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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10560372 No.10560372 [Reply] [Original]

mainnet is planned to be released before sibos this year where swift will announce they are using chainlink to monetize their api

>> No.10560383

/g/ was always better at being ahead of the curve on the next big thing. They predicted bitcoin years in advance, and ETH as soon as it was announced. They also don't care about LINK and think it will be worthless. It's just retards on /biz/ that hype it.

Really makes you think.

>> No.10560384

im considering being a link marine, how many people are involved in this?

>> No.10560387

Jesus christ you faggots whining about Swift all the time better sell right the fuck now and never look back.
Chainlink is a middleware. Probably the most you're going to get is companies that provide services to Swift coming out and saying they're using Chainlink.
There is zero reason for Swift to literally come out and say they're using Chainlink. They'll probably say something like "we're using Hyperledger for smart bonds" or something.

>> No.10560393

why would anybody use chainlink's network when the security of the oracles are entirely dependant on the centralized oracle itself?

its like browsing the internet through one proxy at a time with no https, but where you don't get the webpage at all if the proxy tries to modify the website. it's a lot easier to just use https given that you still have the trust the website in both cases, but the first case also requires you to trust that somebody is able to catch the proxy misbehaving.

>> No.10560396

They made /biz/ specifically to keep crypto off /g/, newfren.

>> No.10560404

Bunch of 4channers tried to force it as /ourcoin/, during the presale ico phase of chainlink there was a minimum requirement of 300eth to enter the presale. Bunch of anons pooled up together and shared presale links to fill them with their eth.

Coin continued to get shilled and pumped up and hyped for the sibios event that link was attended, whole event turned out to be a flop chainlink had a presentation in a room of like 18 people next to the public toilets, literally no news or partnership came from the event and the coin dumped back to below ico prices and created 1000's of bagholder anons.

Now during this alt bull run lots of anons and took advantage of this and shilling this coin to all the new money and newfags that joined in december and don't know this story.

The coin is HEAVILY manipulated and the supply is dried up from huge whales who accumulated below ICO price to create a artificially lower supply (a lot like REQ) and these people have so much room to dump on all of you faggots to still be in profit when the time comes.

In regards to actual project that chainlink aiming to achieve it's nothing more than a basic json parser for smart contracts, would take like a day to add to ethereum by itself.. literally making links whole concept pointless and definitely no need for a token. Would take a lot longer to get it working with bitcoin but the bitcoin core devs would be able to work out the solution a lot quicker than chainlink will, think that's something worth noting that literally nothing is completed and you're literally just buying a whitepaper, they have only 2 developers and they don't communicate at all with no proven background on either, in fact sergey was involved in a project before chainlink called NxT that he since been abandoned until it was took over by a new developer team

>> No.10560408
File: 13 KB, 232x162, IMG_0529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that is the day we become literal billionaires

>> No.10560412

>the security of the oracles are entirely dependant on the centralized oracle itself
You have no idea what you're talking about.
You can't have "an oracle", the very system requires multiple oracles.
You absolute brainlet.

>> No.10560413

It's not like we're expecting a huge announcement or anything. But when swift and other corporates come out with their dlt solutions, it's expected that they'll explain what they're using and how. Of course link will be in the background, but we're still expecting it to be there.

Why does everyone link thread have retards who just spam pasta? You realise no one reads them after the first time, right?

>> No.10560417
File: 191 KB, 448x360, 1533326901772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all you degenerate sad sacks of shit only have pasta to resort to now, so fucking comfy
we gonna make it bros

>> No.10560422

thanks, that was very reasonable post, ill buy something else

>> No.10560425
File: 27 KB, 223x225, IMG_0559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No links will be utterly, irrevocably, completely, irredeemably, eternally, and incontrovertibly BTFOed.

>> No.10560426


>tfw it's been a year since the last SIBOS
>tfw I dumped my shit before it
>tfw it's a lower price now than it was at this time last year
>tfw stinky linkies have spent an entire year of their miserable lives losing money

>> No.10560431
File: 817 KB, 2626x2620, 1532558632964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are next to no nolinkers anymore, but the marines who are all in will be the ones who get the most euphoria on that fateful day

>> No.10560433

>when swift and other corporates come out with their dlt solutions, it's expected that they'll explain what they're using and how.
>Of course link will be in the background, but we're still expecting it to be there.
No matter how clearly Swift explains it, faggots will still deny.

