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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 133 KB, 809x725, xrp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10631164 No.10631164 [Reply] [Original]

XRP $10 EOY and all you paid FUD pajeets can't do shit about it.

>> No.10631194

XRP the new nigger coin in town.

>> No.10631288

Still enough time to buy cheap. No new ATH before November. Easy money.

>> No.10631303

niggers love ripple

>> No.10631324
File: 17 KB, 480x360, rippleScam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Most successful shitcoin. Complete marketing scheme that has actually succeeded in convincing the crypto space that banks are going to used a distributed database owned by a single company as money. Has been proven to be nothing more than a marketing gimmick. Vast majority of the supply owned by the company and its founders just to take your donation and enrich themselves.

>http://rppl.info/ and go to the Columns:

> Testing Xrapid
> Using Xrapid

Banks to piloting xRapid since 2016 but nobody uses xRapid thus XRP.

Only fly by night companies propped by Ripple only ones claiming to be using xRapid: Cuallix and ZipRemit.

Ripple claimed this year that banks and money transfer companies doing pilots and would be moving to production in Q2 - so far NOTHING!


Bankers at Ripple's Swell Conference themselves say they won't use XRP:

Bankers on the panel: Info about the panel @ 4:57

> Paula Da Silva - Head of Transaction SEB (2nd largest bank in Sweden)
> Hirofumi Aihara - The Bank of Tokyo (Japan)
> Darmesh Desai - Yes Bank (India)
> Richard Dell- Banco Santander (Largest Spanish Bank, operations all over the world)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9acCnUSLW7Q#t=31m28s [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

> There is no demand for XRP

> We cannot use XRP (because of regulations, cross border regulations, lack of demand (liquidity))

Every single banker says there is no interest in XRP, they cannot use XRP and they will not be using XRP

>> No.10631480
File: 2.01 MB, 1800x6792, FUD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

again you, paid FUDster, ignore

>> No.10631493

Why Ripple is Primed To Revolutionize Banking As We Know It

>> No.10631512
File: 13 KB, 291x173, RippleKorea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nah man, the ones buying XRP were the fucking Koreans. Koreans took XRP to ATHs and they are not coming back. Look at XRP volumes in Korea, they have no interest. XRP was the highest traded coin in Korean exchanges all through Dec-Jan then Ripple dumped billions of XRP on Korean exchanges.

Translate and read what the Koreans write about XRP.


Look at this wallet, it had 1 BILLION XRP at one point but after dumping in Jan. and Feb. it's down to 100 XRP. There are several wallets identified by the Koreans which have dumped hundreds of millions on their exchange:


Ripple is the Great American Hustle to Koreans now. They don't trust the round eye with this one

>> No.10631517

Ripple? More like Rippedasshole
Top kek

>> No.10631542


>> No.10631546

How's the price working out for you mate? Fucking idiot

>> No.10631647
File: 228 KB, 1488x996, speed and cost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heard fud? dont be fooled
xrp is the best crypto in the market, it is the fastest, transactions cost fractions of a penny and has rock solid partnerships, dont let that fag tell you otherwise, he is being paid to tell lies.

ripple videos

get to know ripple ceo: (basics)

details of how xrp cut costs for FIs.

brad explains why volatility is not a problem using xrapid.

xrp community:
> https://www.xrpchat.com/
> https://www.reddit.com/r/Ripple/
> https://www.reddit.com/r/xrp/
>facebook: kek, don't

interested in token metrics?
xrp is #1 in transactions: https://bitinfocharts.com/comparison/transactions-btc-eth-ltc-xrp.html#6m
other metrics:
https://xrpcharts.ripple.com/#/topology xrp is clearly decentralized

ripple partners: http://rppl.info/ <<<<<- (xrapid and xvia use xrp)

find answers: make sure to visit https://www.xrpchat.com/faq
David Schwartz Chief Cryptographer at Ripple. (AMA)

developing projects, google
> cobalt (consensus algorithm upgrade)
> codius (smart contracts)
> xpring (funding projects with use cases for xrp)

>inb4 muh centralized muh print xrp:
>inb4 banks will not use it
>inb4 ripple but not xrp

look upcoming events for your favorite shitcoin:

>> No.10631704

$10 incoming

>> No.10631731

You’re desperate. You’ll be buying in at $11. BTC and ETH are broken chinacoins.

