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File: 56 KB, 510x666, Screenshot_2018-08-11 Cryptoasset rankings and metrics OnChainFX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10640808 No.10640808 [Reply] [Original]

In the long run adoption is the only thing that matters.
There are only two cryptocurrencies with actual demand, with bitcoin withering away while ethereum dominates more and more.

>> No.10640962


>> No.10640980


>> No.10641011

Adoption wont change very much if the entire market is tied to Bitcoin. Steem is the most widely used crypto on the market with actual use case. Its under a dollar now.

>> No.10641023

Umm Coinmarket cap has different results for volume. Which website is correct?

>> No.10641058

Its an old ass picture.

>> No.10641077
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>> No.10641129

>buy something
>get charged sales tax
>pay with shitcoin or bitcoin
>get charged transfer fee
>have to buy bitcoin using fiat
>get charged to buy bitcoin as well (if you're a newb using coinbase or whatever)

nehhhh. see this is the problem. you're basically getting bled slowly with all these feels, while at the same time being told that btc and shitcoins derive their value from their security and limited quanity. but many, such as eth, don't have supply cap. so without supply cap you are left with the decision to trust or not to trust the dev team and whoever controls the code.

if you trust corecucks and ethfags with their rainbow-unicorn loving skeleton jew leader and gavin the confirmed homo, then you're basically not going to want to use those as payment. and keep in mind trading shitcoins has resulted in many many losses. not even counting the commission fee per trade.

this is why the market's seizing up. people are realizing that something doesn't add up.

>> No.10641139

I took the screenshot about a minute before posting it.
coinmarketcap has more exchanges, but no fees.
Steem is worthless because there's no financial demand for it. Non-paying users are worthless.
Fees are the best metric there is.

>> No.10641164

How else would you buy Bitcoin if not on Coinbase, Gemini, Kraken, or some other similar site? dumbass

>> No.10641247

>Steem is worthless because there's no financial demand for it. Non-paying users are worthless.
>Fees are the best metric there is.

Its the most used coin and the demand for censorship resistant social media with monetization is very high. Fees are the worst metric because the coins that have fees are never going to maintain actual use.

>> No.10641316

>with monetization is very high
What monetization? The only monetization is showing users ads. How is that even supposed to work on a blockchain?
There's no model that can make that viable unless people are actually willing to pay fees just to post, which is absurd.

>> No.10641408

>The only monetization is showing users ads. How is that even supposed to work on a blockchain?

What the fuck are you even posting in here for? WHY ARE YOU FUCKING HERE!!!!! Have you not noticed we are talking about cryptocurrency you god damned fucking idiot!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!

In order for me to continue this discussion I would literally need to explain BITCOIN to you. HOLY FUCK...

>> No.10641454

>ethereum dominates more and more


>> No.10641463

This shit right here is some deadset proof we have some boomers on this board with no idea how any of this stuff actually works. And they are larping as people with an understanding of the technology posting about the potential direction of the market.

To explain that ad revenue is the only viable model for social media to make money in the context of something like steemit is just blatant.

>> No.10641524

what are you even talking about?
The only other possible model is government funding for surveillance.
>in the context of something like steemit is just blatant.
It's a ponzi scheme which is why it's 'under a dollar now' as you yourself wrote lol. Minuscule volume.

>> No.10641549

>rainbow-unicorn loving skeleton jew leader


>> No.10641584

>It's a ponzi scheme which is why it's 'under a dollar now' as you yourself wrote lol. Minuscule volume.

People who create good content have the most potential to gain with the lowest risk. Explain the ponzi, its a model to pay people to make content.

You don't understand the topic, in crypto transaction fees are not needed. One of the biggest advantages of crypto is the removal of ad revenue models. Another thing thats funny about this is in order for you to be right you have to do all kinds of mental gymnastics to explain how steemit doesn't exist.

>> No.10641590

>what are you even talking about?

Stuff you need to pretend doesnt exist in order for your arguments to hold water kek

>> No.10641599

>bitcoin withering away while ethereum dominates more and more

wtf you smoking??

>> No.10641629


>> No.10641630
File: 147 KB, 1446x748, Free Market Capitalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adoption is already here, it's clear Bitcoin will NEVER be used to purchase standard goods, that being said it is infinitely better of a fiat system than the U.S. Dollar, and if you are dumb enough to believe that the U.S. will win this trade war without using violence then you are an idiot. Most of the idiots in bitcoin are simpleton no patient faggots that just want "muh lambo" overnight and they just want to make a quick buck. This is not what Bitcoin was created for, You support the U.S. dollar you support a system of big government slavery that wants to spy on literally every single aspect of your life and controls the planet with violence.

