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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 62 KB, 830x467, 005-tesla-model-3-performance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10594935 No.10594935 [Reply] [Original]

I told you to buy Tesla but you didn't listen.

>> No.10594963

Would gay for Elon

No homo

>> No.10594973
File: 175 KB, 1324x866, 1513978792183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only arrogant brainlets underestimate Elon. Shorts lost another billion. Feels good.

>> No.10594987

not really considering he is a conman who co-opted the company in the first place.

Yes, one of the two original founders sued him for this reason.

>> No.10594992

I don't have, nor want a car. But if I absolutely had to, I would spend the extra $$ to buy a tesla.

>> No.10595004

Wow its almost like a technocrat fast-talker that believed in memes like 'eliminating workers with ai' and using explosive last gen tech li-on batteries was a bad thing.

>> No.10595023

Anybody can sue anybody for anything that proves nothing

He saw crazy working for Trump and he said fuck it and made it work for him too. The man's a genius stud

>> No.10595040

Usually a thread like this would attract all sorts of haters. I'm pleasantly surprised. Well done Biz well done

>> No.10595110

>be person who starts company with your buddy.
>Get vc investment
>vc investors label you as 'the tech guy', despite selling shitloads and employing people

Yes, Elon settled with him. Interesting to see such a person would settle over 'nothing'.

Go home Elon shill. You company is the grave. Your workers work in tents for christs sake. Give it up and do some research and stop sniffing other people's asses.

>> No.10595131

>memes like 'eliminating workers with ai'
>t. nervous wagie who's going to be unemployable within 10 years

>> No.10595155

I am a hater and for good reason.



Literally selling you an iphone car. I won't stand for it.

>> No.10595168
File: 6 KB, 231x218, o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eliminating workers with ai
imagine being so out of touch with current events that you don't realize industries has been doing this for decades. just lol @ american education

>> No.10595187

He failed and now had to hire a bunch of people to work in tents at the 'gigafactory' parkinglot since his ai workforce is taking up all the floor space.

I'm most definately talking to reddit cumguzzlers or legitimate tesla shills at this point.

>> No.10595196
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>I won't stand for it.

>> No.10595209

This is why we need flags.

>> No.10595228
File: 96 KB, 868x573, bikescreenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When have you ever stood for anything?

>> No.10595236



>> No.10595247
File: 226 KB, 560x577, smugasuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound quite angry. How's the short position?

>> No.10595253
File: 5 KB, 279x180, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell musk and his butt buddy theil I'm coming for them!

>> No.10595261
File: 185 KB, 600x338, 1517632924972.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, 3 replies to a single post. Seems like a short seller throwing a fit.

>> No.10595276

Why would I ever invest money into anyone else but myself? Are you a cuck? You like giving other people money to achieve THEIR dreams? I come here to relieve stress through shitposting.

>> No.10595313

Watch the big buyer to go private is literally AAPL
Teslapple will become the biggest meme company to ever exist

>> No.10595315
File: 820 KB, 266x200, spicy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw you literally write code to automate 10s of peoples jobs

>tfw you know YOU will be replaced soon as well

luddite genocide when???

>> No.10595329
File: 53 KB, 629x780, dad elon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You whores better not reject the deal

>> No.10595345
File: 104 KB, 768x458, MW-GN800_Buffet_20180805233002_NS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you buy in this market?

>> No.10595346
File: 255 KB, 500x281, 1508087148509.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I only wagecuck and will do so until the day I die
>my only stress relief from this miserable life is shitposting on /biz/
Gotcha senpai.

>> No.10595362

You're dumb. The price is already adjusted for the risk of them not going through with it. You literally bought high. If it does go through, congrats, you made 10%. If it doesn't, you'll likely end up bagholding until Q3 results.

>> No.10595375

Hates money.

>> No.10595381

This, sp500 is testing ATH. Unless buying high and selling low is your thing, be wary.

>> No.10595390

Literally allergic to money. You were warned multiple times to go long.

>> No.10595406

Exactly. What better hedge against joblessness than buying Tesla?

>> No.10595409

>implying I'll hold at all
Watch it go to $420 tomorrow, I'll sell then. $400 by 10:00 eastern

>> No.10595418

This. Stock market is too risky right now considering the potential upside. It won't go up forever and a recession is overdue. 2 orders of magnitude better risk/upside ratio in crypto currently, simply adjust for the added risk by deleveraging.

>> No.10595429

Tesla shareholders will never go against elon. Why would we? We can go private with them. Literally a no lose situation.

Let the bidding war begin!

>> No.10595439

You unironically can't make money if you tried.

>> No.10595444

It won't go to $420 until the deal is 100%. I went too far calling it dumb, but it's quite a risky move with limited potential. Seriously, why weren't you buying at $300?

>> No.10595457
File: 43 KB, 340x319, 1518781950301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't make money
But I bought at $296 and sold at $370.

>> No.10595491

I doubt their ability to satisfy demands. Failure to produce their product. But I do believe in meme magic market reactions

>> No.10595514

Well, your doubts would be dispelled if you only paid attention to the latest earnings call and all the recent news. Tesla already made it. Profitable from Q3 onwards.

>> No.10595618

I'm a /biz/ weirdo, I prefer stocks and options. Crypto makes me too nervous. I mean, if BTC dropped to < 2-3k it might seem like a buy to me. Eth at 150-250 wouldn't look too bad either.

>> No.10595725
File: 129 KB, 1902x656, Hash Rate - Bitcoin-com Charts 8-8-2018 12-27-41 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, no, sorry. Not happening. Bitcoin is currently trading at more or less it's production cost, which is steadily increasing, as you can see in the screencap.

>> No.10595830

why does that matter though? The electricity has already been spent for each BTC. Even if they shut down the miners, it doesn't create demand, it'd probably hammer the price even further because they're going to need to dump btc to pay their bills as well as a signal to the market that spent electricity doesn't have value.
Just how it looks to me, but like I said i'm not a crypto guy.

>> No.10595887

The miners are the big/smart money. They wouldn't be investing millions into hardware if they had any doubts about the future profitability. The big money is accumulating, while the dumb money is panic selling. What does that tell you?
>spent electricity doesn't have value
It absolutely does. The electricity is spent to secure the network.

>> No.10596031

>miners accumulate
Miners distribute which is clearly what has been happening the past 7 months. That's how it is profitable, by selling the coins.

>> No.10596090

Wrong. The Bitcoin accumulated last year was already distributed, as you can see from the price action. Now is the new accumulation phase, and the hashrate trend clearly supports this view. The miners simply don't need to sell the coins at this price, as they already sit on piles of cash.

>> No.10596103

And I'm talking about the big boys, not the retail miners.

>> No.10596108
File: 131 KB, 960x720, IMG_2341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call me

>> No.10596111

i wonder if the kids on /biz/ can tell you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. i hope so.

>> No.10596161

Good non-argument.

>> No.10596566

I recycled my BTC and eth gains into Tesla November through January. They will be recycled back into BTC and eth shortly.

>> No.10596581

That's me OP by the way

>> No.10596793


310 709 497

>> No.10597671

bought a new p100d with the gains
tesla: easy mode