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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10590187 No.10590187 [Reply] [Original]

What is even the point of money if you aren’t a 10/10 Chad?

To buy more anime pillows and fake affection from thots?

>> No.10590206


>> No.10590219
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no, you BECOME a thot

>> No.10590243

Lets see how many biz nerds we get saying they look just like him or better.

>> No.10590306


>> No.10590343

no one here will ever look like that even after 1000 reincarnations

>> No.10590347

I want to accomplish at least one noteworthy thing that my friends and family will be proud of. It would be nice to pay off their mortgages and student loans before I ultimately succumb to cirrhosis.

>> No.10590350

well, you can buy escorts and prostitutes and drugs

>> No.10590351
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I look like him but lighter hair and blue eyes

>> No.10590353
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to get surgeries to look like him
its the only reason i got into shitcoin business
i have all my surgeries planned out
i just lack money for them

i won't look like chad obviously because you have to be born a chad or you're not a chad but at least i will be attractive enough to get laid and have friends who actually want to hang out.

>> No.10590354

to become a chad.

>> No.10590388

Basically this too

>> No.10590402

i have the same hairline

>> No.10590418

ye comfy af imo

>> No.10590426


>> No.10590746
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sure thing tubby

>> No.10590768

>fake attention from thots

you actually want attention from thots, meaning you're a loser.
I wanna be rich so whenever I see a hot girl I can ass fuck her and deepthroat her, I'm not looking for attention.
you're just a fucking fag anon might aswell become a trap and get ass fucked yourself

>> No.10590804

>I wanna be rich so whenever I see a hot girl I can ass fuck her and deepthroat her,

Only chad can do this.

>> No.10590842

>tfw 10/10 facial aesthetics
>dad was 10/10 fit bodybuilder in old photos
>look identical to my dad but skinnyfat and pale
>spend all day on 4chan instead of lifting
I need to turn my life around before I'm too old to be good looking.

>> No.10590851

I'm not an ugly white incel fortunately I have decent look already, had many girlfriends and fuckbuddies. Money will allow me to fuck better quality pussy.

>> No.10590862

No, it's to stop wagecucking for Mr Noseberg you retard
Also I'd rather be ugly and rich than ugly and poor

>> No.10591005


Sure you do buddy, does your dad work for Nintendo too?

>> No.10591042

then do it you pathetic weasel

>> No.10591049

he plays wow. he's a super nerd

>> No.10591064

I don't want to be a Chad. I don't have social skills and I hate people anyways, why would I care about social status? I just want a lot of money so I don't have to worry about going to a job I hate every day just to eat. Freedom is always priority #1, and threads like this are just fucking idiotic and will not ever change that. Freedom freedom freedom. I want to be free, I don't give a shit about anything else.

>> No.10591138


yes, remember what happened to Weinstein, he is rich and powerful but not chad.

>> No.10591209
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That's impressive although he didn't look too bad in the first picture anyway. A bit pajeetness but oh well. Also it depends highly on the surgeon, you may look like pic related instead.

>> No.10591756

another sluthate idiot who doesn't realise it is all about bone mass and maxillary dimensions.

You never had a chance, sorry

>> No.10591818

who are they trying to fool?

>> No.10591990

I already have a girl who makes more than me and is a semen demon. So I'll just be fucking her in exotic locations I guess, idk.

>> No.10592010

What's even the point of money if you're a spineless faggot?

>> No.10592040

To distract myself with new material possessions until I die alone.

>> No.10592048

When you're a chad and you start to age/lose your looks, that'll be a humbling experience like no other

>> No.10592103

There’s diminishing returns on both attractive women and money. Dating an 8 or a 9 is mostly as good as a 10 and in terms of personality and other relationship baggage that comes with a 10 then the 8 or 9 is better.

Also with money, once you are in the six figure range and can buy what you want whenever you want outside of lambos and mansions there’s a lot of diminishing returns on how much extra happiness you get with more money.

If you aren’t happy dating a 9/10 and making six figures you won’t be happy with a 10/10 and making millions.

>> No.10592121

to afford hrt

>> No.10592391

amen brother.

Now how do I date a 8 or a 9 and make six figures when the highest I ever had was a 6 and also I am poor...

>> No.10592412
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>> No.10592418

>Also with money, once you are in the six figure range and can buy what you want whenever you want outside of lambos and mansions there’s a lot of diminishing returns on how much extra happiness you get with more money.

Unironically this. I once saw a study that said the cap is $70k annually. Meaning as you work your way up to $70k, happiness continues to increase as you make more money. After that, you start to see minimal change in happiness/life satisfaction.

>> No.10592454

H-how did you get the beard?