>> No.10641632

>Explain the ponzi, its a model to pay people to make content.
Paid by whom?
>explain how steemit doesn't exist.
for the same reason every other shitcoin exists, it's a bubble.

>> No.10641653

People don't understand that they could easily avoid taxes using cryptos. Once they do, that incentive alone will be the end of monopolistic nation states.

>> No.10641674

that needs scaling able to support a country running on a particular coin, has to decentralized enough to not be easily shut down, and has to be anonymous and private.
No crypto with these properties exist.

>> No.10641679

>Paid by whom?

Organic employers / contractors
People with money. Those who have voting power have invested to be able to pay people money to grow the platforms popularity.

You need to learn about the topic. You have zero idea what you are talking about.

> I need to explain how ad revenue is the only way for people to make money otherwise my entire argument falls apart

Dude you just tried to explain that paying people to make content is a ponzi scheme. Like KYS or something. Bring value to the world by walking off a cliff.

>> No.10641718

>People with money
>Those who have voting power have invested to be able to pay people money to grow the platforms popularity.
how do they get back their investment when it becomes popular?

>> No.10641719

wew, lots of ethereum posts today

bags feelin heavier as the market dumps your shitcoin?

>> No.10641766


Hows this fucking funny? What drugs are you on you moron. Yes people pay people to make the platform more popular using voting power. That's how it fucking works.

People at the bottom come in and make content and people at the top pay them to do it with upvotes. People at the top make money when the coin goes up in value as more people come to the platform because they pay people to make content.

> how do they get back their investment when it becomes popular?

Its dirt fucking simple. The fact you dont understand this and you are arguing about it is fucking insane. Shut the fuck up or learn about the topic at least a little.

>> No.10641836

>Hows this fucking funny?
It's funny because 'people with money' is a really dumb non-answer because obviously you need money to be able to pay.
>People at the top make money when the coin goes up in value as more people come to the platform because they pay people to make content.
Are you trolling? They make money because more people allow them to spend more money on more content?!?
How is a more popular platform connected with higher price if newcomers don't buy the token?

>> No.10641849

If a crypto coin ever went mainstream the government would find a way to tax it.

>> No.10641898

You do realize that I am not even FUDing ETH with this point. This is literally how ETH will work as well when it gets dapps like this. All coins are going to use this model.

Early adopters and people with a lot of voting power or coins or whatever are going to upvote people newcomers to encourage them to make cool shit so that it grows the platforms popularity and thus makes the coin go up in value.

> It's funny because 'people with money' is a really dumb non-answer because obviously you need money to be able to pay.

Omg you are a fucking idiot HAHA

> Are you trolling?

Are YOU? Because right now I am having an amazing time laughing my ass off you trying to claim that crypto based social media has no way to generate value LOL

And you are doing it in the context that ETH is a good coin? WHILE ITS ETHS BIGGEST POTENTIAL!!!!


> They make money because more people allow them to spend more money on more content?!?

Your an idiot...

> How is a more popular platform connected with higher price if newcomers don't buy the token?

More people generate more demand..

Ok so Satoshi made this thing called Bitcoin right. And Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency. It turns out that his proof of work as an example can be something we use to tokenize peoples behaviors! WOAH HOLY COW!

>> No.10641945

Wait steem is censorship resistant now?

I thought dan larrimer steem scams selling point was it ability to censor child porn or at least that’s what eos bagholders have been telling me.

So which is it eos bagholders? Is steem censorship resistant or is it not? And if not the. What’s the fucking point of it?

Damn scammer dan larrimer scam darrimer steem eos bitchshares blockproducerchain scam.

>> No.10641986

>Wait steem is censorship resistant now?

Its always been censorship resistant.
Crypto is censorship resistant just in its default nature anyway.

Also ETH bag holders get really but hurt over the whole problem of needing to have a way to make sure people cant post super terrible shit.

>> No.10641993
File: 47 KB, 645x968, 1508878933366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that it grows the platforms popularity and thus makes the coin go up in value.
by magic!
I'm now going to pay bums to live in my house which will make it more popular and increase its value.

>> No.10642006

>by magic!

> supply and demand is magic!

hmm.. Market magic ! Like wizards and kangs en sheet.

>> No.10642034

Man, NEO is practically fee-less.

>> No.10642045

This discussion is some sad shit though. Look I get that I could be doing better to not be a dick and simply post the facts and let it be but, this is like the entire point of ETH being argued against in the context that ETH is a coin worth holding.

This is fucking awful guys. Like what the actual fuck?

>> No.10642067





>> No.10642068

Narrative will never hold value according these ETH bag holders anon! Nobody will ever post content!

