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10609684 No.10609684 [Reply] [Original]

Why are shoping malls dying?

>> No.10609719

because boomers are dying and i can buy whatever i want online for cheaper

>> No.10609724


>> No.10609735

Why are they so comfy.

>> No.10609765

amazon, alibaba..

>> No.10609777

because your city is dying and leaving you dumb faggot

>> No.10609800

This is a shop. I can tell by some of the pixels.

>> No.10609821

shopping malls are a huge waste of money and i hope most fuckin die

All those wealth wasted on shitty architecture to make poor people buy useless shit, the entire thing is a shit show

Not all malls are bad tho, some can be really pretty and makes it an enjoyable atmosphere i.e. Melbourne's recently renovated Chatswood mall

>> No.10609875

sign of a dying middle class.

>> No.10609881

Could have just said shitty architecture. A mall is a very strange place.

>> No.10609904

Same reason banks are dead. Internet is the new way. Amazon is to retailers as bitcoin is to banks.

Your banks are going to look like shopping malls in about 5 years.

>> No.10609905


>> No.10609912
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underated post

>> No.10609948

most people don't live in Miami or LA

>> No.10609950


Also I dislike huge "closed to the outside" concrete places even if they have proper ventilation... then they let in hundreds of people... Infact shopping malls I have visited smells

I think they are we are not designed as humans to be accumulated in those places

>> No.10609955
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>> No.10609977

The new White Flight. Niggers and third-worlders dominate shopping malls, middle-upper class whites have better places to shop, preferably in places where public transportation doesn't run.

>> No.10610255

Someone I know is actually a director of a large shopping mall, and she once told me that internet shopping is taking over.

This is why, especially here in Norway, malls are turning into these "entertainment centres", as opposed to shopping centres.

>> No.10610372


Amazon mostly. Chain retailers would rather build in shopping centers facing outdoors for better exposure and access, too. But mostly Amazon.

>> No.10610387

trump killed the mall because there were too many mexicans getting janitorial positions

>> No.10610391

they're full of undesirables

>> No.10610392
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Fuck I need [commodity]... I know! I'll go to the mall, they have a [store that sells commodity] there! While I'm there I can impulse buy other stuff, it has a nice atmosphere, and it's convenient because it's an all in one for a lot of my non-grocery shopping.

Fuck I need [commodity]... I know! I'll go to [online retailer] because their prices are generally cheaper, but mostly because I'm lazy and don't want to trek across town to the mall. I can stay in the comfort of my own home and impulse buy through my computer, and then have everything I got shipped to me without another thought.

>> No.10610394

I thought they already died, at least in my area. Had 5 10+ years ago, around 2008 during the crash the rest started shuttering stores and never stopped.
>2 are full of offices now
>1 completely closed
>1 closed their foodcourt, only has a theatre and a planet fitness and mostly empty stores
>1 absorbed all the stores/customers

>> No.10610406

case in point

>> No.10610413

>You can shop online from your home at better price
>Existing malls have become loitering places for criminal niggers and beaners

>> No.10610429

full of nonwhites, when is the last time you fucking went to one

>> No.10610430



>> No.10610439

Absurd rents are killing business, jobs and result in less babies, and more imported niggers to force population growth to maintain the status quo so that kiked politicians can get reelected.

>> No.10610447

They're thriving in Asia.

Why dying:
1. Improved logistics in ecommerce make it more convenient to purchase/return online then waste time driving, parking, shopping, etc.

Why thriving in Asia:
Fragmented delivery system/unreliable.
New middle class, new wealth - want to show off, and experience what everyone else has been for past 50 years. No ecomm, except lazada but heavily fragmented and malls are a centralized place to meet people, to dine, to buy.

Fragmented highways, road and A/C (aircon in fucking SEA) make it a haven.

Plus cute af girls to pickup and fuck.

>> No.10610463

>impulse buy

Are you a woman?

>> No.10610484


>> No.10610518

Me personally? No. It's a generic reason why shopping malls are dying anon. Not being a white knight faggot but males impulse buy, but women also would go to shopping malls. Some still do for a social occasion or a date but for the most part they're dead thanks to amazon imo

>> No.10610714
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Anyone here into vaporwave?

>> No.10610750
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same reason why home ownership is down, share of 25-34 year olds living with parents is higher than during 1930's and purchasing power is down 30% since 1970

you even risk a dark age here as elon musk said. debt bomb too high

>> No.10610772

You’re delusional. Nobody wants to use your bitcoins as currency.

