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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10588995 No.10588995[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>mfw NEET
Holy shit, Imagine going to work tomorrow like a little bitch ass cuck

>> No.10589013

>i got totally destroyed in that other thread so i better vent through a new one

>> No.10589018

Based and redpilled.

>> No.10589024

>There is only 1 neet on biz.
I call this cope.

>> No.10589051

>work as a freelancer
>work whenever you want, wherever you want
>have lots of free time
>providing a service or creating something gives a sense of accomplishment

>> No.10589060

Can we create a smug pepe wagie cope bingo already?

>> No.10589067

How horrible.
You should be more like OP. A lonely empty shell devoid of will to live. You'd have all the time in the world to make neet cope threads.

>> No.10589084

not based neet if you dont say it in a song

>> No.10589092
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Just imagined it. Wow. Imagine being that cucked.

>> No.10589118
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>> No.10589121

NEET gang reporting in
Nodes for passive income
Do what I want all day everyday
anyone else feeling fucking good man?

>> No.10589127

That's a great idea, anon.

>> No.10589137

>Neet makes a thread
>Wagie goes into cope mode "LOL, whatever you're just a loser who doesn't provide to the machine.
>Wagie doesn't realize that NEETS can just lie about being a freelancer and girls, normies will dismiss the NEET life he lives and judge him now on his looks and personality.
Basically if you're a decent looking and happy, fit NEET the world is your oyster.

>> No.10589148

it's literally THAT simple.

>> No.10589160

> if you're a decent looking, happy fit neet
I'll take things that dont exist for 800.

>> No.10589167

>based neets

>> No.10589172


Lads I can't take it being a wagie anymore.

Should I just quit my job. I have 43k Link and about 7k in the bank in savings. Is it a smart move to quit my job right now. Or retarded.

I fucking hate my boss and some of my coworkers. My workplace just goes through people like they are disposable and doesn't value anyone at all. I have been there almost the longest, and trained tons of other employees there and yet still get treated like I don't matter.

Should I just quit and search for another wagie wojak job in the meantime until Link takes off? What would be the best way to quit? Should I get the other job beforehand. I really want to piss my boss off and insult her before I leave, I also want to quit mid shift and leave them understaffed and behind for the rest of the day as a final fuck you.

>> No.10589221


If being a neet is so great, why then during most job interviews do they ask you, "do you have any significant gaps in employment?"

It's almost like once you become truly a neet, you're branded that way and it becomes something you either have to explain away or overcome. It's an ever increasing point of importance that you not stay a neet for too long because each passing day, week and month as a neet is detrimental to your overall resume.

>> No.10589250


Cope overdrive

>> No.10589271

cope status: cringe compilation

>> No.10589272

This is true. Being a NEET can actually be a positive time, but if it goes on for years then you're branded as a lazy ass and basically unhireable. Of course if you master passive income then it becomes irrelevant.

>> No.10589276


Do they really ask that? I never got asked that for any of my job interviews. Is it only for white collar stuff? With them couldn't you make something up about starting your own business or doing entrepreneurship during that time?

I am debating about quiting my job and becoming a neet again right now waiting for Link to take off. But I can't take the idea of my hated coworkers continuign to gain money while I sit around doing nothing. I want to enjoy my time neet, not be depressed. But once Link moons then I can be happily neet because I will be richer than all the people I hate. I will have won. And can live a rich neet life in peace.

Neet is the absolute best way to live, the problem is the depressing that comes with it from lack of achievements, and all your motivation being drained away. Fuck, I was a neet for 4 years before getting back into the workforce. Some days I literally did not even want to play video games. Now I jump at every chance to play vidya I get. Vidya becomes fun again. I just need to feel like I achieved something then I can sit back and neet it out in peace. Will probably end up doing projects though in the meantime to keep me busy, might employ some other people and become a boss myself and do some art projects.

Fuck wagie life and fuck people who actually enjoy and want to be wagies though.

>> No.10589299

Coping with what? Getting paid for doing what you love is wrong now?

I hope you have some hobbies or something, dude. I can't imagine living in such an interesting world without being passionate about anything.

>> No.10589304

OK what's stopping a NEET from eating clean and going to the gym. Healthy food isn't that expensive and a gym membership is $20 a month. Wagies are just terrified of a NEET doing well because it will shatter their superiority complex.

