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10510200 No.10510200 [Reply] [Original]

Why is job hunting so difficult? Aren't we *supposedly* in a job boom right now? Why does it feel like I'm competing with half the country? These aren't even entry level positions.

>> No.10510216

Soon you're competing with AI too.

>> No.10510224

That's because you are competing with half the country. Say thank you to feminism.

>> No.10510226

what skills do you have

>> No.10510350

Yeah, I've pretty much given up on the rat race. I am no longer applying to any serious job with a hiring process that requires any kind of effort. Won't answer meme questions, won't fill out personality assessments, and won't show up to any job interview if the HR person hints that it's the "first" interview in a series of interviews (second interview, third interview, etc.)

I already know that statistically I won't get the job anyways. And it's already practically a full-time job just preparing for and going to these interviews. So I won't work for free. I'm just not doing it any more. I'm not helping them meet their interview quotas. Fuck them all. I will develop scams on the internet and also try to get on government assistance to leech off tof the hard-working normies. This is my way of getting back at a society that has apparently rejected me.

>> No.10510369

Keep applying..I got out of jail for domestic violence and landed a job on Ft Bragg doing nothing. They're paying me to type this bullshit to you rn

>> No.10510388

>These aren't even entry level positions

Well, then that's the catch. Only shit jobs are easy to get and most of the "boom" is exactly these. Comfy jobs are always hard as fuck to get, because people usually don't quit such jobs as often.

>> No.10510405

I like your fucking style. Although living off of other hard working faggots like me is bad, but the way you put it fucking almost made me rebel.

>> No.10510753

join me

>> No.10510873

$500 in disability and zero FICA credits for when you need it. Sounds like a plan.

>> No.10510906


Not enough jobs, the unemployment situation is worse than you think.

>> No.10511296

I thought that we are at an all time low in unemployment? And I'm aware of the different grades like U3 and U6...and the labor participation rate. But arent the vast majority of people out of work supposedly retired? Like 40 million? So WTF is going on?

>> No.10511826

>. I will develop scams on the internet and also try to get on government assistance to leech off tof the hard-working normies
Any advice on this?

>> No.10511940

Bush sent the economy into a depression (The definition for recession is really specific, the definition for depression is just a bad recession), then Obama came along and was too afraid to really do anything, people still had bills and kids to pay for but companies were barely hiring people for what their worth so they just took shittier jobs, then those shitty jobs got full of people like this but unemployment was still a problem so people took even shittier jobs because minimum wage is more than no wage.

So now one of my coworkers used to work on satellites for the military and now he delivers pizza and mops floors with me. Thing is the unemployment rate doesn't give a shit if he's working an entry level job or producing at his full capacity, he's "employed."

This is why unemployment is so low.

>> No.10511975

based. wagecucks here could learn a thing or two from this post.

>> No.10512051

Hey Anon,

Thanks for taking the time to interview. We really appreciated the opportunity to meet you. I regret to tell you, however, that we won’t be moving forward with your candidacy for this particular role. At this time, we've decided to go with other candidates that we believe better fit our uniquely weird needs, so, I hope you don’t take this as a reflection on your personal qualifications.

In the meantime, I wish you success with your job search and in your career. Nonetheless, we’ll definitely keep your information on file and will reach out to you when the next opportunity arises.

We always appreciate quality candidates taking the time to apply. We wouldn't be where we are without the support of people like you wanting to join our team. So, thank you.

Best wishes,
Another employer

>> No.10512165

got this call with this response today. but get this, they still wanna "keep me in mind" in case another candidate leaves suddenly. Im basically the bottom bitch that gets called when their first choices run out.

>> No.10512245

Exactly this. Pay no attention to the low unemployment rate.

When Obamacare was introduced, lots of people started working 2 jobs, because employers didnt want to put them over 30 hours a week and have to pay their health insurance.

Entry level positions in the United States are almost non-existent. Every employer wants to underpay people with 3+ years of experience instead. My father owns a small business in the trades.

Over the years he realized it's not worth training employees, but instead taking 30-40 year old immigrants on to start for $12 an hour. They have 5-10+ years of experience, and as long as he can communicate with them he saves months of training, and they are productive on day 1.

>> No.10512294
File: 71 KB, 658x823, EDD90D67-EBE3-4B17-A311-7A0284E9A8AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Apply for Target
>do a phone interview
>Takes 3 weeks to do an another interview
>First interview last 15 minutes
>have to come in next week for a second interview
>second interview last 15 minutes
>They tell me to come in next week for a third interview
>third one last 30 minutes
>Tell me to come in for a fourth interview
>The fourth on lasted for 20 minutes
>It’s been 2 whole months of interviewing
>They told me they would call me to let me know if I got the job
>Never got a call
Like why? I felt like I was applying to the FBI. I had to do all of this for the clothing section...fucking clothes. This is insane, truly fucking insane.

