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File: 57 KB, 928x960, chainlink2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10522320 No.10522320 [Reply] [Original]

You are a fucking fool if you aren't selling at this price to buy at 10 cents in a few months. Just a 100k fag letting you boys know whats going on.

>> No.10522325

So you sold I assume?

>> No.10522330


>> No.10522338

>he thinks 100 k LINK is a lot and actually means something
>he thinks 100 k USD is a lot and actually means something

>> No.10522340

So what is your game here if you haven't sold? Convince everyone to sell so that the price dumps and you can sell lower?

Odds are you already sold and are waiting for a buy in point and think making these threads will do something.

>> No.10522344


thanks for the bump friend

no, just want to help me fellow linkies, i know if 10 see this thread 1 might listen and i can help someone

>> No.10522349

OP is fucking cringe

>> No.10522353

post proof you degenerate faggit

>> No.10522359

$30,000 USD you must be a pajeet to think this is a lot of money.

>> No.10522368

bagholder cope

please sell low

>implying i do

i dont, but reading this forum 70k is a whole lot more than what most linkies have

>> No.10522374

I don't buy it. Anyone who really wanted to help and wasn't a moron would say to sell some to hedge BTC rising or it dumping.

It also doesn't come off as help to call people fucking fools if they don't do what you tell them to and then say it will be 10 cents in a few months.

You also take the time to say you have 100K Link as if that is some sort of accomplishment or gives you credentials.

You aren't trying to help anyone you are being a manipulative cunt but you are bad at it.You didn't really provide any reason as to why and just said "I have 100K so I know things" which is about as fucking lazy and dumb as you can get.

>> No.10522377
File: 317 KB, 400x500, e22ead17e827a1fa27f3a0c3d4e3357a-d41x9yj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna be blunt
i have 400 k links. its not going to 10 cents.
even if it did, you would not even have close to the amount of me
>helping fellow Linkies
no youre fucking not. Sell ways are bad for the market. Youre supposed to HODL
although, by all means, please sell and buy back lower so the links are diversified more among investors.

Fucking egotistical newfag fuck. literal baby's first big money

>> No.10522385

not an argument, emotional giberish

no where did i say that but if you need to cope thats cool. just 100k link is a whole lot more than what i know some of the anons here have who are struggling and want more.

>> No.10522388

You're literally implying that you and a bunch of other linkies are gonna dump your 100k bags on them. For starters i'd like to see your 100k bag and second you don't have the balls to sell any of them linkies and you never have. You've been bag holding since atleast $1.00 and you're salty people like me bought in at 17c.

>> No.10522401
File: 42 KB, 487x658, 1523380150898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i have 400 k links. its not going to 10 cents.

lol sure thing bucko

>> No.10522406

how's the salt
OP must be right

>> No.10522409

>can't stop saying cope
Just admit you want the price to go down because you don't actually have 100k.

>> No.10522413

>Just shitting in his hand and throwing it at me
None of that is emotional gibberish and you are the nigger that was claiming he was helping people. Everything I said was well reasoned and had explanations. You said it was emotional gibberish and then started spewing emotional shit about helping people.

Holy fucking hell man I hope you are trolling.

>> No.10522417

holy fuck the salt

this reminds me of the digimarines after the conference dump last year

>> No.10522418
File: 1.02 MB, 1280x1280, 1528977828827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks having 400 k links is some impossible feat.
>says im the one coping
i love seeing retards like you having a mental break down

Cant wait for link to pump to 40 cents and have 35 cent price floor. Youll probably be so heartbroken, that youll jump ship to mobius

>> No.10522425

this level of salt and cope reinforces my decision

thanks brothers

>> No.10522428

>2 posts calling Salt
>Same lack of grammar with multiple posts being quoted but he put a space between them to make them look like different people

This is sad Sean.

>> No.10522436

This is literally the OP samefagging.

>> No.10522437

>exact same writing style between 3 IDs

>> No.10522443

Youre not going to ever have as many LINKs as me and youre going to post on biz 2 weeks later with

You think youre helping Linkies by telling them to sell? That would be like shooting your hand with a shotgun to remove a mole.

>> No.10522444
File: 113 KB, 1180x1030, 1508471080688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not selling :)

>> No.10522448
File: 13 KB, 467x359, 1526229672852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck

you guys are beyond help

>> No.10522450

>when the salt is bath salts

>> No.10522462

>being this obviously a same faggot
You are a cringy faggot boy.

>> No.10522465

>Accuses OP of samefagging when confronted with criticism from more than one front

>> No.10522472

>replies with all of his IDs consecutively in this thread
You are really bad at this.

>> No.10522481
File: 2 KB, 125x96, 1533202376248s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck

you guys are beyond help

>> No.10522482

He did it in the same order he did last time too.