A well to do NEET is a wagies worst nightmare because it confirms that having a job isn't a status symbol, thusly devaluing all the hours a wagie has put into their career.

>> No.10589311

I enjoy my occupation. It has given me financial freedom, the ability to be challenged doing something I love which makes me better, and provided me contact with many other humans who have become my friends. Some of them are females with whom I have had sexual relations. Enjoy doing nothing.

>> No.10589318

They do. At least everyone I have been in. Although literally brushing it off does just fine.

>> No.10589353


The absolute state of wagies. Here's my work mr schecklestein ty for sex

>> No.10589358

anon quit. read thoreau and Bukowski.
You unriconically have one life. find your own way. I would rather be homeless than have to work again.

>> No.10589366

you can be a /fit/ NEET. we arent all fat incels who have no social skills. become a master of passive income and never work for anyone again, the literal definition of cuckoldry

>> No.10589379

Have fun waking up and forcing yourself to drive to an office where you cant leave until ANOTHER MAN gives you your living wages you literal cuck
>implying NEETS do nothing
Youre right wagie i havent become a polyglot, learned forex, multiple instruments, get laid whenever i want because i dont have to wake up to go be a wagie, my life is SO BAD

>> No.10589408


When I was a neet I used to go to the gym multiple times and was actually quite fit. Ironically once I became a wagie I stopped having time to visit the gym, but I had money to buy some home gym equipment, but I am too drained after work to bother using it most of the time anyways.

For me to start regularly training and lifting again I'd have to quit my job to get the time and energy to do it.


I know. One life. But I fear that I am missing the opportunity of accumulating even more Link if I quit now. But fuck I am nearing my wits end with this job. Fucking boss called me into her office today and lectured me on a bunch of garbage shift and how the new supervisor of my department, despite being a dumb lazy bitch who puts her work on everyone else, and is objectively worse than the guy she replaced, is somehow so smart and intelligent and I must respect her and do as she says. I was about a fucking nanometer from snapping and quiting right there and then. One of the only things holding me back is the knowledge that my workplace gets regular audits since our location is right next to several major auditing places so we get randomly audited multiple times a year. I am thinking if I just hold out till next audit, then fuck up hugely on that day on purpose, let the auditor know all the skelletons the manager is keeping in her closet then quit mid shift and leave the place in chaos it will be worth it. I seriously want revenge for the last year and a half of being a fucking wagie there and them still not giving me an ounce of respect.

>> No.10589409

Do these larps make the pain of being kept like a pet by your family any easier?

>> No.10589418

So do you mean someone who lives off the government, or someone who has enough passive income of their own to not work? Two very different things. I’m a freelancer in a major US city who works with music every day and gets paid 65k+ a year for it. I had to work some jobs I didn’t want to so that I could move, but equipment, etc. But now I feel good because I did it. Appreciation comes from accomplishment boys. But you live your own lives. Just try not to steal money that is intended to help the less fortunate. You will help turn this country into a shithole.

>> No.10589424

>I can't imagine living in such an interesting world without being passionate about anything.

Wagies passion for making mr schecklestein more scheckles

>> No.10589431

I work evenings. Never said your life was bad.

>> No.10589452
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>make money from passive adsense ad revenue
>go to gym at 11am when everyone is either wageslaving or studycucking so its nice and empty
>proceed to look on my whatsapp list filled with 8/10 hookers
>meet with one on her appartment and premature ejaculate like a horny mofo due uncut intact dick that feels too good
>due the cialis i took i can fuck a second round
>feels great man.tiff
>come back home and check my online neet gainz
>play some quake and shitpost on the internet
>don't have to pay for shit coz live with parents

>> No.10589457

Lol did you just watch fight club anon?
You sound miserable my dude. just quit and learn to be happy. you could get hit by a car tomorrow.
I live alone in a major us metropolitan area, and can make 3k whenever i want, just like im in a long from 6907 btc right now. keep coping wagie.
The government? no lol. I mean setting up passive income.
I have masternodes that give me a few k every month, and that is just one source of income. im pretty sure no one here is talking about government assistance, neets are defacto an-cap libertarian ish. I wouldnt even know how to get welfare if i wanted to, id rather go dumpster diving than get food stamps

>> No.10589458

i lost my neet bucks yesterday

>> No.10589473

Anything you buy is making Mr. Shekelstein more shekels. By your logic, you're such a little bitch that you can't live off the nature and take care of yourself, so you pay money to Daddy Shekel to feed you.

