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10552263 No.10552263 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 29. Guess I'm pretty old by now. fuck.

>> No.10552273

for a man life begins at 30, for a woman it ends there

>> No.10552304
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>> No.10552310

Yeah your life is half over if you die in your 60's.
Happens all the time to people that smoke, drink, do drugs and abuse their body.

>> No.10552324
File: 276 KB, 1500x761, boomers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not so bad on the other side anon

>> No.10552335

It's time for your nap, grandpa

>> No.10552396

Your 30s are pretty great if you can get physically fit and have avoided too much baggage in your 20s. You’re still young enough to look good and enjoy life, but now you have all that experience and wisdom you wish you had in your teens and 20s.

>> No.10552482

Fuck you guys. You're the same assholes that told me my high school years would be the best of my life. You told me college would be amazing. You told me life starts at 20. And its been a fucking shit sandwich the whole way through. Now you're telling me I'll be fine in my 30s? Go fuck yourselves.

>> No.10552501
File: 33 KB, 329x329, cancerishelladrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Before you know it you will be fifty

>> No.10552507

life is suffering

>> No.10552509

dubs ass listen up, you will be smiling ear to ear when you are 31, and you will be plotting your revenge on those that fucked you up

>> No.10552563

I am 35, better physically, mentally and economically than ever, but unable to enjoy it due to those traps called morals, marriage and kids.

>> No.10552570

no, what's actually going to happen is he's going to spend the remainder of his 20's working hard and getting dicked over by his boss & various roasties, meanwhile the normies & chads that spent their 20's partying and flunked out of college are going to get a job anyway by 30 thanks to their connections, and continue to live it up while that anon kills himself in his studio apartment.

>> No.10552720

Your 30s should be the best years if you planned appropriately. You should be making a lot of money by now, be well traveled, and know how to talk to women. If not, what the fuck have you been doing the last 10 years?

>> No.10552763
File: 142 KB, 600x842, AD5F3F35-794B-4734-833E-ECEABC8AD46C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You did that to yourself anon. I'm 32, didn't fall for the marriage meme. I travel all the time, party, fuck hot women, and have plenty of free time to myself. Comfy. Have you considered ditching your shitty family and moving to another country?

>> No.10553479


>he didn't party throughout college


>> No.10553569

man, your forties are going to hit you like a shovel. You think your shit's bad now? Well it is going to get much much much worse and there ain't a dickie bird you can do about it, apart from accepting. The irony is though, as soon as you accept one thing about getting older, another even worse pops up right in front of you, and so it goes until you are completely decrepit or until you've had enough and finally neck yourself.

>> No.10553639
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Thanks Dad

>> No.10553748
File: 27 KB, 385x385, ppp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, your 30's are shit, you'll most likely be balding and wagecucking hard.

The only way to avoid this fate was bitcoin, but i only have 21 so I will need to wait until im fucking 40 YEARS OLD to play oldcel rich copecel game.

>> No.10553750
File: 356 KB, 691x733, 1531684439546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30s were the best years of retirement. now is time to enjoy your wealth and all the women you love

>> No.10553768

>move to thailand to fuck std ridden chinks with the rest of us pale aspie losers

>> No.10554341

I'm 28, 20k link and 2 ETH in Linkpool? Will I retire in my thirties?

>> No.10554492

no you need at least 100k links

>> No.10554570

Im fresh 29 too. Let me shake yer hands fellow boomers. Dont know about you but people telling me I look 19. At the last school mate meeting I fucked a 10/10 and made out with another after.. Life is good.

>> No.10555368

This, it’s not about how old you are, it’s about how old you look.
I’m 24 but look 16-18, so people generally treat me like i’m that age, and I still fuck 17yo pussy so, it’s like I’m practically that age still.
Just take care of your body and skin faggots, it does wonders.

>> No.10555390

34. This is the year i have started growing grey hairs. I blame crypto and weed stocks. Also bad genetics. The 'Da went grey in his late 20's.

>> No.10555410


>be 16
>looks 23
>feels like shit

>be 27
>still looks 23 + confidence
>drowns in girl and boy pussies

>> No.10555430

I’m 25 with 100k link and 10 ETH am I going to make it by 27? I’m really cutting it close my boomer years are right around the corner

>> No.10555482

>25 yo
>thinks he's not a boomer

You're gonna make it though, when you are set for life, 30s are not as scary as it looks.

>> No.10555541

>le boomer meme
Ha Ha, you’re so funny anon
At 25 most males aren’t even men yet

>> No.10555563

Kill yourself

>> No.10555576


at 25 most males are already turning grandpa

>> No.10555653

>t. 16 year old

>> No.10555663

Have a *sip* anon. Enjoy yourself, you've made it.

>> No.10556448

Based reverse trike.

>> No.10556452

This post perfectly exemplifies how damaging 4chan is

>> No.10556487

A house, stocks, mortgage,10k BNB and two girls

>> No.10556516

enjoy those instagram whores eating away all your property, leaving you only with your bnb shitcoins.

>> No.10556517


Everytime I feel like I'm getting old and feel like shit, I look at my brother who is 32 and seems cool as fuck. You ain't old. You're old in near the 40's

>> No.10556532

I dunno man I'm 40 and still feelin' pretty good.