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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 75 KB, 797x705, anonyboss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
102408 No.102408[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Having trouble finding work in the real world?! Wish you could find a place that would accept you for who you are, and allow you employment almost right off the bat?! Well, look no further than the very screen you're looking at right now!

That's right, we'll HIRE EACH OTHER to work if we have access to Internet employment of one kind or another. If you have the ability to hire somebody online then find somebody off of /biz/ that's willing to work for you or, if you'd prefer physical, real life work, then maybe that can be arranged but, since this is the first time I'm doing this, let's just see how it works online first.

tl;dr: People on /biz/ who can hire people online, do it in this thread. Likewise, employers put themselves out there to be hired, also.

> captcha: your compli

>> No.102462

Bamp for money

>> No.102539


>> No.102577

Also, this idea puts power in our hands, rather than le Happy Merchant.

>> No.102725

>hire each other

If I had enough money to start a business I could hire you.

Everyone could

Taxes should be abolished.

>> No.102751

Wow, maybe they really should take "business" out of the title of this board....

>> No.102743

This will end up being a pimping and prostitution ring.

>> No.102759

> that's the entire board m8

>> No.102854

I need people who can translate Japanese to English, if you can also translate Japanese to German that would be a big bonus.

>> No.102917

OP; remember this for the next thread: everyone who gets into here should post a mini-resume.
If they're loking for a job: What they can do, where they worked at, what they're looking for. If they're looking to hire: what is their op, what sort of people do they need, how long the op has been running and so on. If you need advice on how to make it, look to /tg/ and their Gamefinder generals, those are good examples on how to do it right.

>> No.102979

anyone want an exciting opportunity selling products wholesale?

>> No.102995

Oh boy! Does it include pay based on commission, grueling hours as you desperately attempt to get a sale, and only cost a fair amount to start up?


>> No.102996
File: 31 KB, 306x423, 1250692105190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go on...

>> No.103037

Someone let me intern at a private asset mngmt firm/hedge fund/investment bank etc in the Portland Or area.

Oh boy can't wait to see how many careers take off from this thread

>> No.103042


>> No.103075

I'm hearing...

>> No.103108
File: 72 KB, 1213x799, HEH U suk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le pyraimaids

>> No.103123

Would anyone like to earn $4967 a month working from home? If so, click here!

>> No.103163

Anyone need a biologist?

>> No.103186

What sort of biologist?

>> No.103192

I will work manual labor on farms or really anything. Eastern North Dakota. Doesn't matter how cold. I'm strong like bull. Anyone hiring lemme know.

>> No.103200

Computational neuroscience or you know, general biology stuff.

>> No.103207

Sorry, I remembered that I am German and this is America posting times

>> No.103233
File: 338 KB, 229x220, ITS HAPPENING.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a U.S. board. on a U.S. website

pls go away!!

>> No.103238

>this is a christian imageboard

>> No.103243


its fine, every country belongs to america anyways, so he can have probationary membership.

>> No.103248

Yes. Can I hire you to be my friend?

Benefits and compensation include

If it makes you feel any better, you can tell people that you work in zymurgy.

>> No.103283

I'm a sophomore in Wildlife Ecology and I'm looking for a summer internship that is somewhat related to my major if anyone is looking for that.
>click here!
Its not working.

>> No.103279

I need some work. Will do anything. Can do PHP/mySQL and some IM stuff.

Even small tasks. If I could get some work so I could get dinner tonight then that would be awesome.

>> No.103343

so, I'll finally lose my virginity? Where do I sign?

>> No.103355

I occasionally wonder about opening up a brewpub since my city seems to lack such things.

>> No.103455
File: 1.10 MB, 1920x1080, 1391753478924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comp sci/math student here. very good at organizing events and gathering attention. i founded two organizations last year each with over 300+ members that attend events weekly. this is at a small uni. attractive and charismatic enough to do sales work, have job experience working 1 on 1 with clients. willing to work small jobs with weak pay for resume building

>> No.103598


>> No.103606

I can also photoshop crazy things, make GIFs, write articles, show you how to get up and running on clickbank/adsense/Amazon etc.

>> No.103620

you should go to the PNDOGE generals and make OC
you will be paid in PND and DOGE

>> No.103635

You know of any food place that will let me buy some food with pandacoins?