>> No.10589476

feels good fellow NEET, lets get shredded as fuark too in order to dispel the incel myth

>> No.10589484


>> No.10589504

That’s fine by me. Congratulations on your success. I don’t agree with how you see the working man, but if you aren’t a drag on society, then you are free to live as you please. I just hate gubmit gibs, unless the person is like a cripple or something.

>> No.10589515

im already cut and have abs, im small framed and have an uneven chest tho so t-shirt don't properly fit

i'll never be a proper chad so i gave up on looking like chad thundercock i just look train to look good naked and fuk escorts

>> No.10589526

>Lol did you just watch fight club anon?

No. I haven't seen it in over a decade either since you mention it. I should rewatch it. I am just so pissed off I only just got home from work. I can't stand working with this new supervisor she is a mega bitch and my friend, who I worked well with already quit because of her and the bosses retardation and now I have to deal with even more work to make up for our smaller team size. The manager is a fucking idiot that could not hold on to talent if it was a giant cock throbbing in her fucking gen x pussy. She just lets everyone good go and replaces them with garbage that I have to train then they quit or get fired and it's an endless stream of people. I fucking hate it. The worst part is the shit ones stay and rise to the top. Fuck I hate corporate culture.

>> No.10589534
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what masternodes are u rocking?

are u going to scoop up some cheap stakenet to run a maternode on that one?

what about taxes from teh masternode gains, how do you cash it out to spend it? or you just store it in btc for long term?

>> No.10589536

Sounds good, Im looking into the escort game
How much do you pay per session? like 100 for a hh, hour? Where do you find them since craiglist is down?

>> No.10589549

t. guy whose mom caught him spying on his sister changing clothes

>> No.10589560

I run a dozen XLR , 3 BWK, and a XZC. hodling thru bear and gonna pawn them during the next inevitable bull run.
send node rewards to exchange, convert to btc,.
Cash out through bitpay, you only have to report taxes if you spend over 20k annually. so set up 3-4 different cards under your siblings grandparents names and keep each under 20k and youre tax free. I also buy a lot of amazon gift cards with btc and airfare/hotels, completely anon.

>> No.10589565

Get some references from your co workers first. It would be pretty bad to quit a job and not have any references.

>> No.10589590


Oh is that a thing? I don't actually have to list my boss/manager/supervisor?

Yeah I think I will do that.

>> No.10589591


Cope. Consumption != wage cucking

>> No.10589607

Honestly as much shit as Boomers get on this board. Gen Xers are the worst bosses. Literally just out for themselves and are young enough where they still give a shit about hours. Most of Boomer bosses I've had were pretty cool and saw me like their kids cause they all have kids the same age. Most Gen X bosses are always pissy and live to push work onto others.

>> No.10589619

Yeah some prefer if you have co workers as opposed to your bosses. Also if you have multiple managers just ask one you kind of don't hate for a reference. Good luck buddy.

>> No.10589621
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If you're in my age group, there's a 95% chance you make less money than me. The only reason you'd have for rejecting work is that you have a negative outlook on your potential earnings. So where does that put you? How are you so sure you're the winner here?

>> No.10589643

Its definitely a big part of it though. Turning people into obedient consumers is a big step of keeping the wagies slaved. By pushing people a bunch of worthless crap, marketers and corporations get people addicted to tons of useless crap, and get them spending $800 on a new iphone, and $4.50 on Starbucks 3x per day, for all eternity. They do the same with film and music, which promote this further.

Then, even though the wagie may have started more humble, coming out of university as a college student, the wagie gets used to consumption as a both a habit and a "reward for all my hard work." Then, the same company who steals most of your living life, steals back the income they pay you, by selling you trash and making you into a consumer.

Minimalism is superior. A latop. A phone. A camera. Some clothes and bedding, hygiene stuff. A couple books, maybe a journal or musical instrument. What else more could one need? Why buy a house just to fill it with shit your never use?

>> No.10589652


Top wagie. Tax him more.

>> No.10589663

How fucking sad do you have to be to make one of these threads first thing after you wake up?

