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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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10600644 No.10600644 [Reply] [Original]

Crypto is going to go a lot lower than anyone expects. In a bear market, usually performance is a lot worse than the average sentiment. visa versa in a bull market.

Ask yourself, why would there just suddenly be another bull market? why would mania repeat itself? we are still very much in the denial phase.

>> No.10600702

Show us your short position that you feel so nervous about.

>> No.10600731

I expect it to go to 0. Tell me how it could go lower than that you ultra-brainlet.

>> No.10600734

Show us your long position that you feel so confident about.

>> No.10600755

>Ask yourself, why would there just suddenly be another bull market?

Lightning mainnet just started taking off about 3 months ago. This enables credit card style functionality with bitcoin. Instant payments, point of purchase, etc.

We are getting more liquidity with major players starting exchanges.

We are getting professional custodial services so oldhats feel safe buying that don't know and won't learn how to use crypto.

We have an entire generation entering into peak earning years that came of age in the '08 crisis, is going to get hit again, and never trust banks after that. You can't begin to fathom how much money this means will be banked in bitcoin.

We have billions of people coming online around the world over the next 5-10 years that won't be served by banks, but will have lightning network offering them safe, secure, transactions way cheaper than credit cards.

Nocoiners are people who thought big box retail was a good play 10 years ago, except even dumber and even more oblivious to the obvious direction the future is taking us.

>> No.10600768

Based as fuck post

>> No.10600780

i thought lightning network sucks

>> No.10600789
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>Lightning mainnet just started taking off about 3 months ago. This enables credit card style functionality with bitcoin. Instant payments, point of purchase, etc.

>We are getting more liquidity with major players starting exchanges.

>We are getting professional custodial services so oldhats feel safe buying that don't know and won't learn how to use crypto.

>We have an entire generation entering into peak earning years that came of age in the '08 crisis, is going to get hit again, and never trust banks after that. You can't begin to fathom how much money this means will be banked in bitcoin.

>We have billions of people coming online around the world over the next 5-10 years that won't be served by banks, but will have lightning network offering them safe, secure, transactions way cheaper than credit cards.

>Nocoiners are people who thought big box retail was a good play 10 years ago, except even dumber and even more oblivious to the obvious direction the future is taking us.

Oh my sweet summer child, so naive, so innocent.

>> No.10600790

i'm down over 96% from my initial. methinks we are still in complacency

>> No.10600793
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>> No.10600805

soon we won't need boomer money for this bitch to take off.

>> No.10600811


your moving averages look like they could go golden now though after going death so kinda contradicts your explanation - i.e. look at the green line and what happens to the price when it goes over the red.

>> No.10600834
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It's a lot worse than 'sucks'. The key to an actual functional 'lightning network' relies on mathematical problems that haven't been solved for 40+ years now. Actual mathematicians from the 1970s till today have not been able to solve the problems that (((Blockstream))) and (((Lightning Labs))) purport they can solve.

If you're smart you'll ditch BTC before you're left hodling eternal bags.
The (((lightning network))) was only ever designed to stall growth and adoption of Bitcoin - this is why so many people call Bitcoin Cash the real Bitcoin, because it is.

>> No.10600859

This is called (((divide and conquer))).

Lightning is fine. But, even better, we have both lightning (BTC) and big blocks (BCH). And most of the devs have signaled a belief that a block size increase is warranted next time transactions peak is approached on BTC.

I'm perfectly happy to have both. The bickering is artificial astroturfing.

>> No.10600887


Sure if you want to believe that, but at the end of the day LN actually needs big blocks according to the lightning devs own admission - they need blocks at least 144MB in size to ensure no funds are lost but why then is Blockstream continuing with their 1MB mantra? The whole notion that everyone must run a node is also absolutely fucking absurd.

I'm just trying to wake you up a little bit. Think on what I've said. I'm off to bed now.

>> No.10600928

You will owe government money for holding cryptos

>> No.10600938

We are just being hyper conservative with the main BTC chain. The BTC chain is the future custodian of the world's wealth. No reason to get too adventurous, that is BCH's job.

Just think of it as having a checking and savings account. Tweaked slightly different for different reasons.

>> No.10600954
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This, pretty much. This is just the beginning. Pump eeeeeet!

>> No.10600999

Just face it crypto is dead, the hype has died down and nobody gives a fuck anymore.

>> No.10601083
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>Just face it crypto is dead, the hype has died down and nobody gives a fuck anymore.

>They think it's over
Pump it
>they have to fomo in

>> No.10601087


Checked we reach the bottom soon then golden BULL

>> No.10601098

Theres only 21m bitcoins. 7 billion people on this planet. Think about that. How many people are buying right now? not even 10%of that I bet. You pleps dont understand how this will change transactions, the way we handle money, banks, stock markets, contracts, unforeseen applications! This is the beginning

>> No.10601110
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>You pleps

>> No.10601221

The fact that you still believe LN will work under heavy loads makes you either a paid shill or just and idiot.

I won't bother reading your entire post because I already know it's about a bunch of baseless fantasies about the future of BTC, which is fundamentally broken in case you didn't know.

>> No.10601263

LN works perfectly fine if are not committed to the principle of decentralization on it. It is true you can't have a fantastically decentralized LN, that is obvious even to a non-math fag, but it is a small payments channel. Doesn't really matter if you put a little trust into your lunch money. Do you want all your bags on LN? No, but when you are buying a new lambo even a $100 tx fee is cheap compared to the couple thousand a CC charges.

In short, we have no problem.

>> No.10601267
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>> No.10601268

>visa versa

>> No.10601491

This make me sick
because it's true

>> No.10601507

>heh, you misspelled a word. guess im not a bagholder after all.