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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10529424 No.10529424 [Reply] [Original]

>realising people living where you live 200 years ago 1/10th the hours, had a more interesting future ahead of them and lived a much better life

>> No.10529438

Just no.

>> No.10529442

Yes, take me back to those times. I love having dysentry.

>> No.10529458

i'm a dirty communist but i'm still glad we have penicillin and smart phones

>> No.10529461

Where do you live, fucking Somalia? No place on earth is worse now than 200 years ago. Maybe I'll grant you a place that is uninhabitable due to catastrophe, but otherwise kys.

>> No.10529474

mmmm mmmm yummy polio

>> No.10529500

>realising you have a chance to be a part of the singularity.
>realizing you have a chance to live in an era where governments can't lie
>realizing corruption will be a thing of the past
>realizing there will be automatic dick sucking robots in the future that will be able to suck your dick for fractions of a LINK.

>> No.10529518

im glad you admit you endorse genocide and regression

we can all admit communism doesn't work now

>> No.10529533

>corruption a thing of the past
>world is 95% brown shitskin

>> No.10529536
File: 127 KB, 1200x800, ranch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up at 6am sharp in your shithole one bedroom apartment
>rush into the bathroom to take a shit and shower
>quickly get dressed into an uncomfortable suit
>run to make it to public transport
>have to sit next to someone who might stab you or give you a disease
>make it to work late AGAIN
>get told off by your boss AGAIN
>work for eight hours doing menial shit you hate
>finally get to go home
>so tired no interest in doing anything
>watch on the news about how the government is taking your rights away and making your country more (((diverse)))

200 years ago:
>wake up at 6am sharp on your massive fucking ranch
>time is plentiful, take some moments to watch the sunrise over the mountains while you enjoy a beer
>7am, maybe herd some cattle on your 900 acre ranch or some shit for like 15 minutes
>head down to the saloon for a couple of hours with your pals
>discuss the many things that there are to be discussed what with living in the age of wonder
>head back to your huge ranch for lunch that your wife has prepared for you
>maybe go shoot some hogs after lunch
>spend a couple of hours loading cases and cleaning your guns over some beer
>herd some more cattle or some shit lol who cares
>watch the sunset over some whisky
>make a comfy campfire outside your house and watch the sunset
>turn in for bed

>> No.10529559


Define worse dumb shit. Human happiness cannot increase, because it’s limited by our biological brains and how stimulated we can ultimately be. You could cure cancer, give everyone immortality, a VR universe, etc. You would not actually increase happiness, you plateau and increase consumption while ennui increases. Likewise people dying from dysentery and fighting in duels where probably just as “happy” as we are since once again, short of taking heroin, happiness doesn’t really increase just because we invent washing machines.

>> No.10529586


>he thinks machine learning algorithms aren't inherently racist against brown people
>he doesn't know the singularity sides with whites who created it

confirmed not going to make it

>> No.10529592

let me fix the olden times for you

>wake up in 5ft by 5ft tin shack at 4am
>go out to your hole in the ground for morning shit, uh oh it's full again, better dig a new one
>go to work for 16 hours on 900 acre ranch for some kike cattle tycoon
>do this for ten years day in day out
>die from a cold
there, fixed

>> No.10529620
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>No place on earth is worse now than 200 years ago
>what is many parts of the former british empire

>> No.10529671
File: 145 KB, 645x729, retardd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me learn new word today.

You're dumb my man, a ranch requires almost zero effort, it's just a plot of fucking land with some animals on it.

>cow dies
>sell it
>ez cash
>repeat ad infinitum

>> No.10529693

No it wasn't. Get a splinter and you die of an infection

>> No.10529710

life was considerably more difficult than that for the vast majority of people. cities were rampant with disease and settling was a harsh affair

>> No.10529729

I'm Irish Italian. I would be treated like a nigger and you probably would be too. This is quite literally the best time to be alive. Women are openly hoeing around, you can make money sitting in your underwear, and black people clean up the trash on our roads. gg

>> No.10529764

You know if you actually do good at your job and show you want to be part of management, it's not boring. If you're an office drone and suck at what you do, yes. But when you're in charge of shit it's actually 'fun' considering you get paid.