>> No.103660

You can trade it over bitcoin once it gains value and may actually make dosh with it if you've got enough
I reckon that won't be enough for this very evening though

>> No.103654
File: 1.99 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like penguins where do I sign?

>> No.103679

It's a lucrative idea.

I think most men have considered getting into brewing, distilling, and/or owning a bar.

>> No.103705

I'll do it anyways. I've only really been mining Mintcoin and a few of the newer ones, but just downloaded the Doge wallet. Pretty sad I ignored those /g/ threads when people were giving away 100,000s of coins randomly because they were mining so much.

I'm going to spend my haircut money on some food.

>> No.103790
File: 61 KB, 300x321, 1290225487925.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread
I wouldn't hire any of you fuckers without seeing a resume or proof you spoke fluent Chinese

>> No.103851

midwest. if relevant i can specify more

>> No.103857

Better yet would be to show proof of skills.

>> No.103876

you a student bro?

>> No.103941

Yeah. Cannot wait to finish up and make more than 16k a year again.

>> No.104050

same here man. shit sucks so bad when you run out of money to eat food. very depressing.

>> No.104067


Yeah ur black cherry

enjoy me selling yo boi pussy

>> No.104176

I had a good job at one point before going to school. Had 13k in my savings that I never thought I'd touch. 2 years later and I have -$13 in my checking.

Life is a funny little bitch sometimes.

>> No.104339

I'm going to need some fast learning inside sales reps soon. Commission only, but if you don't make at least $50k annually, you're fucking brain dead. I'll check back in a few Fridays.

>> No.104355

How can we recognize you in the future?

>> No.104365

No education, investment, or interpersonal skills required.

>> No.104362

Well I can go from Japanese to Spanish, then Spanish to French, and I could then go from French to German if you needed. Oh, and German to English, but that's only a one-way street.

>> No.104376

I'll be the guy offering an epic job to NEETS that actually want a bit more from life. Til then, stay strong kids.

>> No.104622

Yeah, that's what we're trying to do - prove to the world you don't need to be an Internet Asian to do decent work online... Is that so hard to comprehend?!

>> No.105078

Hi, I'm currently in community college working towards a CompSci transfer. I'm an excellent writer and speaker-- to the point that I originally intended to go into documentaries or journalism before I realized there's no money there and it sucks dick. I'm good with computers, good at learning how to do stuff.

Who's hiring?

>> No.105099

What product?

>> No.105426


>> No.106315

Gotcha. ;)

>> No.106361


You are literally saying that some employer should take a shot with someone with no experience, references, training or anything. Choose this unqualified guy, out of all others, and pay him for doing work he might not be able to do.

I have a business to run. A budget. I'm not going to take that sort of risk on. I have my own life and those close to me to think about.

>> No.106397

Then don't ever complain about NEETs, fucker.

>> No.106460

If its a good college can u help me get into it. seems like i'm going to be denied by all of mine :(

>> No.106521

Then those fucking NEETs shouldn't complain about not finding employment when they know why that is the case. Personal responsibility trumps all.

>> No.106652

>when they know why that is the case
Yeah they know why. It's "Entry level" jobs that ask for two years' experience.

>> No.107069

You know some businesses put that in order to weed out unmotivated and stupid people from applying.

>> No.107193

You're clearly not doing something right

>> No.107638

Predominantly information. It moves and out like some variety of metabolic process.

>> No.107688

>where they worked at
would you really want to post that on 4chan?

>> No.107691

Of fucking course, you don't need a name until it gets serious after all. Do you want a job? Then list what you already achieved.

>> No.107717

I can code some stuff in python. Email in email field.

>> No.107754

I can do both.

>> No.107826

If anyone in Chicago/Seattle/Portland/All of Colorado owns any type of bar/restaurant I am in search of something when I get home from France

Worked in the food service business for 4 years. Started when I was 16 now I'm 20. Never worked in anything swanky mostly casual dining or places with a generally laid back atmosphere. The work within the restaurants was front of house stuff, really interested in bar tending because I have good people skills, but really open to anything. I can adapt well, when shorty in the kitchen I was usually able to help prep/cook. I also have managerial experience.