>> No.10512299

Good plan, but instead of scamming people on the internet, you could scam people in real life and make much more money.

A lot of the top insurance/investment advisors are making a killing. Unfortunately, you need to have come from a prestigious school to increase your chances of success.

I started selling financial planning advice after graduating from the University of Michigan. If I came from a school like Ohio State or something, I would probably not get as many customers.

>> No.10512328

just make up a degree, how many stupid boomers are going to call harvard and ask if you graduated from there?

>> No.10512370

Unfortunately, most of these industries are regualted. If you lie about your degree while giving financial advice, you will be stripped of your licenses, sued, & possibly thrown in jail.

>> No.10512378

The trick is to not get a degree, start in a factory as a lowlife hand labourer and work your way up. Education is government scam, to get your parents money while you receive nothing and they can brainwash you with their liberal views, so you can repeat the scam like your parents.

I make more money than all my peers with a degree and they probably seethe behind my back because of it.

>> No.10512382

Of course, this can work if you are doing raising equity for a startup. Nobody is going to ask for transcripts and if they do, you can just forge them or go to someone else.

>> No.10512399

shill crypto

>> No.10512428

lol same. Had to do 3 interviews to fucking stock shelves at a pet store

>> No.10512454

Bad logic. I worked in a factory too for a number of years, high school afternoons and summers, and college summers.

Most people get so demotivated that they stay in their factory job for years or find another similar factory job because their skills become so specialized, and need to service their monthly payments.

Degrees are not scams if you know how to navigate properly through financial aid/school selection. For example, I went to University of Michigan as a religion major because I knew I would get rejected if I applied for an actual major. I listed my ethnicity as hispanic and nobody even checked.

When I finally got accepted, I got some grants for being Hispanic, and used my money working instead of piling up loans. Overall, I didn't have to cough up more than 6K per year because I had so many grants.

>> No.10512459

Do you mean like the 10 dollars bonus on coinbase? Because otherwise I don't see how I make money if I get them to buy some bitcoin or whatever shit coin.

>> No.10512496

NEET here. can I simply lie to cover a major gap in my employment history? I spent like 9 years playing video games and then 1 year learning to code and starting businesses.

>> No.10512514

why would you need to cover a gap in your resume if you started your own business

>> No.10512551

>went to University of Michigan as a religion major

You can still switch after you get in right? Im currently in community college and there are some universities that wont let me switch once I've been accepted.

Could probably start a pajeet discord group and then shill your pump and dumps

>> No.10512565

It's not a legitimate business in the eyes of an employer, akin to selling "research chemicals" that are technically illegal in my county by nowhere else, things like that. (I'm not actually doing this, my point is simply that it's not a regular company and won't look good necessarily.) plus I've still got a huge gap to explain

>> No.10512595
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Why would it be bad logic? I worked in different factories for 3 years and I already made more money than my peers would make when they graduated.

I worked as a mechanic, packager machine operator and powder coater. I've seen hundreds of people quit, which makes it really easy to get some responsibilities without even trying, you just have to not quit.

These are the requirements:
- Don't be a retard
- Don't be lazy
- Don't quit

If you follow these steps, you will guarenteed get a job as a supervisor or leader eventually.

In my case, I also was smart enough, so I got an opportunity to work in supply chain and I work at a desk now, doing a job that usually requires a master.

>> No.10512658

Hispanic white? why would anyone check? Lots of latinas gain non-latin names after marriage. It'd be like asking Amy Cooper to prove she's Asian. You are what you claim to be.

>> No.10512717

depends on where you are applying to. If it's some entry level bullshit job or just stocking in a grocery store, simply fill in the gap with university/community college or say you were out of the country traveling or something. The employer won't give a fuck usually. They are bullshitting you as much as you are bullshitting them.

>> No.10512742

yeah just make stuff up and have your friend be the reference number they call

>> No.10512751

Never gonna make it

>> No.10512770

you literally and unironically will never, ever, EVER make it lmao. have fun defending and slaving for your wagemasters

>> No.10513125

Graduate with a bsc in chemistry.
>Take 2 years to find a job because nobody want's to hire someone without 3-5 years experience for a entry level position at minimum wage.
>Finally get a job testing ice cream
>Get fired after 2.5 months because I was late clocking in for my break by a few seconds because there was a line of faggots who couldn't use the thumb scanner efficiently.

>> No.10513990

Another rejection email. It seems like it will be a miracle to even get past the phone screening.