>> No.10560434

I'm saying it again. The pasta posters are the lowest form of poster. The pajeet shillers, fudders, boomer posters, this whole shit infested board is a million times better than fucking pasta fags.

>> No.10560438

it literally makes no difference when each oracle has to fetch data from the same centralized source.

chainlink oracles are by design centralized, because chainlink itself only operates as a middleman.

>> No.10560444

wait 4 main net hehe, also how much link do you own?

>> No.10560447

Shhhh newfags don't need to know this

>> No.10560456

>it literally makes no difference when each oracle has to fetch data from the same centralized source.
Oh but it does.
And besides, there are many more types of scenarios than single-source transactions.

Here's the co-founder of ETH spelling it out for you:
>While centralized data or computation oracles suffice for many applications, they do however represent central points of failure in the Ethereum network.

He then goes on to explain how Chainlink works as the first example of decentralized oracles.

>> No.10560461

Close your eyes, try to clear any thoughts you are having
Take long, slow, deep breathes and put all your focus and attention onto your breathing
iiiiiiiinnnn.................... ooooooooooooouuuut

good. Do this for a few minutes, then -
VISUALIZE yourself becoming rich through your LINK investment
ANTICIPATE the things you will buy with your new found abundance of wealth
IMAGINE as though it is all happening now in the present moment, for the present moment is all that truly exists
FEEL the way you will FEEL when that moment comes and you make it!

Now open your eyes, look in a mirror, and recite these affirmations (use/add your own that is relevant to the reality you want to create once you make it)
It's important to do this when you wake up and before you go to bed, but do it as often as possible. Also hold the image and idea of us making it and LINK being worth $1,000 or more in your mind as you fall to sleep.

I love you all

>> No.10560484

You are a MADMAN!

>> No.10560490

Why do you think it matters huh? The price just keeps bleeding and falling and bleeding and falling, no matter the dot or news.
Do you think the price will magically explode after 8 months of fudding everywhere else? You stupid autistic fucks, people have to want to buy link in order for the price to rise up

>> No.10560499
File: 49 KB, 630x518, 1531509174927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you think it matters huh? The price just keeps bleeding and falling and bleeding and falling, no matter the dot or news.
Do you think the price will magically explode after 8 months of fudding everywhere else? You stupid autistic fucks, people have to want to buy link in order for the price to rise up

>> No.10560503

Only thing they accomplish is bumping what they are trying to kill.

>> No.10560982


>> No.10561034

their roastie gook marketing director is a sexist racist and that is a ploblematic microaggression against the caucasian minority

>> No.10561058
File: 15 KB, 251x242, 1517092672252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my favorite pasta. Every time I see it it makes me laugh. The way it's written and everything is just like a piece of art. The way it starts with the "Bunch of 4channers" is just great.

>> No.10561656

There are 22000ish link addresses

>> No.10561665

You aswell my brother, you are here every evening posting nearly the same thing.

The legal definition of being insane is doing same things over and over again haha

>> No.10561672

8k linklet here want to kms

>> No.10561681
File: 6 KB, 173x210, 4790951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get to 12k so you can sell 2k links gradually and then sell the rest (or rather stake them) when we have all made it :)

>> No.10561867


Ah yes, the sibos meme like last year, when stinky dropped from 50 to 15 cents

>> No.10561904

swift doesnt need link to monetize their api. Their hundreds of devs could recode link in a week.

>> No.10562128
File: 37 KB, 600x600, 1528970738929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pure delusion. You retards actually think you have fundamentally analyized link and are some sort of elite investor. You know about link because its been shilled to fucking death on this shitty board with terrible infographics and extremely far reaching claims with no evidence. I guarantee none of you have actually even tried to use the testnet or have even considered the token economics at play here. The testnet is a piece of trash centralized (it uses one source) API scraper that uploads data into a non self executable smart contract. A fifteen year old could write the code to do this, it tests nothing envisioned in the whitepaper. Now for the token economics 35% of the total supply is in the hands of Sergey himself. The top 100 wallets control 85% of the supply of this coin and it's not exchanges. Binance, the biggest exchange owns ~2% of total supply. Your investment can be quite literally wiped out overnight without a moments notice. Going all into this project is probably one of the stupidest things you can do with your money but retards like you keep lining up thinking you are the next Warren Buffet. Chainlink is so far from a sure thing.

