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10609536 No.10609536 [Reply] [Original]

Been complaining about a cough for a god damn year. I kept going to my doctor and they kept telling me it was just allergies. They gave me medicine. After I didn't get better I went again with a different doctor and he told me it was just chronic cough. He gave me a different type of medication. I kept going over again to doctors and the ER and all they did was prescribe me more and more medication. Yesterday I coughed up blood. I went to the ER and apparently I have lung cancer. Oops it's a fucking shame they couldn't detect it earlier. NOW I'M GOING NT GOING TO MAKE IT AND IM GOING TO FUCKING DIE. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.10609551

Sue them with your last breath

>> No.10609646

That's how health care is now. Especially in countries where it's state funded and they have to prioritize resources. People often don't get checked out thoroughly before it's already too late and the GP's bias in judging you as a person often decides if they assume you're just a whiny dramatic cunt or if something might be wrong with you. On top of this, most doctors who aren't specialists, that is, the first in the line that refer onwards to take tests, see specialists, etc, are 115 IQ retards with low thinking ability that got into medical school due to just memorizing shit instead of being good at understanding.

>> No.10609669

what country?

>> No.10609682

holy fuck. i really hope this is a larp anon. if i was in your position id take that doctor with me.

you srsly rustled my jimmies. what country you from

>> No.10609687

Same thing happened to my mom, she had a small tumor showing up. They told her it was benign. It kept getting bigger and it turned out to be cancer. Doctors are mostly lazy retards, you basically have to lie and or force to sue if you want anything done. Good luck anon, pray to Jesus so you aren’t stuck in purgatory forever.

>> No.10609696

Nah motherfucker...don’t blame the state. A cough for a year, that’s his responsibility to work with the doctors to figure that out. This dude is the only one with his “medical history” in his head to help the docs figure out what’s wrong, or at least go to multiple places to figure it out.

>> No.10609740

Preventative care and second opinions are a persons responsibility. I had cancer (bone cancer iatrogenic sarcoma) and I had to do the leg work to find a doc who wasn’t shit. When it was finally pin pointed they did the rest.

>> No.10609744 [DELETED] 

I went to the doctor for a stomach ache and he circumcised me

>> No.10609754

Either way...I really hope your larping bro. Cause this is terrifying.

>> No.10609771

>115 IQ retards with low thinking ability that got into medical school
I dropped out of pharmacy school to be a toxicologist because i was less focused on memorization of study material and more focused on understanding the pharmacology and mechanisms of action. Most exams are literally fucking questions about dosages sold at the Rx, it's fucking disgusting.

Also literally over half the students are tweaking on amphetamine salts.

>> No.10609801


>> No.10609809


Third worlder here and can confirm. That's exactly how it is

Welcome to the third world america

The left has completely fucked you up

Wake up and save at least your country from this leftist nonsense spreading around the world

>> No.10609845
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>privatised healthcare in the US is shit
>muh leftists are to blame
Are rightcucks really this retarded?

>> No.10609848

Doctors are shit too often. They don't listen to your problems and just prescribe you something rather than trying to figure out what's wrong. Killed my grandpa because they wouldn't listen to him before it was too late to help. But they sure had no problem giving him medication that worsened his condition.

>> No.10609856

Med school requires pretty brutal memorization skills. No one can tell me that even an above average person can keep all that knowledge for long.
And what you need to know just keeps increasing exponentially. Without support from Algorithms/AI I don't see how in a few decades people are supposed to learn all the information they would need to practice top notch medicine.

>> No.10609857

Not larping. I don't even know how I got lung cancer. I'm young, I don't smoke, I don't drink, and I don't eat that bad. I live in the city so that might be fucking it

>> No.10609870

Holy shit anon. I'm sorry man. I was reading the thread and at first thought you were a smoker, but that's fucked up.

>> No.10609878

>Med school requires pretty brutal memorization skills
That's what fucked me. I genuinely knew and understood the material miles above my peers, ecen giving professors a run for tgeir money when i asked questions but these faggots who only memorized got ahead. I'm not surprised healthcare is shit, among other professional career paths

>> No.10609891

This happened to my aunt with lymphoma-they said it was Lyme disease. Also said if they diagnosed it earlier they’d be able to treat it. My cousin was 4 years old when her mom died.

>> No.10609901

I genuinely hope you make it through anon. No joke look into cannabis/CBD(the latter doesn't get you high) for your cancer cuz it's pretty good at controlling tumor growth without nasty side effects and if you do unfortunately depart soon then at least you didn't suffer for it on opiates/chemo.

>> No.10609973

How do I get back at these fucks??? THEY NEED TO FUCKING PAY.

>> No.10609983

then you'll go to jail and die even faster for questioning the drug treatment monopoly

I would just gun down the doctors and the responding police until I catch a bullet or kill myself

>> No.10610011

OP, fuckin sorry to hear about your situation, FUCK man!

How many docs did you see? Fuckin A paying 'experts' to figure out whats wrong & they just take your money....incompetence/negligence is the only excuse.
Hash oil seamed interesting to me...after about a weekish you don't really get high from it any more. Check it out.

What do you call the guy that graduated bottom of his doctoral class?

>> No.10610424

>then you'll go to jail and die even faster for questioning the drug treatment monopoly
Unless you live in China, you won't go to prison for possession amounts and to be quite frank, we're talking about life and death so extraordinary circumstances call for extraordinary decisions

>> No.10610469

>What do you call the guy that graduated bottom of his doctoral class?
Doctors, because we're the only ones to give a fuck. I'm actually looking into law school because STEM + JD makes a killing and I don't need to go to a top 10 law school. My gpa was assraped the last couple years of school cuz i got burned out from the experience and last year went through a long term breakup followed by my father's death. I have no clue how i graduated.

