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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10642636 No.10642636 [Reply] [Original]

So /biz/, take a look. What's your worst performing coin? And how much would it have to increase to return to its ATH?

>> No.10642650
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Vechain soon hitting -1000%

Fu King kek

>> No.10642682


Never followed VeChain, what’s the story with that one?

>> No.10642693

I bought into tokia ico and its down 98%

so +4000% to break even?

>> No.10642694

It became synonymous with china hustle

>> No.10642707


I bought LINK at .14 cents and it’s all I have, I feel like I’m pretty much invincible (held through the pump to $1.60).

>> No.10642746

It crashed as badly as anything else (see graph) but since most of /biz/ bought into it they think it's some sort of uniquely Chinese scam, not realizing that every single coin is a scam.

>> No.10642750

My SKY bags are so heavy.

fuckin kill me

>> No.10642777

>ark 1346%

oh no no no didn’t they say they weren’t going to hype their project so that it didn’t get pumped dumped hahaha

>> No.10642798

BNB obviously best token.

>> No.10642829
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They made bogus claims like “we made partnership deal with China city woohoo”(yeah an obscure company worth nothing before 2017 crypto boom getting a project to handle a city of China, totally believable)

It was heavily shilled on here and I mean literally heavily, anyone who questioned during December to feb was brutally attacked by the shills. Shills were encouraging people to buy through the whale walls(devs unloading) to get rid of whales.

The CEO practiced heavy manipulation of the market. He pumped his shitcoin by offering a 2 comps on binance back in Q1. It was like BMW i8 giveaway combine with their shitcoins etc

It pumped to 82000 satoshis and then dumped bad.

Later on the CEO goes and announces on stage “the rumor is true” indicating they’re on a wordly level of partnership with BMW to pump the coin.
People had already started questioning the fske one sided partnerships at this point. Everyone started emailing BMW about vechain and CEO basically says “plzzz don’t email, we will be exposed”

Turns out, it was just some shitty start up garage.

The vitalik controverary emerged at this point also. Vechain tried to milk Vitaliks name to gain ethereum investors. Vitalik retaliates and attack’s Vechain accusing them of misusing his name and says “he has met them but hasn’t invested a single cent into them”
Vechain does damage control and says “oh hehe vitalik is an ex advisor of the company we just partnered with hehe”
Basically failed attempt to lure investors.

Their latest stunt would be giving out 100m free VTHOR and daily 1000vet lotteries to people who hold the shitcoin.
They’re still trying to manipulate the market.

Their most absurd claim is the latest one.
“China suffers from fake vaccine problem so we are going to help use our blockchain to track down vaccines and this project will be approved by the PRC and Xi Jinping will be there for us at the expo in November”


>> No.10642837

Didmt lix max out at $1.2

>> No.10642839
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Fuck it I'll just buy gold and wait 10 years

>> No.10642868

I'm pretty sure zec ATH is not 5941 lol

>> No.10642884

>the best coin is the one invented by a website to avoid bitcoin and save on fees


Also kinda feel like buying some ZCash now.

>> No.10642890

>guid file name
can you please fuck of you glow in the dark nigger

>> No.10642969
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>> No.10643198

U missed neblio. ATH was $40 at one point

>> No.10643212
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ZRX holding up well.