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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10604308 No.10604308 [Reply] [Original]

Good, and you?

>> No.10604372

Idk why it’s holding price so well, it’s annoying. Also answer me this, if there are so many multi billion dollar companies involved you’d think some of the people at these companies would go home and buy a shitload of LINK or work out some shady dealings to acquire it under the radar... yet nobody is really buying, volume has been low for a long time. I think link holders might be really disappointed come mainnet

>> No.10604379

OTC buys.

>> No.10604394

How does this even exist? Like where would one do this? And doesn’t that seems far fetched in general?

>> No.10604407

Bitcoin seemed far fetched too

>> No.10604410

Have you considered that the people involved know that the token is relatively worthless?

>> No.10604439

Yawn. Hurr durr the token isn't needed is -4/10 FUD

>> No.10604441

this place is going to be the most bitter place on the internet come EOY and link is around 10 cents

>> No.10604452


Nobody is buying, or nobody is selling?

>> No.10604455

Only way that'll happen is if btc is 1k

>> No.10604456

I'm not saying it isn't needed. I'm saying it is relatively worthless. It doesn't need to appreciate in value to serve it's purpose.

>> No.10604492

if link moons there will be suicides.

>> No.10604498


I imagine we have suicides either way - I tend to bet on the underdogs though - I like to see a success story.

>> No.10604502

There is plenty of it for sale. Nobody is buying it. If some multi millionaire at a big bank or company knew this technological revolution was about to happen and that link would be worth even $1 one day, don’t you think he’d do everything in his power to acquire all the link under $1 he could? It’s basically free money to an insider... yet either there are no insiders or none of them actually believe in it enough to bet their own money on it. I’m not trying to fud, I own plenty of link... but this question has been on my mind lately. I don’t think an OTC market actually exists, unless someone can prove me wrong?

>> No.10604529

Come Sibos Link is going to be worth a quarter of what it was worth last year in USD and and even less in Sats.

>> No.10604553


I imagine SWIFT is facilitating an OTC market with their 2/3's of the LINK supply haha.

Other possible reasons could be that they literally don't want to do insider trading because they operate within the confines of the law and are a serious project.

Other reason could be that no one knows it's Chainlink running behind it all - just like we always speculate with all of these partnerships etc., they might just think Accord is working with them, or IBM, or whatever, they haven't connected the dots

>> No.10604563

What did they mean by this?


>> No.10604562

Sergey is probably going to get murdered.

>> No.10604582


>> No.10604596

>Random fucking twitter account asking a a random scamcoin about Link
Remember Confido?

>All those mental gymnastics
If a bunch of autists can figure it out then can everyone who actually works with them. They can also just fucking ask them. Simplest explanation is that value does not exist nor will it.

>> No.10604643


How many people in all of these organizations do you think are privy to these conversations and actually care to connect the dots? These would be high-level executives who don't need a $10K all-in moonshot to make it.

As well, there's probably more NDA's and legal bullshit than you could shake a stick at.

Simplest explanation is actually Sergey is selling the coins he holds.

>> No.10604682
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If it's that simple why doesn't every fucking one see the all the succesfull projects?

Every year a company moones, but not everyone sees it. That's a fact.

>> No.10604699


I think the big unknown is the consensus and reputation mechanisms. Until they are proven and reliable, no big company can use the network for large smart contracts. Until the big companies use network, we don't know if it's proven and reliable.

This is the catch-22 that makes link so fucking uncertain. The *idea* of link is great, their approach sounds good on paper, and the partners/breadcrumbs all look promising. But until the network is actually working we don't know for sure if it will succeed.

>> No.10604886


Fair. That's a wait and see.

>> No.10604935
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jesus you linktards are utterly deluded. Chainlink is a scam, end of story. Dump it before you can't.

>> No.10605002

>There is plenty of it for sale
Not at market price there isn't. I just bought a few hundred and had to take a 10% markup because almost no one but bots are fucking selling fucking lmao