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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 5 KB, 115x180, request-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10509636 No.10509636 [Reply] [Original]

Can we talk about this seriously here?

>> No.10509657

holy fuck remember when this thing was $1? lmafo

>> No.10509665

How can we take revenge? I didn't lose any money with Req because I am very racist, but I feel with the poor souls that trusted the French.

>> No.10509680

Invest in mozarella and monkey petting zoos

>> No.10509695

This was /biz/ golden child. This made me realize 99 percent of crypto is a scam with the exception of xmr btc eth and maybe xlm.

>> No.10509716

During December this was actually within the top 5 or at least an honorable mention for r/cryptocurrency projects to look out for in 2018

>> No.10509720

What were the other 4?

>> No.10509732

It wasn't just one list but the results wouldn't surprise you
If you go back and check these will all definitely show up

>> No.10509744
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Classic Reddit.

>> No.10509758

Fundamentals haven't changed, just'd by the bear market.

>> No.10509765

In their defense all of these would skyrocket for the next month.

>> No.10509778

also this
Raiblocks (NANO)

>mfw XLM is the only one that hasn't gone to complete shit

>> No.10509779

I think the fundamentals have pretty much changed. They had the benefit of the doubt last year. But as they have accomplished nothing so far, you have to recognize now that they are pretty much a shit team of thieves with low morals who dump massively on their cult of sheeps

>> No.10509808

this. niggers here are avoiding fundamentals.

>> No.10510050

Shoudl I buy

>> No.10510128


While the mod trip was gay as hell and completely irrelevant from an investors/partners point of view, after reading into their feedback from the trip, it seems like there's news/partners in the pipeline, but they're probably that shit scared of announcing anything prematurely after what happened with the last saga.

I've bought myself a decent stack over the last few days, purely because the FUD and despair is so strong but nothing other than fiat has been changed from the roadmap.

Their fluid roadmap is bullshit, but based on what I've read, progress is being made, the team is focussed and I feel they're withholding in fear of a backlash with half-baked solutions/products... however since they promised bi-monthly updates they feel compelled to stick to this even though I'd rather radio silence that the shit that was spewed with the last update.

I only hope that it becomes a monthly update going forward as the next step in frequency.

Once LINK is on mainnet, REQ is going to put fiat back on the menu and I'm hoping to be in at the bottom before they announce it.

I seriously suspect they're testing their platform with LINK and staying as quiet as possible about it, they know it's a killer feature, but they don't want to make promises this time, I think they've learned their lesson.

That's just my 2 cents on it, hopefully this is a serious thread because I wouldn't mind some discussion and opinions

>> No.10510190


You were all warned back in January and March.

Enjoy being poor.

>> No.10510196
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>that guy who put their life savings all into REQ on January 6th, 2018

>> No.10510205

They at least have a fucking mainnet out, unlike 99.999% of coins...
If you look at it from the outside, they probably managed to achieve more than any other project in the 50-300mln mc range.

>> No.10510248

their mainnet is basically a fucking button that can be coded in 5 minutes

useless project
useless devs

overdeliver and underperform should be their motto

>> No.10510261

REQ's value depends not just on their work, but on a diverse, actively-used (and fiat-integrated) cryptocurrency ecosystem.

If crypto dies out, never gets adopted by non-DNM merchants, or every transaction is BCH<->USD, then REQ is honestly worth $0.

>> No.10510301
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Please point me to the mainet

>> No.10510320



>> No.10510340

Pretty much every use-case Request Network has is completely viable and infinitely better than current solutions without considering cryptocurrencies at all. When oracles or OMG finally manage to put FIAT currency on the blockchain, Request will be one of the turning point projects for blockchain and smart contract adoption.

>Decentralised crowdfunding
>Decentralised payment processing, saving businesses BILLIONS of dollars per year in fees
>Automating large parts of accounting and auditing processes, which PwC are currently working with them to create
Request makes middlemen obsolete. You can bet on LINK or REQ but there are lots of projects attempting to make decentralised oracle solutions, but there's only one REQ.