>> No.10589692

I'm 31. I graduated university in 2010 in CS and IS (info systems). My last job in IT I was making $94k as a NOC Admin. There was a 1 and 1/2 year break between that an my last job, where I was doing similar work as a Sys Admin. Same with my prior tech job.

Now I am self employed. I work as much or as little as I want and average $38/hr. I generally only work 2-3 days per week, but sometimes just don't work also. Starting next Tuesday, I'll be traveling around the US, hitting up a few national parks and floating along with west coast for a bit. I expect the whole month long trip to cost about $500, as I'll just be pitching a tent up as I go, so no hotel costs.

Enjoy your few hours of free time tonight. I hope rush hour isn't too bad.

>> No.10589703


Glad someone else agrees. Every single place I've ever worked I've had a gen X boss or supervisor and they are the biggest most cuntiest faggots on earth. I hate gen X way more than I hate the boomers. Worst fucking gen, absolute cancer. All of them. Boomers are alright in work, as you said. Fellow millenials are fine and respectful most of the time, just trying to get buy. Zoomers are great and look up to you. Gen X just shit all over you, tear you down, accuse you of shit you didn't do, they are lazy and put work on other, they are workaholics and are always just fucking there and they never fuck off so you can work in peace without their fucking awful presence. God I hate gen x so much. Even the ones that aren't in manager/supervisor positions can be absolute cunts at times. Absolutely willing to completely fuck over any coworker for a promotion or to be in the bosses goody book. Where in my experiences, younger millennials and zoomers especially will actually stick their neck out for you. I dunno if it's just inexperience in the workplace but some of them form genuine friendships and will give you a heads up if they know something you don't that could benefit you. Absolute fantastic workers they are.

That's pretty cool. I have just the guy in mind. There is a male supervisor on the weekend who I think is an older millennial or on the borderline anyways. He's a pretty cool guy and we get along. I'm gonna ask him for a reference. He even asks me questions about what his weekday counterpart does and wants to know all her fuckups and he has a good chuckle. I could ask a few other coworkers too, shame my friend left though. Would have gotten the best reference there.

>> No.10589712

22 NEET here anon. youre living the dream. how often do you get laid? do you find your lack of wagedom creates some sort of disconnect between materialistic stacies and yourself, or is your game that good where you can just talk your way into sex wherever you are?
youre a free man with no boss, what more could you want

>> No.10589733


Gonna add on why my friend left because I want /biz/'s opinion on if it was even legal or not. If it's ammo I can give to an auditor or something.

>friend asks to take accumulated annual leave
>manager okays it and signs document confirming it
>friend buys plane ticket to go overseas on holiday
>1 week out from flight date manager cancels friends annual leave
>"I couldn't find anyone to replace you while you are gone so too bad you can't go"
>Refuses to refund the plane ticket or pay the cancellation fee
>Tells friend they will be fired if they don't turn up to work

My friend just outright quit in protest and is now overseas.But work of it spread around the entire workplace and even people in other departments of the company are talking about it and now everyone is worried about their annual leave getting revoked.

>> No.10589744

good for you anon we always knew you could be a hobo

>> No.10589756

Literally screaming COPE over and over again is really a great argument and not an autistic thing to do at all, anons.

The actual sad thing is that you seek constant validation from the likes of you to make yourself sure that you made the right decision over and over again, because you are afraid of that dark emptiness growing inside you when you lay your head on the pillow every night.

>> No.10589797

You must realize that's a reductionist viewpoint. There's more to this concept than just time in, time out, money in, money out. My dad is a self-employed high-end hair stylist, and he lives just fine off 3 hours of work per day. And yet I would never trade my lifestyle for his because he's stuck in a rathole of stagnant self-growth. Are you sure you're not missing something here?

I live in a free country. The vast majority of my earnings are mine to keep. And I'm rewarded for my good health by a privatized healthcare industry

>> No.10589815

>The actual sad thing is that you seek constant validation from the likes of you to make yourself sure that you made the right decision over and over again, because you are afraid of that dark emptiness growing inside you when you lay your head on the pillow every night.

Wage slaves are masters of mortality now.

Last time I waged I had to work on some stupid webpage to increase someone elses cash flow. It was more interesting than most jobs. Did not cure existentialism.