Currently finishing up a small biz/entrepreneurship degree with a minor in international business
Spent a year at a french university

If no one is hiring, I've always wanted to open up my own place. Possibly a bar, but more recently I've been intrigued by the idea of making the worlds greatest bagels. So if anyone has advice about going into the food/bev industry it will be greatly appreciated.

>> No.107944

seeking kind rich to sponsor an agoraphobic NEET to leave the house

i have spent 200 in last 3 weeks on a 30/week budget after 6 months of success after relapse


>> No.108036

im looking for a guy to work with, thread is here boards.4chan.org/g/res/40454920

im dead serious and no, i dont want you to do 100% of the work dont worry.

>> No.108068

well, since im here...
i speak spanish, french, a little italian and a little polish (just started learning it). i can translate stuff if needed.

>> No.108111

For some reason this thread reminded me that m00t got rid of Sage in the email field... Sigh...

>> No.108114

I thought of this..
I live in East europe. In the country in empty 2 generation house. Living expences here are 200 bucks (meals, 20mbit internet, heat, and housing included)
Got own water from well and few acres of woods.
Inherited this shit from grandparents. 2 potato fields and tractor included.

To pay up I must work.
Anyone wanna grow potatoes and cut woods?. Work 3 days/week and live for free?

>> No.108127

if it was cotton, then we be talking.

>> No.108158

I'm sorry, but the project is a go in three months, at the earliest. Most likely later. Do you have others who can work with you / are you in the doujin translation scene?

>> No.108189

>08114Replies: >>108127
>I thought of this..
>I live in East europe. In the country in empty 2

heeey fellow european, i may wanna passa by for a fewdays one day or another, which country are we speaking of ?

>> No.108215

>unmotivated and stupid people
You mean those that can read.

>> No.108228


>> No.108236

If you can do the job as advertised, feel free to safely ignore all non-technical requirements. Unless it's some fag paper pushing job.

>> No.109489

I'm a senior undergrad majoring in mathematics and chemistry.

I've got a little experience with python, c, and excel. I like number theory.

Expecting any kind of paid job would be silly, but if any of you guys are working on any projects that i might be able to help with, I might be interested.

>> No.109870


>> No.111056
File: 123 KB, 1600x1200, resumepic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, Im going to try everything I can to get a job.
Im a 21 year old male, living in a small town near Seattle, coming out of 2 years of NEETdom. I need a job by June. So far Ive quit smoking marijuana for 2 weeks, have been going to my local day-job center, and will start volunteering this week. My only experience is 3 years of interior apartment painting with my mothers fiancee during high school, under the table. I can do light labor however I plan to exercise and build my strength once my system is clean. I believe my strongest merit is that I am young enough to be easily trained for just about any job, given the opportunity and time.
Here is my [rather lame] resume. Tell me what you think, honestly. The email posted in my secondary one in case someone decides to sign it up for spam, so excuse the silly name.

>> No.111209

Anybody here a female archaeologist?

>> No.112603

Who are you, indiana jones?

>> No.113051


download libre office (it's free), and improve the layout. No mention of what you studied at college?

>> No.113209

If you look again, I got my GED from that college. Maybe I should write out "General Education Diploma" instead.
Thanks for the program, that will help.

>> No.114363

midwest bro here
how interested would you be in doing any advert/site management/ social relations for a music project
not right now, but, assuming everything goes to plan, I will eventually need someone who has organizational skills and/or some sort of product placement/marketing skill

although idk what exactly you are good at, so you would need to be more specific, and what univ? probably heard of it/know people there

>> No.114383

No he's got a large bone that needs to be examined

>> No.114695

midwest guy here
Im looking for a job in finance mostly to see if i like it or not

>> No.114791

Anyone want to hire an 31337 hacker I hack telephone trick it into thinking I paid I haxk toaster into microwave I haxk Everything
1000 dollar per hour no exceptions

>> No.114804

Is "Hire Each Other Friday" followed by "Fire Each Other Monday"?

>> No.115897

Shot yourself in the foot friend, but yeah, General Education Diploma

>> No.116750

Seeing as I didnt graduate from high school, and being an honest person, I thought it would be better than nothing. Nowadays I suppose I should just act like I graduated and come up with some make believe GPA I guess.