>> No.10510390

Fundamentals have changed greatly. No fiat, no leadership, no direction, no github progress, no partnerships besides PwC Fr (no code with them). Fake dev teams...muh 10 dev teams from India

>> No.10510391

>monthly update
one step closer to exit scam
you can't give these irresponsible, spoiled kids more freedom. they need to report daily on what they accomplished that day, how many bathroom breaks they had. they need a Big Brother camera in their offices and rooms. Until moral improves

>> No.10510414

100% this. Giving them freedom has lead to nothing but fuck ups. Put them on a leash or put them in jail. I am fine with either.

>> No.10510416

These are all asumptions with no evidence whatsoever. With Req, you need evidence of said claims or you get burnt (e.g. Wiki fiasco, people questioned no evidence of progress before the big fallout happened)

>> No.10510433

Obviously you’re a reddit mod. Have you actually used the crowdfunding beta? It’s total shit. A complete embarrassment

>> No.10510434

>Pretty much every use-case Request Network has is completely viable and infinitely better than current solutions without considering cryptocurrencies at all
zero point energy is also good model of producing energy :^)

>> No.10510460

>overdeliver and underperform should be their motto


>> No.10510478

i keked too.

>> No.10510506

The team has had some fuck ups no question about it, but all I care about is the PwC partnership. What retards didn't understand about REQ is that its not meant for you neets to purchase the token. The token is meant to be purchased by a company as a fee in the background of an accounting transaction. The fee structure is impossible to compete with. There has been no code on the accounting dapp since it's on a private github because they are under an NDA with PwC. I agree, I'd like to know more about this.

>> No.10510515
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shout out to everyone that posted in my zrx threads about how req was far superior, you have been exposed as the brainlet normies you truly are
req was always shitty. so is link.

>> No.10510520

What you don't understand is that nobody cares about Request and its fee structure


>> No.10510544


I kick myself everyday that I didn't diversify into ZRX.

You won't see any significant burn until 2019

>> No.10510563

>The fee structure is impossible to compete with.
how bout fee..
infinite time smaller than req's..
sips wine

>> No.10510651


I completely agree that these are all assumptions, and they are just my opinions, however I feel like the FUD has reached a point that is unjustified for a project on the mainnet and is having slow adoption.

The adoption is slow that's for sure, but it's best to start small anyways.

I definitely think they should demonstrate their progress more openly if they're to gain trust again from investors, the best form of this I've seen is from the quietest project in crypto (Chainlink pivotal tracker).

They could cancel every shitty update and provide a public project tracker they're working against and I'd be happy.

...I know LINK is on the way, and I have my stack for that, but to spread my bets I can only see an upside for REQ, as soon as Chainlink is on the mainnet, fiat is going to be back for REQ, when it's back why would the same, if not similar, expectations be there from before?

All I can see is an opportunity at this point, they're still partnered with iExec (big fan), Kyber, ING and PwC... is it just me that feels like now is a good time to buy because people *feel* like it's done for, as opposed to heavily FUDded?

>> No.10510664

so it seems like there is agreement that it’s not worth touching at this point? honestly I never touched REQ at all until about three weeks ago, and I bought a bit yesterday for the second time ever. Just a tiny amount. it’s at nearly the all time low. then again, if it’s dead , that statement will be true nearly every day from here on out. seems like ya’ll think just don’t bother with it , yeah? Also just fyi I bought maybe like $20 bucks total. Just to poke around with , not because I was serious at all. Just saw this post though and maybe I should rethink the idea of putting in a bit more.

>> No.10510667

PwC is either in the process of dropping them OR buying them out to be mothballed, hence tossing away the roadmap, silence on everything, and the idiotic EOY "rebranding" / pivot into the monkey farming business.

