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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10506117 No.10506117 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/ newfag here.
Is there any comprehensive guide too crypto that a total beginner could understand?

>> No.10506126
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not uh... not a good time man

>> No.10506130

yes, here you go:

1) stay away

>> No.10506132


>> No.10506138
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Get the heckies away asap

>> No.10506168

Is it really that bad? Ive been lurking for a bit and it seens like there is some promising aspects.

>> No.10506216

> it seens like there is some promising aspects.
that's because you're retarded

>> No.10506223

no these idiots just throw their money into pits. there's plenty of opportunity if you make the right moves.

>> No.10506235


>> No.10506250
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>> No.10506283

Like everything in life, investing is a huge gamble. The only differnece with cryptonis that if you fall for the PnD scams (which you most likely will, every newfag does), youll fall hard. same goes with your savings and all of your extra cash.

>> No.10506314

this shits going 100k+ easily by 2021 just start accumulating Bitcoin this will be a great year for that.

>> No.10506625

Yes. Buy PRL

>> No.10506639
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>> No.10506650

ill tell you if you know this chick's name

>> No.10506658

How much ETH for a girl like this?

>> No.10506682


>> No.10507793


>> No.10507832

no "comprehensive" guides out there, just have to piece together everything bit by bit, do your research, use Google, find good videos and forums and combine it with actual hands on practice (trade some cheap shit to get the hang of general principles)

No spoon feeding around here. If you actually want to become a skilled trader it'll take full-time effort, literally thousands of hours of studying and researching. If you aren't willing to put in the work you'll just end up a broke gambler who thought you could strike it rich in crypto and failed due to laziness and stupidity.

>> No.10507869

Know what you buy and why.
Research extensively and make your own decision.
Dont get emotional or attached and don't buy into hype or unreasonable promises.
Dont buy shitty memecoins biz shills everyday.
Personally I refuse to buy something without a functioning product.
The only things I'd buy in the entire market right now is Btc Xlm and Xmr.
Only thing I'm currently holding is Xlm since low single digit cents.
Be smart and you can still make a lot of money in the crypto markets.

>> No.10507887

One thing no one on here is going to tell you. Publicly visible ledgers are for the most part stupid. Why do you want your financial history to be easily visible? Look into cryptonote coins. The legitimate ones will be huge gainers. Biz hates them.