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File: 165 KB, 1280x800, McDonalds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10599500 No.10599500 [Reply] [Original]

Saw an old Chad from highschool working at the local McDonalds now I'm visiting my parents. We're both 27. I recognized him and he recognized me. I asked for 3 McChickens with extra mcchicken sauce, handed him $10 and smiled.

Man can't believe how bad your life must be to be working at 8pm in McDonalds at 27.

>> No.10599511
File: 65 KB, 700x470, Paragliding-at-Nandi-Hills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya, but like, you don't even paraglide, so you're still 6,000 ft below me faggot

>> No.10599534

free medium fries with any $1 purchase on fridays with the mcdonalds app. take advantage bros

>> No.10599567


I'm 31 and working at McD would be an upgrade for me. At least I didn't fall for the crypto meme.

>> No.10599587

I bought my house using crypto

>> No.10599592

Theres like 50 year old managers at mcdonalds half the time 27 is nothing

>> No.10599595

I really hope this is a bait post. that crypto meme has net me $150k in profit.

>> No.10599607

There's a difference between being a manager and a McDrone

>> No.10599628


Yeah my judgement and my 5k investable assets would've surely made me 150k too.

>> No.10599645

No that chad guy will be the manager too eventually if he stays there

>> No.10599687
File: 309 KB, 1024x732, froggie4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just buy and hold fren

>> No.10599699

op don't be judgemental he is probably down on his luck and went to mcdonalds to pay his bills while he finds another job

>> No.10599716

Or its just his regular job
Im like that guy too i dont see any opportunity beyond mcdonalds for me

Thats the actual state

>> No.10599727
File: 38 KB, 600x600, oy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found you goy. Expect an audit letter from the IRS goy. Gotta make sure you paid those taxes goy.

>> No.10599741

>he doesn’t paraplane

>> No.10599753

sorry mr. shekelstein but I'm jewish! You wouldn't want to take money from a jew would you? That would be very anti-semitic!

>> No.10599756
File: 37 KB, 600x450, 2511C779-75CB-4B68-B5E3-FB53BF87E44A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.10599757
File: 229 KB, 204x283, 1499459187625.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lol. The local Burger King is hiring 10-15 h a week people, maybe I should actually try that out, but I think I've got a better chance with this temp agency dealing out bartenders to local pubs.

>> No.10599793

>he's never heard of Bernie Madoff
you must be 18 to post here.

>> No.10599814

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.10599845

How am I bluepilled you stupid fucking nog? He stole from other Jews and that's why he got jail time.

>> No.10599857

Do you hodl any link anon?

>> No.10599861

10k LINK is part of my portfolio

>> No.10599867

Just get a public sector job you fucking imbecile. I have 1 year of community college and make $37 an hour working for the county government. My job sucks the life out of me but I get paid a decent wage and I'll be retired in 18 more years with a nice pension and I can give almost zero effort every day and still never get fired because of my union.

>> No.10599872

what do you call these things, i've seen them before

>> No.10599874

yet another cringe and bluepilled post

>> No.10599950

death traps

>> No.10600016

I went to an elite exam school. All the chads I went to school with are probably millionaires.

>> No.10600028

exactly this is a blue pilled fags wet dream

>> No.10600044

try not to be a pussy for once in your life

>> No.10600083
File: 34 KB, 600x600, 1300044776986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing wrong with working jobs like that. I work as at a checkout in a supermarket in Australia. I made $30k/year from part-time. Occasionally I see people I went to school with. They have their kids, new cars, house, etc. But they work all the damn time. I work like 4 hours a day, usually in the assisted checkouts helping old people figure out how to use the machines. It's easy af. I live by myself in a spacious 2 bedroom unit and have everything I want. The most important thing I want is my free time which I have plenty of. I also have low living expenses so I make a little over 10k each year that I don't even need.

But then again, I don't work in America so it might be different there.

>> No.10600114

What's your job anon? That's really high pay.

What were the requirements?

>> No.10600129

I'm 30yr old and I've never had a job how do I do this plz give inside info, I'm also in Australia.