The only thing that helped so far is working on open source.

>> No.10589824

That's illegal as fuck. When your friend entered into his contract, the agreement was that he could use his PTO as he pleases. That's breach of contract plus wrongful grounds for termination. He can sue the pants off the company and/or get that guy fired

>> No.10589852

how do you get started in that field?

>> No.10589872


Fantastic. I'll have to let him know, I want this companie sued into oblivion. Fucking shit bosses man. When I started working there it wasn't too bad, but these last few months everything has just gone pants on head retarded and even established old timers there mentioned they feel like they are walking on eggshells now and management has gone full retard. There is an old fellow there who admitted to me he's signed up to a fucking union for protection, and he told me he fucking hates unions, he hates the idea of being involved with them, but resorted to it to protect himself. It was sad.

Thanks anyways /biz/.

>> No.10589883

Ask your friend for the reference if he's down. You don't have to currently be working there, the guy just has to have worked with you for a period.

>> No.10589926


Thanks. I'm gonna mention this to the other guys still working there as well, and tell them I'd be happy to be a reference for them. We are all stuck in this shithole company that looks more and more like a sinking ship. Management is just being so fucking retarded lately it defies all logic.

Like my friend often worked overtime unpaid, retarded I know, but so fucking valuable and everyone loved the extra hand to finish up at the end of the day. That is not the employee who you want to fuck over by cancelling their holiday. Pretty much everyone else there is also pissed he's gone too and I think several others are looking for a way out. I guess we can all reference ourselves into other jobs.

Thanks for the advice /biz/. I appreciate it.

>> No.10589946
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>> No.10589998
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>mfw one word is all it takes to make wagie ragie
pardon me while I go work out, walk my dog, run errands and get all my chores done before you get off work.

>> No.10590009

Eventually you'll have 1-2 large clients and effectively be a wagecuck working 80 hour weeks. But at least you'll be making six figures.

>> No.10590250

not sure about that

amazon gifts are anonymous? how anonymous? the stuff has to be delivered to your direction anyway, plus IP so u better be using VPN

in my country u must report everyything

im from spain and 120 to 150€ hour

>> No.10590281

spoken like someone whos never been homeless

>> No.10590297

I get paid 180k to do what I love. I'm a 6'2 black guy and I work as a red team penetration tester for a medium sized company in the mid west. I get flown out to different places world wide (mostly Europe and Asia) to break into buildings, use my social engineering skills and crack all sorts of digital copyright software.

I agree that if you don't do what you love, you're going to be miserable. But between crypto and the job I've got, I've got all the money I could want and I'm perfectly happy.

So 50/50 on this topic

t. Nigger blogposter

>> No.10590307


Forgot to add: waiting for both virgin neet and ragie wagie cope

>> No.10590310

Based negroposter. I 100% agree.

>> No.10590346


That is a pretty fucking cool job anon. Got any interesting stories about it?

>> No.10590359

i smell larp lmao

>> No.10590373

>6'2 black guy
>Paid to break into buildings

>> No.10590393

>penetration tester
>not a criminal
you're doing it wrong. You were supposed to be on the other side

>> No.10590645


I have a lot of stories but I think one of the most interesting things about the job is reconnaissance. You can learn a lot of things about people by simply watching or listening to them.

So about 3 years ago, three of us were on site at a large US cloud computing company. Their brand isn't super big and recognizable or anything but for obvious reasons I'll omit the name.

>get into uniform, we put on reflective vests, hard hats, wore toolbelts and had a clipboard
>walk into the building and convince the two ladies at reception that we're working on the HVAC systems in the basement
>with any sort of company setting with expensive equipment, there are many security cameras
>get escorted to basement where the cooling system for the data center is
>security guards standing, watching us working
>Asian dude I work with starts going through all of the maintenance history, pretending to do work, while I'm talking to the security guards making shit up
>ask for the layout of the building, they escort me to reception where they've got a binder of the floor layout
>guess that there's probably 15-20 cameras in the building, mostly situated in front of locked doors
>there's an open floor office on the second floor, ask to be escorted to see it
>"why? what do you have to do on the second floor?"
>try to make something up quick
>"well if we're working on the cooling system downstairs, we'll have to see the ventilation system"
>security guard looks confused but agrees to escort me
>get escorted around the second floor, see typical open office setting but there are sectioned off offices too
>notice that there are cameras in the offices
>we bs our way through 30 mins more of work and leave the building
>log onto guest wifi for the building while sitting in the car, typical network reconnaissance shows some of the workstations in the buildings are connected to the guest wifi
>dumb smile on my face