>> No.10562153

>Get to 12k so you can sell 2k links gradually and then sell the rest (or rather stake them) when we have all made it :)
fuck this is exactly my plan, only i'm looking to get to 15k so i can gradually sell off 5k. my hands arent iron enough to do otherwise

>> No.10562168
File: 354 KB, 1500x1477, 7s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And most holders have many addresses to minimize risk of holding all crypto in one address with one key. Nobody knows the true holder count and quantity held by each holder. Probably only a couple thousand. Really makes you think...

>> No.10562241

Then we should make /LINK/ to get em out of /biz/

>> No.10562261

theres only 2 devs

>> No.10562275

why is starting a family in the second place?
you should start a family (if you want to) after the 'emergency fund' step

>> No.10562289

they are the biggest scumbags here

>> No.10562314

Shit like this is why the white population is in decline.

>> No.10562315

>I'm saying it again. The pasta posters are the lowest form of poster.
the pasta fudders are subhuman vermin he think the only way to make money is by shitting on other people , and trying to run PnDs based on shilling and pasta, lying. Evil but in a really dumb predictable spastic way

>> No.10562324

>people actually believe their links will go to even tens of dollars

Who the hell is going to pay $10 for a single api exchange?

>> No.10562326

>Shhhh newfags don't need to know this
Yeah, they do. Anyone here accumulating has had opportunity and frankly anything that takes a shit on the discord (which has become as massive liability to marines) is good. Shill it to every fucking normie.

>> No.10562335

So what is the current FUD? I don't mean bullshit I mean what are the actual concerns about the project. From someone who is holding and yet is reasonable enough to see potential pitfalls.

>> No.10562344

I had never heard of Cornell university before coming here, if that Juels guy couldn't get into Yale or Harvard it's proof he wasn't good enough. Evan Cheng left for Facebook, quite obvious he didn't believe in the project or he would have stayed. If smart contracts were so promising then why would whoever previously owned the smartcontract.com domain name, supposedly Nick Szabo whose original project bitgold failed against bitcoin, sell it off so easily? Blythe Masters says smart contracts are the future? She also created the credit default swap and it is literally the main reason for the financial crisis we're in, that's why JP Morgan fired her and she can't work with banks anymore so she's going into blockchain as a last resort. Adelyn Zhou's book only has fake reviews and hasn't even updated her resume. SWIFT hasn't even invited the team to SIBOS 2018, that should tell you everything you need to know about their so-called 'partnership'. Vitalik himself compared the project to a fucking Toyota. Building a trustless network instead of trustFUL. Assblaster was larping, it was exposed when the company he claimed was British was actually American. The top 2 law firms haven't even bothered joining the Accord Project, and the Project said it wasn't an actual partnership and anybody could replace them. The entire Salesforce connection comes from Benioff describing a random encounter he had with a crypto guy at his hotel in Davos, Sergey was never in Davos. They launched a website with typos in every sentence, typos even a 10 year old wouldn't make. They haven't even started work on the reputation system. Tom Gonser funded SHOP (shopin), a literal pajeet coin. All the big players you see mentioned in link threads are all working on their centralized solutions. Why would an open source project have secret NDAs? /g/ were the first to shill btc and eth but they don't care about link. The list goes on and on. Don't fall for this scam coin, do your own research.

>> No.10562346

Sybil attacks

>> No.10562353

>You stupid autistic fucks, people have to want to buy link in order for the price to rise up

All true

>Only thing they accomplish is bumping what they are trying to kill.
Nah they shit all over link on yourube, reddit etc. They are real damage to the project at this point. Its one discord of people who are completely lost up their own arses but are also prone to being evil in a mediocre way

>> No.10562362

more bland pasta. fuck off.

