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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10572322 No.10572322 [Reply] [Original]

>That face when NEET
Holy shit, Imagine going to work tomorrow like a little bitch ass cuck

Im gonna make a days worth of money in the stock market

>> No.10572330

based neetposter.

>> No.10572373

No you're not you neet larper you are going to wank it to 2d girls and cry yourself asleep.

>> No.10572401
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uhh sorry incel
But actually, Giving your cummies to the 2d feels much better than the 3d. Fact!

>> No.10572619
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>> No.10572626

well okay
i'm going to go interact with human beings in the real world
probably learn some cool stuff from people
get some neat stories for my cruise next year
have fun, uh, fapping

>> No.10572672

You know the eternal neet already won when all he says about the wagekeks is real while the wagekeks make up some butthurt cope to feel better

T. wagecuck losing his soul

>> No.10572688
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lovin the wagie cope

>> No.10572732
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>checks wagie bank account

>> No.10572749
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78% of wagies live paycheck to paycheck

>> No.10572754


>> No.10572757

Ex Wagie here
I know that money wasnt worth it

>> No.10572764

okay let's math this shit out a little
I get 4 weeks of paid holidays, so that's 48 weeks out of 52 I actually have to do my job, that's 5 days out of that, so that's 240/365 days I actually have to even bother getting up, or slightly less than two thirds.

on those days, I spend a third of that time at work, so I'm now spending 80 days a year, or less than a quarter of the year actually doing any actual work.

You're not really getting that much more time off than me.

>> No.10572771
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now the shut in that is creats a fantasy to cope

>checks bank account again

>> No.10572780
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>i-i swear im not a slave, believe me you silly neet!

>> No.10572785

Okay, you know what? Sure. Lay it on me. What's your genius secret to not working?

>> No.10572791
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buying a massive stack of eth at sub $1

>> No.10572794

Holy fguck wagies. Just do the job and hold crypto. Beleive me it's better than quitting your job now, you'll have to make a living by selling bitcoin. Life's hard without monthly earnings if you don't prepare well.

>> No.10572795

So, you won the lottery.
Speaking of being a wagie, I happen to sell lottery tickets for a living.
Funny thing about your average lottery winner--their lack of an income tends to mean they end up in a worse financial position 2-5 years from when they started.
Where's your income?

>> No.10572805
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man you're hitting levels of cope that shouldnt be possible. you'll stress yourself out and get cancer if you keep doing that, and shekelstein doesnt want his precious wagies to be sick, oh no no no, he wants big and strong wagies to get the job done

>> No.10572807

This is now a cringe thread

>> No.10572820

since you arrived, sure

>> No.10572824

Nah, nah. I want to know what to do with the 120 days of optional unpaid vacation I could be taking every year.

>> No.10572837

t. deluded wagie
just google it. or do you need someone to show you how to do it like how your boss taught you how to take it in the ass.

>> No.10572848

>when the wagecuck starts lying to himself and others
this is just sad

>> No.10572854

...union contract, man, I can take off to 120 days unpaid a year without worry, with a grand total of, uh, three weeks warning.
Did you forget unions exist or something?

>> No.10572860

competent investing is a very hard job, that very often requires focus and dedication beyond the usual 8 hour workday.
you struck gold. nice. now watch as your wealth slowly dissipates, because you are clearly in a declining mental health. maybe due to not having the habitual 'muscle' to manage finance?
frogposting, anime girls, and the /pol/ rethoric do not aleviate the sense of urgency, do they?

>> No.10572873

please leave poor wagie alone, I even have my vacation next week for a week and these threads still pain me. Not all of us are as lucky to have stumbled onto crypto or been born into wealth as you. At least I have my talents that you'll never have.

>> No.10572877
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Except heres the thing, you cant "actually" take 120 days off, so why even bring it up?

>> No.10572891

I could, it would just be the difference between 'basic survival' and 'getting to buy whatever I want whenever I feel like'.

Also I guess building a pension is kinda nice?

I don't know. I find after more than two consecutive weeks off I miss my coworkers and some of my customers.

Without shit like the lady who returned salt once because she was distraught to learn it was high in sodium, or the time that guy caught fire, fuck would I even talk about? Anime?

>> No.10572903

Is that not a kind of work in its own way?

>> No.10572904
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good lord you sound like a faggot

>> No.10572908

Awww, NEET-kun, don't be like that. Just because I can fit in somewhere besides an anime convention doesn't mean I'll be your boyfriend, sweetie.

>> No.10572951

>leddit spacing

>> No.10572963
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>the lady who returned salt
you work at a grocery store, literally only slightly less hellish than fast food. Top Kek

>> No.10572967

I mean, it's better than doing tech support.

>> No.10572977
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Who keeps making these cancerous threads?

>> No.10572982

As I recall, OP actually has anxiety attacks at the idea of ever having to go somewhere or do anything, and this is how they cope.

>> No.10572990

Okay okay, now lets all take a fucking chillpill alright?

First of all you NEETfags we are your brothers. Why the fuck do you always have to do such shit to us? We are all in this together. Why dont you post this faggot ass threads in reddit and anger the plebs? Like you are fucking teamkilling here with this wagie ragie stuff.

Second of all yeah "Muh wagie ragie cope" shit. Well some of us dont have the luxury of not working alright? Yeah make a business, KEK, it aint that easy. I've made 3 businesses which none of them hit it off. To make a fucking good business you need money. The easiest way to get money is my wagecucking or stealing.

Now we all want to make it by doing crypto so why the fuck do we need to bring all of us down? We are all in this together FFS.

