history and reality.
But, because you cling to bizarre notions and standards for 'winning' and 'losing' engagements, you're incapable of seeing this. You're now making proclamations from mount ignorance.
Thank God for boomers

>> No.10653200 [DELETED] 

>companies have fully automated farming operation
>produce lettuce year-round for $0.0001/head; shipping in airplanes that run on electricity from the companies' own localized failsafe thorium nuclear power generators costs the companies an average of $0.02 per head, per year
>all of them try selling it to a market in which many people may only work 3 hours per week for $2.10 per hour as if everyone is making $15/hr
>99.9% of the lettuce spoils and its shipping rendered redundant on a regular basis because each company is comprised of "greedy capitalists who just want to maximize profits!" who did so by selling their product at a ridiculous markup, and thus never sold anything
>entire potential consumer base of every company starves to death helplessly, nobody left to make money off of anywhere
>companies had no foresight to see this happening; no company ever simply came in and capitalized off of the mass starvation by simply undercutting the competition, or even selling seeds for people to grow their own things manually
collectivists actually think this would happen if the market were totally free to act on its own

>> No.10653215


I don't really see that happening anytime soon, since we aren't being raped by extreme capitalism. Mutts have to cope with working 70 hours and dying of preventable diseases despite being in the same "rank" as a 1st world country. The cope is strong though

>> No.10653231

I don't really know. Is dying of age peaceful? Possibly. I don't know if you noticed or not but almost all first world countries have plummeting birthrates and are placating their poor with food stamps and welfare which is working swimmingly. Its already happening.
Care to list specific examples or do you want to spout memes in a mirror?

>> No.10653232

>companies have fully automated farming operations
>produce lettuce year-round for $0.0001/head; shipping in airplanes that run on electricity from the companies' own localized failsafe thorium nuclear power generators costs the companies an average of $0.02 per head
>all of them try selling it to a market in which many people only work 3 hours per week for $2.10 per hour as if everyone is making $15/hr and working 40 hours per week
>99.9% of the lettuce spoils and its shipping rendered redundant on a regular basis because each company is comprised of "greedy capitalists who just want to maximize profits!" who did so by selling their product at a ridiculous markup, and thus never sold anything
>entire potential consumer base of every company starves to death helplessly, nobody left to make money off of anywhere
>companies had no foresight to see this happening; no company ever simply came in and capitalized off of the mass starvation by simply undercutting the competition, or even selling seeds for people to grow their own things manually
collectivists actually think this would happen if the market were totally free to act on its own

>> No.10653236

Doctors actually have a strong protectionalist program protecting them

>> No.10653252


mutts figure if they can't have an education or health care they'll just shoot anybody who does

>> No.10653255

Please tell me what socialist country you hail from so I can properly laugh at you.

>> No.10653274
File: 109 KB, 650x834, mutt education.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


let's be honest these were the same people who probably bought bancor and expecting the jews to help make them rich. They're never going to learn goldstein will never let them in their rich club. mutts are fucking brain damaged, that's what I've realized. I've never heard of people so cucked they believe "trickle down" is anything but a metaphor for getting pissed on by rich people.

>> No.10653279

> Why not market yourself better?
Monopsony in a labor market
The history of suppressing individual enterprise
Price fixing exluding new entrants to a market
Monopolies forcing all of the above

> Collective bargaining doesn't work
The history of collective bargaining you halfwit

> You claimed victim while also calling others names!
Literally wrong learn how to read

> Value is determined by what people pay
See above

>> No.10653336

>not a libtard because I love guns, hate feminism (sex positive is ok) and want less government
>not a cuckservative because I hate religion, love hedonism and degeneracy and have nothing against brown people, gays, abortion or whatever the fuck.
Pretty comfy desu

>> No.10653338

Keep living in your world. You're not welcome in mine

>> No.10653354


>> No.10653362


Why would you laugh at any of the socially democratic countries? Look any up and they are all doing better compared to the US. Besides, there are no pure socialist countries that are 1st world, because what I said was socialist mix. It has the benefits of capitalism with benefits of socialistic policies. US used to have that, so I don't even know why you would argue against it. Boomers lived through it and were gifted with some great things. Now that those are going away in favor of capitalism being uncontrolled (okay "crony" capitalism if you want to call it that).

>> No.10653374

Pull yourself up by your bootstraps. It's literally that simple.