>> No.10562376

>theres only 2 devs
In your shitty pasta discord?

>> No.10562389




>> No.10562393

all that effort to tell me you are a blandly evil conman. Sell your link and fuck off please pasta fudders. You are not needed.

>> No.10562422

You are correct, but I will never use reddit, sorry. I have principles. Best way to ruin them is about 65k$ at the bottom of their dump cycle and I'm working on that. Take they toy away, it's too good for these idiots to be involved with, so then they will have to play musical chairs between themselves for who gets back in.

>> No.10562434

So do you feel like LINK has no value to institutions or what?

>> No.10562439

the funniest thing is that all the faggots complaining about reddit and then subsequently fudding there are reddit accounts with 9000++ karma

>> No.10562517

>he has a reddit account
go back and never return

>> No.10562554

>XYZ bank could recode Bitcoin in a week

>> No.10562558

>recode anything

That's why the majority of banking systems rely on fortran and pay out the ass for people who know the language

>> No.10562560
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>> No.10562568

Why the fuck would anyone pay attention to absolutely anything you have to say if you'd never heard of Cornell before you dumb fucking cunt.

>> No.10562582

I already made it over on the other chan but no one used it.

>> No.10562593
File: 14 KB, 165x209, link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo! /g/ WAs Always BEttuh aTTT BEIN AHEaddd O'''' Da curvE AWn Da NExt bIg ThAng. DeAyY prEDahCTedd BahTCOahn Yearss Yn AdVace, , mostly, An' Eth AAs $oOnnnnn Aas ITT was AnnoUnced. DEAyY AwN Topp O'' DAt dOn't rahzzae aBoUT LINK AN' TynKKKKKK Ittt Wahl B wOrtHle$$. It'$ JUs REtaRdss AwNN /bahz/ DAT HyPe It. reAlleE MaKesssss Chu tYnk.

>> No.10562605
File: 120 KB, 640x640, 12C8A625-2AFA-4336-9C12-85F5D3DE5298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amen brother, we gonna make it.

>> No.10562636
File: 955 KB, 3512x2604, 8E16DADA-EB97-46E1-9702-2AA0F17D3D02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10562696
File: 266 KB, 1426x921, Screenshot_2018-08-05 r CryptoCurrency - Accord project confirms they are working along chainlink for legally binding agree[...](1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10562698

you are a MANIAC

>> No.10562799

Only redditors and like minded people fud. A while back it was ok and people came up with decent fud, but now it's the same pasta spammed all day and Link brainlet images with the same shitty one liners. Also, most people think it will stop after mainnet, like there's some kind of tacit agreement of that. It won't stop then. It will keep going becuase it's become a cringy meme, and there is a good chance it will keep the price from ever taking off.

>> No.10562812

Don't say these things it makes me feel sad.
t. 4k linklet.

>> No.10562820
File: 2.34 MB, 4032x3024, 1533420015999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amen. They think people will magically forget about all the bullshit they have spouted for MONTHS just because they will say so

>> No.10562824

95% of /g/ runs Windows 10

So ahead of the curve

>> No.10562834

you are a MANIAC!

>> No.10562840

Yup. They have likely tarnished the reputation of the project permanently. It's not like we even have to shill it to reddit or anything, just let the discussion on the project form naturally.

But hey, at least le Reddit won't get rich too amirite xDxDxD

>> No.10562848

Sybil attacks will be mitigated by whatever reputation service comes along.

>> No.10562878

The fact that so many faggots here don't understand that LINK will moon even without speculation, due to economic incentives within a growing network to existing and prospective node operators, is a sign that the normies and dumb fucks are well and truly on board with this coin already.

>> No.10562892

kill yourself you dumb piece of reddit shit >>10562696

>> No.10562915

plus it is not only about buying you fucking braindead cocksucker, it also about creating buzz and attracting people to the project who could actually code you fucking plebbit turd

>> No.10562921

You're baking on something that it unprecedented in crypto. Btc and Eth and everything else mooned because of retail buyers period. With Link, there could be massive use of the network with the price of the token still under $10, becuase banks and institutions aren't going to be market buying the token up to $1000. They will likely buy as they go, use the network and pay node operators, who will mostly sell their tokens back into the market.

