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10560308 No.10560308[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Psychedelic drugs.
I’m sorry, but I feel that any person who uses psychedelics recreationally is in need of serious mental help. It’s not normal, and it shouldn’t be considered normal. How can it be? The fact that these psychedelics are illegal shows that there’s something wrong with them. What I don’t get is, what makes people start?
So, they make you hallucinate. They make you see extremely weird visions and mess with your mind. Again, why would any self-respecting person do something so obviously wrong as that? Do these people not care about their sanity? Are they really that self-destructive? It sounds horrifyingly disturbing to use them, and the fact that people talk about it as if it’s normal, is, to me, a sign that there’s something very wrong with them. They are both using criminal substances, and the drug’s effects are bizarre, unnatural and nightmarish. Doesn’t that idea sound wrong to them? These people are criminals, and are corrupting their brains. That’s incredibly risky as the brain is fragile.
They are illegal. Therefore, to obtain these drugs, you have to break the law. You have to visit a drug dealer. Drug dealers are criminals. In other words, you have to lower yourself to the level of a criminal, a person who commits crimes, to do that. Why do people not feel deeply uncomfortable and ashamed that they are supporting criminal activity? When I was educated about drugs in school, I just assumed that not using them is the obvious, popular, conclusion. They’re illegal, they’re bad for you, so obviously avoid them.
How can these people live with themselves that they are law-breakers?
If I used illegal drugs, I'd be deeply ashamed of myself.

>> No.10560320

haha i used magic mushrooms once and now smoking weed makes me psychotic and paranoid

>> No.10560361

It's funny because everyone that knocks down psychedelics are those that have never tried them.

They aren't going to kill you and isn't harmful to your body like alcohol. Try them once it won't hurt. You might be surprised the things you discover about yourself.

They are not party drugs, it's not a drug you do recreationally for fun. It's a drug to flip your perspective of life around for a bit and you discover new things about yourself.

>> No.10560366

psychs shouldn't be used as a party drug I agree
but you need to meditate dude

>> No.10560371

in response to op not the anon above me

>> No.10560379

>They’re illegal, they’re bad for you, so obviously avoid them.

Go back to work and be a good goy. Don't open your third eye, it'll only make wage cucking harder.

Got to pay for your wife, kids, parents, student loans, kids, house, car. Your life is already spent by others, you wouldn't want to do anything that messes up their ROI.

>> No.10560385

Why would you try them and risk getting psychosis and constant paranoia?

>> No.10560399
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alcohol is pretty bad for you but it wont damage your brain like fucking LSD and make you into degenerate hippie.
Pic of your brain after taking high dose of xtc once.
Have fun frying your brain and deluding yourself that you are enlightened.

>> No.10560407

That won't happen unless you eat an entire sheet of acid

>> No.10560411

MDMA is not a psych

>alcohol doesn't damage your brain

>> No.10560414


Speaking from experience if you're gonna burden others with your opinions, try doing a little bit of research on the subject. That way you don't sound like a fucking idiot on the internet.

>> No.10560415


Source needed.

Shrooms are fine. Humans have been doing them since the dawn of time.

>> No.10560428

>Alcohol is pretty bad for you but it wont damage your brain

This is the most boomer phrase ever

>> No.10560436

>muh acid
>shows regular xtc use

Most people who use xtx recreationally know its neurotoxic so they don't do it everyday. Your arguments are weak and i'm starting to think you're some underage retard who thinks he's figured out the world because he goes on /pol/.

>> No.10560442


Nice try. Not a psychedelic and does not work on your brain in even remotely the same way as a pyschadelic

>> No.10560458

If anyones interested in trying psychadelics, do mushrooms instead of lsd. The psychadelics effects are stronger if you eat an eights and it's a lot more introspective. I also recommend sativa weed to echance the experience.

>> No.10560470

Pretty sure he's just a troll

>> No.10560502

Anyone read DMT the spirit molecule by rick strassman?

>> No.10560526

I don’t do psychs anymore because it’s too much for me bur every person on this earth should do it at least once

>> No.10560539

Apology accepted

>> No.10560581

>always do the opposite of what /biz/ says

Fuckyeaaa time to transcend this shitty fake reality

>> No.10560653

Gtfo you opinionionated twat >>>/pol/

>> No.10560661

Meh had a friend lose it on 3.5grams of shrooms. Just like someone can go crazy from a few hits of a joint. Saying you need a crazy amount to lose it is bs. These drugs bring a big risk but im happy I did them.
Only combine drugs when you are used to them. Had a friend nearly die from constant puking after taking a few hits after taking a small dose of shrooms
XTC is a crazy damaging drugs, not comparable with LSD or shrooms.
Either way; shrooms can be life changing but you should never fuck with them and never trip alone, you'll off yourself.

>> No.10560665

>When I was educated about drugs in school

Did you study pharmacology? Because if not, I GUARANTEE you were not ‘educated about drugs in school’

>> No.10560670

>it's illegal and therefor bad

It really hurts anon

>> No.10560712

yeeeah, thank for that totally scientific picture with no links or explanations whatsoever... i work on the field and i think you are mostly (not totally) a fucking uneducated idiot. soo nothing new on biz i guess

>> No.10560722

Psychedelics are for losers and broken people. If you're a drain on everyone around you and need help sure take them, but stop pushing them on the rest of us.

