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10551946 No.10551946 [Reply] [Original]

what do you think happen to all boomer owned houses in 10 years when they go to retirement homes ?

>> No.10551973

These fuckers will never sell. They'll take their overpriced cardboard boxes to the grave with them.

>> No.10551981

and what happens with the oversupply of like 20M houses when they go to the grave...?

>> No.10551982

kid enherits them, dont you have a boomer parent with house/s to enherit?

>> No.10551986

they'll start renting them out, or get sold to others who will rent them out

>> No.10551987

They will pass it over to our current useless generation.

>> No.10551993

Dunno. What happens to houses with no owners in the US?

>> No.10552009

All homes are owned by the government. You pay them rent.

>> No.10552016

>my house is an asset
>it will go up forever
>the boomer owner who sold it to me said so
>the gen X blogger about passive income i religiously read agreed
>so did the millenial banker clerk who approved my loan
>how could so many people be wrong?
>people will always need housing
>chinese investors will keep buying empty houses because money will keep flowing from the empty cities they build back home
>unqualified immigration will boost our economic strength and the demand for houses
>anyone who disagrees is just upset they can't afford a house

>> No.10552034

Most will pass them onto their kids or rent them out as passive income with a management company handling all the work if they don’t sell them outright to millennials looking to buy (which is already happening). Some of the poor fags will sign them over to the nursing homes as collateral or reverse mortgage them for retirement income over the next 20-30 years. A smaller number will have them seized by creditors to settle debts related to their estates when they die. The market may dip but brainlets expecting a 2008 style crash or worse are going to be hugely disappointed.

>> No.10552047

>my stock shares are an asset
>it will go up forever
>the boomer owner who sold it to me said so
>the gen X blogger about passive income i religiously read agreed
>so did the millenial banker clerk who approved my loan
>how could so many people be wrong?
>people will always need stock shares
>chinese investors will keep buying stock shares because money will keep flowing into them
>unqualified immigration will boost our economic strength and the demand for stock shares
>anyone who disagrees is just upset they can't afford any stock shares

>> No.10552049
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>Inherits free house when silent generation parents die
>My house is my retirement because I was too irresponsible to save for retirement
>Sorry my millennial children I am reverse mortgaging my house and yu will inherit nothing heh nothin personnel kid

Do you fucking brainlets really believe these houses will be hoarded by these dumb as fuck boomers forever?

>> No.10552055

my point is, sure people inherit but peope buying NOW when a surplus is about to enter the market will not see value increases

>> No.10552073


%100 correct

>> No.10552076

>The market may dip but brainlets expecting a 2008 style crash or worse are going to be hugely disappointed.
The market will not dip, the market will get completly destroyed in some decades. Demand in and around cities will melt away, because there is literally no need to live there anymore.
>automated cars
>personal flying drone service

fucking 3D printed houses will be the next big thing, you can hold your boomer houses forever

>> No.10552084

>fixed supply
>generates income through rent or allowing you not to pay rent
>rigged by society to increase in value
>rigged loans so you can buy it with 3% interest rate
>physical asset you actually have

>$1,000,000,000,000 now printed every year
>rigged to inflate 2% every year based on an price index that is rigged to understate inflation by many magnitudes
>doesn't actually exist (the money in your bank account is backed by less than 10% with actual real money)

>> No.10552119

Individual houses (expecially the ones built for cheap with plywood) will end up unhabitable anyway, a lot of them will be thrown out of the market because too shitty.

>> No.10552129

I'll buy a few of them and sell them all at top after 7-9 years

>> No.10552185

dunno anon, the same thing that will happen to all their wealth when they go to retirement homes?

>> No.10552192


There is literally less need to live there now than ever before, but the demand is going up because people want to live in places with access to amenities, culture, etc. Haven’t you noticed that as telecommuting has grown, the suburbs have died off while urban areas have gotten gentrified as fuck? As fewer people need to live close to the workplace in Bumblefuck, Nowhere to work there, they’ve actually intensified the competition for prime real estate.

>> No.10552215

The banks/State will take over

>> No.10552223


Why would a 3d printed house be superior to the fucking single wide trailers and other prefab houses we’ve had for decades? They’re not. They’ll just be another shitty symbol of poverty that people don’t want to live in, relegated to the margins of society and kept away from high priced real estate through zoning codes and gentrification.

>> No.10552239
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>He thinks boomers believe in inheritance

If that were true the "kick kids out at 18" meme wouldn't exist.

>> No.10552264

the kids of boomers start fighting over it all

>> No.10552880
File: 6 KB, 250x167, 1533177029151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kids bogged down with student debt inherit their parents house that is underwater.

What happens to the house?

(diamonds and engagement rings too- who can afford them these days)

...r u dumb

>> No.10553023

It's not whether they believe in it or not. When they die they leave property unless they spend it all before they die.

>> No.10553078

this. however, i do see home prices soft capping within those ten years.

>> No.10554037

Both of you are fucking brainlets. Yes, a home is an asset. It is NOT an investment. Stocks are both an asset and investment. The capital appreciation on a home is something like 1.5% year over year whereas if that money was put into the S&P 500 you earn 10% on average.

>> No.10554080

they'll be bought up by an increasingly small number of private companies who will divide homes into flats and rent them out to the plebs for 50% of their stagnant wages

>> No.10554111

>misspells inherit twice
>wants to be taken seriously