>> No.10562924



>> No.10562928

even if it occurs naturally they create few more accounts and actively downvote threads about chainlink, like the braindead fucktards they are

>> No.10562932

I'm sorry you've held for a whole month and haven't got your dopamine shot of gains yet. I know how hard it is when you're an oldfag who has been here for an entire month and is desperate for everyone else to hear about this.

>> No.10562936

why do you think chainlink is open source, filthy plebbit scum?

>> No.10562944

>With Link, there could be massive use of the network with the price of the token still under $10, becuase banks and institutions aren't going to be market buying the token up to $1000
yes they will lmao. The more tokens they buy and the higher the price they cause by this the less LINK their competitors will be able to buy.

>> No.10562946

>he doesn't have an account to fud link
you don't deserve to make it

>> No.10562948

okay linkies it's been almost a year now. can you pls gimme a list of chainlink accomplishments since the ico?

>> No.10562947

>we have this great project and made it open source so anyone could chip in and help with it, we are hoping to build a community of devs around it
>lets fud xDDDDD I need my stinkies low so i can buy cheap so whales can pump and dump it as they wish xDDDD
>test net released ?
>lets fud xDDDDD I need my stinkies low so i can buy cheap so whales can pump and dump it as they wish xDDDD
>accord confirmed partership
>lets fud xDDDDD I need my stinkies low so i can buy cheap so whales can pump and dump it as they wish xDDDD
>new website
>lets fud xDDDDD I need my stinkies low so i can buy cheap so whales can pump and dump it as they wish xDDDD
>institutions are slowly accumulating
>lets fud xDDDDD I need my stinkies low so i can buy cheap so whales can pump and dump it as they wish xDDDD
>marketing starts
>lets fud xDDDDD I need my stinkies low so i can buy cheap so whales can pump and dump it as they wish xDDDD
>mainnet released
>lets fud xDDDDD I need my stinkies low so i can buy cheap so whales can pump and dump it as they wish xDDDD
>network works
>lets fud xDDDDD I need my stinkies low so i can buy cheap so whales can pump and dump it as they wish xDDDD
>uhh it never mooned and never got off the ground
>well at least le le leddit didnt get it and few whales got rich xDdddDddDDDDD

>> No.10562949

>we have this great project and made it open source so anyone could chip in and help with it, we are hoping to build a community of devs around it
>lets fud xDDDDD I need my stinkies low so i can buy cheap so whales can pump and dump it as they wish xDDDD
>test net released ?
>lets fud xDDDDD I need my stinkies low so i can buy cheap so whales can pump and dump it as they wish xDDDD
>accord confirmed partership
>lets fud xDDDDD I need my stinkies low so i can buy cheap so whales can pump and dump it as they wish xDDDD
>new website
>lets fud xDDDDD I need my stinkies low so i can buy cheap so whales can pump and dump it as they wish xDDDD
>institutions are slowly accumulating
>lets fud xDDDDD I need my stinkies low so i can buy cheap so whales can pump and dump it as they wish xDDDD
>marketing starts
>lets fud xDDDDD I need my stinkies low so i can buy cheap so whales can pump and dump it as they wish xDDDD
>mainnet released
>lets fud xDDDDD I need my stinkies low so i can buy cheap so whales can pump and dump it as they wish xDDDD
>network works
>lets fud xDDDDD I need my stinkies low so i can buy cheap so whales can pump and dump it as they wish xDDDD
>uhh it never mooned and never got off the ground
>well at least le le leddit didnt get it and few whales got rich xDdddDddDDDDD

>> No.10562961


>> No.10562963

>becuase banks and institutions aren't going to be market buying the token up to $1000
They're going to be market buying it up to whatever price network demand entails. They'll be buying it up because an increasing price lets the tokens they already own do more work within the network. They'll be buying it up because high value contracts will need large value stakes, and with a limited supply this will be a constant value driver.
Honestly you're all a bunch of VeChain holding teenage faggot dipshits who don't even understand Chainlink at all, and think you need to get a big sweaty hype party going, because it's all you fucking understand. Braindead fucking ADHD retards.