>> No.10653375

>All of those words instead of just saying where he is from
Someone is ashamed of where they live or know they would be torn a new asshole if they posted it. Its okay you can lie if you are ashamed I understand.

>> No.10653397

>Low cost of living
Nigger what the fuck, no. What we save on things like rent, we pay right back in taxes.
>t. Live in Kansas

>> No.10653419


Why would I tell you mutts where I live? You could literally look up a list of all those countries and you'd get a good idea. You just want another thing to reee about because of a disagreement in values. Stupid cucks.

>> No.10653426

So another rehash then?
>Your labor isn't actually worth that much it isn't collaboration its progress. Halon's razor
>/pol/ tier joo argument
>"Markets need to move to me or they're not fair"
>"Its not my fault I can't overcome the same problems other companies did and rise to challenge them"

>Collective bargaining NO LONGER works as in it did at one point obviously, but no longer does. See horses as a example; once a cornerstone of the economy now a meme pet for little girls

>Nobody in this thread, except for the knee-jerk hysterics, have brought up communism.
>When folks act like advocating for common-sense reforms is the same as calling for gulags, you know something's up

>actually get it. You took drugs one time and had visions of a libertarian ideal.

>The libertarians in this thread are so fucking stupid. I hope they all get the mumps.

Read the last one again twice. Just remember that no one was talking about libertarians till you sperged on them.


1 : the monetary worth of something : market price
2 : a fair return or equivalent in goods, services, or money for something exchanged
3 : relative worth, utility, or importance
a good value at the price

the value of base stealing in baseball

had nothing of value to say

Bernie? Is that you?

>> No.10653428

Joe gets up at 5am, takes a shower and gets dressed while his wife prepares his breakfast for him in his 2000 sq ft house he owns. He drives his oversized F150 pickup truck to work to his $40,000 a year job.

On his way to work he listens to Alex Jones screaming about frogs turning gay and fema camps in the illegaly occupied United States by globalist forces. His commute is about 30 minutes. Halfway through his ride he turns on the AC without any guilt because he feels like it and Obama can't tell him otherwise.

Joe arrives at work and sees Enrique, his co-worker who also works as a Window installer. During their lunch break they go to McDonalds and eat a big mac. Yesterday was Burger King, while unhealthy, these meals provide enough calories to get these two men through the day while saving on time. Today's job is tough though but Joe and Enrique pull through and go to the local bar for a nice beer together to talk about life while making jokes about niggers, spics, jews and even whites because it's hillarious and no fascist leftist is around to tell them otherwise.

As Joe drives home from work by 6pm, he sees some faggots protesting about his president, yes HIS president, President Donald J. Trump. He honks his horn and flips them off and tells them to get a job instead of protesting on a street corner all day and making nothing of value.

As he gets home, Joe gets a kiss from his wife while he has dinner ready for him at the table. They say a prayer before eating, then talk about their days to each other. Joe's wife then says she's pregnant and having a child. Joe is thrilled. He will finally have a legacy he can carry on to the next generation. As Joe gets ready for bed, he and his wife end the day by watching Hannity and Tucker Carlson on Fox News. "Damn I love life" says Joe as his eyes shut, despite having "so little" according to the elites who live in coastal cities.

>> No.10653459

Kek yep. He's ashamed. I'm waiting for him to either say a Scandinavian country then get slapped with the nordic module or be a mutt himself larping as a enlighten socialist.

>> No.10653466

I get it. You don't want to actually reveal where you live because it is a shithole with a myriad of issues that anyone would be able to pick out if they actually spend 10 seconds looking into the subject.

Its really wise. Attack a known target while keeping your place of origin secret. You don't have to defend you country in any detail while you attack specific details of the operation of other countries.

Its a great strategy. At least you know your country is a shithole though and are wise enough to hide it from us. Lessers would have made the mistake of revealing where the live and being laughed out the room.

>> No.10653467
File: 795 KB, 2072x1831, 1260e7932a657448daa200551beda0abd696ae8987fb68aace7677e0cfc48183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



sorry I'm not a fan of him. Reminds me too much of pro diversity fags when I see this video of him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VbHUI1R3IA

>> No.10653488

*teleports behind you*
I don't like him either ruined a perfectly good candidate for his own ego. Diversity is a odd thing to hold against him though considering he is a old white man.

