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10519123 No.10519123 [Reply] [Original]

Stops your path

>> No.10519140

Stop with the fucking bernie spam. This is worse than that stupid sminem spam

>> No.10519148
File: 145 KB, 720x1280, lisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moves to South East Asia

>> No.10519157

Our founders would have killed a commie filth bastard like bernie

>> No.10519159
File: 54 KB, 350x263, 1519791480345.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather pay more in taxes for single payer than keep getting shafted up the ass by my health insurance.

>> No.10519170

If you've seen his medicare for all it ends up being over $3 trillion a year more than we currently pay.

>> No.10519172

crypto was invented for cases when retards like this take power

>> No.10519284


study showed it would save 2 trillion across 10 years compared to current plan due to lower administrative costs, even the libertarian think tank had to admit it

>> No.10519325

Bullshit. And even if it wasn't bullshit the govt isn't supposed to be involved in shit like healthcare. Do you even America bro?

Our founders didn't put the right to education or the right to healthcare because they knew it would become as fucked up as it has become.

And on top of it.... they don't cure fucking shit. Doctors are a bunch of pill pushers for big pharma and after you get cancer from govt controlled big agricultural with all the gmos they have conditioned the sheep to line up and get their Jew chemotherapy mustard gas and relieve them of their bank accounts while destroying their immune system so they can die sooner.

>> No.10519331

I hope he gets elected

>> No.10519347

Fuck off to pol. I don't want to see his ugly face.

>> No.10519349

Except the govt isn't supposed to be involved in healthcare. And healthcare as cheap as fuck before the govt got involved in the 60's

And like I said above the healthcare all sucks.

Only your immune system can heal you and you have to eat well and use natural stuff to keep your immune system up.

Ever get sick? Start eating raw garlic or put garlic oil on your feet. Cures almost everything

>> No.10519383

>ranting about pharma and muh santo
Welcome to late-stage capitalism, enjoy your stay.

>> No.10519396

We aren't in capitalism you stupid nigger. Capitalism ended decades before you were born in 1913.

Medicare and Medicaid aren't capitalism you fuckhead

>> No.10519406
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>b-but crypto is socialist!!

>> No.10519419

>He doesn't realize that a goddamn libertarian think-tank admitted that over the long-term we actually save money going single-payer

>> No.10519431

What is OP trying to tell us?

>> No.10519462


>social welfare bandaids in capitalism means it isn't capitalism anymore

>> No.10519495

>think tank

do you actually know where the term think tank comes from? fucking statist shill.

>> No.10519496


>> No.10519518

>45% of gdp expropriated by government
>government constantly stealing from the population through inflation and expansive monetary policies

'social welfare bandaids'

>> No.10519544

>plan works all the whites left are leaving, country now 100% mutt

>> No.10519548

I hope usa never gets public healthcare.

America is the only thing pushing medical science ahead. It's not very fair, but Americans pay for the r&d of everything, while rest of the world leeches on it by demanding lower prices.
Gain on the individual level is that if you have money American health care is best in the world. No other country can even compete, especially when it comes to experimental therapies.

It's not a fair situation, I wish healthcare was private everywhere. Yet as it stands now if America gets public healthcare with 'normal' pricing r&d stops dead, making the future much worse.

t. europoor

>> No.10519561

>medicare and medicaid
>not a product of big pharma industry buying politicians with kickbacks

>> No.10519567

come and take it old man

>> No.10519661

This bitch looks shit by age of 30

>> No.10519687

>Our founders didn't put the right to education or the right to healthcare because they knew it would become as fucked up as it has become.
The world's first national health care system was implemented by Otto von Bismarck in Germany in 1883.

Your founders didn't propose the right to healthcare not because they thought it'd become corrupted but because the concept didn't even exist in the 1700s, you knob. They didn't even know that germs cause disease, why do you Americans worship a bunch of dead politicians?

>> No.10519705
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>> No.10519718


>> No.10519726

Stop shitting the board up with this socialist imbecile.

>> No.10519807

That's ok, I'm sure I'll have another Waifu by then.

>> No.10519852
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>> No.10519903

He can't beat Trump.

>> No.10519978

When Canada turns true socialist and I'm renouncing residency and moving all my money to Singapore or New Zealand.