>> No.10592466

Cry in a lambo

>> No.10592615
File: 18 KB, 741x315, minoxidil-a-year-before-and-after.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if you're shitposting or not but look up minoxidil. It was originally intended to help balding men regain their hair but if you put it on your face it makes your beard grow. Takes a few months but it worked perfectly for me. Pic related isnt me, but a good example.

Basically anyone can look decent looking. Get in shape, get nice clothes. If your face is ugly, grow a beard and wear shades all the time. It's essentially the guy version of makeup.

>> No.10592642

Hey I'll try that.

>> No.10592657


these guys get it. I just want to retire and sit around all day with my 9/10 wife, play video games, shit post, read, watch movies, go hiking and camping. I'm a simple man, about 4 million and I'm out, working is for suckers.

>> No.10592704

>simple man
>9/10 wife
>4 milllion

People have lost all sense of what wealth actually is.
If you have 4 million that puts you in the 1% of the global population.

>> No.10592744

Any side effects? Sexual or anything? I have a thick ass beard but my hair line is fading back (Getting the Peyton Manning look going for me soon enough).

>> No.10592768

$800k is the 1% worldwide

9/10s are nearly worthless. $1M will you get you a couple of them

>> No.10592792

>Those 40 year old balding boomers in /biz/
pathetic, dont you old fucks have kids yet?

>> No.10592794

Thank you for sharing

>> No.10592835

some people have headaches and heart palpitations within the first few weeks/months, but your body will get used to it. I’m asian, and this is like hacking. Shit works, there’s a subreddit called minoxbeards if you wanna see more examples and whiney faggots

>> No.10592841

Are you retards high?

>> No.10592981

>sauce says $720k
>i said $800k

is that really so different anon? not sure what your objection is

>> No.10593069
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post moar qt traps so I can lazily question my sexuality

>> No.10593094

inflation/CPI adjusted this is more 100k bottom limit vs. 70k and like 125-150k diminishing returns

>> No.10593347
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If you weren’t born into wealth and good genetics you’ll never make it.

tl;dr if you have to “make it” in your life then you’re already never going to make it

>> No.10593411

Honestly I don't count every single possession that you have as financial worth, especially in sense of liquidity.
How many desperate normies do you think are capable of actually selling their house, car, and everything else to amass all their net worth in fiat? Maybe 0.001%. So most people should be accounted by their wage, which is around $32k as that article suggests.

>> No.10594174

Bullshit. I was born into trailer trash family and was on food stamps as a kid and I was a self made multimillionaire before 30.

>> No.10594188


>> No.10594212

>If you weren’t born into wealth and good genetics you’ll never make it.
lmao at this poorfag cope. there are tonnes of things that you can do to make it.

>> No.10594242

this is me except i'm actually pretty old now and was a slayer in my 20s. i got fat and went from a high 9 to a high 7. however i got sick and am now losing a shitload of weight which is making me creep up the rankings again. thankfully my face hasn't aged much and can still pull off even mid-20s easily

>> No.10594255

me too bro

>> No.10594262

not how it works for men kiddo. look at jack nicholson ffs he's hideous and still the absolute man because of status + money in that order.

>> No.10594299

wrong. 10/10 thots are rarely approached irl. 8s and 9s are the bitches because they're actually somewhat attainable and thus when you date one you constantly have to deal with predators and orbiters.

>> No.10594326

Yeah girls with millions of Instagram followers aren’t getting sent thousands of dick pic DMs everyday. Nice cope.

>> No.10594358
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>t. zoomer who thinks instagram is irl

>> No.10594868

To not have to care about it.

>> No.10595292


Congrats, Chad got a 10mil trust fund when he turned 18

Money is money. Women don’t care if you’re “self made” or not

>> No.10595425

selfmade is probably even worse. new money always fucks around somehow. would rather come from a good family and be born into wealth and groomed from an early age.

>> No.10595926

I always think about how looks weren't that important at all for men in our fathers and grandfathers generations. It seems like ugly guys could get tons of pussy if they were smart and successful and being handsome didn't mean jack shit to attractive ladies. Wtf happened?

>> No.10596150

women had a lot less freedom/opportunity to be picky. and that's a good thing

>> No.10596210

It becomes irl for Qataris and other oil barons

>> No.10596228

>fake affection from thots
I will take any affection even if I have to pay for it. The point of money for me is to just no have a boss.

>> No.10596237
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>> No.10596386


Social status was far more formal so it counted for more. Everything has slid into structureless slop over the last 50 or 60 years.

>> No.10596400

So I can live comfortably, shitpost on the internet, and drink as much booze as I want any time I want.

>> No.10596413

one of the biggest producers in my europoor country plays wow. and makes a fuckton of hiphop and controls that whole scene and fucked over 150-200 thots.

Stop making life into this 2d meme,