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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 5 KB, 300x168, qash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10570327 No.10570327 [Reply] [Original]

250+ employees. Game-changing platform, scope, and vision. Rebrand incoming. Exchange incoming. Well below ICO price and doesn't move an inch, but also can't crack below 20 cents for more than a hot second. The absolute state of this market.

Here's my prediction : Insiders bounce this to 50 cents within a week of Liquid launch. You're going to miss the bottom (hint : this is it). FOMO drives this past $1 on launch. World Book coincides weeks later, driving this to $2 EOY. If all goes well from there, this hits Binance's market-cap, and well beyond.

$10 in 2019 is a very low estimate. I doubt there will be a bigger moon mission if they can pull this off.

Comfy as hell with 20K QASH and a 22 cent DCA, waiting.

>> No.10570387

Sorry, Liquid rebrand weeks later*

Don't even get me started on World Book.

If you think these Japs can't pull this off, I think you're betting on the wrong shitcoins.

>> No.10570563

Biz doesn’t get this coin anon. 2019 will be a spectacular year for us.

>> No.10570600

this project is confusing. seems like they are trying to do a million different things. explain it to a brainlet? who are their competitors? is there staking or MN or any mechanism for increasing token price?

>> No.10570766

I think that's the beauty of this token. They have no competitors. Liquidity, and the World Book. Read the most recent AMA : https://www.reddit.com/r/QASH/comments/948p7t/marios_ama_summary/

>> No.10570870

Hey op how about you do me a favor and shut your faggot mouth? I'm not done accumulating still a little under 10k qash. So do me a favor you cock loving faggot and don't make a qash thread ever again. Ok? You got it gayboy? I need this shit at 20 cents for at least a few more days until I could pull my funds from gemini. So instead of making qash threads just suck more cocks instead faggot.

>> No.10570887
File: 87 KB, 920x1280, IMG_20180803_183955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry bro I got you.

Lol look at their ceo, how small does your brain have to be to invest in this shitcoin. Only brainlets would hang their hopes on this corrupt no utility token.

>> No.10570920

what about Fusion (FSN)?

>> No.10570982

You had so much time.

Grip 10K more before liftoff.

FUD'ers gonna be very sad in 2019.

>> No.10570996

>you are running out of time
>this is going to moon in 2019
kek typical "it's a long hold" bagholder cope

>> No.10571044

Well I need a little more time faggot. So shut the fuck up and DELETE THIS THREAD

>> No.10571057


Is this pic real? cause I want it to be real. 10/10 kino right there

>> No.10571071


me too man. tried to buy up some last night, couldn't get their dumbass exchange to work.

>> No.10571166
File: 217 KB, 1664x512, Screen Shot 2018-08-06 at 11.21.58 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get your shit together. Buy on Huobi.


>> No.10571349

Yes, he is the Qash bird of good fortune and comfy holds.

>> No.10571393


>> No.10571658

Okay I spent 10 minutes looking and can't see the value

>> No.10571693

Stop pretending like posting about this on /biz/ has any effect on the price of a shitcoin as big as this. Classic bagholder-turned-desperate-shill tactic.
News of NYSE crypto exchange BTFOd this Jap piece of shit.

>> No.10571737

This actually doesn’t mean shit.
Liquid is targeting Asian customers first and foremost.

>> No.10572143

You are one dumb fuck if you aren't aware of the competitors, fucking kek

>> No.10572155

Well, that would make sense considering Korea/Japan are the greatest liquidity pools, but they are going everywhere. One of their primary targets is undeveloped areas without easy access to crypto. These fuckers are going worldwide. Their team literally has top tier banking experience from across the globe.

>> No.10572226

No one gives a fuck about you poorfag

>> No.10572379

Starting to see way too many treads about liquid. What kind of signal is this?

>> No.10572434

A strong poly motoring up cycle with mid to short term quantum appendages which will see this quickly become a must have item for Christmas 2018.

>> No.10572503
File: 51 KB, 640x503, 1531461762753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaaa yisss DA POOOO POOOO

>> No.10573200
File: 1.01 MB, 1125x2247, BE6DE059-6907-40EA-9FB3-A8B312471BD2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will this make Liquid the fastest TPS in the world?

>> No.10573320

i lost over 10 grand on thos shitcoin and it keeps tanking

>> No.10573346

>100's of millions of TPS, this would make this the fastest tech on earth and is highly unlikely.

>> No.10573372

I think this is for the MMO. Now the actual LDL. Withhat said, I imagine the LDL will require high TPS to run the worldbook on the LDL.

>> No.10573421

I fucking hope they can pull this shit off. We might be into some revolutionary shit here

>> No.10573461

bag holding morons.


kys please, for trying to sucker ppl in to your shitcoin.

>> No.10573620

YES link is only coin you fools

>> No.10573649

how many LINK does the average Qash hodler have?

>> No.10573675


>> No.10573762

>Will there be a bigger moon than QASH in 2018?
Yeah there probably will be. Sure if everything comes together (FA+altsrback) it could pump but stop being a deluded bag marrying holder.

>> No.10573787

>>he doesn't get that this is the buying opportunity of the century.

>> No.10573827

Is 10k enough to make it?

>> No.10573848

no you need 9999

>> No.10574218

None reporting in

>> No.10574290

1k linklet

>> No.10574834
File: 44 KB, 720x720, 1525808986989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just hold qash and invest in knee pads

>> No.10575109

its at fucking 20 cents and keeps tanking. how much more fucking money do i have to lose?? fuck someone make this nightmare stop biz said this would go to the moon and now im ruined i put all my savings into this. fuck you biz!!!

>> No.10575210
File: 27 KB, 489x499, 1511985432475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zero here, im not retarded

>> No.10575247

According to CMC the biggest market is against ETH on Latoken. That market has a fucking ridiculous spread, which suggests that the "1000 ETH daily volume" is just bots wash trading. The last piece of "news" on the website is from March. What the fuck is going on with this thing?