>> No.10610570

Step 1: Request medical records. There's going to be so much crap to get through
Step 2: Talk to a lawyer about the situation, prepare for him to have to talk to a doctor for interpretation of it all.
Step 3: Talk to the lawyer to see if you have a case.

>> No.10610705

Get all the medical records from ER visits. Bring them to a lawyer. Sue the fuck out of the hospital.

>> No.10610802

Actual lawyer here. What state are you in? I can potentially help, and if not, can put you in touch with the right person to fuck them.

>> No.10610826

You may have a case for failure to diagnose. Medical malpractice.

>> No.10610861

uh the better and more readily solution would be to have gene therapy for eidetic memory. it already exists and it's not like you'd need to invent anything like with AI.

>> No.10610874

OP completely serious, shoot me an email. lawtempemail@bit-degree.com. it's a throwaway address, obviously.

I'm based in NY. I have contacts throughout the country that fuck doctors. You want to destroy them, hit me up.

>> No.10610878


Cooking fumes are apparently as bad as smoking. Especially from deep friers.

Do you often fry food in a lot of oil? Or have you worked in a kitchen or do you live next to a restaurant?

>> No.10610882

Afterwards you can afford treatment and a lambo, silver linings

>> No.10610895

Holy shit dude I hope larp but if not I’m sorry man, you’ll make it you have to believe. Also, the kikes do this to us on purpose, NEVER accept a Jew DR tell him to fuck off and get a white doc

>> No.10610905
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Damn anon I like your bloodlust

>> No.10610925

Thanks I'll get a hold of my ER records and I'll find some of the test results they gave back to me.

>> No.10610945

meat causes cancer btw("I don't eat that bad" = false perception of one's own shitty diet). stop eating meat and eat your vegetables. and do your best to get an air filter for your house and avoid as much plastic contamination as possible(RO filter recommended).

>> No.10610947

Literally just send your contact info to that address and I'll contact you through my real email address.

>> No.10610968

I don't want confidential information on browser based email

>> No.10611144

OP you're gonna have to hurry the fuck up.

>> No.10611221

Fuck you OP for wasting my time.

>> No.10611283

He's already dying you astronomical mongoloid

>> No.10611322

youre a good guy anon

>> No.10611331

the recovery process will be much easier if he isn't doing shit that contributed to it in the first place.

>> No.10611372

Fuckoff veganfag.

>> No.10611434
File: 8 KB, 221x250, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every cardiologist and toxicologist tells you the dangers of meat consumption
>continue consuming it anyways because of brainlets on /fit/ who haven't read a single study past the abstract
>get cancer like everyone who is well informed told you so
>blame it on "the city" and the kike sugar industry(who actually fund both sugar and the trillion dollar meat industry) instead

t. brainlet

>> No.10611458


>going into to law school
>a month before LINK drops mainnet

>> No.10611497
File: 453 KB, 1024x1017, 1505659517953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>falling for LARP

>> No.10611579

meat consumption
>destroys the environment
>causes cancer
>is insanely cruel (watch slaughter methods, srsly)

>> No.10611587

nah, you could still make it lung cancers are very treatable

>> No.10611642

You're doing gods work anon

>> No.10611648

Not larping I'm just not giving out my email on 4chan ever again after what happened to me on /b/ last time

>> No.10611686


the system is rigged, you'll most likely lose in court and the only ones making money will be the lawyers
only choice left is to take care of business yourself

>> No.10611766


If you ain't larping you're gonna make a free email address somewhere and shoot that man an email.

>> No.10611810

just playing devil's advocate... lung cancer sucks more than most cancers because we haven't developed great methods to screen for it yet when it is in early stages.

that's one reason the death rate is so high in lung cancer. also metastasizes to heart and brain

I bet OP is a chronic smoker tbqh

>> No.10611904

Did you ever disclose your history with each new doctor? Did you ever tell them you had been to other doctors?

>> No.10612966

Actual medfag here. Won't say that there aren't lot of shitty doctors.
Then again this smells like a Larp. Chronic coughing and smoking is a huge red flag

>> No.10613016

An hero, OP. Don't suffer with this, once the quacks say its terminal then the only questions are these:

Are you going to kill the lazy fuckers who were too busy chasing pussy and swiping right under the desk to actually do their fucking job?

Are you going to take control of your exit stage right, and eat a bullet rather than waste away and die day by day?

I suggest yes to both. God be with you, and shoot straight

>> No.10613180

>not being a chad who raises and kills his own meat
>being afraid of cancer
>muh cruelty
Get rekt beta boi

>> No.10613852

I'm really sorry to hear that my field let you down like this anon. Chin up though, and seriously consider how you may wanna spend what time you have left if it really is that late stage. As a piece of advice for the others in the thread: COPD and pulmonary disorders are going to continue rising as pollution gets worse and worse. Please do your due diligent and request chest x rays if you notice persisting symptoms relating to coughing, difficulty breathing, etc. As for OP, why did you never get a chest x ray? It's actually a very common thing to do for a cough, and basically standard of care everywhere these days. What region are you in?

>> No.10614373

unlucky bro you should have exaggerated and got a pet scan. I have testicular cancer and am getting treated for it right now. Although it spread to lymph nodes (stage 3) im guaranteed to survive. If you make it you have to get yourself checked thoroughly every time. My uncle had an issue that was mostly ignored and it turned out to be liver cancer stg 4 and his kidney just failed yesterday. He is going to die probably tonight and it really opened my eyes. A month ago he was traveling in spain complaining about greasy food gving him stomach aches.

>> No.10614426

>one post from this ID
nice bait OP

>> No.10614867

That fucking sucks anon

>> No.10614907

>nothing ever happens
>no anon gets cancer
>doctors never fuck up