>> No.10510780


Dropping them right after PwC released two pressers shilling REQ? Thats one obtuse observation, but an observation nonetheless. If PwC buys them that would negate the whole purpose of a decentralized platform.

REQ needs to create explanation videos to educate brianlets that don't understand the big picture.

>> No.10510803


DYOR and make an executive decision. Remember this... time in the market > timing the market. You will never be able to time this market.

>> No.10510839

Well gee, a project no where near completion doesn't have much activity, go figure.

Meanwhile, Eth has been around from years and also has very little activity and usage.

Wait a minute... that sounds like 99% of crypto.

>> No.10511106
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I’ll keep posting this everyday for you brainlets

>> No.10511140


>> No.10511250

Req is a confirmed scam. Whales have smelled this and left. Dev team are dumping the rest. Mozarrella photo proves they have their head completely up their ass.

It was the equivalent of " let them eat cake"

>> No.10511271

Bitch lasagna

>> No.10511291

Old news, Coinbase and Req have a common startup incubator

>> No.10511327

The dumping is really annoying, I believe this is the biggest reason why REQ price is so low... They are literally using their tokens instead of their ETH, how is this even legal? Aren't they locked up so they have an incentive to deliver and pump their bags?

>> No.10511428

Here's all we ACTUALLY know:
>Have one of the more developed products in crypto currently which has a main net
>Have partners lined up, most of which are under NDA's or can't be talked about for whatever reason
>Have normie adoption via crappy webstores using the crappy pay with request buttons
>Generally we need to see if the companies developing on the platform are total jabronis or if they can build useful products and get customers
>Have PwC partnership but no real details
>Generally need to see where PwC partnership goes and if any other big accounting/invoicing partnerships come through
>Ditched original road map and are way "behind" on it but also we don't really know that much about where development is at since it seems a lot of what they've been doing is supporting partners in their development on the platform
>full service invoicing is just around the corner
>Definitely did spend investor money flying out a bunch of C grade "community managers" who keep complaining they don't get paid, then eating a bunch of mozzarella and other fancy food items
>Price has gotten shit on more than most cryptos
>Currently hiring for 4 positions including product and marketing
>Obviously is a real company/effort and not a scam
>Questionable whether the team has proper leadership
>Brand guy is clearly a fucking idiot, even letting that last update go through would be enough to fire someone in his position at a normal company
>Company needs to start releasing updates with substance that speak to the community of investors vs. what they've done for the last 4 updates which is treating us like customers for some makeup product or some shit

Anything I'm missing? All in all I'd say REQ has a good shot at a positive future, though they clearly have a number of question marks and problems to work out. I don't like how in the dark we've been kept as of late. The team feels very distant which is problematic.

I do LOVE the mozz memes.

>> No.10511501
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Good breakdown.

>> No.10511537

Wow Rihanna got some thick legs huh

>> No.10511551


still totally would do

>> No.10511628

Pretty accurate

>> No.10511692

you guys really think you spotted something that was undervalued? smarter men than you would be aware and the price wouldnt be so low if this project had solid fundamentals.

its a utility token with no utility.

>> No.10511723

All crypto utility tokens are utility tokens with no utility. Yet some of them have 4x or more the mcap of this one which has more utility than they do. There are literal shitcoins with almost a 100% chance of going to zero which currently have higher mcaps than REQ which at the very least is a real project being worked on and already has real results... yet you think this isn't undervalued comparatively? Crypto as a whole is both a total fucking joke right now and also possibly the most undervalued market of all time. REQ has a better chance to survive and flourish than most, even if the current market conditions favor utter garbage. Sucks for early investors, I can admit that, but your comment makes you seem retarded.

>> No.10511729
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seriously great cheese

>> No.10511801

that just means that those coins are extremely overvalued and in the future their price will be corrected and will reflect reality. just because there are plenty of other overvalued coins, doesnt mean a better coin should match their overvalued prices.

also dont forget we are in a bear market, and a bull market is not in sight, despite what some would have you believe.

