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10512822 No.10512822 [Reply] [Original]

I was gonna buy a few ounces of gold for a SHTF scenario, but then I thought, why not buy a few crates of ammo instead?
Commodity with inherent value, non-perishable, seems to be getting more expensive in the last 30 years. Thoughts?

>> No.10512879


Good idea, unironically. Store it safely though fuck.

Also, buy mag strips. If you don't know what they are they might save your ass one day.

>> No.10512892

fuck off

>> No.10512916

How much is enough? 5k worth? How much should I diversify the quality of the amunition?

>> No.10512917

Because ammo is for self defense and gold is money which protects your wealth?

How dumb are you people?

Also you NEVER trade ammo for ANYTHING. Because if you have a lot of Preps and you trade ammo to someone who needs it then he will use that ammo and kill you and take all your shit.

>> No.10512934

You realize that is isn't an either or proposition right?

You realize there's no law stating that if you buy ammo you can't also buy gold.

You need to understand that gold is money and in a currency crisis deflationary collapse even just a few ounces of gold will be able to buy you LOTS of shit.

>> No.10512936

wtf is a mag strip?

>> No.10512963

Also.... gold has inherent value dumbass. That's why it has been money for milennia.

And ammo might be getting more expensive..... but if you have an ounce of gold right now...it'll buy you the same amount of ammunition today as it will 10 years from now even if ammunition costs 3 times as much 10 years from now.... cuz that's how gold works...

People who say ammunition will be more valuable Than gold are morons. What are these people going to do? Put their entire net worth in ammunition and canned food?

>> No.10512982

There's nothing wrong with investing in ammo.

But ammo and gold each have different uses, you realiZe this right OP? They are both valuable.

One is for defense and 1 is money to buy things you'll need when fiat implodes

>> No.10513023

I get what you're saying.
I have about 100k right now.
I'm planning to put about 50k down-payment on a ranch in Texas and spend about 10k on SHTF items. Gold, guns, ammo, toilet paper, long shelf life foods, etc. And maybe a couple grand in meme coins. Good plan?

>> No.10513059

Stack it deep fren. I pick up a box of assorted ammunition every time I visit the store.

Currently holding:
1500+ .223/5.56
2500+ 9mm FMJ/JHP
500 .45 ACP
450 .380 FMJ/JHP
4000+ .22 LR
3x poverty pony lowers
3x aero lowers

>> No.10513166

Not sure if I just read my Fallout New Vegas ammo stash.

>> No.10513178

for SHTF. 10k rounds of each caliber you have a weapon for.

>> No.10513212

it's not totally non-perishable, it will turn to shit if you keep it in shitty conditions, so make sure to store it properly. Other than that, seems like a solid investment.

>> No.10513244


A mag strip is a useful tool that allows you to reload magazines quickly...imagine having to hand bomb (reload) a 30-round cartridge once you run out of bullets...it's shit work, tiring, and actually physically demanding.

Don't be a tool on what ammo to buy - you want to buy ammo based on the weapons you have + what everyone else has.

If you live in a decent country buy NATO rounds.


These rounds are universally used by the militaries of NATO countries.

You will also want some 7.62×39mm for AK47's.

You will also want some .22 and MAYBE some 12 gauge but that's a bit of a meme.

Most importantly buy cleaning kits for all your weapons (or weapons you expect to be using) AND SPARE PARTS.

If you thought this was helpful please consider topping off my link balance!

Can provide further direction.


>> No.10513258

you mean stripper clips?

>> No.10513289
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In the military we called them mag strips. I bet we're talking about the same thing though.

Similar to pic related.

Also buy a shitload of magazines, and buy a tactical vest so you can store the magazines on your body. Learn how to store the magazines for quick use (upside down) but it's not super necessary.