>> No.10562972

continuous year long shitposting. quite an achievement

>> No.10562979

>retarded fudster with plebbit account with 787848 karma thinks he has any right to tell someone is braindead
just fuck off back to your cancerous site, kike

>> No.10562986

this is very true. It's incredible

>> No.10563003

lol this so much

if you look at the projects that had the highest normie fomo and compare how they've done in the bear market, I think it's empircally true that hype gains are the last thing you want for long term growth

Nano and Vet charts are all you need to look at to realize you don't want normies in your project, especially when the project has a real use case.

>> No.10563027
File: 11 KB, 229x221, 1533414515105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit spacing
>braindead nonsensical opinions
like clockwork

>> No.10563036

Those kind of institutions are going to use the network for smart contracts, not run nodes for a profit or gamble on the price of a token. It's not in their business model.

>> No.10563052

kiddo, I've been on 4chan for over a decade.

This is not something that I am proud of.

>> No.10563058

What is 18 decimal places.....

>> No.10563063

When the work you perform is paid for in LINK tokens and you anticipate that growing demand if going to cause an increase in LINK token price, you have a direct incentive to accumulate tokens because it will allow you to perform more work for less. This applies to institutional network clients as well as node operators. If you think the LINK you can buy for a dollar will be able to do $10 worth of work in short order, you buy as many of those tokens as you can.

>> No.10563069

kill yourself lying shithead redditor
>you don't want normies in your project, especially when the project has a real use case.
they are already in you fuckhead. there is for example a twitter account which shills cl day and night and he has 30k followers. other chainlink twitters are gaining followers as well.

>> No.10563076

Yeah actual oldfags use "reddit" spacing to make their posts look neater.

Even the archives back to 2004 confirm this.

>> No.10563085

>more braindead bullshit with no sources, pure guessing, just so one retard could get more linkies

>> No.10563090

And what about btc and eth? I don't think anyone who got in early on those is complaining about a fomo bubble. And I don't think Link's price should entirely be based on fomo, but to hit $1000 you will almost certainly need it. Regardless, if Link does hit $1000 with zero normie fomo, it will still be a bubble and be subjected to crashes.

>> No.10563098

Doesn't matter. The API economy and growing trade will fuel an increase in LINK's price. When the public hears about all those companies using it it will also grow in price as common folk decide to buy LINK as well.

>> No.10563101

u mad.

Face it, Becky. We have achieved consensus. LInk will never gain traction on reddit and there's literally nothing you can do about. Why don't you sell now and get into a project that normies can wrap their heads around, like Nano? It's just like bitcoin but instant and free!

>> No.10563102

This is the most deluded and degenerate response I've read so far about Link. Are you basically implying that institutions are going to basically p&d link while they use their services to generate more revenue? Fucking kek

>> No.10563116

Don't be too sure of that. That's speculative buying regardless if their plan is to dump it on binance or simply to have more purchasing power on the network down the road. They'll be able to use the network just fine at $10 or $10000 per token, don't count on them abandoning their business models to buy our bags.

>> No.10563117
File: 11 KB, 195x200, loll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>u-u mad
lel. consensus is cracking. look at this thread fagtron plebbitor

>> No.10563141

IF you can't understand the difference between a currency like BTC (which derives it's value from the number of people using it) to link (which derives value from the actual fees charged for API calls), then there is no helping you.

They literally have to buy link to execute a data driven smart contract and there's no way around it.

>> No.10563151

Where did I say p&d? They will buy them in anticipation of greater future value. There are a range of economic incentives for both institutional network users and node operators to buy, hold and then utilise LINK tokens. This will arise purely from the economics of limited supply in a network of increasing size and usage.
It's alright not to understand, but you just look like an idiot when you blurt out that shit without thinking it through.

>> No.10563152

thank you for your retarded insight, thanks to you they will bill it at 15 cents :)

>> No.10563177

But let's be real, hardly anyone uses btc as a currency and eth has hardly any use outside tens of thousands of scams, both mooned to retail speculative buying. Certainly Link with have growth regardless of fomo, so long as the network is successful. My point is simply that Link reaching a similar growth based only on use is unprecedented in crypto

>> No.10563225

This is what I anticipate to happen. I just think that the fud culture could have long term consequences. It could keep the price in the future lot lower than it could be if it doesn't change. Keeping things quiet for now is perfectly fine, but I think people underestimate how tainting the reputation of the project could have a long term effect.