>> No.10600144

Requirements were high school diploma and no felonies.

I work corrections for the county jail. I've mentioned it here along with my income several times and every time a bunch of jealous faggots come along and say I'm larping.

>> No.10600249

do you have to interact with people

>> No.10600315

Nice larp

>> No.10600341

Depending on your post, yes or no. Usually the people you interact with are idiot inmates who ask the same stupid questions over and over again.

>> No.10600396

interacting with mentally ill people sounds horrible

>> No.10600409

I tend to just ignore them as much as I possibly can. It usually works. It is absolute torture interacting with those fucking miscreants though.

>> No.10600599


and then chad went home to his comfy trailer, fucked stacey in the ass, drank a few cold beers and flipped a few burgers for himself while sitting on the porch, listening to the crickets and watching the sun go down.

You drank tea with your parents and returned to your little one room cuck studio to post this... alone.

>> No.10600638


>> No.10600674

I‘d rather kill myself before I take a job were I have to work in the public

>> No.10600955

I hate these condescending retards thinking they're better than others while having literally zero friends and live with their mom that hate them for being useless manlet. I bet OP is still a virgin, ugly as fuck. You will never understand life. Maybe he just got into some shit and took this job as temporary just. But what would you know, you never experienced anything else than your mother and you computer. Fucking beta male faggot. I hope one day your life goes to shit and you end up actually working at Mc Donald, when you're 60 and have no family or kids.. cause not a single person gives a fuck about you since you never gave a fuck about anyone too.

>> No.10601006

You’re still the loser anon.

>> No.10601081

>his / int / jp / lit / mlp / mu / n / news / out / po / pol / qst / sci / soc / sp / tg / toy / trv / tv / vp / wsg / wsr / x] [Edit]

>and yet Chad fucked OP's mother that same night

>> No.10601334

Saw this geek from highschool while i was moonlighting at McDonalds. We're both 27. I recognized him and he recognized me. he ordered 3 McChickens with extra Mayonnaise, handed me a greasy $10 and smiled with excitement.

Man can't believe how bad your life must be to be 27 and eating 3 McChickens by yourself while your parents look on in dissapointment.

>> No.10601509

you sound like a triggered roastie lol

>> No.10601982

Top tier bants

>> No.10602188
File: 36 KB, 657x527, 1528082532999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Avoid at any cost.
It's physically and mentally super exhausting and not rewarding at all. You just feel like shit, you cannot sit a single minute, you have to deal with drunktards, fistfighting (and it can blow out of proportion quite fast), puke, mockinggirl.jpg, noise, broken glass, worse schedules, no career evolution, no stable job, the girls you work with will always make twice your salary becuz vagene,... Its just shit believe me.
The only good point are the tips, you can make decent bucks if you are a Chad.

Burking is even worse solely because you have to deal mostly with niggers, in front and behind the counter.

>> No.10602450


Trust me, I can take it. I've done graveyard shifts at a burger joint when all the drunk fucks pour out of nightclubs to have a snack.

>> No.10602460


Also not the US so the BK clientele is vastly different.

>> No.10602694


Maybey he just wants a chill job without too much stress? Maybey he had an illness or did a few tours in iraq? Op you sound like a gigantic miserable fucking faggot

>> No.10602729

He's obviously not a Chad if he's slinging fast food

>> No.10602753

this, I've worked these kinds of jobs before, sure they don't pay as much, but I remember the peace of mind I had.
I work IT now and it's just soul crushing, endless hours of bullshit.

>> No.10602778


I opted out for a more meager but easier living. After suffering two psychosis' I decided I want to go for a trade and quit college. To be fair, I had been literally digging shit out of peoples assholes for living for years and liked that better than computer science. So now I'm on autismbuxx in trade school studying to be an electrician and praying someone will hire a 33-yo graduate with no prior experience in the field. If not, then burgers or bars it is.

t. >>10602450

>> No.10602795
File: 37 KB, 500x311, WKY6O4r[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is the comfiest pill of all