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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10555150 No.10555150 [Reply] [Original]

>"Investing is not a game where the guy with the 150 IQ beats the guy with a 130 IQ"
>has an IQ of 152 and is the greatest investor of all time
why do successful people downplay the advantage of natural talent so much?

>> No.10555173

>realize life is unfair
>become a billionaire
>dirty lower life forms shoveling garbage asks you how you became wealthy and if they can do it to
>y-yeah sure, you can do it to just uh dont spend more than you earn and do it over there away from me
>also buy my stocks

>> No.10555219

they do it because they want to spread positivity. they are a thousand percent redpilled though. intelligence has no variation in opinion they all draw the exact conclusions but use it to different advantage

>> No.10555234

>"Investing is not a game where the guy with the 150 IQ beats the guy with a 130 IQ"
>"It's a game where those two guys team up to enslave everyone with an IQ of below 120"

>> No.10555311

Anon, do you even know what IQ is? Isn't the guy with record IQ a carpet seller somewhere is US? It doesn't make you all-knowing, it doesn't prevent you from making mistakes... just look at the threads about our favorite shitcoin here on biz - how otherwise intelligent young men use their superior IQ to keep deluding themselves...

>> No.10555341

What's wrong with carpet selling? Smart people don't have to do stereotypically smart things.

>> No.10555370


Buffett has 152 IQ? Doubt it bro. But he's right though, investing is more about patience than IQ.

>> No.10555384

Nothing wrong per se, just an example that superior mental power don't automatically make you conquer the world - similar how those people with super memory etc just living normal (hopefully fulfilling) lives and not being some super villains...

>> No.10555391 [DELETED] 

it makes me feel less guilty about brainlets, I just don't want to go straight to a person and tell them "you will not make it because you were born stupid". At the same time I try to be more realistic with it and say that dedication and planning does still matter a lot even though if you are not an intellectual prodigy.
>t. a smarty pants

>> No.10555405

>don't automatically make you conquer the world
it does make it a lot easier for them to do so

>> No.10555524

being patient is a part of having a high IQ

low iq people are impulsive and will freak out and fuck up

if you are patient you have a high iq

>> No.10555566

True, but going back to OP - imagine chess, even if you have superior IQ you will loose if the situation on the board is unfavorable. Sure if you are intelligent you will not play to put yourself in that position (or at least try to play good) - but what if you play MMO 4D chess where there are thousands of players and when you join the game is already 8k years in the play... This is how I read the buffet quote, he is saying that the nature of the game is different than simple "i'm smarter that you so I win". You need more than just IQ.

>> No.10555643

It's a way for them to pacify their goyim slaves.

"Heh. Yeah wagie I used to clean toilets just like you. Believe me or you're fired, you dumb cattle fuck. Hard work is the secret to success so scrub those shit bins for the next 12 hours or your family gets sued for breach of contract."

>> No.10555666

No, being patient is not part of high IQ. Similarly having the "better" perspective or even mate-cognitive skills to realize that my perspective is wrong is also not part of having high IQ. There are many people with very high IQ that failed to realize they are to impulsive and got their brilliant career fucked up by being jailed for such silly things like road rage...

>> No.10555676

I concur. It's a fact with stocks and crypto you just have to be patient and you will be in the green. However, us poor normies want the money as quick as possible so we do dumb shit like margin or day trade and then we get addicted to the thrill. That only ends in despair

>> No.10555696

Because they want everyone to believe that they too can reach the top if they only slave away for the next 50 years of their lives. It keeps the worker ants productive and motivated.

>> No.10555701


>152 IQ

>drink 20 cans of cherry coke a day


>> No.10555731

brainlets get easily angered.

>> No.10555742

top kek

>> No.10555760

Bobby Fischer sperged out constantly and had a high 160’s iq. Btfo

>> No.10555868

Doesn't the guy with the highest IQ in the country just live on a farm in Missouri? Intelligence is an advantage but doesn't guarantee anything.

>> No.10555869

I'm a talented developer in my field and it honestly makes me uncomfortable every time someone compliments me at work, which is often. I had to teach myself to unawkwardly and graciously accept praise.

the average, non-sociopathic person tends to think they are on par with everybody else, and that's really all it is. there's no malicious intent behind it. sometimes I explain something to a peer and it's just so natural and easy for me but it goes completely over their head. people's brains are just wired differently and it's hard to understand something from another person's point of view.

also this partly. even if I know someone doesn't have the skill to do something yet, I'll present it as a task they can accomplish without writing them off as incapable. you never really know what people are capable of and there's a good chance they might come up with a more clever solution than you ever could. while I'm talented as a developer in a niche field, I'm basically shit at everything else. I got lucky and landed in a career I'm good at.

>> No.10555928

yeah and he's super red pilled /pol/

>> No.10555968

For starters it's 2018 and it's absoultely disgusting

>> No.10555986

High IQ leads to isolation. Warren Buffett has few employees and sits in his office all day eating McDonalds and drinking Cherry Coke.

>> No.10555994

Because, despite their IQ, they don't necessarily possess the EQ to empathise with other people. They don't realise just how fucking retarded and limited most of us are.

Same reason Steve Jobs once said "everything that is invented in the world is made up by people who are no smarter than YOU".