>> No.10653508

literal jews own every piece of real estate in the country and you are forced to pay what is basically an unavoidable ~30 percent income tax to your jewish landlord each month

>> No.10653512


Why would telling where I live out of a list of maybe 5 countries change anything? Seriously, go look it up and come back to me. I'm perfectly content with where I live and I make fun of mutts every chance I get. I like visiting some areas of your guys country but you seem to always want to have some "gotcha" in place because you guys have had your pride hurt too many times always being told you're number 1.

>> No.10653535

What arguments are you addressing here exactly? Some of them literally aren't me, look at the fucking post IDs.
This "I can build amazon too" and "Workers aren't real" bits are parodies of themselves, my dude.
Boomer propaganda is apparently deeply intoxicating

>> No.10653536


him being white actually makes it worse. I understand why blacks want diversity because they get free stuff. But when I see white people do this I just think they have a problem. Like pathological altruism.

>> No.10653557

Keep being ashamed and attacking from obscurity. Which is natural. The world doesn't care about your shithole and thinks it is a joke so of course people on the internet will too.

Stay smart and stay hidden. Never expose the trash in which you live and try to take superior stances to those who aren't hiding in obscurity.

>> No.10653563

>I'm perfectly content with where I live
Evidently not confident in it.
>I like visiting some areas of your guys country but you seem to always want to have some "gotcha" in place because you guys have had your pride hurt too many times always being told you're number 1
I'm going to go ahead and call it you're a LARPing mutt aren't you? Its like the /g/ thing again.

>> No.10653610

Racism, welfare, travels to the US often, no botched English phrases so probably native.... hmmm
I think we're having a failure to communicate here. I attempted to address points you listed in order with the exception of the tail end of the post which was directed at another anon.

>> No.10653611


shhh don't let them know

>> No.10653625


Oh shit you actually guessed it right. Well partially anyway. I'm dual citizen.

>> No.10653660
File: 66 KB, 1440x1416, BoboIntensified.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either oldfag boomer or lucky kid with good cards dealt to him by mommy and daddy.
I live in LA, even the fucking complete shit hole areas where homeless ppl sleep out in front and gang members lurk would still cost you all your money JUST to eat minimally and pay for a shitty 1 bedroom of a house. Most likely you wouldn't be able to afford an apartment, rent is insanely priced in socal.

Great life huh, work like a slave 40+ hours a week, just to come back home in your shit infested living space and have no money to enjoy ANYthing. Nice logic boomer cuck
>just move away

>> No.10653686

Protip: it's both businesses and government's fault. They're in cahoots.

>> No.10653706

No really get out of LA. Even to another city if you must. LA is collapsing its not that way everywhere. LA is vastly overpopulated and the city consul is actively going out of their way to find ways to get people to leave.

>> No.10653723
File: 72 KB, 650x360, tekashi69-lame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh we will 100% be replaced by Gen Z.
The kikes are doing a brilliant job of corrupting the youth with all the social media, and amazing 'artist' famous today.

Incase you are out of the loop, gangster thug rap has been pushed especially hard for the last 6 years. More so than in the past, these new 'artist' that are millionairs all promote the same image
>fuck thots - kick them out
>rob people
>drug deal
>use drugs
>carry guns at all times

>> No.10653747

Don't be naive. There plenty of employers who want the economic benefit of labor without paying for it, regardless of age.

>> No.10653755


the other nickname for millenial is "lost generation" so I believe it. Feels like we'll just be a forgotten part of history and Gen Z will take our place because they've been excellently brainwashed.

>> No.10653784

Yeah, every company reeeees about free market policies, and then when they get big enough, they start lobbying for the exact opposite to maintain their power. Then when they get bigger, they start lobbying for progressive policies like open borders to flood the market with cheaper labor.

>> No.10653790

>Arguing against 401ks
/biz/ teaching new levels of retardation

>> No.10653805

I will when my parents finally give me the boot.
I'm comfy living in a very good part of LA and working a mid tier job that doesn't require a degree. So i can't complain, but if i had to do it all on my own i'd be out of here.

>> No.10653819
File: 30 KB, 472x472, Thisfaget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa. Imagine being this guy

>> No.10653823

You are not entitled to other peoples property just because you feel bad or jealous.

>> No.10653844

Do your parents own or rent? Property in LA is skyrocketing and will continue to do so until it becomes CA Detroit post white flight (this time with asians too). Try to get your hands on it and sell before the crash. I wish you luck.

