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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 249 KB, 1498x716, VeChainRevertTrans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10574568 No.10574568 [Reply] [Original]

Breaking News: Vechain Superhero reverts 115 Octodecillion Disaster

A transaction of 115,792,089,237,316,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 VeTHOR, that's over 115 Octodecillion for you lowly non-chinks who have trouble with numbers was reverted on VeChain by Sunny Lu.

Sunny is the superhero we don't deserve. He makes the immutable blockchain mutable. All doubts should be erased.

>> No.10574582

>He makes the immutable blockchain mutable
holy shit this is actually huge. they are also developing something called a virtual machine btw. you fudders are unironically going to get fucking rekt. i cant wait to see your faces in 2019.

>> No.10574775

I can't tell if you're trolling... but if you are, it's very subtle and well done.

>> No.10574791

lmao at this chink scam

>> No.10575175

tfw it's only "subtle" because there's so many strongly opinionated retards on biz that it's semi-plausible

>> No.10576322

Anyone know if VeChain has addressed this?

>> No.10576388
File: 36 KB, 632x919, TestNet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw I contacted them about this transaction that happened on testnet on thursday. They didn´t react at all. I also happened to find this new flaw yeasterday on the mainnet and posted it directly to /biz/ instead of contacting them, because apparently they don´t care.

>> No.10576399

What is there to address? Someone tried to send an impossible transaction and the network naturally rejected it. That's what a blockchain is for - so that sent transactions can be checked for legitimacy before being approved. That someone tried and failed to send an invalid transaction is not news. There was no reversion, just a 'no' from the network.

>> No.10576418

Reverted just means turned back in this context, not accepted into the immutable ledger and then changed.

>> No.10576442
File: 9 KB, 774x121, 1533548771489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10576469

> something something centralized

>> No.10576507

>He thinks they have a publicly accessible category for manual reversions on every transaction.

>> No.10577169


Reverted means to go back or to change back. It means to go back to it's previous state.

If this was Ethereum it would just have FAILED. Actually validations in the wallet should never have allowed this unless someone is hacking the system. This is what I fear since several people have claimed getting VTHO but never held VEN/VET on binance. Isn't anyone concerned about an inflated supply of VTHO being released maliciously?

>> No.10578403
File: 148 KB, 720x960, VeChain3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why don't you just get out of it until they respond to some of these concerns then? WTF, you're acting like there are enterprises lining up to buy your VTHO tokens and you might miss out on the price appreciation. It's just Chinese marketing gimmicks and hype to tempt you Anon

>> No.10578436

There is not a SINGLE competent individual employed within a 20-mile radius of my place of business. I am surrounded ENTIRELY by idiots and social rejects. I understand that I work in what is essentially Houston's armpit, but Jesus fucking CHRIST, everyone I see is nothing more than a pathetic waste of the nasty-ass body they inhabit.

It was my lunch hour. I needed Scotchgard. I went to the Wal-Mart down the road to procure some. Little did I know that this would become a battle with my own sanity before I left. Now, I can't say that I've been shopping for Scotchgard in recent memory, so I wasn't exactly sure where to find it. My best guess placed me in the aisle with all of the household cleaning supplies. No go. So I went an aisle over to find some immigrant worker stocking paper towels. Clearly, this guy would know where to find the Scotchgard. Or, at least, that's what I thought at first.

"Excuse me, Sir? I'm looking for Scotchgard," I say.

The man looks up from his work, standing up to a good three and a half feet tall. Apparently, this particular Wal-Mart was looking to meet its Oompa Loompa quota. "Scotchgard?" he asks?

"Yeah, Scotchgard."

He stares at me blankly for a few seconds. "Spray?" he confusedly replies.

Oh, Jesus. This was a mistake. "Yes, it's a spray."

So, Oompy Boy takes me back to the aisle I was just in, points into it, and declares "Spray." Then, he walks off. And so we have strike one. I set off again to locate somebody that both worked there AND spoke English, a task that would prove nigh-impossible. I eventually run into this old lady dragging a cart of boxes around. I ask her where the Scotchgard is. She replies that it's either in the aisle I was just in, or in the aisle with the carpet cleaners. Well, I was just in the aisle I was just in, and couldn't find the Scotchgard even with the assistance of a little orange man. I relayed this information to the lady.

She took me back to the aisle I was just in, anyways. I hate people.

>> No.10578453

As soon as the lady realized that there was not, in fact, any Scotchgard in this aisle, I was pointed in the direction of carpet cleaners about halfway across the store. I embarked on my journey at once. I soon arrived, but alas, no Scotchgard. The carpet cleaners section contained, amazingly enough, only carpet cleaners. Apparently not having suffered enough from my previous two encounters, I again set out to seek the assistance of a salesperson. Each attempt proved increasingly difficult, as salespeople at this particular Wal-Mart were about as elusive as naked women at the Neverland Ranch. I had made it all the way to pool supplies before I managed to catch up to one unable to scurry away from me before I could plead for help, possibly because her fat ass seemed to weigh in excess of a metric ton. I ask her where I can find some Scotchgard.