Despite his intelligence, he didn't seem to realise that IQ fluctuates and people have natural talents. Hence why his biological Syrian Father and Grandfather were also businessmen, which is what Jobs became despite growing up in a different country with adopted parents.

>> No.10556010

>Warren Buffett has few employees and sits in his office all day eating McDonalds and drinking Cherry Coke.

High IQ as af 2bqh.

>> No.10556026
File: 65 KB, 600x800, A4E8B12E-6324-4BA4-A255-16111734925B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T. Autist delusional self aggrandizement posting

>> No.10556055

won't deny it, autism is the reason I'm good at my job. I'm not a full on downy but just autist enough to reap the benefits and still pass off as a normie is most situations. I'm diagnosed with a related disorder.

>> No.10556066


If you look at the most powerful people in the world, they tend to have above average IQs, but many were shitty students and got mediocre grades in school. The people with the highest IQs, like child prodigies, tend to wind up doing nothing spectacular with their lives. IQ is only a small part of what determines success and investing is really just about buying undervalued assets and selling when they’re high.

>> No.10556104

Fuckig retards in this thread. Read up on Isaac Newton and his investments.


>> No.10556113

Trump is a very successful business man and has a 65 iq

>> No.10556114 [DELETED] 

There's no malicious intent or sociopathy in acknowledging that some people are just born dumb. Feeding lies to people won't help them.

>> No.10556147


>> No.10556183

lol this faggot

>> No.10556230

this right here is the real blackpill, take note anons. being a normie or believing the jews want to eradicate the white race is equally bluepilled. the super rich, super smart want a world where quality of life is overall improving for the majority, while holding the reins and having their own dominance increase disproportionately; in essence, having masses of losers as a backdrop to their own omnipotence
from the point of view of a 150 iq billionaire there's no functional difference between a 110 iq white normie and a 90 iq mystery meat mutt, they're both animals. let a few truly exceptional men rise from nothing, and all the remaining whiners can learn to be content with the scraps they are fed

>> No.10556595

Yeah and Bobby Fischer was right about everything.

>> No.10556651

Fucking saved

>> No.10556680

more like everyone downplays where being friend with the right jews can take you. Its called Jew York City for a reason

>> No.10556917

you mean, being born at the beginning of the biggest bullrun in history, and having patience

>> No.10556943
File: 65 KB, 618x410, 1532996050451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sasuga Buffett-sama!
So humble!

>> No.10556962


>being patient is a part of having a high IQ

Sounds like you have no idea what IQ/intelligence actually is.

>> No.10557005

so you just believe in this strangely specific world view because it is comforting or...? where did you get any evidence at all on how the super elite operate lmfao the delusion on this board is unreal

>> No.10557019

he wasn't right about 1. e4

>> No.10557783

Or a lot easier to hire. That's why leaders have 125 IQ and advisors have 145 IQ. Because you just have to have enough IQ to understand the jist of geniuses.

>> No.10557819


If you want non-shithole places to go and actually live to use your money an average IQ difference of 20 is absolutely enormous.

>> No.10557915

Lads I have an interview with Berkshire Hathaway reinsurance next week as an actuarial intern. What should I say to impress my interviewer?

>> No.10557934

There poisoning him.

>> No.10558007


Na, the real blackpill is that there's almost no correlation between IQ and wealth(like 0.16 iirc). The idea that the smart are always the richest and the most powerful stems from having a very narrow view of how people actually work which makes you associate almost every beneficial attribute with just intelligence when in reality it's not even close to the full story.

>> No.10558055

even with such a terrible correlation its still the highest single predictor, which means basically getting rich is luck and staying rich sometimes involves being smart

>> No.10558067

is it P&C

>> No.10558130


Find out how many people will be in the interview, bring them all a big mac, and when you give it to them tell them it's from Sergey Nazarov with a wink.

>> No.10558178


>its still the highest single predictor

Is it though?

>> No.10558235

Don't think thats a good idea m8

>> No.10558864
File: 84 KB, 895x978, Incredibly_distraught_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw 115

>> No.10558882

Tell him that you browse 4chan, you'll land it 100%.

>> No.10558890

A dumber person who puts enough time and effort into their work can still do better than someone with a higher IQ. Although if you take too equally motivated people and give them the same amount of time to work then the higher IQ is probably going to win. Luckily we don't live in that hypothetical. Often the simple willingness to actually do something is the most important. Once people are middle-class they crave security above all else, even riches. This is natural and it is an advantage to hard workers.

>> No.10558926
File: 52 KB, 534x800, flat,800x800,070,f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This never works because the Democrats have made the system so that the only way poor people can actually make it out of poverty are the ones that cheat, steal, do any illegal shit they can to beat the system. A great example of this is the ones that illegally rent out their Section 8 apartments to people and use the rent money to pay for a mortgage on a house. The government literally gives them free fucking houses, but only a small amount of blacks and poos have the IQ to manipulate this.

>> No.10559423

Lol fucking no. Parents economic status is 20% or higher

>> No.10559504

This might be true of IQ gaps up to maybe 10 points. Sure someone slaving away at a low skill job (and doing it badly) will make more money than a high IQ neet but when it comes to things that take intelligence higher IQ can effortlessly do things that are impossible for low IQ. Stupid people who work hard will actively fuck things up.