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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10639227 No.10639227 [Reply] [Original]

Did the tulip bubble ever recover and reach ATH again? No.
Did the South Sea bubble ever recover and reach ATH again? No.
How about the Mississippi bubble? Nope.
The only bubbles that recovered were the stock market, housing market and dot com bubbles, because they are backed by REAL things: companies, houses and websites. Crypto is vaporware and nobody uses it except drug dealers, terrorists and dictators. We laughed at Buffet and all the other boomers who told us that it's a classic bubble and it's worth nothing, but it's time to face the truth and realize they were right all along. People only bought shitcoins for no other reason other than to sell it to the next dumbfuck for higher. It's no different than all previous scam/bullshit bubbles.
"This time it's different" my ass. We were hustled. We are the class of losers of every other bubble. We missed our chance and, worse, lost our savings in the process. Darkness and void are the only things that await us in this life, and after that.

>> No.10639245


>> No.10639246

Cool story bro
Sirgoo and shitlink are going to make me rich

>> No.10639256

>We missed our chance and, worse, lost our savings in the process.
The majority of everybody I know in crypto is still at least 50% in profit over initial investment. Only idiots actually LOST money to this point.

>> No.10639259

Yeah, but what a ride, huh?

>> No.10639261

this fud is outdated nobody is fooled anymore sorry bro

>> No.10639272
File: 167 KB, 500x332, 34AD2035-EE7A-45F5-840E-05C4B81B9B02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a good’n, thank you for that emotional investment in posting this. Screencapping to post in a year.

>> No.10639298

you are somewhat correct in that 95% of all crypto projects out there are never coming back but the few that do will create generational wealth

>> No.10639328

It is true tho. In particular dot com recovered cause the tech is nowadays so advanced and is enriching our lives. People were seeing REAL potential and usecases not get rid of MUH JEW BANKERS.


>> No.10639335

I'm not even mad. I expected these comments. The losers who are trapped after the bubble bursts are always saying things like that. You just haven't capitulated yet, but your time will come. It always does. You think you are better than all the losers in the history of bubbles? Well guess what. You are just like them. The meme graph is true for a reason.

>> No.10639394

The fact that you took the time to come here and FUD tells me exactly the contrary of what you are saying. Sorry little shiteater, you and your friends will have carry me in your way up when you get tired of your little games.

>> No.10639405

OP is a fag

>> No.10639421

fkn faggot then sell and stay in poverty

>> No.10639428

Noe this is cope.

>> No.10639434

>references tulipmania
just outed yourself as a boomer larping as one of us

fucking kill yourself

>> No.10639447

as if /biz/ holds so much they can control the price movement. sigh. Again, this is expected and I'm not gonna get mad at you, even though you get mad at what I'm saying for no other reason than that it hurts you personally when I show you the truth about the shitcoins you hold. That means you are emotionally invested in them.

>> No.10639455


This is a war motherfucker

>> No.10639473
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>> No.10639513
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I had over 300K and I didn't sell. Now it's worth 15K. Why was I so greedy and stupid?

>> No.10639525

I'm still up on Intial....heh nothing personal kid

>> No.10639542



>> No.10639550

i mean we all lost out on 90% of ATH at this point

>> No.10639557

You mistake “laugh at you” for “get mad at you”.

>> No.10639562

Tulips are still around. And Religion

>> No.10639576


look at all the tech startups out there -- 99.99% of them flame out and waste investor money, but there's that .01% that somehow explode without reason and turn into a unicorn.

sure, you have things like facebook, uber, lyft, etc. that fill a clear, rational need, but then you have seemingly silly and shitty things like magic leap, juul, pinterest that end up exploding too.

crypto's the same. we're all basically angel investors. as long as you're not staking your entire wealth on this shit, and as long as you're not shitty at risk management, you'll be fine. just have fun with this shit

>> No.10639577

yup, I've been trying to tell you guys this. I bet its going to 50,000 then crash to 11,000

screen cap this

>> No.10639590

It's just our nature.. in the end fate decides who wins and who losses. unfortunately most of us rolled on the losing side.

this last bubble was the biggest one yet. you can use this argument forever. at some point it's gonna stop, and the chance it stops is increasing the greater the bubble gets.

then why are people so hostile towards me?

>> No.10639597

>being able to control your own money is worthless!
>go back to trusting the banks (((goyim)))

we can't have you slaves being able to walk across borders with your wealth! it would be worse than another shoah!

>> No.10639602
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Welcome to the bear side.

>> No.10639608

so whats the point. 10x at best aint gonna cut it

>> No.10639632

false dichotomy. you can control your own money eve now. just hold your cash in your house

>> No.10639641

>what is inflation
Fuck you, shill. Setting a limit BTC order at 5000€

>> No.10639668

still better then having money doing nothing in a savings account make 2.5% interest or the 8% from money sitting in stocks and bonds. I'd say 1000% gains is pretty good

>> No.10639690
File: 28 KB, 396x371, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>came into the market knowing full well this was all just hype and disinfo
>cashed out when the expected January crashes started to kick off across the board
>left with 11000% gainz

Feels good being a trader that isnt retarded.

the signs to sell were literally everywhere

>> No.10639702

Honestly OP I knew this was a scam when I saw 4chan, the scum and losers of society, supporting it. Losers never change and you can count on them to make loser mistakes. But if you seriously bought crypto because of this website, you are just as much of a retard.

>> No.10639735

When things are going up, it really clouds your judgement about what you are investing. It's only in retrospect that you realize how dumb this was. I was stupid and I payed for it with my money.