>> No.10513310

I have 1X,XXX rounds myself
good investment, useful hedge

during the Kosovo war ammunition was worth more than gold

>> No.10513365

leaf here. If SHTF in the US, what are the chances Canada gets hit too? Most of the people I see around me are pretty passive and docile so I don't see the point in stacking ammo. I have a couple of pistols and rifles with some ammo just in case, but I doubt I would ever have to use them

>> No.10513379


We would have to protect ourselves from the Americans coming into Canada - what a nightmare that would be.

>> No.10513399

I haven't thought about that. I live close to the border too, if a bunch of gib me dats start coming over from Seattle it's gonna get interesting

>> No.10513449


Vancouver? I'm an Ontario fag.

You have lots of places to hide. You need normal camping material and other shit as well.

>> No.10513461

Handmaid's tale on hulu

>> No.10513486

Yeah. On the bright side, Asians can be pretty based and a lot of them are gun enthusiasts so I don't think it would get to the point where I would have to run away and hide somewhere.

>> No.10513499


>> No.10513506


My gf is an Asian from Vancouver - Asians are more based than people give them credit for - depending on where they're from. I work in China so I'm referring more to the emigrants in Canada but some are entitled fucks - the poor ones are best

>> No.10513547

Fuck off faggot.

>> No.10513563


Eat a dick

>> No.10513667

50 cal ammo cans and some dessicant packs is really all you need as long as the seal on the cans is good

>> No.10513749


lol what are you going to do with 50 cal ammo?

what weapons are you planning to use when SHTF?

>> No.10513802
File: 140 KB, 495x314, 1_misc_ammo_cans_for_sale_.30cal_.50cal_fat_5.56_40mm_167831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said 50 cal ammo CAN... are you fucking retarded? 50 cal ammo cans are PIC RELATED and generally what most people that stockpile ammo store it in you stupid fuck

>> No.10513846

We read it with a "missing" ,
> 50 cal ammo, cans and some dessicant packs
cans as a seperate point

>> No.10513857


I misread. It's pretty idiotic to buy a 50 cal can if you're using 5.56 though. What the fuck is the point of that?

Unless you mean the cans in general. Your hostility is impressive though.

>> No.10513909

I wouldn't make doomsday the cornerstone of your investment plans. If that is just a fraction of your money than go ahead. Otherwise, you might be best just storing a few big watertight boxes of ammo in your basement.

And don't use toilet paper as an investment, lol. Stashing enough to last you for a few years might be a good idea but more than that just seems like a pointless idea

>> No.10513927


Medicine is important...anyone have a link to that picture where the Slavic guy is talking about what happened in Kosovo? It was a thread on 4chan let me see if I can find it too.

>> No.10513966
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>It's pretty idiotic to buy a 50 cal can if you're using 5.56 though
This is how I know you don't know anything about guns or ammunition. Try searching the internet for "5.56 ammo can" and you're just going to come up with pictures of the 50 cal or fat .50 ... Because EVERYBODY uses either 30 cal or 50 cal cans for EVERY CALIBER

>> No.10513967


Also I'd be most worried about water. I might have to buy a property and dig a well in the future.

>> No.10513985


I was in the military for 3 years. Your picture shows the distinction between the .50 cal and 5.56. I'm saying why would you buy the .50 if you are using 5.56, WHICH YOU SHOULD BE DOING.

5.56 is meant for 5.56 - .50 can be used, but why? That's all Im saying.

>> No.10514018
File: 158 KB, 1200x675, metro-2033-last-refuge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ammo is smart investment.

>> No.10514029

I'm thinking of having a reverse osmosis system + backup and also a stash of coal(or similiar) filters.

>> No.10514032
File: 174 KB, 800x572, 99625726-1B8B-4D8A-BAC7-3C97D142531E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no 10mm

>> No.10514040

he means to store them in the large box and not the small box

>> No.10514059

Metro 2033 dictates that bullets are king in trade

>> No.10514065


Why we're arguing about ammo boxes is beyond me anyway, pretty funny though.

>> No.10514115

these things are important in a survival situation.

