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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10513530 No.10513530 [Reply] [Original]

Ambrosus is so bad that Nestle decided to build their own supply chain tracking blockchain solution.

Read the article, this is exactly Ambrosus use case, but despite their supposed connections with Nestle they couldn't convince them to use AMB-Net.
Nestle looked at this and came to the conclusion that this is something they can pull off themselves in a month or two and have it work much better.

>> No.10513556

>Nestle decided to build their own supply chain tracking blockchain solution.
what a fucking suprise that one of the biggest conglomerates on the planet will not use some obscure public bullshit but rather build their own

>not to mention they can just use whichever open source solution they want
>this includes AMB if it were any good

>> No.10513799

Literally says nothing in there about them not using AMB. AMB is a protocol and they could easily build on top of it. I'm sure AMB would give them tokens to do it to bring them onto the ecosystem.

>> No.10513834

i hope none of you late adopters actually think any of these "supply chain" blockchains will ever be used, especially ones with tokens on a public chain, and ESPECIALLY any of the ones from fucking china.

b2b blockchains have literally no reason to ever use a middle-man token and will never run on a public network

>> No.10513895

So a startup says, we have a protocol that can cut costs for you as well as provide an additional service, and we will give you alot fo free tokens or incredibly discounted tokens to onboard, the company is going to say no and spent millions and millions to develop it on their own and go through all that hassle??

>> No.10513946

>develop it on their own

they can unironically just take their code if they feel like it. There is zero reason the use the public variant with shitty token economics

>> No.10513947

>a big company is using a database to track data

This literally has nothing to do with crypto, nothing to do with blockchain technology, and nothing to do with /biz/.

If you can’t see that, you shouldn’t have a dime invested in any crypto because you’re fucking clueless. I’m scared for you.

>> No.10513993

My aunt works as supply chain manager at Nestle and she said currently they're working with Ambrosus on creating a blockchain solution to track baby milk from farm to consumer.

She also said Nestle already signed a deal with ambrosus worth of 75K bundles/day, the deal will start on early September.

So prepare your seatbelt AMBros we're going to moon in September, screencap this.

>> No.10514001

They take their code then they need a huge office of employees to maintain it. Why not outsource the cost of maintenance and continued development. People think every big company can create everything on their own when that isn't always the case and history has shown that

>> No.10514007

>and we will give you alot fo free tokens or incredibly discounted tokens to onboard
are you mentally disabled in some way?

>> No.10514020

>they need a huge office of employees to maintain it
you realize they are a multi trillion dollar company yes?

>> No.10514061

Why do you think certain startups keep big token supplies? They use those tokens to onboard early adopters because once they get an ecosystem of reputable companies then it snowballs into alot of other companies buying in. You have to build up the ecosystem first. Pretty easy to see brainlet

>> No.10514079

You realize that something already built that they get VIP treatment for is alot easier to implement

>> No.10514088

there is zero reason to do this still. No advantages, except that you expose yourself to a shitty publucly traded token that may crash at any time.

Sounds really solid mate. Bought 100000k

>> No.10514113

You are not exposed because a company as big as nestle probably gets a ton of tokens for free or at super discounts which to them is pennies, and the price of bundles are fixed in USD, so speculation is not a problem for them.

>> No.10514124

this. You people are deluded. Private blockchains is where its at

>> No.10514131
File: 72 KB, 598x792, 1498949421162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still not a single valid point why they shouldn't just run their own network. Fuck even a regular database would do top kek

>> No.10514133

So you think there's a shot that Nestle is interested in AMB's crypto currency. That's what you're saying. Correct? I want to walk away from this thread being 100% certain that you're retarded.

>> No.10514158

Their interested in their protocol. They use it by paying fixed USD cost. But since they get a ton ok tokens free, they can just stake them to run their own node for almost no cost

>> No.10514165

they dont NEED your stupid tokens retard, why is that too hard for you to understand?

>> No.10514175
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>run their own node for almost no cost
HAHAHAHA. I don't know if you watched the trainwreck of an AMA they had yesterday, but A SINGLE FUCKING BUNDLE HAS 80MB

They estimate 100k bundles PER DAY. That's 8TB a day of data. E I G H T TERABYTES PER DAY.
>almost free

>> No.10514176

>Their interested in their protocol.
I see.

>they can just stake them to run their own node
Yeah maybe you're right, Nestle might want to own a master node or two.


>> No.10514180

They do to use the network. God you are an idiot

>> No.10514200


AMB is mainly focused on developing unique sensors, that could only be run on the Amber blockchain among other things.

It's not about the token you brainlet.

>> No.10514205

So their flight gets heavily delayed and they have to do a last minute AMA. They do it, instead of cancel it and you bitches whine. Stay poor

>> No.10514219

> Stay poor
What kind of bankroll you got anon?

>> No.10514222

nice job addressing the actual point rather than the word trainwreck

>Stay poor
at least now you're talking about something you have expertise in

>> No.10514224


I'm thinking : let /biz/ focus on LINK ; they deserve it kek.

>> No.10514249

Bet i got alot bigger stack than you my friend

>> No.10514253
File: 5 KB, 211x239, 149347165841288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They dont NEED your stupid network either fucking brainlet. Keep thinking multi billion dollar companies will buy your bags though, its so funny to read

>> No.10514258
File: 31 KB, 600x900, BGN-6lLCYAAzQ8-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still not addressing the point. Keep it up, you're so close to convincing yourself you didn't make a mistake.