>> No.10563228

>. My point is simply that Link reaching a similar growth based only on use is unprecedented in crypto

No shit, because if it works it will be the only crypto with actual utility,

The real brilliance of this project is that it gives any company with a web API a huge new revenue stream if they push for the adoption of smart contracts. So no only do they benefit from the increased efficiency of smart contracts, but they benefit from monetizing their data as well.

Why the fuck do you think the team hasn't bothered to promote this to normies at all? Do you think they're retarded?

>> No.10563245

>but I think people underestimate how tainting the reputation of the project could have a long term effect.
Why do you think it matters what a couple of redditors think of the project? When it's succesful and working the voices of a thousand praising it will drown out the dozen saying "b-but I heard it's a scam!"

>> No.10563247
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>> No.10563259
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>he thinks institutions are stupid enough to hoard link and increase the price
>he thinks it will moon after months of idiotic fud
>he thinks any devs will be interested in the project after the fud (it is open source for a fucking reason)
I wonder how many devs could look at cl and help the code, where could have chainlink been, if it wasnt for your stupidity and fud
dont forget about the character of this project

>> No.10563270

Very kind reminder to read the WingMakers mythos

>> No.10563295

the part where he talks about the open source and isolated projects

>> No.10563321

Then making the token inflationary would make the most sense to incentivize spending. Instead they CAPPED it at 1 Billion which isn’t good because then people buy and hold which turns a utility good into a store of value based commodity good. They need to go with a Monero type model where’s there’s a set emission curve.

>> No.10563340
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>Why the fuck do you think the team hasn't bothered to promote this to normies at all? Do you think they're retarded?
because marketing needs to be timed, prepared, executed, costs money, costs time and they probably dont exactly know how long will the development of chainlink take.
They dont have infinite resources, and only one chance at main net launch

>> No.10563471

Actual fud is the aggragation portion of the project hasn't even begun yet...so mainnet is still far away.

>> No.10563547

You could litterly be talking about any altcoin at with this post.

If you don't see the buying opportunity you are never going to make it.

>> No.10563630

But every point was true

>> No.10563701

Why would they need to market to normalfags? their target audience are companies, not NEETs

>> No.10563707

i know it's scary

>> No.10563868

why would they make it open source? why would they make it decentralized? institutions needs to buy it as well as normal people and devs need to build a community around it. Im not saying you should shill it on reddit or anywhere but fudding is actually hurting the project longterm

>> No.10563892

they don't give a shit about your fud on 4chan. They actually go to real companies and work with them. They get described in books even, despite lack of non-business publicity.
Sergey knows what he's doing.

>> No.10563918

>Binance, the biggest exchange owns ~2% of total supply.
lol, that's the most bullish thing about all of this. you dont even know youre shilling when you think youre fudding.

the absolute state of never-LINKs.

>> No.10563942
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>I think people underestimate how tainting the reputation of the project could have a long term effect.

>> No.10563948
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>the first rypto project to have a sexdoll crafted in the image of the CEO
can't blame them

>> No.10563950

If the partnerships are actually true biz won't be able to fud away Reddit or twitter. Be patient

>> No.10563995

you are dumb shit being dumb again, Im not talking about fud on 4chan, IM talking about fud everywhere else.
what sergey doesnt give a fuck is your site loyalty. By pretending this is "muh secret coin only anonymoose allowed" you are isolating the project and actively hurting its open development by hindering any natural discussion that might occur. >>10563295

>> No.10564000

>If the partnerships are actually true biz won't be able to fud away Reddit or twitter. Be patient
biz doesnt affect any coin's price. the capital held by the neets here is less than miniscule, and its reach is non-existant out a couple hundred people.

