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10647007 No.10647007 [Reply] [Original]

>unironically have the ability and knowledge to make 20-30k a month from home
>already making 5k
>too lazy to execute it to it's potential

what's wrong with me? please help, not trying to gloat and I'm not going to disclose what it is but I just seriously have no idea why I'm such a fucking lazy faggot and blowing my shot here

I'm roleplaying, but how do I fix my character? fuck dude help HELP HELP HELP

>> No.10647015

I can help you if you tell me your method

>> No.10647029
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Mail me son and I shall grant you wisdom.

>> No.10647144


First focus on stopping the addictive shit that isn't getting you anywhere. Go walk outside, meditate, do whatever, as long as you know you don' t get addicted to it.

THEN focus on the things you have to do. If you jump directly from addiction to whatever you should do, the pull from the addictive behavior is too strong. I know this may all sound a little weird. But trust me it works. Our brains/behavior is made out of habits that become stronger over time. First focus on destroying the habits that are holding you back. You can do the things that you ought to be doing, but prioritize putting your energy into making sure that you DONT do specific things.

Second, get a good sleeping pattern.

Third, eat healthy food.

Fourth, start each day by doing the thing that is most important/difficult. So you got that shit out of the way.

Fifth, exercise. Both your physical body as well as your mental state. Go to the gym, and do something that makes keeps you happy. E.g. write down 20 things you are grateful for each night. Meditate. Listen to positive affirmations w/e. Treat your mental well being same as your physical well being; it is something that requires constant training.

>> No.10647147

what's this magical ability to make 30k a month from home?

>> No.10647197

I'm the same.
Honestly meth/amphetamine are the only things that sort-of work.
The fundamental problem is that you don't need more which is why there's no motivation. You tell yourself you want it but really you don't.

>> No.10647209


And yes step 1 will lead to boredom. But trust me if you can learn to embrace boredom, you will become effective as fuck.

There is no better state of mind to start doing a difficult task, than when you are bored as fuck, and it is the only alternative to being bored.

Imagine being in prison in a solitary confinement. Now imagine that there is nothing in that prison cell except some awful book. You might resist reading it at first, but trust me at one point you will become so bored, that you will learn to memorize every single word in that book.

>> No.10647213

I'm in the same position OP. I make about 130k a year, could easily make 200k, but instead I just... post online? It's so pathetic. I don't have that hunger i did before

>> No.10647231

You gotta really push through it, as you probably know.

>> No.10647257
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microdosing > stimulants

>> No.10647296

not quite at the 20-30k/month range myself but i had a similar problem with motivation and work ethic when i was working on scaling a small online business, i was making more than i needed to pay the bills and keep everything running so i didn't really bother expanding.

Lesson learned: shit won't last forever, one day maybe your business or method gets oversaturated and falls apart, maybe it gets to the point where you can't make the 20-30k/month even if you wanted to anymore, and then things get even worse and you begin having trouble maintaining even the 5k you're making now.

Make as much as you can, as early as you can, when you're able to do so.

Plus think of it this way: you're making 5k/month now, but if you ramped that up to 30k/month you would be making as much in 2 months as you normally make in 12 months, you're basically compacting an entire years earnings into just 2 months, if you maintain that for like 3-5 years you'd literally be within reach of retirement. Seize the opportunity while you have it

>> No.10647353

It's because you underachievers don't want anything more than your mundane lifestyle. It's okay, making money is not in your blood and you certainly won't attain wealth for your family. Keep it up and one day you will get outsourced, you lazy wagies

>> No.10647392

>shit won't last forever
Feels bad man

>> No.10647431

Microdosing what? Hallucinogens?

>> No.10647450

Any classical psychedelic. LSD, mushrooms, mescaline etc

>> No.10647455

good advice anon

>> No.10647639
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Damn this comment is really affecting me. maybe i should get into adderral

>> No.10647659

thanks anon

>> No.10647823

Check out focusmate.com. You book a webcam session with another user, at the start of the session you state your goals for the hour and they do the same, then at the end you talk about how it went. I used it two days last week and they were literally the most productive days I've had in over a year. It really makes me work. I still get distracted a bit, but it's a huge improvement. At the very least it makes me get out of bed (and I've been pretty depressed and sometimes spend all day in bed) because I don't want to let the other person down by not showing up for our appointment.

>> No.10648051
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Thanks for the advice, everyone... I'm gonna fuck this shit up, lets go dude

>> No.10648287

im from spain and there's no point due taxes

>> No.10648466


Glad to help.

I' ll admit it won't always be easy.

But doing those things helped change me from a lazy internet addicted underachiever, to become a fit and happy person that has his own company and enjoys working.

>> No.10648488

I'm exactly the same

>> No.10648498

What skills?

>> No.10648515

this is actually very good advice on here for a change

>> No.10648526

I have issues with my work ethic sometimes. Smoking a small amount of sativa helps me get motivated and stay focused. Amphetamines don't help me at all.

>> No.10648534


Additionally to doing the above. I would recommend taking up running and listening to self-help/motivation audiobooks.

Yeah I know they may sound scammy/sketchy (or at least they did for me), but I found that they actually do help. To give them some credibility, just realize that 100.000+ people vote 4/5+ stars on some of these books on sites like goodreads.

Even if they don't help by giving you good advice, I still think it is good to listen to a motivated person speak about motivation. It helps trigger the parts in your brain that you want to have activated. Plus if you do it while running you are getting some extra exercise.

Also what helps me sometimes is doing the pomodoro technique, and listen to motivational people on youtube (same reason as above).

I won't list any books/channels because I don't want to come across as trying to shill anything. But just look around.

>> No.10648843

I know this exact feel. Sometimes I wish I didn't have access to so many consoles with easy hax, I literally have entire catalogues of JRPGs to suck away my time

>> No.10648860

>>unironically have the ability and knowledge to make 20-30k a month from home
You don't, just like I have the have the ability to be the strongest person who ever lived. Is it possible? Maybe if I put in the work but unless I actually do it I don't have the ability to. Especially since in scenarios like these hardwork is the most important factor and for someone like you who's a lazy NEET you'll never achieve your goals.

>> No.10648921
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this was a very mean post and I don't think it's justified, you are literally projecting your insecurities onto me and I'm not a fan, sir.

That being said, thanks for stopping by and leaving a response to my thread.

Take care,

>> No.10648943

>this was a very mean post and I don't think it's justified, you are literally projecting your insecurities onto me and I'm not a fan, sir.
Whatever helps you sleep at night. At least I don't have to tell myself i can make 30k a month to keep me from killing myself

>> No.10649759

You just don't have the ability, obviously. If you did you could be doing it.
There are lions and sheep, it's better to be a sheep and know it than be a sheep in with the lions.

>> No.10649879

Maybe you’re not motivated by money and are seeing the bigger picture. Some people get more fulfillment in the hunt than than the Kill

>> No.10649957

Email me at terminator_62@protonmail.com. I’m in a similar situation but managed to figure out how to make it work. I’m also curious to see what you’re doing, perhaps it’s the same as what I’m doing. Message me regardless.

>> No.10651057


>> No.10651321

what's the idea? cyber?