The absolute state of chinacoin retards.

>> No.10631776

Trying this hard
That reddit spacing
Nobody wants this piece of shit and its slippery marketing isn't working anymore.
No fucking way? The CEO and people who work for Ripple Labs are going to say it's the greatest project ever? Never would have guessed.

>> No.10631798

XRP is by 2 orders of magnitude the only production ready crypto

It’s going to be wall to wall pink wojacks when BTC and ETH retards finally realise this painfully obvious fact

>> No.10631850
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, rippleScam2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> xrp is the best crypto....

Shit dumps 90% from ATH. Fucking dumped billions on the Koreans exchanges.


Look at this wallet, it had 1 BILLION XRP at one point but after dumping in Jan. and Feb. it's down to 100 XRP.


> get to know ripple CEO

Parasite executive at YAHOO and AOL. Enough said of his credentials.

> xrp community

Echo chamber. XRP the Standard. Muh

> ripple partners

Claiming to use XRP = Cuallix and ZipRemit fucking jokes

> smart contracts

Fucking hell, trust Codius smart contracts to run on people's servers. I kid you not. They thought this was a good idea.

> clearly decentralized

Validators bootstrap a UNL approved by Ripple. Ripple UNL list has 5 validators KEK


Also 60% of the supply is controlled by Ripple and you have to trust them to lock it up. So much Decentralization!!!

>> No.10631923
File: 449 KB, 1596x756, decentralized xrp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shit dumps 90% from ATH
looks like a fire sale
>Claiming to use XRP = Cuallix and ZipRemit fucking jokes
ignoring all the other partnerships
and it is decentralized
actually it is the safest crypto, and you will never have to worry about miners controling the network and doing shit like increasing transaction fees, because of how xrp works they would require a 80% attack to do something like that, extra points for superior tech

>> No.10631927

>muh 1 BILLION XRP wallet
This is how your copied/pasted fud sounds

>> No.10631939
File: 2.08 MB, 1800x7216, paid fud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this paid fud reveals that whales are acumulating this coin, it crashed hard and now is the best time to buy, the only way is up now

>> No.10632046
File: 198 KB, 1838x2048, Ripple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Cuallix and ZipRemit two jokes of a startup are the only ones claiming to be using XRP. Demand for XRP is what counts. Every other "partnership" is crypto vapormentals where Ripple has banks doing pilots since 2016.

> and it is decentralized

Keeping on saying it isn't going to make this true. Ripple owns 60% of the supply. You are trusting them not to dump it. The Koreans documented a list of wallets that dumped. A single wallet dumped 1 Billion in a month.

The Ripple UNL that is the bootstrap contains 5 nodes approved by Ripple. So Decentralized. And all validators have to be approved by a central authority. Ripple can't allow whoever wants to run these nodes to run them because malicious operators can do double spend attacks if they control 80% of UNLs - there might be multiple UNLs overrlapping and connecting to each other. The problem is there is NO INCENTIVE for someone outside Ripple to run a node and if they were given a chance to run a node they have everything to gain by acting malicioulsy and nothing to lose. This is why we have POW and now POS -- there has to be incentive to be a trust-less system. Ripple's is always going to be a centralized-trust system as long as they have that consensus mechanism.



FUD = Koreans who got billions XRP dumped on exposing Ripple. OK. Muh XRP the Standard

>> No.10632119
File: 78 KB, 1000x1000, 1519372757232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


After 3+ years on /biz/ it is sad to see there are apparently real people that get paid in real currency to spread FUD on XRP. It reminds me of the relentless ChainLink shilling done by the same people.

This is not how this battle should be fought.

>> No.10632130

the supply they hold is cryptographically time scrowed and will be released slowly during the next 20 years
>Ripple Labs Inc, 2014
this is 2018 lol
there are 21 nodes in the unl now, and +800 nodes, making it more decentralized than bitcoin

>> No.10632156

fucking great, accumulating more, stay poor pajeet

>> No.10632185

You assume these wallets are Ripple escrow wallets and not private investors.


I wonder who was (((behind this)))

>> No.10632189

>DERO fud is based on the main dev not locking up the premine
>XRP fud is based on the premine being locked up

>> No.10632190
File: 404 KB, 1525x936, 71A08F65-1F21-47BE-AE78-BECE191158E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
