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10552350 No.10552350 [Reply] [Original]

How much OMISE GO for a girl like THIS?

>> No.10552370

None if you're white and moderately attractive, which probably cuts out more than half this board.

>> No.10552394

I'm an aryan American attractive, 19, and from a rich family. PLEASE tell me how to fug a girl like her!

>> No.10552439

If you have to ask, it's already over.

>> No.10552440

>be white
>talk to one

Seriously, Asian girls are some of the most cock hungry whores, especially when it's whytupiggu

>> No.10552489


>> No.10552522

What's it like to smell a woman's ass? I'm so horny.

>> No.10552677

Hahaha fucking incels. I've fucked like 30+ asian girls it's so easy.

>> No.10552713

asians girls, sure. but thicc asian girls who aren't simply fat?
doubt it.

>> No.10552721


>> No.10552725

source give me porn vid

>> No.10552760

tanaka mana

>> No.10552810

she can drain my mana if u know what im saying

>> No.10552817

what does this mean i dont know what your saying

>> No.10552825

not him, but thicc asian girls that arent fat are extremely rare, most are sticc

>> No.10553329

mana = life force
semen = life force

please try and keep up
alternately she could just play a warlock on WoW

>> No.10553425

smells like milk and salty coins

>> No.10553553

smell your ass, there is your answer

>> No.10553690

>mana = life force

Mana is magic you fucking retarded faggot

>> No.10553729

no retard, mana powers magic
but what do you need to use magic? you need to be alive dum dum
so its your life force

>> No.10553740
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went from thicc asians to Might and Magic, goodjob boys.

>> No.10553745


Why do people want ugly faces and ugly haircuts on women?

Her body is basic.

>> No.10553760

whats wrong with some asian pussy and might and magic? that game was sic, atleast the 6th one..

>> No.10553765
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i wanna japanese gf

>> No.10553845
File: 42 KB, 440x555, pinkberrymilk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y dont u get one

>> No.10553871
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if life was that simple

>> No.10553886

u dont need to go for the prettiest ones
their bodies are all the almost the same anyhow

>> No.10553900

I wish she would shit in my mouth in that position

>> No.10554023

she could warlock her legs around my head

>> No.10554024
File: 278 KB, 1663x791, 1517046131065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To keep this /biz/ related:

Love doesn't exist there is only value exchange. If you want a gf you need to think of yourself as an asset and as an investment for a girl to invest in, you should take some time to develop yourself before your IBO (initial boyfriend offering). First you need to give a good first impression by making yourself physically attractive and well spoken (this is like having a good website). Next you need to have a respectable job (stable gains) and savings (capital) and be ambitious and driven (potential to moon). If you develop yourself enough you will an attractive enough investment for a girl and single she will FOMO in and date you.

Also if you are a young person, (18-22) don't worry too much about getting a gf because you still need to build up your self-portfolio, you're far from your peak.

>> No.10554159
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Why do I get the feeling those aren’t chicks?

>> No.10554181

Do you think her butt is stinky?

>> No.10554236

works either way

>> No.10554284

I hope so

>> No.10554302

>Expects girls to be into him

>> No.10554331
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>> No.10554335
File: 228 KB, 1065x1472, d20a19c337a723ee6165aa738e230a55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's the japanese velma

>> No.10554367



>> No.10554389


It's why Asian girls give the best blowjobs...because, usually, the best part about them is their face

>> No.10554392
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pajeets rekt

>> No.10554471
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>tfw my Chinese gf wants to guzzle my cum everyday
>but she lives in china

>> No.10554519

That is a lot of work for slow gains.
Exit scamming seems easier.

>> No.10554524


>> No.10554581

Lol. That's exactly how I see it. Working on everything before letting the roasties FOMO on me.

>> No.10554586

Depends on biological compatibility more than you'd think

Jeez, John, gtfo the internets already you creepy old fuck

>> No.10554593

Don't worry, they are.
I hope.

>> No.10554608

This. I got to close to a nicaraguans ass and it smelt like my raw ass.

>> No.10554633

will try, in japan jan-mar solo traveling

>> No.10554747

just approach

>> No.10555121


>> No.10555133

Go to Taiwan, they will ask you for hookups

>> No.10555155

Dude, THICC girls have a complex about it

This one girl had an ass that was fucking 3d it just sticks out a lot. Her pussy was super tight too.

She keeps on messaging me about how she's trying to diet, lol. I'm gonna smash again when she comes back to Seoul

>> No.10555156


>> No.10555168

This guy gets it

Taiwan is the best for this, nice double dubs too

>> No.10555231

that guy has more balls than 95% of the people on this board though

most guys here would just look at the floor, scratching their neckbeard
>"why aren't qt japanese girls approaching me I thought white men were Gods here!"

>> No.10555299

I'm married to a Korean girl and lived in Seoul for a few years. Guys like this are cringe as fuck and are literally everywhere over there. The Asians know that you only go there because you can't get laid at home and don't have the pressure of following your own social obligations. Japs and Koreans just don't get approached in public like this and they think it's fucking weird


>> No.10555374

>tfw im a poor spic
Asian girls think your'e indian or ME too since they have no idea what a hispanic person is either
Infact im not sure any kind of woman is attracted to a hispanic
sometimes i wish i was white, you guys at least get ethnic girls easy

>> No.10555404

so u r basically talking about urself

>> No.10555473

Korean's esp don't talk to strangers, and the ones that do are considered very weird.

>> No.10555483

I was there to work an actual real job, not like teaching english or being a GI (altough to their credit their mostly not weeb faggots).

The ESL teachers and PUA's were the ones that I really found to be insufferable, and from what I gathered most Koreans felt the same way.

>> No.10555585

I see what you mean about the esl teachers and puas.

I just had a different experience in Korea and Japan (Ive been there for two weeks each, yes not a fucking long time and not planning to live there)
Just going sightseeing and the regular bar/club night; girls will approach you and you will get laid.

>> No.10556060

>girls will approach you and you will get laid
>t. someone who has never done night game in Korea outside Itaewon where girls are 6/10 at best.
Korean men have a reputation of cockblocking foreigners talking with their women.
When they are mean mugging, they aren't mean mugging you. They are doing it to the girl and the girl senses that social pressure. Or they straight up interrupt your conversation with the girl. Clubs in gangnam are hella racist against white people too. Its one of the reasons why S.Korea has the lowest rate of interracial marriages in Asia.

>> No.10556499

If I get a job in Nipland as an engineer, will the jap qts like me? I'm white and 190cm tall

>> No.10556547

I would pay 2 ETH to bury my face in that ass and motorboat until I had pink eye

>> No.10556619
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Close up

>> No.10557394

what a clueless loser

>> No.10557502

It's hard to not masturbate fug

>> No.10558095
File: 58 KB, 436x1024, DWXUN-zVoAAo8T4.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


holy fuck

take this thicc hoe in exchange m8

>> No.10558308

no. engineers in Japan live at work and make like half as much as their American counterparts. Japanese women are the same as women anywhere. (as far as the guys they like. social, clean, not a brokeass). The main difference is they're more patient/bottle their contempt for you longer/quieter.