>> No.10639740

TOP KeK , me side left the orbit

>> No.10639741
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ITT bagholderbingo

>> No.10639755

>to this point
thats the key there

>> No.10639757

Learn how to invest in stocks my friend, you don't need to be le different XD unique, the tried and true method of stock can make any person a little money with some practice. The harsh reality of the universe is you can't get anything the easy way, and especially not riches.

>> No.10639775

I just don't know man. I lost everything. investing in stocks now, what's the point? I should have put my savings there instead of crypto, but now it's too late.

>> No.10639792

by now you should have realized that no big companies are going to use public chains with gay ass tokens held by neets. they will use IBM or hyperledger or other private chains. if only there were a way to still profit off of those...

>> No.10639833
File: 82 KB, 842x792, brainlet1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>private blockchain

>> No.10639931


>> No.10639941

People like you should just sell and fuck off of /biz/ forever

>> No.10639956

Yes, but it gives the middle managers spearheading the project their annual bonus, so who's the real brainlet?

>> No.10640029

Yup. Literally waiting for the next 7.5k dead cat to dump on the brainlets who haven't realized yet.

>> No.10640079

Never bet against Buffet. He literally has the strongest power of common sense I have ever seen. If he says it's a bubble, it's a bubble.

>> No.10640089

Seriously, I don't think enough people appreciate Buffet's common sense for the gift that it is. Practically unrivaled

>> No.10640109
File: 133 KB, 918x814, boomeroracle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*sips* some people just don't get it, convinced that it was sugar water as the poison seeps in to their blood-brain barrier

>> No.10640159
File: 47 KB, 650x773, 1497905108581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please for the love of god delete this..

>> No.10640210


But le buffet is a dinosaur! He just doesn't realize that 5% gainz per day is the norm for us geniuses now!

t. Late 2017 biz

>> No.10640289

Even blockchain is just inefficient way of storing data
Establishing trust when doing business is way more efficient than trustless meme

>> No.10640336

i get your point but trustlessness can be useful for p2p contracts/bets (like betting on real world outcomes) without needing a middleman to hold funds in escrow

i think blockchain & smart contracts are kinda memes but they have niche uses

>> No.10640421

holy shit i know these threads are just a joke, but are there really ppl who beleive its NOT going back up? for god sake, pick up a newspaper or turn on the news, and you see all these stories that should be making you buy like crazy.

nyse is opening up a crypto market. would they be doing this if it was dieing and going away? no

hundreds of the worlds largest banks are investing in ripple and piloting it as we speak. would they be doing this if its dieing? no

starbucks is going to allow you to convert your crypto to use at stabucks and buy drinks. would they do this if it was dieing? no

facebook, microsoft, apple, google, amazon, (the worlds biggest companies) are all investing shitloads of money in blockchain development. would they be doing this if it was dieing?no

do i need to continue? tldnr: stop being idiots and realize that if you hold for a few more years, you will be rich

>> No.10640428


Priced in.

>> No.10640466

>implying the stock market isn't backed by terrorists (home nation or foreign) and THAT IT ALSO ISN'T BACKED BY DRUGS LMAO WHAT ARE PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES DIPSHIT?

>> No.10640485

Good thing bitcoin has historically reached prior ATH after devastating crashes like 4 times now, or I'd be worried!

>> No.10640508

Crypto and btc can't die. Proof: mtgox

>> No.10640729

zoom out

>> No.10640733

No, nobody is actually "investing" in this. if so many big guys are investing why are we going down continually since late december? At most they are in for a quick pump and dump. wanna know how I know nobody big is investing? because when big players are investing, things are going UP instead of down. look at the stock market. look at the housing market. you seriously believe the 200 billion market cap of crypto reflects big guys investing? wake up man

>> No.10640752


This. People are in for a big surprise when/if the ETF gets accepted and there's still no one buying. That's when the real crash happens.

>> No.10640924

You realize big dog sellers and buyers do the trades otc? You know, not moving the price And remain anon.

>> No.10641025



>Buy OTC
>set up a short
>dump on exchange

You're delusional if you expect the big money to pump your bags. All you get from them is more dumping. The HODL meme is over. Traders don't give a fuck if it goes up or down they'll make money both ways. You can either join the traders and short/long when appropriate or hold your shitbags all the way to zero because this shit ain't going anywhere fucking near 20k EVER again EVER I can personally GUARANTEE that.

Screenshot this faggots.

>> No.10641116

Screenshotted bitch. I’ll be laughing when ICX hits $50 and I’ll be rich.

Gook power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YUH YUH YUH GOOKY GOKKY

>> No.10641290

the signs to sell were everywhere in july 2017 when the btc politics were about to result in a fork, tether fraud was exposed and documented, vaporware like NEO and DGB rose to absurd valuations
if you sold in january 2018, you're essentially an average idiot who got luckier than the rest of the retards. anyone operating on rationality would have reduced their positions before that insane bullrun happened, we were just out of another bullrun and there was already no justification for the valuations

>> No.10641821

Man the market is looking green all of a sudden, people are finally undervaluing crypto.

>> No.10641897

You stupid zoomer. Look a log chart for BTC or ETH. Likely, both will be fine. It will start the fall of 2019 then 2020 will be fucking epic. Cap this.

>> No.10641929


July was nothing

Just another fundamental scarefest for a market that has no fundamentals.

>> No.10641933

They will pump them again. They have to shake out 95% of you pajeets for it to work. FOMO is just as good as dumping them on you. You need to see back to back weeks of green for BTC and the hull is back.

>> No.10641938

I got scammed