Ever wonder why your boss is always walking around with coffee, on their shit telling people what to do and seems to like their job? Because they do, being in charge is fucking great.

>> No.10529768

>t. has never been closer than 10 yards to a cow

>> No.10529946

that's anons point, that looking after a 900 acre ranch isn't simple or easy by any stretch of the imagination

>> No.10529980

Yeah the best time to live for a degenerate spic or nigger

>> No.10530049

there must be some confusion here, he literally said, and I quote, that
>a ranch requires almost zero effort, it's just a plot of fucking land with some animals on it.

>> No.10530291

sarcasm is hard to detect on the Internet

>> No.10530306

the industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

>> No.10530387

>you will never be a wild west outlaw fucking farm girls while their daddies work hard labor

>> No.10530408

perhaps indeed

>t. Mr. Kaczynski

>> No.10530414
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Consider that being in charge and having dissatisfied workers may partially be the fault of the guy in charge. People can't be argued into satisfaction. The guy with the baton at the orchestra doesn't look like he's doing much but he matters even if it's everybody else playing their thing, the music keeps going. It's why some companies have gone so far with like inflatable chairs and paint with crayons shit and incorporating work and life that it can go back to stressing people. So yeah, a boss that looks like most of the time he's doing nothing but smelling his balls? Probably great. A boss that wants the violinist to stop every milisecond for an update and make the timpani play the flute before the videocall? May provoke an existential crisis that makes someone jump from the window. I feel in the end it's like let the people that know how to do things do things and don't interrupt them unless you really have something better for them to do. Shitty bosses are a reality, I guess we all believe we would be better as the boss with his salary and that's not going to change soon.

>> No.10530617
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>200 years ago
>1/10 the hours

In my town in the 19th century you were either down a coal mine for 12 hours a day or working in a pottery factory for a similar amount of time, to then go back to your two room house where your entire extended family lives, with the only running water being a single tap that services several streets.

>> No.10530702

Humans died for all sort of stupid shit 200 years ago. Why is this even a question. Taking a shit 200 years ago was a danger for fuck's sake. Who gives a shit about VR and cancer, I'm talking very basic stuff like not dying because you didn't know that germs exist.

>> No.10530793

yup this was the reality for most, and even they had it good compared to others. Kids too were down the coal mines working 12-16 hr shifts for some kike owner

>> No.10530802
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>> No.10530833

Le wrong generation faggot

>> No.10530846

You want another one? Medieval serfs had at least 3 months of no work every year.

>> No.10530862

its called winter

>> No.10530888

yes, meanwhile we toil for shekelstein all throughout these months.

>> No.10530900

they'd be working their ass too if there was something to do in medieval winter

>> No.10530962

ah yes I'd much rather slave away for 18 hours a day for 9 months and enjoy three months of fighting off death and sitting in a 5ft by 5ft cowshit home having literally nothing to do and no money at all

>> No.10531849

>he fell for the jewish propaganda
Truly sad

>> No.10532156
File: 3.39 MB, 2340x4160, IMG_20180802_154006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Disgruntled workers is the boss' fault
t. never ran anything

Ya fucking dingus, theres like three guys in a company that are in position to truly shape the work environment. Everyone else has someone breathing down their neck and has to dance to the beat or get fucked. And too fucking often the underlings are ungrateful little cunts not worth fighting for

>be me
>manage some 30 people in a big steel company
>constantly get into fights with upper management to grant better work conditions and less forced overtime for my dudes
>boss calls me stupid for not enslaving the wagies, but concedes anyway because im good at my job
>one time make a mistake in a project and fall really fucking behind on schedule for an important customer
>round the wagies up and tell them i need all hands on deck over some ten days
>constantly whipping them up and working myself to meet the deadline
>end up needing 15 days to fix the mistake
>by the end of it wagies are treating me like shit despite my trying hard to be a good boss for 3 years
>boss hears about disgruntled wages' newfound hatred for me
>"Are these the people you're constantly fighting me for?"
Fucking pieces of shit, now I'm the angry boomer that bosses around and eeryone pretends to like and I've never been happier and more relaxed

>> No.10532189

You are a nigger and a degenerate too.