>> No.10514126


I mean to say either are good but yes I know what you're getting at.

How about clothing? Need all kinds of extreme weather gear + gas masks and filters

>> No.10514164

You need people you can trust
like minded people
trained people
a community

>> No.10514370

You can buy fish antibiotics pretty cheap online and have them shipped directly to your door. Gotta keep your fish healthy when SHTF.

>> No.10514731

If things get bad enough that people are using gold to trade, you'll be glad you invested in lead.

>> No.10514767

Don't their squinty little eyes have a hard time seeing the target?

>> No.10514813

This. The ammo is to defend everything else. You arent buying it to sell later.

>> No.10514945

And dont forget to get enough guns for all the adults in your family. At least 3 semi auto rifles.


>Back at the house Olds was engaged in a shootout with the squatters which some locals say lasted for three hours.
>Farmers insist that Olds, a father of two, was simply defending his house by the same means that the squatters were trying to take it - through the barrel of a gun.
>The police arrived at the scene while the gunfight was in full throttle but did not stop it. The stand-off ended when squatters threw molotov cocktails into the house.
>Olds's home started to burn and when the heat became too intense inside he stumbled out into the hands of the veterans. They beat him severely and then shot him twice in the face at close range.
He ran out of ammo during the gun battle.

>> No.10515304
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why not for the non-adults too? you hate freedom or something?

>> No.10515606

Buy as many as you can desu. But always remember, a pistol is to get you to your rifle. At least 20 30 rd mags too. But really why not get 100, they are only $8 each.

>> No.10515806
File: 33 KB, 400x600, gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a pistol is to get you to your rifle
words to live by

>> No.10515910

>People are docile and passive
When they have food, water, electricity, medicine, tv, internet.
Take that shit away and see what happens

>> No.10516024

cigarettes and neutral spirits are a much better choice

>> No.10516051

More ammo wasn't going to save him. The police didn't do shit. In terrible situations like that you just have to pack up and leave the shithole of a country.

>> No.10516298

Maybe. But those dindus are easy to stop, if he had 3 guys with FALs he might have held them off long enough to cause them to retreat, buying time for him to escape. It's not mentioned in the article what gun he had.

>> No.10516991

I'd probably go for oil first but if I was going into ammo I'd get the harder to find type of bullets.

>> No.10517810

Except they are using 3d printers for guns now, haven't you heard OP?

>> No.10517826

Because we need chainlink to moon first to be able to afford that

>> No.10517843

You can buy all the materials for a one off gun at Home Depot for $6. Any gun that you printed off your $1000 3D printer would blow up in your hand. Won’t stop the media from crying though

>> No.10517873
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/kommado/ here - can confirm. Also, if you're looking for a good investment for SHTF that'll be worth more than gold then look no further than disposable lighters and toilet paper. I unironically store those plus ammo

>> No.10517929
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>Ammo is non-perishable

>> No.10518096


is it true in Canada you can only have a max 4 round clip or some shit?

>> No.10518118


3d printed guns are bullshit. If you want an off-the-books "ghost gun", Polymer80 glocks and an AR with a polymer or aluminum lower is the way to go.

>> No.10518141

>Ammo is non-perishable

it is, as long as it's stored properly. Properly stored ammo from WW2 will fire with no problem.

>> No.10518150

Ammo and water. You will need both long term.

>> No.10518161

>cigarettes and neutral spirits are a much better choice

until the guy with the guns and ammo just takes it from you

>> No.10518343
File: 250 KB, 740x557, WuY4S91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>investing in cancer

>> No.10518398

iodine. never forget the iodine

>> No.10518557

Bullets can also buy you lots of shit tho

>> No.10518801

Make sure you keep it dry. I use a fuckton of silica packs and damp rid.

>> No.10518814

STHF will never happen. (((They))) want a slow controlled vampire effect from us.

>> No.10518830

ha wait til the detroit nogs come for you.