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10564366 No.10564366 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10564375
File: 59 KB, 551x400, 1532194408956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean is there even anything to short in south africa?

>> No.10564396

The South African Volatility Index (SAVI)
best of luck Anon

>> No.10564410

Look at the pic anons

>> No.10564413

I know nothing about south africa and I can tell thats propaganda. Fuck off incel.

>> No.10564457
File: 61 KB, 1400x940, Rh price.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>80% of rhodium exported from SA
>Closely followed by Russia

>81% of supply used for catalytic converters

>> No.10564470

But you asked to short SA...Are you going to short precious metal? Doubt that would be a good idea..

You have no idea how bad it is

>> No.10564490

it's propaganda but it's kind of true.
I'm black btw.

The corrupt and populist ANC with no real sustainable plan is driving south africa into the ground. It's not because black people are stupid. White voters would have easily fallen for similarly stupid political memes. ANC was just rather rotten from the start, had too much power with too little competition, and the parts that weren't rotten didn't try hard enough to fight the rot before it was too late.

They are going to be a failed state before any real change happens.

>> No.10564500

>I know nothing about South Africa
I can tell. They are also in the process of murdering while farmers and just legalized stealing land and property from whites in SA.

So fuck off shill.

>> No.10564526

They're also in the process of starving off millions of Africans so try and keep your chin up.>>10564500

>> No.10564529

>stealing land
wasn't the land stolen to begin with? fair is fair

>> No.10564551

It is absolutely because blacks are stupid.

>Wasn't it stolen to begin with
No actually. They bought the land legally with loans and and banks are shitting their pants because they are going to default if the land is stolen from them.

>> No.10564708

>It is absolutely because blacks are stupid.

This is the fundamental truth behind every race-related disparity under the sun and the only reason why we aren't able to talk about it is that we all know it's true and don't want to hurt black people's feelings by pointing it out.

>> No.10564736
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>white masterrace

>> No.10564849

had they even heard of farming before the europeans came? In any 99% of today's farms were uncultivated lands back then.

No you buy it and wait for the collapse. When SA collapses global rhodium production will nosedive and the price should rise.

Even if SA stays it could be that rhodium doesnt drop.
It's essentially a short where the upside is coupled to the collapse but the downside is coupled to other factors.

>> No.10564912
File: 1.25 MB, 1224x1584, race and iq intelligence innate differences 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10564935

>It's not because black people are stupid
nigger cope

>> No.10564955



>> No.10564974

Because as a group the Jews are the smartest people on earth.

>> No.10564986

If one is certain that South Africa will fail, the easiest way to short it is through its currency. Short the rand against the U.S. dollar or the Euro. Of course, you'll have to get the timing right.

>> No.10565030

Jews are a lot like Indians. They both have high IQs like whites but have dark enough skin that they can also play the race card. They are basically Wakandans.

>> No.10565132


So technically we should be shorting Rhodium companies based in South Africa and buying stocks in those that are not based in South Africa? Is this the right method

>> No.10565152

More like 5 hundred
Jews are slaves too. Literally temple slaves.
They are executing the masters' orders

>> No.10565156

I am a South African AMA that picture is true though.

>> No.10565205

LARP detected, no way were 24K people were murdered last year

>> No.10565208

>implying playing the race card was even a concept before the last 50 years.

>> No.10565245

Why do you think its rare for South Africans to browse the internet? Jy is bietjie van 'n dom poes lyk dit my.


Check for yourself dummy.

>> No.10565257

No, the SAVI is the volatility of certain stocks in that basket. its the VIX for the S&P500 but in SA. a future prediction of volatility over the next 30 days you can short or long...

>> No.10565269


Here is a link about a upstanding young black man who says he will microwave babies. He lives in Johannesburg very nice place in the very up class areas.

>> No.10565270
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>thinks niggers count
oh sweetie

>> No.10565280

>Implying the quality of life for non-semetic Caucasian people hasn't gotten exponentially worse in the last 50 years.

>> No.10565296

>i was just pretending to be retarded

>> No.10565297


Oh are you talking about the farm murders and how whites are targeted at a very high rate compared to the general murder rate?

>> No.10565301
File: 56 KB, 900x900, 6772BF6C-1F95-4569-AC44-A5A11573CEDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it’s not because blacks are stupid

>> No.10565318

>no way were 24K people were murdered last year
>people were murdered

>> No.10565382

young? also that guy should be killed

>> No.10565530

Wouldn't bands of warlords secure the rhodium mines and ensure exports continue?

hell, they could probably sell cheaper.

>> No.10565551
File: 12 KB, 250x246, 1529883377884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trading is about timing
Just because this idea popped into your head today doesnt mean you can just short the ZAR tommrow
You had plenty of chances last year when usd/zar was at 11.8

>> No.10565580


nigger detected

>> No.10565587

apparently rhodium is at the tail end of a 6 year high.


>> No.10565612

are there any black nations that aren't third world?

>> No.10565625

No... it wasn't stolen.

>> No.10565653

I think Botswana and Namibia are probably the best you're going to get in terms of stability and economic growth.

(I know Angola and Nigeria have great wealth but it sure AF doesn't trickle down to 99% of the populace in either country).

>> No.10565838
File: 79 KB, 640x640, 1533090253170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not because black people are stupid.
I'm going to need a source for that statement.

>> No.10565901

Go long on platinum

>> No.10565957
File: 245 KB, 448x445, 1224445357560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that image

>> No.10565958

No they aren’t. Ashkenazi jews are 30% European dna. Purebred middle eastern mizrahi Jews have lower iq than ashkenazis. That should tell you all you need to know.

>> No.10565976

Namibia has massive shantytown ghettos and will be the next Zimbabwe. Black communists are currently agitating for land grabs.

>> No.10565991
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>> No.10566313


>> No.10566649

It's true. Unless you live in gated and segregated communities, you have to interact with niggers on a daily basis. One of my World of Warcraft Arena partners, literally got stabbed while going to the grocery store over the equivalent of $20 a nigger saw him carrying.

He had to be driven to the hospital and pay thousands in medical bills.

>> No.10566685

Yeah? Life is fucking amazing now.

>> No.10567576

pff it had a spike to 5000 in the 90's
a spike to 10000 in 2008
It can go to 15000 imo.

Yeah it just rallied from 600 to 2000 but that in a period where PM's are very weak and South Africa isn't Anarchia yet.

>> No.10568204

you are a fucking ignorant faggot. fucking retard

>> No.10568277

>short SA
>long Russia


Unironically do actually have Russian index fund as part of my bags.

>> No.10568498

I remember getting super assblasted about this stuff when I encountered it in like 2011

Some of you guys are going to have a headache for a couple of years

>> No.10569255

>It's not because black people are stupid.
The average IQ of blacks in Africa is 70 lol, you're not fooling anyone.

>> No.10569518

That’s a meme pushed by Rushton and Lynn. They literally made up almost everything.

t. Nigerian

>> No.10569574

Sure, sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night.