>> No.10532203

I'm surprised you can see out of your rose tinted glasses

>> No.10532343
File: 8 KB, 205x246, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>could've been born in Europe, live a modest life with nice social programs and affordable medicinal care
>Could have been born in 1950's California with thick shakes and hot housewife worthy babes, amidst the greatest economic boom of all time
>Could have been born in the middle east gulf and enjoyed an ethnically homogenous and rich society, clean and prosperous from all the oil
>born in millennial era USA, work absurd hours for pennies just to go home to your closet sized flat and want and go to sleep, and hope the following day you don't lose your job to pajeet who will do it for 90% less pay
>Think about this everyday on the subway as you step over homeless black people and meet eyes with 200lb feminists for split seconds here and there on the bus
>A moment of panic sweeps over you, take out phone just as the train exits the tunnel to Google applying to other countries
>"Fuck off were full"
>Scream as loud as possible in your mind, face turns read. No one can hear you, you're trapped
>the train arrives at your station and you get out
>Just another day at the office


>> No.10532473

>200 years ago
>Not dying from endless diahrrea

>> No.10532508
File: 865 KB, 1024x862, 1528243606760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not embracing the true path

>> No.10532569

>black people clean up the trash on our roads
What the fuck. No. Not even close. Mexicans maybe. Mostly nobody does, and it just piles up. If anything blacks are the ones who put it there.

>> No.10532572

you can still be amish or live in the wilderness. you wont because you’re a pussy

>> No.10532587
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>> No.10532617
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>> No.10532648

Imagine living 200 years ago with the knowledge you have now.
Stocks, compound interest, saving and investing. You'd be so god damn rich. You'd have all the cowgirl sluts sucking on your cock.

>> No.10532649
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>> No.10532681 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10532861

I looked in my reflection at a parked car while on lunch today and I fucking saw it. It was the spitting image of a 30 year old boomer.

>> No.10533247


can you imagine the basic hygiene of women back then? most would not bathe more than a couple times ever month your dick would probably fall off after maudette sits on it, and oral sex wasnt really popularized until the early 20th century in france so dick sucking back then was a pretty uncommon thing to do

>> No.10533250
File: 993 KB, 480x480, 1533098325753.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This aint oregano trail bitch nigga fuck ass

>> No.10533299

Now imagine living 200 from now
>in the future
Shits fucking gay as hell mang, I ain't even lying.
>I'm too exhausted to paint you a picture in green colored crayons
Basically everyone is brown and everything is so mechanized that why even try
>pops nano pills all day after waking up whenever the fuck

>> No.10533351
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>> No.10533466
File: 33 KB, 350x291, Business.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd think so but good luck picking out the handful of small rail companies that today form Union Pacific. Or choosing a bank for your savings account that won't go under pre-FDIC. Or even trying to accumulate enough surplus capital wageslaving when food + rent is 95% of your income.

Otherwise, you need to personally know how to innovate from 1820's tech. You have steam engines and shitty railroads. How do you improve them? Their metallurgy? Do you know any geological tips or then-untapped metal deposits (other than, "there's gold in thee unoccupied Mexican territory of California")? How would you find out which plots to buy in Titusville?

Or if you don't have that level of practicality, can you even find the major universities that have people willing to listen to your crazy physics ideas about aether not being real or that microscopic organisms are what's killing half of hospital patients? Even if you get things kickstarted with half-remembered high school biology and chemistry, there's still decades of grunt work to grind things out. Oh and you're still a poorfag because the Nobel prize is 75 years away.

Maybe invent dynamite?

>> No.10534420