>> No.10572993

>muh union
Youre co workers probably grill you to death when you take sick days

>> No.10573009

Nah. Had a manager try to demand a doctor's note, but I pointed out that the contract says they'd have to pay for it, and that the profit margins of the store meant they'd effectively be blowing two grand in sales because they didn't believe I was sick.

Only other problem I ever had was explaining to a manager that no, I could not cover a shift because I was in Nova Scotia. Telling him that 'yeah, sure, if I can make it in I'll call you' calmed him down once.

Coworker wise, I'd have to try to catch up with the girl who got pregnant twice solely to take advantage of maternity leave to ever remotely bother them.

>> No.10573070

>the incel C O P E

>> No.10573135


LOL, be honest anon, you get panic attacks around other people right? No one chooses to be a NEET, you guys are just retarded rejects.

>> No.10573150

I chose to be a NEET since I enjoy having a lot of freetime.

I have a healthy circle of friends and hobbies.

>> No.10573157

>We are all in this together FFS.
you must be new

>> No.10573179


> Enjoys being a NEET
> Has a lot of friends
> Lies to himself
> Cries himself to sleep
> WIll KYS soon

How about now? Just KYS now, you're wasting space.

>> No.10573210

I guess I kind of get it. If you get attacks like that, you can't really imagine anyone else enjoying the life that does that to you. I don't know if I can stay mad at NEET-kun. He got lucky enough to live the life he chooses to live. I'd probably go mad doing it.
I'm glad you were able to pull it off, friend. Judging from /biz/, it requires a lot of luck and opportunities falling the right way. I hope it works out for you in the end. I worry for you guys, sometimes. I've seen people win $20k in Keno and lose it within two weeks buying more of them.

Don't be like that, friend. It's rough, and they find their happiness where they can. I imagine lives like ours must seem like nightmares, if social interaction and responsibility seem like insurmountable obstacles that would break a man to a gibbering wreck.

>> No.10573276

Ragie wagie vs based neetposters

>> No.10573297

Im an assblasted wagie

>> No.10573304


Ragie wagie vs Retarded Autistic Social Outcast Fat and Ugly Sperg

>> No.10573311
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>> No.10573335

Physical appearance and autism no longer matter to the enlightened NEET. All social interaction is supplied by 4chan. Women replaced by their superior 2D counterparts. Ample free time allows them to enjoy their intellectual pursuits and develop themselves to the highest levels possible.

>> No.10573341

Funny thing, actually, on that note. I've got friends in jobs that make a ton more than me, but they're all in the tech sector. They're constantly paranoid about their jobs becoming redundant, or their companies being bought out....

Me, I make groceries beep, and put 'em in bags. Crypto's gonna be as culturally relevant as QR codes someday, but I'll probably have a few years warning if everyone stops eating.

> but but muh self scans
Y'all been saying that shit for ten years. My pension only grows bigger and longer.

>> No.10573347
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>you hit the jackpot you were lucky
>its like winning the lottery, happens to only 1 in a million
wagekek's maximum cope

>> No.10573356

Self scans are annoying because I want to use them to buy embarrassing stuff but there's always some dude watching closely.

But there's no shame in your job, sounds pretty nice actually. It's the NEET life for me though.

>> No.10573743
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I never got these threads. We all know a few "neets" irl and they are mostly incel types aren't they? No one believes that you have friends or go to the gym/play sports so what's the point of this charade. Why would an Ethereum millionaire even be schadenfreuding people on 4chan. Why aren't you on a boat somewhere or playing tennis with some high society blonde bimbos.

>> No.10573918

was neet on and of for years. best time of my life so far. wagecucking is the worst.

t. temporary wagecuck

>> No.10574023
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Dude, upskill yourself. Beeping should be a Temporary Job.
If you like being a grocer, find a way to move up and serve your beloved customers better.
If you don't love being a grocer, start focusing on how you can slide into another line of work where you can be successful. Improve a little every day.
Follow Trumps advice: "Just be successful. Believe me, you'll be happier"

>> No.10574095

>wagekek's maximum cope

>> No.10574234

congrats on your first green text

>> No.10575044


>> No.10575308

dude it's not your face when , it's that feel when. fucking newfags

>> No.10576256

Any wagies making less than $35 an hour, how does it feel to know that the value of the fiat bubble is based on extracting value from you at as low as $.25 on the dollar?

>> No.10576477

Post portfolio and positions.
He’s really a student living at mom’s and it’s summer.

>> No.10576503

I make $11 an hour. Try and roast me. It's over $10 which is all that matters. I pay my bills and have leftover cash.

>> No.10577126

Lol no u won't XD XD but enjoy larping into obscurity

>> No.10577709

please, God. I know the way out, just help me walk it.

>> No.10578124

Weird how it’s the wagies who are ragies yet these threads are always posted by neets. Enjoy being kept like pets by your families.

>> No.10578187

The real redpill is that both working and being NEET are terrible and nothing in this life will make you happy

>> No.10578246

What you dumb fucks do not realize is that most NEETs are excellent at living frugally. The NEET that bought a fat stack of ETH for cheap is probably 100% set. All of his arguments against wagecucks (including me) are 100% accurate.

>> No.10578271

>This is now a cringe thread

>> No.10578321
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>he unironically wagecucks

I feel bad for you wagies honestly, I don't know how you have the audacity to post on my board. Truly shameless.

>> No.10578342

What makes this post funnier is when it gets meta and you realise the original post was a neet ogre himself.