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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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10642047 No.10642047 [Reply] [Original]

How much lower do we need to crash this shit before the bagholders finally shut the fuck up about "muh 100k bull run tomorrow"

>> No.10642057

V bottom to 100k this year. Mark my words. If you're not in this market now you literally won't make it

>> No.10642185
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Bull don't start with a v bottom. Never happens. What happens is the price dies then goes sideways for a couple years

>> No.10642194

>[Start a New Thread]

100k summer 2019
30k dec 2018

>> No.10642214

>I read it on my internet frens forum mommy so it must be true

>> No.10642223
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the dow jones in '08-'09?

>> No.10642281

>before the bagholders finally shut the fuck up about "muh 100k bull run tomorrow

20 years from now, 40-50 year old balding, ugly fat men will be sitting in cheap apartments pounding away on virtual keyboards that "bitcoin will recover any day now, I've been accumulating at $.05 cents, when the bull run comes, i'll be a billionaire!"

>> No.10642292

The people who bought at 15k and sold at 8k are gonna FOMO 100x harder than they did last time.

Normies buy on the way up. It is what it is.

>> No.10642305

im fucking holding

>> No.10642312

>Being this retarded

>> No.10642319

this is right.

actually wrong.

>> No.10642330


>> No.10642341

Only pajeets believe this kind of pure fantasy.

>> No.10642360


nigger you don't have two shekels to rub together.

>> No.10642434

"b-but, I invested all of my lawn mowing money, I put 10 whole dollars into it, I was promised a lambo and never having to work!"

>> No.10642456

Kek, I fucking love bear markets because I'm the only one making money whilst everyone isn't. Feels so fucking good.

>> No.10642466

You fool.
Bitcoin will be at 750k before the end of October and will keep on rising.
If you aren't 100% invested in bitcoin by now you'll be homeless soon

>> No.10642498

Oh, look, another pajeet with his idiotic wealth daydreams.

750k, lol. If you're trolling, you got greedy. If you're serious - don't you have a street to shit on?

>> No.10642604

lel i take a big steaming dump on "your words". you don't know shit