>> No.10610801
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>> No.10610811

it's all over not only stores but restaurants too



>> No.10610828


worst are hit stores like macys. dollar stores seems to be gaining popularity

>> No.10610843

The internet is killing boomer culture

>> No.10610852

First racist post best post

>> No.10610981

No one wanted to use internet and online shopping back then either

>> No.10611047

I used to run a virtual reality machine in the mall and it was literally overrun by blacks, Guatemalans, and Poo in Loos. People with actual money (whites) spend it elsewhere.

>> No.10611130
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This. Shopping malls are just materialist shitholes. The architecture is so uninspired and once you enter, you just want to fucking leave as soon as you're done with your business.

Things like SHOPPING STREETS (pic related) are vastly more interesting and a better use of money. Malls are dying and will eventually die leaving a useless piece of shit lying around, but a shopping street is timeless and is modifiable.

>> No.10611305

Online shopping:
-Unlimited selection from all over the world
-Detailed product description
-User reviews, ratings
-Smart recommendations
-Free shipping, delivered in 2-4 days to my door.
-Can shop while at work, while at home, while taking a shit

Mall shopping:
-Take at least 1 hour to commute to mall and back
-Spend 1 hour browsing the store
-Limited selection
-0 knowledge sales assistants.

At Ace hardware:
>ask for big plastic containers to old lady (the kind you can store a blanket for example)
>proceeds to think
>start walking, I follow
>walks thru random aisles, points me to trash cans, plastic buckets, eventually we find it together

At Office depot
>need Polaroid film, I literally confirmed on the website that they have it at the store
>ask young assistant girl where the camera films are (while holding the literal camera in my hand)
>proceeds to walk around the aisles, I follow
>I try to give advice, "maybe let's check the aisle where you sell the cameras?"
>another sales guy joins, "we don't sell film"
>I say fine, I ordered two packs online anyways, I will wait 2 days for those to arrive
>about to leave, guys gears start spinning, "oh is it this you are looking for"
>"congratulations sherlock! you deserved your $11.50/hr"

At Macy's
>need perfume, I don't care what it is as long as it's not bottom shelf and smells nice
>ask the old lady at the counter to test 3-4 random scents.
>ask if they have any deals, discounts, combo packs, travel bag gifts etc.
>instead of pulling my wallet, I pull my phone, google the name of the perfume, first result is a groupon link for the same perfume, 50% cheaper
>click link, groupon ad opens up, I already have an account, I swipe my finger to place and pay for the order.
>thank the lady for her time and leave.

>> No.10611312

amazon and walmart literally putting everything else out of business.

>> No.10611337

they need to die in order to be refurbished into FEMA camps

>> No.10611380

Because no one with money (white people) wants to walk around a commercial complex festering with people that look nothing like them (non-whites). If white people felt comfortable and safe in that area, they would much rather shop there than online. Case in point: brick and mortar still dominates in ethnically homogeneous zones of Asia, even (especially, at that) in first-world countries

>> No.10611401

>go to Amazon
>Find everything you need in a minute
>Go to mall
>Find something you need if you're lucky

>> No.10611407
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Absolutely not.

>> No.10611811

What do you mean entertainment centers? They have cafes and bars and stuff?

>> No.10611906

>why were they so comfy

>> No.10612753


>> No.10612772

cuz of jeff bezos' thick nigger dick

>> No.10612828

Unironically niggers, all the malls in my area are infested with niggers and mexicunts. Literally no white people go there anymore and those malls are literally 25% capacity. The one mall in the still 80% white area is still doing great but more and more niggers are starting to roam there hitting and white people, hanging out not buying anything and harassing people. Niggers ruin everything.

>> No.10612830

>be me
>throw money at bubbles
>work less in the future
>be me
>blow money on overpriced shopping mall trash
>work harder

>> No.10612920

Internet wasn't the first thing to kill malls. Buying a cd at the mall cost over $20. Then giant ejecting stores like circuit city popped up and you could pay $15 for one. Then walmart supercenters were everywhere she you could pay $12.93 for one. Suddenly mall traffic fell.

>> No.10612942

Ejecting = electronics
She = so

>> No.10612965

Well said. I mostly use stores as showrooms nowadays. Only thing I buy in a store is food and household items.

>> No.10612979


>> No.10612996

fuck that's so comfy. i miss the early 90s bros

>> No.10613029

Movie theaters, gyms

>> No.10613042

Mexicans here

>> No.10613051


I don’t even get it. Even the ones in the suburbs are overrun now it’s like they’re bussed out there

>> No.10613057

Online buying offers cheaper and better products.

