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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10525448 No.10525448 [Reply] [Original]

>apply at some office
>they immediately want me
>sent me job offer
>refused, said the salary is too low ($17k a year)
>one week later they call, apologize and send a new offer ($22k a year)
fucking kikes i swear
why diidn't they just give me the good salary from the start.
should i even bother and accept or flip them the bird?

>> No.10525468

accept it and suffer, maybe you'll stop being such a faggot

>> No.10525474

is this bait? you'd make more at mcdonalds

>> No.10525479

accept the offer but look for a better one on the side dumbass

>> No.10525496

that makes me angry too but that's life (apparently). People try to fuck you while you apply to be their slave. lol.

>> No.10525514

Tell them you will work there for 25k. Since you already got an other offer

>> No.10525515

Accept the offer and remember to show up early and leave late. The will notice and after a few years of that you will be bumped up to middle management. In five years you may even being shifting through shit tier resumes for the next aspiring unimaginative wagecuck.

>> No.10525540

neither of those are good salaries. Unless that job is 10 hours a week or less.

>> No.10525552

are you in a first world country? $17k/year is like $8.50 an hour and $22k is like $11/hour assuming fulltime employment (and you'll make even less if they force you to work unpaid overtime)

wtf kind of company is this you'd make more delivering pizzas

>> No.10525584
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You can't figure out that he's a 3rd worlder ?

>> No.10525587

Tell them it's still too low. Do some research and find out what similar businesses are paying for the same type of work in your area.

They just did what's called an extreme anchor. They send you an offer that's stupidly low hoping that you start a bid war with yourself and agree to lower then average pay because it looks better then the original one. The fact that you got a followup offer is a good sign that they're not going to just drop you if you argue a bit.

Most offers in business go 65%-85%-95%-100% of what they plan on paying you. From the looks of it they probably are willing to go as high as 25-28k a year, so i'd say you want 28k and see what they say. If they don't outright refuse and say cut you off then it means you've already won the negotiation. Keep refusing and using open ended questions to get them to realize you're not buying their shit. Eventually they'll either settle for your price or try to cut negotiations.

Either that or you're applying for mcdonalds that doesn't give two shits if you want to work for them or not, good luck.

>> No.10526045

What do you do shill chainlink for a living?

>> No.10526084

poor guy

>> No.10526114
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So am i though

>> No.10526124
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>> No.10526191

Welcome to the real world faggot, they are all looking for suckers
t. jew

>> No.10526232

Ur a good anon

>> No.10526250

Maybe because he means pounds which is worth more than your monopoly currency

>> No.10526260

if you need someone else to make 22k a year you deserve to get fucked.
I know bangladeshi hos they wouldnt suck old pedos as for 22k a year and you really want to work for that shit? haha

>> No.10526277


>> No.10526331

Sounds like a pretty ghetto employer if they actually lowball you. Still, if you really need the job, you should take it. If not, then tell them to fuck off. Maybe they'll offer you more.

>> No.10526352

Trying to low ball you by 30% is pretty scummy but don't take it personally. You can't blame them for trying.