>> No.10514274

What's even the point of a private blockchain that can be hacked or it's data can be faked arbitrarily by their owners. There are still trust issues.

>> No.10514300


You don't know what you're talking about.

A couple google search should do it

>> No.10514304

Big companies can easily run those big nodes. Thats why they have many different sets of nodes

>> No.10514309

They wont fucking use your motherfucking sensors if they ever, ever come into existence (they wont). They'll pay actual experts to develop one that makes sense to them and fit their enterprise, not ones that require to run on a fucking speculative ponzi

>> No.10514341


Yes. Because it will be theirs.

I've been saying this forever... but not one single major company will use any of those shitcoins. They'll develop it themselves and it wont be monotized on some shitcoin market ponzi exchange.

>> No.10514355

8TB/day * 365 = 3920 TB/yr
4TB HDD = approx $115

$83.950 / yr to operate a masternode at estimated performance levels; excluding space, electricity, replacement, redundancy, maintainance, cooling etc.


>> No.10514358

> a couple google search should do it
Yeah you don't know either

>> No.10514372

this. They think that the biggest companies in the world will use some half assed shit created by amateur scammers funded by deluded neets.
No serious company will ever touch your shit LET ALONE you fucking shitcoins. No retirement for you deluded cucks, you better enjoy wagecucking because your shitcoins aren't saving you from it

>> No.10514413
File: 176 KB, 1000x1173, Ambros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Then it's called a database and it exists already.

Do you get why a decentralized blockchain is needed at all or just rambling about things you know nothing about ??

>> No.10514514


a blockchain basically is a database moron. Just a different type of architecture.

Mark my words... blockchain will go mainstraim but it won't be monotized by us neets via ponzi exchanges. The whole marketcapitalization of coin market cap will continue to bleed down to 0. Yes 0. While large companies will start developing their own chains for internal use.

>> No.10514546

Just how they did with intranets by building their own private internets.... oh wait

>> No.10514551


Pretty much the opposite.
A database is solely handled by the company and people have no way of knowing if the info it contains if right because it was put there by the company.

On the other hand, using a 3rd-party sensor and blockchain where the data is fully distributed among masternodes allows for them to be
-accessed at anytime for a little cost in AMBER

>> No.10514561

>Just how they did with intranets by building their own private internets
they unironically did this, and it unironically works just fine. Did you ever work a day in your life?

>> No.10514567
File: 55 KB, 564x602, 1868657431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really enjoy threads like this, unironically. That bear with his hourly daily reminder was great.

>> No.10514569


Exactly this.

A database is the equivalent of the intranet in the 90s for supply chain trackability.

>> No.10514582

unless the 3rd party sensor is modified

trust must exist somewhere in the system, making the point of AMB completely useless

>> No.10514610
File: 145 KB, 1280x768, photo_2018-05-03_12-54-36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But them being tamper-proof is one of the key aspect of developing a reliable sensor for the consumer.

It's the point of building companies such as Ambrosus.
So, good idea, but that is precisely one of Amb's goals.

>> No.10514638

Please just stop rambling you sound retarded

>> No.10514657

you sure told me ;)

>> No.10514669


Dude, most large companies have their own intranet. The reason for doing so is the exact same reason why they wont use public blockchains. Too risky, too volatile, high scam potential etc.

>> No.10514684

Another great example of why you shouldnt be buying supply chain coins. I bet they use hyperledger, so buy link

>> No.10514726


As Antonopoulos would put it, an intranet is the internet without any immunity system.

They disappear as soon as someone can hack into them. Companies still use it and trust IBM, but the 2010s have proven that nothing beats open-source solutions in terms of security.

It's the whole point of btc being reliable, secure and thus trusted to not be corrupted for instance.

But please tell me how I'm wrong.

>> No.10514768


You seriously haven't worked a single day in your life, haven't you?

>> No.10514790


No need for wagecucking when you smart investing.
But plz educate me about your wagecucking ways KEK

>> No.10514830

The same will happen with chainlink btw

>> No.10514871


I knew it. A neet.

Again, every single major company out there has its own intranet for secure communication. The same thing goes for blockchains in the future: they'll develop it on their own and.... omg... ARK.... guys... ITS GONNA BE ARK. BUY BUY BUY!!!!!

>> No.10514977


But you absolutely don't want secrecy when dealing with supply-chain tracking !
It's the whole point of being able to securely check the validity of the data you're looking for.

Imagine checking your dumplings to see if gutter oil was involved at any point. Why would you use an app developed by the dumpling shop , using data they uploaded themselves on a private blockchain ??

Do you think it would show any trace of said gutter oil ?

>> No.10515071
File: 160 KB, 1280x817, FUDkillers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10515995

no because with CL companies will be able to choose the level of decentralization they need, they will be able to run nodes themselves without the token but at least it's all gonna be under CL's name, unlike hundreds of other shitcoins that won't even acomplish their whitepaper goals

>> No.10516032

Delusion knows no boundaries.

>> No.10516059

so you have nothing to say then? I thought so

>> No.10516139

Across the whole network of atlas nodes, some of which will have higher requirements to run them. Number of nodes will be adjusted based on usage as well. You okay anon?

>> No.10516153

b-but the article doesnt say anything about them building their own solution. also amb is swiss based right?

>> No.10516161

I love the IBM cucks in here. IBM is a shit company to work for/with.

>> No.10516172

>from a public ledger
>from a public ledger
>from a public ledger
>from a public ledger