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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10604487 No.10604487 [Reply] [Original]

How to deal with them and combat them? How to cope?

>> No.10604497

stop taking life seriously, get a better sleep shedule and diet. get some sun every day. stop being bored

>> No.10604513
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Stop buying rat poision and buy real companies with actual businesses

>> No.10604555

>Go to darkweb.
>Buy diazepam

No more bad feelings ;)

>> No.10604570

Life is a game, go out and play.

>> No.10604577

/adv/ is over there, go away.

>> No.10604604

embrace the struggle. life is tough, find and cultivate your inner drive to survive

>> No.10604611

Have dreams worth living for. I don't mean dreams like "wife and kids", those will come in pursuit of higher goals. Once you discover something to dedicate yourself to, you will have something to turn towards in times of darkness.

>> No.10604614
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find a real pupose in life. pic related proves that this has worked before

>> No.10604814

crypto market has been causing me learnt helplessness for months so I dont want to keep living

>> No.10604853

>stop taking life seriously
>better sleep and diet

>> No.10604881

>stop being bored

>> No.10604885

but it didnt in the end

>> No.10604965
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trips of truth?
** >>>/adv/
also when He took a fat L biz is on suicide watch
no one would want to live knowing it is easier dead
the fact of the matter is suffering only exist to make joy, joy
my advice to you would be to go to you local Tommy Bahama get you a really nice pair of pants and shirt
head on down to you local jimmy buffet and take it easy for a bit
it's time to dive deep into thoughts let the sun soak up into your pores as you hear the crashing of the waves in the distance and just exist my man
also remember to crack open an ice cold Monster Energy™ Zero Ultra

>> No.10605027

*sips* best advice here

>> No.10605060

Buy a stack of LINK.

>> No.10605073

>just go outside bro!
kill yourself nigger

>> No.10605109
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Best advice is to tough it out. I was struggling with depression. One day I woke up and the world was bright and colourful. My morning coffee+smoke never tasted better.
It's tough and going through the motions when life loses all meaning is torture. Nobody wants to be depressed, but when it happens you can't lose hope, fren

>> No.10605188

he killed himself anyway

>> No.10605264
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>> No.10605313

Seriously can all these fucking incels with their emo problems leave biz. Its a fucking business section not teenage problems sub. Go to a place that is appropriate for your problems.

>> No.10605361

wrong thread sry

>> No.10605728
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/thread, add exercise and meditation for 50% increase in reduced suicidal thoughts.
Short term solution, do this if you want to make it worse later on.

I have done both. Currently drinking everyday but hope to get back on the wagon for sleep shedule/diet/exercise. after a few months of doing this it won't even be a chore anymore it becomes something you look forward to.

>> No.10605886
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This. At the end of the day, really, you gotta tough it out. Better times will come eventually.

>> No.10606494

Find a higher purpose. Shit below it will fade away.

>> No.10606504

reddit tier. go back

>> No.10606676

>le suicide
>posts tomoko
Dumbo the whole point of Tomoko is that her life is shit and she keeps trying
it's basically given to your circa chapter 30 or last ep of the anime when the student council president chick says there's something special about Tomoko
the special thing is that she's a pathetic pile of failure and toxicity but she still keeps trying

so anyway
keep trying, I heard Tomoko actually has friends in the later chapters, imagine that