No gangs of hoodlums roaming around waiting to clock someone and steal their $10.

Waste of electricity and water.

People don't have to leave their houses or stash away time for a shopping day.

>> No.10613058

True outlet malls around me actually do well

>> No.10613072

1) stronger US dollar hampering inbound tourist spend
2) amazon and e-commerce in general killing a lot of the old-style brick and mortar business
3) most malls are based around the anchor tenant model, where anchors are traditional visitor-draws like Macys and Sears, who have been raped the hardest in all this

It's just a transitory period, but it'll suck for a while more depending on the quality of mall and demographics of surrounding area.

t. real estate analyst

>> No.10613105
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>> No.10613112
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That's not entirely right OP. Middle class malls are dying from a shrinking middle class and from cheaper online competition but upper class malls are thriving lately.

>> No.10613127

Not that anon but that's what's happening in australia, a lot of the shopping malls are trying to rebrand themselves as hip n trendy places to go have a drink or meal etc. Problem is nobody really thinks of them like that and they are usually located in places difficult to reach without your own car.
I personally hate shopping malls and if you asked me 10 years ago if it was good that they died out i would have said yes. Unfortunately they are being replaced by something worse (amazon corporate surveillance dystopia/nobody leaving their house for any purpose and the abandonment of incidental interaction with other humans)

>> No.10613155

Is this in la?

>> No.10613183

More people are becoming obese and too lazy to go outside of their homes.

>> No.10613193


>> No.10613208

malls are more popular than ever where I live. Can't even get a parking space anymore.

>> No.10613222

in my area there's a middle class mall (one nordstroms and otherwise nothing even remotely upscale) which is nigger central. can't even feel remotely safe there.
the other mall is upscale as fuck, luxury shopping everywhere. niggers stay away. its comfy

>> No.10613238

>Ge actually believes lord Schlomo is gonna let crypto replace him

get a load of this guy

>> No.10613309

spbp unironically

going to a shopping mall is like taking a trip to chicago/harlem

>> No.10613342


They literally are, check the bus routes that run to the mall.

>> No.10613474

>believing only women impulse buy

Are you an autist?

>> No.10613748

There's about 4 major malls where I live, 2 are still pretty decent. Number three is surrounded by homeless people, and number 4 is chock full of niggers. Both are bleeding money and can't get real anchor tenants. Kinda sad because they used to have some cool stores on them when I was younger.

>> No.10613763

shopping malls banned handjob parlors recently, and thats the only reason i went

>> No.10614332

>acknowledging the lower races who impulse buy as people

Are you a nigger?

>> No.10615210
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>> No.10615262


we only got them here recently and there are already two shopping centres I avoid like the plague

>> No.10615300

>meet people
>Fragmented delivery system/unreliable
Depends on the area but Taobao has always delivered for me, more or less

But the main draw of shopping malls these days in Asia are the movie theatres/IMAX, grocery/clothes shopping and dining.

>> No.10615680

Under rated post of the year.

>> No.10615689

Because people don't have much money to spend and the recession is real.

>> No.10615740

No one wants to use a bank as payment gate/finance deposit. You are delusional if you thibk anyone enjoys going to the bank or even likes them

>> No.10615772

> Ge actually believes crypto is going to replace fiat
It's just another payment method you dipshit. It is the currency of the internet.

>> No.10615815

The mall in Simi valley, ca opened and then almost immediately became storage for unsold new cars

>> No.10615816


>> No.10615841
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Every town has the same two malls: the one white people go to and the one white people used to go to

>> No.10615862
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>> No.10615954

This and mexican goblin ladies and their twenty noisy kids

>> No.10616017

never seen an entertainment center mall in norway. just like american malls except 100x shittier. narrow, claustrophobic, bad food, and filling up with welfare seeking migrants wearing burkas

>> No.10616083

Well, you obviously don't live in any of the large cities then.
Most of the malls here, which are not located directly in the city centres, are receiving cinemas, exhibitions and gyms.

>> No.10616100


>> No.10616140

There are some healthy malls but it requires a lot of work and originality- it is fucking incredible how many businesses would rather go bankrupt rather than hustle. I’ve seen malls take on megachurches, community colleges and medical centers. The ones that do nothing just end up abandoned.

>> No.10616925


>> No.10617403

in the Amazon Era, storefronts have become the loss-leader.