>> No.10511931
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I should have listened to that Anon who said this was going to dump to $.02

>> No.10511941

You're trying to put a subjective value on currencies for which nobody really understands the value (yet) and which have basically no real world operation/use (yet), meaning the ONLY way to value these currencies is based on what people are willing to pay for them.. which means they are all priced correctly for the time being. So in short, you're wrong. My point is, in the long term, projects with no use case or no solid development are more likely to decline in value than one with a good use case and development which has been progressing. You're also trying to define a brand new market for which we have almost no data about in terms of "bull" and "bear" when this market so far has behaved unlike any other financial market, and we've seen "bull" behavior overnight turn into hyperbolic growth.

Your arguments make you seem pretty inexperienced/childish, but then again I am a 34 y/o boomer.

>> No.10511979

that's what amuses be about biz. everyone here now or from a year ago talking about these tokens like they've found some unknown gem don't seem to realize that they're the idiots buying the bags, whether it's from early adopters, or those making the ICOs.

smart money has already been rewarded, in part by the dumb money on here (just see all the link spam and people fundamentally misunderstanding what link actually does).

it makes for good entertainment if you're one of those early adopters though

>> No.10511996

Sorry, clearly meant "bear" behavior at the end

>> No.10511997

https://www.reddit.com/r/RequestNetwork/comments/93p668/my_response_to_recent_concerns/ thoughts?

>> No.10512044

-60% is not that much anymore

>> No.10512079


>> No.10512168

Good. I always liked the updates, and i didnt mind the dinner pic if thats what the backlash is about.

>> No.10512173

they need to be supervised. if there was no backlash which culminated after 3 months of them playing dumb, they would went totally batshit retarded with their updates and bagholders would pray for at least mozzarella update. that's how these idiots would go retarded. ADMREQ seems like talented, good guy.
Totally should become face of the REQ.
I forgive him all cheese.
tornado and mathew can still fuck themselves, like they did that night in singapore.

>> No.10512184

>The foundation growing at a quick rate

oh god i have to sell don't i

>> No.10512269


Ironically admreq is the only person of worth in this whole shitshow and there's legit nothing to fud about him. He engages with the crowd without any drama and delivers his stuff. The req monkey team really doesn't deserve him.

>> No.10512345

it's photoshop you absolute retards

>> No.10512452

it doesn't matter.

unironically newfag spoted

>> No.10512650

i heard yc is v aggresive

>> No.10512744
File: 426 KB, 844x1500, 1*jF9tSA4hgYqR3IfPxbJAqA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robbin: "Oh my god Lauren you got to taste this cheese"

Lauren: "Uhm shouldn't we maybe do something about that project we started last year? We promised everybody we would be Paypal 2.0 and much more"

Robbin: "HAHAHAHA Look at that monkey over there. He also wants cheese. HAHAHA"


Robbin: "Oh man Christophe you have such a good humor. Cmon let me suck your dick."

Lauren: "Uhm guys... the reddit mods are still here. I think we should start acting somehow serious. It's been nearly one year."

Christophe: "Sucky Sucky I feel lucky"

>> No.10512805

Based french scammers.

>> No.10512849
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I feel sorry for reqies, you were bros. t. linklet

>> No.10512882

I don't care if you think the project is a, "scam" (which is absurd".

You need to second check that stance if you really think PwC France (a fucking accounting firm which does auditing and all the works) would go out in public acknowledging Request Network and their partnership if they didn't understand & have faith in this project.

Secondly, AdamReq (see the link someone posted above) has faith in this project, and he's not apart of the team but contributes regularly and is probably more of an external developer. I trust his judgement more than random /biz fudsters (as if scam projects have never been praised on biz while legit projects fudded).