>> No.10514281

I reply to every rejection email with "fuck off" unless it says "donotreply" in the message, which means it's automated and they won't see the reply, in which case I send an email directly to an HR person that says "Fuck off" with no context

>> No.10514425

Wow, for me they typically just don’t call back, had to deal with that shit for a while. Finally got a job at Tyson so I’m good

>> No.10514440


>> No.10514692

>Apply for customer service job
>State on application that I have no customer service experience
>Get an interview
>So then anon, tell us about your last customer service job

>> No.10514765

Most people don't read your resume or don't remember

>> No.10514803

looking for a job nobody contacted me for 6 months edited resume and LinkedIn put there that I worked with jews in jewrusalem for projects now everyday people call and email me for interview

>> No.10514883

>itt : a bunch of really unlikeable people

Literally the only thing that matters is your likeability.

All wagecucks are borderline suicidal.

You think anything matters compared to rewarding someone who alleviates your suicidal tendencies for maybe 30 minutes or so?

>> No.10514905

this is pretty much true, people just want to be around cool other people. Most jobs can be done and learned by 99% of people in an acceptable fashion
You can be the hardest worker in the company but honestly nobody really cares that much. It's more like a novelty to them

>> No.10515021
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I'm convinced that recruiting is possibly the easiest position in the entire company because of the sheer amount of people applying for jobs. There is around a 50/50 chance that the phone screener I spoke to was a clueless idiot young girl and had no idea of the industry, so when I tried to display industry knowledge she just ignored it and barreled on with her checklist of questions.

There is absolutely no accountability for recruiters because their results are basically intangible, theres no real way to measure their efficiency and no one is going to double check the HR department, its the fox guarding the henhouse.

It all really comes down to luck, its a complete numbers game. The cards are always going to be stacked against you considering that there are other obstacles like the fact that you have diversity quotas and a fuck ton of women competing for jobs, so that creates a massive surplus of workers. This goes doubly true if you are a white dude working in tech and software since many of these companies are run by SJW fanatics.

>> No.10515049

You can easily fuck up as a recruiter and still be perfectly fine because someone with matching experience, or closely matching experience will show up soon, and theres no accountability and you can always say they werent nice on the phone, or whatever. HR internal recruitment is kind of the necessary evil, companies need screeners but these screeners dont need to be efficient or even good at what they do.

>> No.10515085

>be overeducated inexperienced pleb
>think I got fired over a triviality instead of the real reason
Think harder.

>> No.10515197
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And this my friends, is why we need the enthostate.

We live in a nihilistic and overly individualistic society which encourages people to just consume like mindless zombies and creates a winner-take-all mentality. You can win big, yes, but only a few people win and the rest of the population suffers, creating what is essentially a race to the bottom as the wealth gap grows. Its one giant free for all and no one really wins save a few. And even then, the few winners still have to live among the rabble, even in their gated communities they can only ignore the rabble for so long.

This is why philosophies like Libertarianism doesn't work. Its just another "ism" to argue over, and its pointless because everything comes down to community and genetics.

In an ethnostate, everyone has a place in society, we build up actual communities again. Money is not manipulated nor controlled by hostile elites, everyone works towards the benefit of the entire nation. Its not perfect but its the best system we have. In the Ethnostate women will also go back to where they belong, the home and part time work. Men will go back to where they belong, being the backbone of civilization.

Right now everything is inverted, you have more women going to college then men (even though college is a joke now) and you have just as much, if not more women in the FT workforce. I swear I see just as much women in sales navigator than men, maybe even more, in my line of work.

>> No.10515233

Sounds like pure fantasy that can never happen. We went too far

>> No.10515258

There is a job boom if you're qualified and willing to move.

>> No.10515366

Can they check? Like do employers typically run some background check on people? Otherwise I'll just lie about employers

>> No.10515509

some probably do and others don't. If you get caught out just apply for another job and keep making up references until someone is too lazy to check

>Won't answer meme questions, won't fill out personality assessments, and won't show up to any job interview if the HR person hints that it's the "first" interview in a series of interviews (second interview, third interview, etc.)
"Anon, tell me about a time you worked as part of a team to solve a problem"
Fucking meme questions it's just a ridiculous charade of anticipating what they're going to ask and making up and memorising an answer... like it fucking matters or is in going to tell you anything about anything

The worst thing is bullshit questions about company culture and values.

It's all such a fucking circus just to get a dumb job. It should be as simple as ask a few basic competency questions directly related to the actual job and give them a (paid) trial shift/trial period

>Literally the only thing that matters is your likeability.
this... maybe not the only thing but more than 50%

>> No.10515619







T guy with no college degree. ANd yes im beuing serious im 23 and making this much with no college degreee.

I had no connecteions, no rich friends, my mom and dad were fucking janitors, and so was i when i was 15.

>> No.10515895

>fired for clocking in a few seconds late
suuuuuure me too. They said “you’ve been doing a great job but we needed you 15 seconds sooner so you’ll need to go home”