>> No.10564068

>IM talking about fud everywhere else.
What is this incoherent babbling. Why would anyone care about r*ddit besides r*dditors. Seeing that you are one, go there and correct that if you feel that it needs to be corrected

>> No.10564090
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>actually thinking stupid shit posting FUD on forums will impact the success of this project

>> No.10564094

t. redditor >>10562696

>> No.10564127

>more incoherent babbling.
why are r*ddit dwellers so transparent

>> No.10564157

>dumb redditor has problem with reading comprehension

>> No.10564518

I fucking love this place
Deepest tchakra wisdom and autism together
<3 u anon

>> No.10564583

>only crypto with actual utility
BTC and XMR are used though

>> No.10564607

>no u
excellent rebuttal m8

>> No.10564633
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>> No.10564723

better yet; smartcontract.com will do it for them

>> No.10564766

i'm bullish on xmr, but it's fucking a drain to use. look at its daily volumes, which are staggeringly low. people hate to use it, so do so a little as possible. that isnt the best sign.

>> No.10564779

You are a MANIAC

>> No.10564797

*gives sorgey a big hug an kissie* XD :3

>> No.10564852

Market your half finished project then. Who the fuck markets a half finished project? Oh that’s right 99% of scam coins do. Derp

>> No.10564870


Fucking get it together, christ dude

>> No.10564880


> he thinks its an upboat

>> No.10564896

No. This incentizes big corps who get Link OTC to actually use it. “We’ll give you .5% of the network up front.” That’s the only way that incentizes these huge corps to use it. Remember corporations are greedy, they want to make money. This is an absolute win win win for them

>> No.10564936

Also this is literally keeping china in the fucking frogs man. China will be the late adopters who are forced to use this network. NA and EU, don’t want China to be a super power. This is literally an economic game of chess like Assblaster said. They aren’t marketing to retards like you or consumers. Chainlink is the key unless you want to be chinese

>> No.10565016

Don’t believe me? SWIFT is pushing iso20222 onto the chinese. Once they start using it, oh we’re updating our system. Btw america and the Australians and Europe are all using open banking, so if you guys want to continue trade with us, we suggest you switch or else we will not trade with you hustlers. China’s bubble will burst at this point. Causing RMB to be worth a lot less. Chinese currency is currently responsible for the housing market in Canada. It’s fucked, you can’t buy a house, while these chinks use Monopoly money. Who knows what the actual evaluations of their currency is worth. We will be able to more accurately be able to verify this. Also look around you, what chink innovations do you use? None. Any chink coin will get obliterated. No American / European wants to use innovations from the Chinese.

>> No.10565018

peak delusion

>> No.10565048

it is not only about the price but also about development man. Hindering discussion about it you dissuade potential contributors to the open sourced code

>> No.10565073

If you don’t think China wants to be #1 in the world you’re completely nuts. Why do you think there’s such a strong emphasis on migration. Where the rich Chinese kids travel to various western countries to study. What country advocates this? Does America have advertisements telling you to study abroad in France? No. China is playing a long game by colonizing all the popular spots of the world. Slowly bringing in mandarin as a second language. While this would typically be great for economic growth, it’s actually hurting the locals because of all this foreign investment.

>> No.10565221

What are the advantages of switching to the Link paradigm for a company that already uses an oracle and everything works just fine ? I don't get it, it is decentralized, so what? Why add an entire economic system on top of a fucking data feed? lmao

>But oracles can fail, can get hacked, etc etc

Well that's why there is something called redundancy. High sensitive data feeds and interfaces are redundant, because failure is EXPECTED at some point. Any company that deals with high profile data and doesn't use redundant failsafes should bankrupt itself asap

>> No.10565271


Why would these companies use the internet when they could just hack together their own protocols and keep people locked into their systems....

oh. because nothing exists in a vacuum and having a reliable intermediary network is in everyone's best interest and is required for interoperability.

>> No.10565768
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Only reddit jews will fudd this after main net. We will call them by name. We are the biggest think tank in the world. Subtilities are easily identifiable.

>> No.10566807

there hasn't been any news, hence there hasn't been any price action.

>> No.10567147

Wasn’t this aantonops book mastering ethereum and not the co-founder of ethereum or am I wrong? I read this too without clicking that link there’s a read.me on github and an oracles section.