>> No.10512926
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stinky ass pile of shit. if you hold 'le french parlez vous' tokens its a guaranteed -90% ass blast fest

>> No.10513000

yeah admreq is /ourguy/

>> No.10513054

The hero we don’t deserve

>> No.10513752



>> No.10514623

>no code written with PwC France. check it yourself
>AdmReq defended the team when people were skeptical that the Wiki partnership was real. Well, look what happened. He doesn’t know shit about Req behind the scenes. He’s a good coder though. Just a little delusional about Req

>> No.10514651

he defends the team, and the team is nowhere to be found. poor guy doesn’t know what’s actually going on behind closed doors

>> No.10514667

ding ding ding correct answer

>> No.10514680

Ask the most savvy crypto devs and investors what they think of Req. It ain’t pretty

>> No.10514688

They lost a partnership by lying about it, trying to make it look bigger than it is

Fundamentals have changed.

>> No.10514788

yeah that guy is the reason i haven't and won't sell. legit dude and developer

>> No.10514817

>savvy crypto devs and investors

>> No.10514915


Good point, he is a great part of the community but he was oblivious to the wiki fiasco.

Christophe Lassuyt and Etienne Tatur are both the co-founders of REQ. They should be releasing a statement. Admreq shouldn't have to save their face.

>> No.10515043

I "bought the dip" at 30 cents in February and went all in with my life savings ($40k+). If the price goes below 3 cents, I'll end my life.
I feel so bitter but free.

>> No.10515112

Be patient fren, this storm will not last forever.

>> No.10515174

You clearly should have diversified... oh wait, everything in crypto is a scam and went down 80% or more.
Could have been worse though, Litecoin Cash went down -99.6%, despite being the true litecoin.

>> No.10515292

Hey man don't kill yourself over it. I know it looks pretty bad right now but trust me on this, it will get better. REQ has a solid team and one of the few good Use-Cases in crypto. You will definitely break even at some point. We are all gonna make it fren

>> No.10515294

150K and comfy as fuck.

>> No.10515298


Can I have all your REQ if it does go that low?

>> No.10515495


Do not kill yourself. As an auditor, I will tell you the importance of the partnership with PwC is huge. My profession is changing because of technology like REQ. If you don't believe me Google "AICPA blockchain." Be patient fren. You will get all your money back trust me on that.

>> No.10515562

tbf the guy said he had no clue and openly admitted that. he can't know specifics because of insider trading

they need to hire him as the official community manager so he can whip this project into shape

>> No.10515667
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>> No.10515727 [DELETED] 


>> No.10515859

>tfw you converted all your REQ to LTC and used it to buy three vials of liquid Cialis
I regret nothing.

>> No.10516817
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>Defraud investors with false roadmap that they knew was impossible
>No proof of work from any employees
>Put out bare minimum software, Dapps and documentation
>Hire literal teams of pajeets to build Dapps you were supposed to code
>Hire a brand ambassador who didn't think it would shit idea to blogpost about flying, wining & dining subreddit mods on investor funds
>No one using shitty network or even trading at this point (volume RIP)
>Subreddit mods who were flew out for mozza constantly banning and censoring the reddit
>Same moderators who are confirmed bizposters making REQ threads shilling agressively (AbstractTornado, thats you)
>Still somehow does not support Bitcoin ?!
>Doesn't even support QR codes ?!
>Only compatible with metamask and ledger (literally no normies use this shit)
>Dapps stalled out and forgotten about (Chango, Crowdfunding)
>Only one partnership with 0 code written, just for hype
>Only other partnership attempt being Wikimedia, a serious disaster. Mainnet is so shit right now it doesnt even matter
>Zero marketing over 7 months to consumers, businesses or developers after heavy ICO marketing
>Team pivots from only other relevant project Moneytis to Request Network after the company dies
>YC Backed with less than $150,000 in series funding, literal chump change to valley VCs
>Half a year and still a team of 10 or less idiots
>$30,000,000 in funds and less than 10 applications being built
>Team has nerve to talk about building their own blockchain when they can't even produce a second layer Ethereum platform
>"Decentralized" so no frontfacing team members, another way to avoid accountability (probably when they exit)
>Logo is a stolen, overused vector
>Unironically, why would ANYONE "Request" a payment instead of having the person send it directly (aside from invoicing)
>Price will have no support going up as ICO investors sell off to break even or take profit
>Whole community at this point is fully delusional, they see no issues