>> No.10560727

How the fuck do I buy shrooms? I tried the darknet and just ended up with fucking scammers.

>> No.10560730

>The fact that these psychedelics are illegal shows that there’s something wrong with them.
cuck detected

>> No.10560732

How is this /biz/ related?

Also they don't make you "hallucinate", it's more like a new way to view the world

>> No.10560736

>never trip alone, you'll off yourself.

>> No.10560746


GRow them in your toilet

>> No.10560752

Buy off someone with lots of sales and good feedback

>> No.10560788

I like tripping a lot. It has been very pleasant and insightful experiences for me. But they should be taken with care. You can get some pretty profound insights. I had wild discussions about cryptocurrency on shrooms in the woods. Was awesome. I felt so fucking smart talking about that shit haha. I really started to appreciate how well this society works, how freaking amazing it is that we are able to coordinate the way we do and that we can build all these complicated technological systems, and they freaking work!

>> No.10560816

One of the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous said that him tripping balls with Aldous Huxely was one of the most influential things to get him to stop drinking

>> No.10560840

I actually think LSD is more newb friendly because it has way less mindfuck and goes in and out slow. Shrooms can get a bit hectic and tribal at times. In general, the shorter acting the psy, the more intense it is in that shorter time frame, not always but often times.

>> No.10560848

How do you even grow mushrooms? They got seeds and shit?

>> No.10560858

>If anyones interested in trying psychadelics, do mushrooms instead of lsd
After trying both I agree with this sentiment 100%. Shrooms were always better

>> No.10560862
File: 104 KB, 480x276, 1499888434502.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yall niggers postin ina bait thread. Webm probably unrelated

>> No.10560878

I take psychedelics occasionally for introspection and self betterment. Building a lifestyle or self identity around any drug use (including alcohol) is for losers.
OP is a sheltered faggot.

>> No.10560893
File: 1.02 MB, 739x1172, 1520965290561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10560919

Can any-xer share studies on the effect of drug use on the brain? Psychedelics in particular if you have them.

Also has there been long term studies done on the now popular meme of micro dosing?

>> No.10560939

> muh normie narrative
> muh laws
if LSD was legal ppl would realize that they live in a rigged system, and no one would submit to socio-cultural indoctrination and daily rat-race of economic slavery
they need the sheep to stay asleep

>> No.10561070

>It's funny because everyone that knocks down psychedelics are those that have never tried them.

>everyone that knocks my belief is an x

Very open-minded of you mister fractal universe.
Do you believe drug induced psychosis is a capitalist farma conspiracy to keep everyone from the truuuth maaaaaan?

>> No.10561076

>this is my opinion
>this is the only acceptable opinion
>everyone who disagrees with me is in need of mental help
>i am the best in the world
What ever you need to say to feel better about yourself anon.
Also, kys

>> No.10561083

Weak FUD

>> No.10561106

>If I used illegal drugs, I'd be deeply ashamed of myself.

Are you a fat piece of shit who is proud to at least never have done drugs because you were to autistic to source that shit?

Drugs are shit, psychdelic users are an especially cancerous neo cancer hippy type of people with a brainlet imagination not capable of fathoming
a introspective, reflective "psychedelic" experience without drugs and then their brainlet mind gets so caught up in illusions of significance of this experience that they get fucking retarded world views.

>> No.10561109

The guy that discovered the double helix of DNA was tripping balls and saw DNA in a vision/hallucination. He scribbled the outlines of it on a napkin or something and was deliriously happy until he later went on to discover it officially using technology.

>> No.10561143

Einstein and newton were racist as fuck.
Better change your beliefs!

>> No.10561148

>I feel
Feefees are not an argument

>> No.10561149

I am a CEO of a fortune 500 corporation and took 14 grams of mushrooms lmao

>> No.10561175

>if LSD was legal ppl would realize that they live in a rigged system, and no one would submit to socio-cultural indoctrination and daily rat-race of economic slavery

Perfect display of being a retard who fell for the illusionary feeling of significance on psychedelics.

Nothing would change if LSD was legal, get real, a few more accidents, incidents and delirious naked people running around maybe.
You are nothing, your insights don't matter, your thoughts and beliefs don't matter, nothing of significance will change in your lifetime and you will slowly become oke with that whenever you start growing the fuck up.

>> No.10561207

> illusions of significance
why do you assume some things are truly significant while other things are not?
it is an assumption you probably base on nothing.
nothing is significant. it only becomes significant when we ascribe value to it. so your argument is flawed.

> retarded worldview
what is a retarded worldview? an incorrect worldview? I am willing to agree that is prevalent, but that has more to do with the person taking the drug. if the person already believes in whatever bullshit, it is going to be enhanced with psychedelics. if that is not the case, they won't start believing in superstition.

>> No.10561212

People feel for this trap OMEGAKEK