"Scotchgard?" she asks.

Oh, Jesus. Here we go again. "Yeah, Scotchgard."

"Check the cleaning supplies aisle over in groceries," she suggests.

Yeah, that wasn't going to fly. I politely inform her that her suggested avenue had already been explored, and that she had best provide a more suitable answer before I buried my foot deep inside of her size-52 ass.

"Umm... hardware?" she says. This was not a more suitable answer. My reply, though nonverbal, seemed to convey my feelings on the subject. Long live the power of the facepalm!

So, Tubby walks me over to another sales assistant, who she then proceeds to ask, "Yo Quiero Scotchgard?"

The other associate turns to look at her and then, in perfect English, replies, "what's Scotchgard?"

Oh, God. Butterball spent a few seconds trying to explain it to her before finally turning to me and again pointing me in the direction of hardware. Eager to be away from the hungry clutches of a hideous beast likely to eat me at her next feeding time, I left for hardware.

>> No.10578471

Upon entering hardware, I encounter a Hispanic lady that strongly resembled Nikki Sixx of Motley Crue, only with more tattoos and considerably less attractive. I asked her where I may procure so Scotchgard and was pointed towards automotives. Fine. Automotives sounded like a better idea than hardware, so I went to go check it out. Alas, still no Scotchgard. So, I head back to the hardware whore and demand that I be shown to the Scotchgard in automotive. She complies, and I back off to automotives with the bassist from Motley Crue in tow. She searches for a little while, but is unable to find the object of my desire. Another sales rep, who was apparently lord and master of the automotive section appeared and was flagged down for help by the bitch from hardware. After presented with the situation, the Queen of Automotive Land formally declared that Scotchgard had been discontinued.

Right. Scotchgard has been discontinued. And I'm the king of fucking Spain.

The Automotive Mistress begins a long speech about how unpopular products are discontinued after awhile and I will have nothing of it. I cut her off and ask if they have any of a product just like Scotchgard. I am taken and dragged deep into the bowels of automotives in search of this mysterious substitute. Automotives Whore points me towards some leather polish. Way to go. I take this moment to explain two things to her. First, leather polish is not Scotchgard, nor is it an acceptable substitute, nor is it even the same product. Secondly, the product on the shelf directly underneath what she had pointed me to was, in fact, Scotchgard. I then claim my prize with a satisfied grin upon my face.

>> No.10578495

"Well, that's not the same kind," the Queen of automotives declared in an apparent attempt to save face.

Not the same kind? What the hell? It's fucking Scotchgard! Granted, it's Scotchgard for autos, but all that means is that the picture on the front of the can is a car seat instead of a sofa. Apparently, this was too much for my friend to handle. I removed myself from her presence in disgust. On the way back to the register, I decided to stop and get some KY Jelly. Even though I buy it frequently at Wal-Mart (I use it a lot), I had some difficulty locating it at this particular store. I did not, however, at any point stoop to asking salespeople for help finding it. Given my past experience, I probably would have been led to either maple syrup or tampons (which, coincidentally, were right next to the KY). On that note, Wal-Mart cashiers give you some WEIRD looks when you buy two tubes of KY and a can of Scotchgard.

>> No.10579585
File: 120 KB, 800x595, vechainEars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10579610

mother fucker you dont know who the fuck i am, you are a fag who likes sticking it in guys asses and you best believe that you'd be the one getting crammed in your fuckin rear by my Ukranian Fort-500 shotgun before i blow your fucking guts out your chest you faggit little bitch your fucking pathetic you best hope i never head to your town, i'll find yeah and shank you in your sleep, you wanna die motherfucker? faggit little cracker, hahaha I betyou aint ever even gotten and coochie, huh? ever got any pussy? i dont even keep count anymore, but it is definately past 35 cuz thats where i lost count bout a year or two ago, added a few since then, so ask yourseld, should your faggit no coochie gettin bitch ass maybe try to shut the fuck up, or do you want to hear more about how fuckin gay and lame you are? you cocksucking homo bastard go kill yourself you worthless chunk of shit, your useless and lame as fuck, and i cant wait to show your gay ass faggit no roastin abilities, you couldn't talk shit even if you ate shit, go slit your wrists you aint cool at all give up on your gay ass life

>> No.10580094

Best part was that Tech-Priest, the Conduit made huge lie. Never asked to buy private information from him. Actually he remembered me how nonstop stated January “Vechain 20$ end of month, 100$ end of year”. And when i said that channel is pretty childish with that nonsense spam he banned me. And after that i said for him in private how can he sleep nights when he lie to investors.

In common moderators on Telegram are over 90% very trusted guys corporation knows. Never random volunteers. So those rude Telegram guys are definitely with deep Vechain Official tag.

Can you imagine that you go in Wall Street to buy stocks. You questionable a bit is price cheap or expensive now. And they yell on Wall Street “Finish him” because you don’t agree now is good time to buy with all your money. Very unprofessional. Vechain doesn’t respect you as an investor at all. They just want you buy asap whole your lifesavings. If you don’t buy without questioning they “finish you”. Very ridiculous!