>> No.10522490

yikes, how does it feel knowing you have to cope this hard? are you that insecure of your investment? kek

>> No.10522502

I love how it went from "I'm trying to help people" to "Retarded linkies and their shit investments you are all coping".

You really don't even have the most basic ability to maintain a cover do you?

>> No.10522503
File: 3.54 MB, 2023x3044, 1529818610053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What fucking argument is here? Look at what Op said
>100 k fag here
i own 400 k LINK. why would i be impressed by this in anyway?
>Link is totally going down to 10 cents
Proof? Why would this happen? He didnt say if this has to do with BTC collapsing, or if the projects are delayed or any partnerships or conferences coming up

And worst of all
>in a few months
top notch investing advice. sounds like it came straight from a magic 8 ball.

Heres a thought OP
The major conferences are in october, which is two months away, meaning lots of investors are getting ready for it to gradually pump till then. AND, we get closer to mainnet everyday, Plus, its majorly undervalue since the normies dont know of all the partnership LINK has, including getting IBM recently

This coin is a ticking time bomb ready to shave off faggots like yourself.

>> No.10522513

You realize if someone says they are trying to help people and aren't insecure themselves, they wouldn't be screaming cope and salt in their own thread, right?

>> No.10522514


It's going down, let them live in delusion

>> No.10522519

market conditions are overall really bad right now and no coin will outperform btc. also why do you have to lie about having 400k? are you so insecure you have to post anime and claim to have 120k in some shitcoin?

>> No.10522527

>Some shitcoin
I love how you aren't even hiding the fact this is just a thread for you to say fuck Link.

>> No.10522576
File: 87 KB, 654x1002, 1530243498849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>market conditions are bad
not really. Bitcoin is way higher than in the beginning of July. And even if bitcoin fails, thats just the sign of singularity since bitcoin clearly is inferior.

LINK has been gradually rising higher and higher up the ranks. People are selling their shitcoins and moving TO LINK.
Do you realize what youre doing by selling LINK now? You are telling people to have LINK drop in the ranks and boost other coins market caps. This is a horrible strategy to do for tech as good as LINK.
>still believes i dont have 400 k link
thats unironic coping. Does it really hurt you this bad that i own this much? lol
i bet youre going to be in complete denial unless i take a pic of my wallet with camera plus timestamp.
You dont need to know i have this much. Only my future wife/girlfriend. And you can see i was telling the truth after i cash out my 10 million dollars in 2 years.

Youll probably make 200 k at most in your investing career. Youre the type who has no faith in longterm investing, and are just going to throw all your money away chasing moon missions based on your shitty predictions
LINK is not going to 10, nor even 20. No one is dumb enough to sell after all these major partnerships and news of the mainnet. And all the money being existed out through shit coins like RDD and ARK are going straight to link

>> No.10522595
File: 72 KB, 384x384, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10522601

>400k LINK
>$10 million
>2 years
nice fud

>> No.10522624

Op is probably right, bitcoin is going to go to 9k and then shit the bed to 4k. From there we'll escape the bear

>> No.10522680

Salty and stinky.
Op can own 300k shitlink by selling now and rebuying at 10 cents.
Keep coping.

>> No.10522704

I prefer to just keep throwing my money at it regardless of price

>> No.10522720

>thinking that major blockchains will need LINK to interface with the outside world
how fucking stupid can biz get?

>> No.10522787


>> No.10522888

Vitalik already said link is a given, the toyota of ethereum oracles, and it's also confirmed by being the default oracle for ZeppelinOS. Universa has already committed to using chainlink. Accord seems to work predominantly on hyperledger and is pursuing integration with chainlink. The writing's on the wall you nobs.

>> No.10522952

Lame Fudder that probably already sold and wants a price drop to get back in. Anybody listening to this clown deserves to stay poor. Not selling Fudder, gfy and fomo back in. Not even a nice try, very weak fud

>> No.10523090

Universa, top kek

>> No.10523140

I have 100k and if it drops to 10 cents I’ll just buy another 100k. Are you that poor?

>> No.10523222


>> No.10523610

> FUD can't melt steel hands

I find it very funny. How come they don't realize that the people that bought @ 10k sats and held until sub 1k sats and kept Hodling until now will ever sell. Some poorfags with chump change might sell, as well as some Newfags. But the original link marines have already made up their minds. To the moon or bust.
Trying to make someone sell when Link is one of the few coins right now that is in an uptrend for the last few weeks at least, in a full fledged bear market. We didn't sell @ 1k we won't sell @ 4k we won't sell @ 10k sats and if the $1000 Eoy meme ever becomes a reality you can be sure a lot of people will sell but most of them will keep at least 20% of their stack regardless of fiat price. You can't beat autism, big sharks and whales are the biggest and baddest but even them have barnacles, they can't shake us off and I Kek everytiem I think about it