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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10571499 No.10571499 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck are you supposed to afford a house if you are single? You can't find anything that's not a dump or doesn't need work for less than $300k and then you have to put 20% down which is $60k cash.

fuck this gay country

>> No.10571512

Trying to own a home in 2018

> He's not going to make it

>> No.10571515

Stop eating avacado toast and drinking starbucks. Save $15 a day, let's say $4000 a year. With investment growth that easily will get you $69k in 10 years.

>> No.10571517
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I really wan't to kill myself

>> No.10571535

I'm assuming you're looking somewhere metropolitan in the USA contiguous.

Posts like this (amongst other more tangible factors) are exactly the reason the prices are this high. Supply and demands...yadda..yadd..

>> No.10571565

False. I'm in a shit northern Canadian city of 80k people and I'm living the same story as OP

>> No.10571583

You don’t own nothing goyim!
And don’t ever dream of it!
Now back to work faggot!

>> No.10571611

Make more money and move to a major city in the Southeast. I could buy a pretty decent house for under $300k in metro Atlanta.

>> No.10571625


Canada and the US share similar financial tides, so I was including them too but I wasn't clear, my apologies.

I think Value Contagion has a good deal to do with why housing prices are the way they are. At least accounting for 15-20% of value of these inflated houses.

>> No.10571722


>> No.10571761

Wait for the dip
I'm living in a million dollar house that was purchased for 275k in 2009
Really tempted to sell right now, but I can't anticipate when the next dip will occur.
Literally just eat beans and rice, sleep on couches and shower at a gym to save money and prepare for the next (inevitable) economic crisis.

>> No.10571783


This and if you're lucky then you can get it half off during a crash

>> No.10571797

If you can't build up 60k you should prob consider the helium mask

>> No.10571804
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no you don't, otherwise you wouldn't be here.
give some thought about pic related

>> No.10571809


Ah the ole crash meme meme that ive been hearing about everyday for the last 5-7 years now

>> No.10571840

Go FHA, put down 3.5%. You can also get a conventional loan for 5 to 15% down, but you'll still have to pay PMI. You can buy as long as you have some cash... you do have cash anon?

>> No.10571909

>Trying to buy a house before the next mega recession coming soon
You're fucking retarded. Haven't you learned from crypto that you never buy at the all time high?

>> No.10571935

> Anon literally thinks you only need to put down 3.5% for a down payment with FHA
3.5% is the FHA loan interest rate you moron

>> No.10571946

always remember the jews did this to you

>> No.10571961

>but you'll still have to pay PMI

no fuck that, im not getting jewed with that bullshit

>> No.10571968

nah what actually happened was the FED (jewish CB) bought mortgage backed securities from banks and other financial institutions for 100 cents on the dollar during the last financial crisis instead of allowing for defaults and write downs. Then they pushed interest rates to zero to artificially subsidize demand for housing. Then all the single family homes that should have been firesaled during MBS write downs were packaged into reits and turned into rentals. Now millenials are a permanent serf class due to jewish financial engineering and boomer indifference.

tldr jews did this

>> No.10572036
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The absolute state of biz... Interest rate is set by fed

>> No.10572202

Who was watching the banks when they were handing out NINJA loans and creating derivatives of mass destruction. The government works for the rich and does not create any legislation until a huge calamity occurs. Ultimately, the Fed prevented a great depression by exacerbating wealth inequality and inflation. There would have been a lost generation regardless...