>> No.10590724

>needing cialis to go again
ED cope

>> No.10590784
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i'd say folks are different. some can enjoy being a NEET, others delude themselfes into thinking they like being a neet, same goes for work. Of course the opimum would be work that you love and pays well so it wouldnt feel like work or a chore, but that is unfortunately only for few people. All we can hope is that it gets better for everyone.

>> No.10590808
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nothing like the smell of fresh wagecope in the morning

>> No.10590874

>you are afraid of that dark emptiness growing inside you when you lay your head on the pillow every night.
Your projection is blinding. Just because you keep telling yourself you like what you do won't make that feeling go away anon. You need to change your ways and start to improve your life. I hope you'll be well.

>> No.10590899


>xrdp exploit to get a reverse shell onto one of the workstations
>set up a network adapter callback script I wrote so I can capture ethernet network traffic
>repeat for a bunch of other workstations
>do a bunch of paperwork, other irrelevant reconnaissance, reporting then come back tomorrow to check
>find the workstations responsible for storing, processing, etc, camera recordings
>recordings are no good, need live video feeds so I can scare our client
>video recordings have useful meta data
>Panasonic cameras
>Asian dude is our hardware/RFID pro
>breaks into them in about 20 minutes
>live video stream using the codec specific to the camera
>literally watching the employees getting coffee
>look at closed offices
>guy scratching his balls
>Asian guy says the dude has a hard on
>kek hard but doesn't look like jacking off to me

I feel like this is getting long so I'll be more concise

>do a bunch of other stuff, including take control of some of their data centers
>didn't want to deny service to customers of the client so didn't run any Bitcoin miners, but totally could have

Day later

>filter callback script for workstation internet use, most traffic was just intranet web apps, etc
>lots of serverfault visits (popular sys admin help site)
>sort hosts accessed by occurrence
>see reddit/twitter/news website usage, tons of slacking off
>see porn eventually
>interest just went up 100 fold
>checked times people watched porn, tried to catch one of them on live camera doing it based on patterns
>no luck
>check video recordings we've made over the last two days
>guy scratching his balls is watching porn
>fucking kekked so hard
>Asian guy was right

Anyways, we present our findings. Show that we've rooted a small portion of the servers in a certain part of the building, show that it can be done to all the servers on the racks in the data center.

Also told the client about their employee jacking off at work


>> No.10590946

how do you even get involved in a job like this? wtf

>> No.10590970

Client is shook, eventually signs a contract with us again, asking us to patch stuff and harden the entire place later that month (like two weeks later)

>go back to open office while working on some of the workstations
>see that the guy isn't there anymore
>point it out to partners
>"m-maybe he's just working remotely today"
>somehow very doubtful
>continue to work on site for another week, get another contract signed for periodic maintenance and yearly pentests
>never see the guy, ever again. pretty sure we got the dude fired

The outcome feels bad but it's honestly a very funny story, white guy is still working at the company with me and we still talk about it to this day

>> No.10591079

computer engineering degree, lots of independent study on system administration, networking, shell scripting, c/python/perl (no other languages are relevant for the most part)

After that get your industry certifications, you can start with the OSCP, OSCE as basics. Cisco certs help but they're not that great

I'd want to work in intelligence (CIA/FBI) but I'm not a US citizen so I'm not eligible yet. (I'm Canadian originally)

>> No.10591384

based negro, hope you make it

>> No.10591765

8 years NEET here (autism)
It's really douchey to laugh at those who have to work, you just got lucky
Most NEETs waste their time doing bullshit and are unfulfilled and depressed as a result
I think actually working a little, say 3 or 4 hours a day is actually better for you than full NEETdom.

>> No.10591837

>see that the guy isn't there anymore

>> No.10591981


I would agree with that.

Full time 8 hours is on average very inefficient way of work anyways, so i'm glad that part time and freelancing is getting more tracktion.

>> No.10592453







the chair has fallen
the silence deafens
the end has come