>> No.10642074

Steemit is shit where whales decide what's good and what's bad..

>> No.10642090

So it’s not censorship resistant. Good to know personthatfellfordanscammersscam.

>> No.10642112

>NEO -$8 daily fee revenue.

>Ethereum killer

>> No.10642125

>Steemit is shit where whales decide what's good and what's bad..

Hmm, that's kind of like saying people with lots of money can use that money to pay people to make stuff they like! And thus they can benefit from doing this by bringing more people to the platform!

So there are people here who understand what a social media dapp is!

> So it’s not censorship resistant.

It is though, wtf HAHAHA
Its much harder to be banned on crypto based social media than youtube, twitch, twitter, facebook ect.

>> No.10642130

>supply and demand is magic!
You appear genuinely too dumb to understand that popularity of free shit doesn't automatically translate into buying demand for something.
Anything that's not infinitely scalable is either barely used or needs to have some form of fees to stop spam from killing the network.
Without fees the only way to include free transactions is randomly.

EOS currently has fees designed to be paid by lost income, which makes it very hard to calculate. Once renting comes in it's going to be directly comparable.

>> No.10642132

>cardano- $25 daily revenue

>ETH killer

>> No.10642154

Oh shut up man. eos is stillborn. Get out of that dead shit before it crashes to nothing.

>> No.10642162

Tether best crypto, invest now.

>> No.10642170

>You appear genuinely too dumb to understand that popularity of free shit doesn't automatically translate into buying demand for something.

More people come to the platform and more people will use the currency to buy things as well as power up for bigger upvotes. The cycle continues to grow the ecosystem.

it would work exactly the same way on ANY crypto even ETH. You probably should not even be holding crypto coins if you dont even understand why they have value.

This does not even need to be a discussion about EOS. You fuckers still need someone to explain fucking ETH to you.

>> No.10642188

I can shill ETH better than you worthless fucks. Seriously. Why even make a thread like this.

>> No.10642212

You just got repeatedly schooled. Go back and read the thread if you don’t believe me.

>> No.10642241

>You appear genuinely too dumb to understand that popularity of free shit doesn't automatically translate into buying demand for something.

This is literally like claiming free to play games cant make money. I am speechless right now. I have to be arguing with someone who has no idea how any of this shit works.

> You just got repeatedly schooled. Go back and read the thread if you don’t believe me.

Yeah man, It was explained that its impossible to make money with dapps basically HAHAHA

> Muh ad revenue

> schooled


No seriously, you guys are fucking dumb. I don't get it.

>> No.10642254

You are the one buying eos and you call other people dumb?

>> No.10642261
File: 346 KB, 494x528, smug pug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the most used network by a wide margin and growing fast

>> No.10642268

> You are the one buying eos and you call other people dumb?

> A thread to explain ETH dominates.
> No idea why ETH will ever have value.

This is sad as fuck.

>> No.10642279
File: 109 KB, 806x663, 1533795575977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops forgot this isnt 8-chan. Only one image per post here.

>> No.10642284

By this threads logic, ETH has zero need for casper and plasma as its fine the way it is right now.

What the fuck is being discussed here?

>> No.10642315

The fees on BTC during last bullrun were so high it basically scared away normies. No brainlet could ever believe a coin with $40 transaction fees to send $500 was the next big thing.

Seriously, no one is working to improve BTC, ETH at least has a lot of people working on it.

>> No.10642317

We are leaving the innovation phase and entering implementation. Adoption comes afterwards.

>> No.10642349

Holy fuck for the last fucking time, bitcoin couldn't get mass adoption during the last bullrun because companies saw it had $40 transaction fees. That is a fucking a joke.

People bitch about ETH fees and they are WAY less than that.

>> No.10642351

>No brainlet could ever believe a coin with $40 transaction fees to send $500 was the next big thing.

According to OP transaction fees are the best metric! They help the coin grow and prosper from 19k to 4k in 8 months!

>> No.10642365

Total ETH bagholder delusion cranked up to 11.

>> No.10642410

>Total ETH bagholder delusion cranked up to 11.

I don't get it because it seems like its so cranked up at this point that its not even using actual arguments to sell the coin on its merits. Even I, as someone who feels the coin is fundamentally problematic, can understand actual arguments for the coin that can make sense. But this shit? This thread is complete fucking loss of reality, the absolute state of denial and cognitive dissonance.

Its a thread arguing against ETHs greatest potentials with casper and plasma?


>> No.10642418

Yeah ripple is the most used network if by used you mean shuffling millions of feeless spam transactions around a centralized database.

>oh look muh transactions

If it’s not decentralized it doesn’t count retard.

