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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10577485 No.10577485 [Reply] [Original]

Looks like once it picks off and devs start making apps on it its gonna make all your shitcoins irrelevant. Discuss

>> No.10577513


>> No.10577517

No because IBM wants to grow the ecosystem not replace it

>> No.10577785

so it would just kill ETH and all the shit tokens?

>> No.10577813
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>These people
You guys never change

>> No.10577853

i said discuss not post memefrogs

>> No.10577869

>Hyperledger would kill ETH
Huge generalization, ETH is a prime candidate for crosschain transactions which hyperledger fucking depends on for exchanging value. Hyperledger in the most part isn't even a public blockchain so how can it kill any shared ledger

>> No.10577904

I've been saying this for a while. Hyperledger and Corda are going to be the blockchain of choice. Big corps want some decentralization but not trustless public ledgers with neets running nodes.

>> No.10577922

That's why I only hold link

>> No.10577941

Corda has almost no developer support, while solidity becomes the main language for smart contracts, I don't know what world you live in. Adoption starts with early developers.

>> No.10577945

shh, we're talking real business here not your ponzi tokens

>> No.10577960

Solidity and ETH are a joke, you are deluded if you think real world business are gonna use any of that crap

>> No.10577969
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Once again op proves he is a faggot and doesn't want real discussion.

My vote is for large ecosystem.

>> No.10577983

>Adoption starts with early developers

Which is why everyone uses punchcards amirite.

EVERYONE knows floppy disks are the future because they've got the first mover advantages. ITT: HDD buyers C O P E. Also WTF is this shit SSD crap. Vaporware much?


>> No.10578000

have fun with your cryptokitties and pyramids while real business advances the blockchain tech to an actually useful state

>> No.10578010

Have you looked at any of the differences between ethereum ethereum classic and cardano's ievm testnet? Ethereum itself is the proving ground of the concept while others improve security and further adoption.

>Adoption starts with early developers and they never move towards new things.
Stick with the developers they'll make you rich learn the gossip buy into the ETH it's already here.

>> No.10578027

>Stick with the developers they'll make you rich learn the gossip buy into the ETH it's already here.
dude UNIX

>> No.10578029

What do you think hyperledger does? It's not a currency and has applied applications. It's technology >>/g/

>> No.10578049
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Dude microsoft

>> No.10578051


>> No.10578054

eth is done ok you wont get rich off it get over it. We're interested in companies spawning from actually useful blockchain tech so we can buy their stocks

>> No.10578062


Why have a decentralized currency created in a permissionless meritocracy when you can sign up to be fucked in the ass by IBM?

>> No.10578069

>its not a currency, its tech
>has applications
which is why some of us are interested in it, unlike your useless ponzi platform eth

>> No.10578076

are you implying 14 transactions per second is sommehow not the future of technology?

>> No.10578082

IBM is where the less successful boomer drones go to die.

>> No.10578109
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>Companies swamping from this
Are you just learning about these players? Look into VISA too I hear they have a massively adopted ledger

>> No.10578395
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>> No.10578442


leave this board forever corporate shill