>> No.10653851

So make your own if their deal is unacceptable.

>> No.10653852

Your devil worshipping elite are going to kill all of you and you dumb fucks will keep fighting each other. Dumb goyim indeed.

>> No.10653881

More fantasy

>> No.10653887

What type of safeguards do you suggest?
Because total communism doesn't work and neither does capitalism . Greed world in both.

>> No.10653899

*grabs throat*
Heh... time for you to.... back off.... kid.....

>> No.10653916


Solution already exists, but you need to kill at least half the population to get it. Also limit immigration heavily. Our biggest bubble is population right now IMO

>> No.10653919

9 months later, Joe's wife gives birth to a mulatto

>> No.10653949

Conservatives under 30 think they will be the big boss man in a decade, gets them rock hard to think about fucking over their employees and giving nothing back.

Also they hate people who live in expensive cities cuz they must be minorities and want them to live in their shithole red states, see >>10650187

>> No.10653971

LA is completely fine as long as you don't live in the poorest parts of town. Just like every other city on the planet.

>> No.10654100

Truly depressing

>> No.10654338
File: 8 KB, 250x232, 1533435093594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be greedy
>live in capitalist society
>have to meet people's demands in order to make money and sate your greed
>greed overtakes you; try to make your employees work 12 hour shifts with no special compensation in order to meet consumer demand
>employees fuck off to another company, or make their own
>get a bad reputation
>go broke
>alternatively, when greed overtakes you, you work to try to find a better way to make more money in a broader market
>find a way to do it
>produce a higher quality object that more people want for cheaper
>your lust for money made everyone more wealthy and happy in the end, including you

>be greedy
>live in communist society
>get sent to a dank coal mine to do manual labour and contract a lung disease that your country has a five-year wait for a treatment to because you're not a part of the state and the only way you could exercise your greed was to take advantage of someone's desperate situation in a trade
>alternatively, be a greedy member of the state
>still barely own anything
>don't even know anyone you can actually trust
>no matter how much money you earn, best goods you can buy are are cheap western goods, or knockoffs of cheap western goods
>be killed because someone accused you of having too much money
>country in a perpetual state of freefall, kept alive only by producing weapons that it keeps high tensions on other nations with so that it can trade its shit-quality goods out for goods that aren't completely dysfunctional—or simply slap your bombs and demand a ransom
i think it's pretty clear which system does in fact work, and which system doesn't

>you need to kill at least half the population to get it
lol "there's a solution but u have to kill urself for it xD"
the earth isn't running out of space or food production potential, dude
there's actually an entire world outside of your tiny 1-bedroom condo in your progressive european city—and a sizeable chunk of it is in your borders

>> No.10654372
File: 65 KB, 480x480, HoodrichPablo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Parents are still paying off the house to shekelstein but i guess we own it. They are definitely in profit from the time they bought it till now. Too bad they probably won't give me that bread if they finally flip it.

>> No.10654462

They will make food for people who have money. People who own the machines or have a trust fund or something. Not for simple laborers. It would not matter if it cost 0.000001 cents per head of lettuce if a person has no money whatsoever or any possible chance of ever earning money. That man will starve to death in a world of abundance.

This is all already beginning to happen is the scary part. Its sort of like africa. Africans can no longer compete on the world stage. They are too dumb and lazy and violent and corrupt. They have no money because no one will hire them or invest in their shitholes. Companies only make products they can sell. They cant sell to someone with no money. Therefore capitalism simply ignores them to death. You see all these migrants fleeing africa for the west because they have no better alternatives. All these hungry people with nothing to do end up forming islamic death cults like Boko Haram or ISIS or whatever.

>> No.10654464

Ive seen a ton of indian doctors. It cant be protecting them too much.

>> No.10654488

They either go to school here or jump through crazy hoops

>> No.10654494

China is opening all sorts of factories in Africa

>> No.10654518

If he made 20k a year and his wife divorced him and Enrique didnt speak any English this might be accurate.

>> No.10654521

I would generally agree.

What does everyone think about the current concentration of assets in today's financial institutions within the US? Furthermore, what are your opinions regarding private influence over the government, and whether or not it can be negated?

>> No.10654549

The northern parts maybe. Sub saharans are fucked. Also china is flailing wildly about with printing press money in a desperate attempt to keep their bubble propped up a few more years. 25% of their economy is construction. Think about that.