>> No.10517317

Exactly. Admreq’s reputation should remain intact, instead of being dragged through this mess. Chris and Etienne haven’t shown any leadership skills since the Wiki shipwreck and community uproar over mozarella. You founded this project. Take some fucking ownership of it. Don’t you have any pride?

Admreq should just run the whole thing. English is his first language, and he seems to work way faster than the rest of the team. He’s diplomatic too most of the time.

>> No.10517575


It has to be autism. Lol do Req tokens have voting rights? I vote Admreq for Executive Director.

>> No.10517685
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All in and comfy as hell

>> No.10517744
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>> No.10517760


The fact that you typed all of that up is extremely pathetic.

>> No.10517812



I used to be mad at shitcoin devs for being degenerate scammers until I realised the fault is in the buyers for being dumb cunts

>> No.10517832
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Shit goes down 97% from ath
Anon's dream is to make 20-30X on his coin.
It finally does.
Anon still down on investment.
Weeeew lads !

>> No.10517833


>> No.10517854

Top kek

>> No.10517924

Why though? Why the fuck does the token have any value?

>Muh burning

>> No.10517976

I literally told you idiots coinbase commerce made it obsolete months ago you should have listened

>> No.10518531

You're a fucking retard if you think coinbase commerce has the same scope as req

>> No.10518808

You actually are blind. Coinbase commerce already has a variety of merchants, even weed shops. They market aggressively. They already have an enormous advantage over Req.

>> No.10518832


DYOR. REQ is more than PayPal 2.0. I swear the low price is due to retards not understanding the full scope of the project.

>> No.10518960
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>He's going to fall for the FUD and miss on on millions in 2020

Oh, anon.

>> No.10518992

Req is ahead of no one right now. Not a single line of code has been written for PwC yet. You think there aren’t other accounting dapps being worked on? You’re a dumb cunt, the proof is out there.

>> No.10519010

Most of these reddit/telegram mods besides AdmREQ are dumb cunts who couldn’t hold his jockstrap. And the Req team somehow chose them to represent the company. They post on here all day. Does Req do anything right?

>> No.10519106


What don't you get that they are under NDA's and are working in private githubs. PwC has publicly shilled Req 3 times. Do the fucking math you god damn mongoloid.

>> No.10519282

You have no proof. Larp

>> No.10519285

That's it. I'm buying another 20k. Is 50k REQ enough to make me a millionaire by 2020?

>> No.10519311

Abandon thread, fudders are awake. And we had meaning ful discussion before, sigh.

>> No.10519341


>> No.10519345

This. Deluded

>> No.10519352
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We should of listened to the FUD. Now I'm stuck. 97% loss, I can't fucking believe that my investment is pretty much worthless now.
If I think about it too much or sell what little I have left, I'm going to want to kill myself.

>> No.10519380

Coinbase commerce is centralized, no different from Bitpay and other payment processors. It has all the drawbacks of centralized middle men, including high fees. To put up such a shitty argument shows your ignorance or willingness to manipulate perception on the project.

>> No.10519390

Sorry anon, hope it goes back up enough for you to get out if that's what you want

>> No.10519442

am i the pathetic one, or delusional idiots like you

that took me like 2 min to type up kek reevaluate your "investment"

>> No.10520508


If the PwC partnership turns out to be a success you're looking anywhere from 250k to 1mil. If there is significant token burn, it could go up to $100 by 2022-2023. Purely speculative at that point though.

>> No.10520855
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purely speculative at this point too you fucking ape

do you reddit mods get off on shilling literal scams to pajeets? kek