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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 29 KB, 1042x336, b19f4bd5-24a9-4e44-b600-e640631f275f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10611296 No.10611296 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know how I feel about some libtard getting money for posting, "OMFG LIKE CEREAL FUCK DRUMPFHT AND LIKE FUCK WHYTE PIPO".

>> No.10611309

This post is just so fucking dumb and pointless. But then again, you are a Trump supporter. You are dumb and your life is pointless.

>> No.10611318

Crypto is mostly capitalists and libertarians. Communisms and Socialists won't be using Brave or BAT because they aren't being censored and have no reason to try and ensure that the people they support are still funded despite attempts to censor them.

>> No.10611325
File: 39 KB, 242x338, 5646456456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>projecting this hard
You just projected that your life is dumb and pointless. Absolute state of soiylent libtards.

>> No.10611333

reddcoin already does that. its a tipping currency for redditt. brave is not needed for anything.

>> No.10611357
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, ross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, well I guess BAT/Brave should just disband right? Some nigger on /biz/ says they're not needed.

>> No.10611367

you shouldn't take this crash so hard, im sure things will start looking up for you soon lol.

>> No.10611369


oof. one day you won't enjoy the anger

>> No.10611384
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>> No.10611395
File: 1.76 MB, 650x364, completesoydiet.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The anger of soiylent libtards? I always enjoy that faggot.

>> No.10611411

Crypto tip bots for reddit/twitter already exist, yawn

>> No.10611424

is this all they have? brave is absolutely fucked. nobody wants to receive some KYC funding token as payment, nobody wants to buy any to use, so why would anybody prefer this shittoken over receiving something like BTC or ETH?

bat has to go to zero and start using something like lightning for brave to actually be competitive when it comes to payments and services, unless they expect everyone to dox themselves if they want to receive these tips.

>> No.10611450

dont worry only 6.5 more years to go

>> No.10611478
File: 192 KB, 841x750, bat JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brave is the future.

If you don't like someone's post, don't give them money.

>> No.10611899

this would destroy reddit if it caught on

>> No.10611924

>tipping for plebbit and twitter posts
Nice, we've gone back a few years.

>> No.10611944
File: 37 KB, 600x500, vt-212 neets takenoko fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The future is 2013

>> No.10611962

Won't this just exacerbate the paid shills problem
Is the future of the internet just a bunch of bots and paid shills perpetually arguing with each other?

>> No.10612000


Congratulations, you just antagonized and radicalized someone even further. You're such a shining example of decency and morality.

Why can't people just behave like normal adults anymore, fucking hell.

>> No.10612005

Will it make me money? Then I like it. If that's not the same thought process you're having with this, then get the fuck off /biz/.

>> No.10612032
File: 37 KB, 1280x720, big brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean Brave lets you give crypto to whoever you want for whatever reason. Allowing users to give money to Reddit usernames or Twitter usernames is just a small nuance in the greater scheme of things.

The whole point of BAT is to create a web-based ecosystem for cryptocurrency, basically allowing people to earn it and use it to pay for things online without any hassle. "Paid for watching ads" or "tipping for reddit posts" is such a gross simplification of BAT.

>> No.10612107

You repeat the same thing in every brave thread you fucking nigger. How are those prl bags treating you?

>> No.10612130
File: 201 KB, 1024x768, 1532610564079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4000 AD
>humankind has been wiped out by super virus since 2020
>aliens arrive
>only thing intact is internet infrastructure that still works
>internet is just filled with forums endlessly arguing and upboating calling eachother niggers and pajeets

>> No.10612136
File: 25 KB, 480x268, 1531797985383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>the year is 2020
>no one uses Chrome anymore
>Brave is as widespread as Javascript and more popular than Firefox ever was
>every single news corporation uses paywalls to collect BAT from readers
>Google actually supports BAT because they collect a percentage of BAT from every contribution to a YouTube channel
>the NFL and NBA stream games online which can only be accessed after paying your game fee in BAT
>reddit uses BAT to monetize upvotes and downvotes, like Steem but better and actually mainstream
>online games use BAT for micropayments
>Netflix charges BAT/hour of viewership
>Brendan Eich's homerun project actually saves the internet from regressing into a catastrophic implosion
>feels good man

>> No.10612169

Alright then nigger, how much BTC/ETH you gonna send to your fave content creators?

You know damn well you aint sending shit because you aint shit.

>> No.10612257


couldn't someone just make a chrome plugin for tipping and then give people the option to send BTC/ETH/XMR (only coins not worth literally 0) to twitter users or whatever?

Then people wouldn't have to download a shitty new browser OR use obscure shitcoins that necessitate normies to open Binance accounts to even get started.

>> No.10612287

Imagine the virtue signaling when you can get paid actual cash instead of just social credit.

>> No.10612291

>Crypto is the definition of free market shit
>Get fucking pissy because people are allowed to do what they want in the free market

Quit being a little bitch

>> No.10612304

2000 bats have been deposited into your browser.

>> No.10612313

>muh blue wave
lmaoing @ your life desu, you're so bootyblasted when you could change that by just realizing you've been wrong for the past 2 years
or stay mad for another 6 years if you want, your life

>> No.10612332

Why would libertarians and capitalists be upset at a company censoring people? Companies can do whatever they like, remember?

>> No.10612362

>using words like, "pissy"
Whoa anon...you're going to far

>> No.10612389

Wtf are you going on about? Are you hallucinating? Trump living rent free in your pee brain.

>> No.10612469


>> No.10612545


Wait, so my shilling sockpuppets are gonna be directly profitable? Fuck yeah. Now if only Brave would pay for a (You) as well.

>> No.10612564

>t. Libtard cope

Hey, I'm not a burger. How'd that election go? Blue wave sweep all aside in its path?

>> No.10612567

getting the normies on board is the key to adoption

>> No.10612642

meanwhile you can tip NANO over reddit, email, discord, skype, etc for months

>> No.10612669

well, we should help it catch on then.

>> No.10612673

>* tips fedora*

>> No.10612756

i'm already well off and financially set for life. it's a shame to watch what's happening here. when people need help, they'll realize they chose a child who gives zero fucks about the morons that voted him in. Luckily I'm a dual citizen so I can leave but outside of large US cities, this country is in a lot of a trouble.

>> No.10612788

Please leave shekelstein, we don't need anymore gay jews in the united states.

>> No.10612795

Tf? How? Is it a plug-in to a browser or something?

>> No.10612889
File: 48 KB, 600x579, fuckoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off faggot