>> No.10642441

>People bitch about ETH fees and they are WAY less than that.

Bitcoin is MONEY

Ethereum is a TOKEN with unlimited supply

>> No.10642442

Yeah I dunno. Maybe they perceive the fact that plasma and casper arent released yet as being fud, and fud is bad. Therefore they claim ETH doesn't even need those things to counteract the perceived fud.

But then again im not retarded so your guess is as good as mine. ETH needs casper and plasma like a drowning man needs oxygen.

>> No.10642449

nigger what? I only showed that it has the biggest non-speculative demand of all crypto
>Its a thread arguing against ETHs greatest potentials with casper and plasma?
You do realize that the current plan for eth is to function by fees only after inflation tapers out?

>> No.10642458

>If it’s not decentralized it doesn’t count retard.

All crypto right now is decentralized within reason. I cannot think of any coins that are as bad as big banks or fiat.

All dapps coins are going to ultimately have dapps where you will still need to deal with DMCAs and basic censorship for super awful shit. Its completely irrelevant how decentralized the base layer is. We will never get away from this kind of shit.

If you don't like it, don't use dapps. stick with
> muh facebook
In the name of decentralization I guess.

>> No.10642499

> nigger what? I only showed that it has the biggest non-speculative demand of all crypto

umm... dude you are lost man. Sorry I cant help you. Nobody can help you. Seek help. I am not fucking kidding around.

>ETH needs casper and plasma like a drowning man needs oxygen.

Yeah seriously...

> You do realize that the current plan for eth is to function by fees only after inflation tapers out?

Dude casper and plasma are the only reason to be holding ETH.
The coin needs scaling and proof of work is garbage.

>> No.10642514

No it needs sharding. Sharding will increase network capacity by 20X

>> No.10642519
File: 32 KB, 450x450, 6018E105-4E74-4049-A42B-5CD5101C2A30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ethereum will become #1

It’s the superior DLT platform

Pic related will shoot ETH up to $2k by 2020

>> No.10642530

Not sure why it picked me for my own posts

And for the love of all things crypto, social media dapps are one of the best fucking things possible with the tech.

>> No.10642542

That would be a good start, but thats still 1/10,000th of what EOS can do. ETH needs go go big or go home.

>> No.10642545


You’re a confused retard who can’t even click the screen in the right place. Lay off the pills for at least a fortnight would you

>> No.10642562

What coin is this. I dont have 4chan X or chrome installed.

>> No.10642568

every single person here who is sane should agree that ETH needs (((Stuff))) as its not in a good spot at this point in time.

> You’re a confused retard who can’t even click the screen in the right place. Lay off the pills for at least a fortnight would you

Bitch please, at least I know why ETH would be a good hold. The worst shit ever is a shitty shill. I mean seriously.

>> No.10642573

Eos can’t do shit because it’s a centralised bag of shit. It’s not even competition for ETH.

You should be comparing eos to ripple. Both centralised bags of shit.

ETH is in a league of it’s own it’s a fully decentralised Turing complete blockchain. Eos is a centralised database owned by dan larrimer.

>> No.10642612

>ETH is in a league of it’s own it’s a fully decentralised Turing complete blockchain.

Its super decentralized right up until the point every dapp is 100% centralized with nothing to prevent them from banning blocking and censoring anything they want because they have no need to worry about competition.

Layer 1 decentralization means dog shit if people are using a 100% centralized fucking dapp. If the only reason you use the coin is just for that dapp then layer 1 might as well not even fucking exist. You would be better off buying another coin.

EOS at least has some kind of oversight where dapps devs have to understand they don't have infinite power.

>> No.10642624


Read the white paper

>> No.10642705
File: 303 KB, 598x714, 1528897620251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We're building the world's first IoT-based logistics platform for the legal cannabis industry.

What does this even mean? Why would anyone ever buy this? What does the internet of things have to do with weed?

Its like some half baked twitter AI is just mashing buzzwords together.

>> No.10642739

so you can irrigate your weed plants from your phone Baka

>> No.10643152
File: 20 KB, 236x350, birdo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what am I looking at OP

>> No.10643239

people actuallu like violence and slavery.
they just pretend to be on the winning side

>> No.10643921

ETH is not going to last another 5 years.

>> No.10643932

Literally better than most altcoins long term

>> No.10644252

Not sure I understand your statement

>> No.10644280

I pay $2 over spot for silver eagles yet they aren’t really accepted as payment. This is why people buy bitcoin.

>> No.10644820

Yeah idk how I sell my ETH now. I’ll have to pay taxes on it for such a tiny gain. But I could end up buying a lot more if this shit drops to $120. Life sucks idk what to do.