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10640483 No.10640483 [Reply] [Original]

Did people stop doing drugs and laundering money or something? WHAT THE FUCK!!!!????

>> No.10640497

zcash is on gemini and about to be listed on cb. monero is trash and lost the race.

>> No.10640503

Sell those shitbags and buy 0xBTC

>> No.10640512

Can people buy drugs on the darknet with Zcash?

>> No.10640514

this. I forgot Monero even existed.

>> No.10640533


wtf is Mercatox? Sounds like an FDA warning.

>> No.10640548

Yeah, just try and buy some 0xbtc on Mercatox. The buy and sell asks are so far apart that shit isn’t going anywhere.

>> No.10640667

monero sucks, researchers already found a way to reliably crack the security of monero, and transactions are slow as fuck; more of a shitcoin than people might think

>> No.10640674

Yeah, no. It's totally private.

>> No.10640851

just wait for it to touch support ~0.013 BTC and it will bounce

>> No.10641101


>> No.10641215
File: 136 KB, 560x577, monero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Exactly 1 Year Ago:

> ZCash - $230
> Monero - $49


> ZCash - $158
> Monero - $90

Also enjoy the fact that ZCash still is going to inflate 4 X times it's current supply and keep being a shitty investment while Monero only has a couple of million left in supply to mine before tail emission.

Plus Monero actually has total privacy and better security. It's actually accepted in a lot of DNMs whereas nobody uses ZCash. Monero did lose DreamMarket though.

>> No.10641356


>> No.10641373

the beatings will continue until morale improves

>> No.10641379

It's not you fucking dumb nigger. Try not being a brainlet and use Google.

>> No.10641390

>Plus Monero actually has total privacy

Top kek

>> No.10641565


> Fluffy walking freely in the street with 1M Watch.

Because the official wallet has backdoor, FBI use it like honeypot to catch criminals.

>> No.10641594

What a noob you are

>> No.10641618

Why? Because I’m not running 10 GTX 1080ti’s and draining 3000kw/h of electricity? Or because I don’t market buy?

>> No.10641835

1070s are a better deal.

>> No.10641857

oh look, another faggot wanted to profit from others suffering. No one to be held accountable, no one to cry for help, get rekt monero scum

>> No.10641882

>I totally care about people
That’s what you sound like

>> No.10642134

Prove the contrary.

>> No.10642149

>Why the fuck does it keep going down?!?!?!
>I dont give a shit about other people
there is your answer brainlet

>> No.10642155


>> No.10642335

Do you really think that the price of any crypto is tied to bleeding heart liberalism? If people want to fuck themselves up with drugs that’s their prerogative. Anyway, I was being facetious in the first place.

>> No.10642412

This was a good post. Everybody ignores emission rate when it is probably the most important metric in any coin.

>> No.10642450

Bought at .014. Dumped on bithumb for .05. Waiting for my tezos to moon to rebuy.

>> No.10642502

The official wallet is open source numbnuts. Just compile it yourself if your autism is this bad.

>> No.10642537
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Like compiling yourself will remove backdoor.

>> No.10642588

Find this theoretical backdoor in the code, delete it, then compile it. If you claim its in there it should be on github somewhere. Also publish your findings to ruin moneros price.

>> No.10642663


Monero is coded by kids playing with your money, even an exploit was recently discovered that affected exchange's wallet.

The creator of the most anonymous crypto currency used by criminal around the world walking freely in conference on the US soil.

What are you waiting the next Wikileaks revelations about FBI ?

>> No.10642681

there's no explanation. there's no explanation for anything in this market. it's pure random speculation.

>> No.10642722

Do you even code?

>> No.10642776


Yeah C++ / C / Assembly x86 / Java ?

>> No.10642785

There isn’t a single decent black market that takes monero right now you retard lol. Go look for yourself. I’ll wait.

>> No.10642796

No criminals are using this coin anymore you oblivious brainlet. Have you ever bought drugs online?

>> No.10642824


Never bought drugs in my life, anyway.

Soon, you'll see the a decentralized Silk Road.

>> No.10643180
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>> No.10643328
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Well good bye Zoomer, I'm going to sleep.

>> No.10643350
File: 27 KB, 250x250, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why hasn't Monero ever acknowledged that it had secret mining on its services for well over a year?

>> No.10643846
