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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 99 KB, 326x326, neet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10638313 No.10638313 [Reply] [Original]

the NWO is not going to allow stragglers like yourselves to have your time and your freedom. you WILL join the rest of the plebs in slavery, you WILL submit. this is not about economics, this is about control and subjugation.

>> No.10638326

they have sabotaged crypto, because how dare you think that you deserve freedom and time. it is not yours to have. only pain and suffering now.

get ready to get a job NEETs, we are nearing the end-game - eternal slavery

>> No.10638329
File: 7 KB, 195x195, 1533793372586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats gonna be a iie from me there senpai

>> No.10638345

I will die before I submit

>> No.10638390

Life is slavery, it was freedom that was an anomaly.

>> No.10638421

NEETs have been causing too much social/political disturbance with their abundance of free time. That is going to come to an end. If you have to die, so be it. A new race of obedient dogs will emerge, content with their slavery.

>> No.10638455

NEETdom defies nature. You think you can get something for nothing without there being consequences?

>> No.10638458

Listen here, pipsqueek. You wouldn't be able to live such a comfy life it weren't for workers like me. So show some fucking respect!!

>> No.10638501


Never. Suck me

>> No.10638520

not true at all. only since the Industrial Revolution have 8-12+ hour work days become the norm.

>> No.10638528

I bought ether at $9.50ish last year.

I already made it.

Suck my dick, OP, you shitstirring faggot.

>> No.10638696

so niggers will have consequences soon?

>> No.10639141

Money laundering charges coming right up.
No Escape


>> No.10639372

>t. LARPER parasitic elite

>> No.10639385 [DELETED] 
File: 392 KB, 640x369, 30-resized.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to submit.
help me out please.
how the fuck do I get a job?

>math degree
>but with shit academic record (I swear I am not stupid, just autistic)
>dropped out of masters (because depression)
>can program but have 0 professional work experience in the field, including no internships
>live in eastern Europe
>28 years old

>> No.10639494
File: 98 KB, 480x442, 20180810_204303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If neets are the parasites wagies claim them to be then they will find a way to survive. Personally, its been shorting on 25x leverage for me. Just stick to mr. Miyagis wisdom from the karate kid and youre fairly safe.

"walk left, safe. Walk right, safe. Walk in the middle and get squashed like a grape."

>> No.10639506

Of course, wagies wont understand. It takes an ubandance of free time and introspection to utilize wisdom.

>> No.10639736

No matter how much you introspect, all you would be doing is reaffirming your own NEET lifestyle.

>> No.10639751

The ultimate goal is to get my own place and graduate from being neet to being retired guy who places a few crypto trades a year. I was there but then this year happened

>> No.10640022
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They will have to kill me first.

T. Edgelord

>> No.10640067

That's where you're wrong OP. I cashed out enough to last me a long time last year. I'm like a glitch in the Matrix.

>> No.10640118

I will literally start a Fourth Reich before I let those kikes take away my comfy anime time

>> No.10640943

The only pockets you are helping line belong to your master. You get the scraps left over like a good boy.

>> No.10640972

Normies don't get it, they're too dumb. It's like hitching a wagon to a horse - the horse doesn't think or contemplate his labor, he just does it. Normies fulfill their basic animalistic functions, nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.10641022

>you WILL submit
Haven't you ever seen Braveheart? “They may take our lives, but they’ll never take our freedom!”

>> No.10641109

100%. The intelligence agencies realize the smartest least risk adverse people in the world are a threat to their system of slavery. Same reason ((they)) hate small business and love communism.

>> No.10641362

Yeah it's called financial collapse and all their little homies are gonna be shooting each other for koolaid packets after a day without my tax dollars