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10503084 No.10503084 [Reply] [Original]

I was previously a liberal, never a cuck like the libtards now. I just thought Bush was a retard for attacking Iraq, and Sanders was going to give me free college but i learned that i'd have to pay and share poverty with everyone else.

I've noticed that all the poorfags are liberal and the rich bitches are all conservative (as long as they made it on their own). Have you noticed liberals less when you got wealthier?

Has anything shaped the way you dealt with it? I was looking at the amounts i'd have to pay in taxes with crypto when I decided FUCK that. Listened to Milton Friedman and started liking trump too.

Where do you fall biz?

>> No.10503103

(((Milton Friedman)))

Stop listening to Jews

That’s seriously the best life advice anyone could ever give you. Should be right up there with “firm handshake” and”eye contact”

>> No.10503117

Uh, WAT? Spoken like someone with zero business acumen or experience. I assure you, NEET, firm handshakes and eye contact are important.

>> No.10503124
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Heh dam straight

>> No.10503127

That's what he's saying retard
He's saying the other best advice is stop listening to Jews
Oy vey goy

>> No.10503181
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But anon, he's dead and Sanders is a Jew, on the opposite end. I actually appreciate conservative Jews like Goldwater that voted against the Civil Rights act.

>> No.10503321

There's a particular fanaticism that comes with people that have recently changed views. "New atheists", recent ex smokers, born again Christians etc. The idea of suddenly coming across a new doctrine and "seeing the light" is a very powerful thing.
Which is why the alt right, who were basically just a bunch of aimless, politically incorrect, miserable gamers until some very astute people directed them, are so viciously dogmatic. They have that same "seen the light" mentality, although they call it "redpilled".
The thing that appeals about right wing doctrine is how unambiguous it is. It takes the complexity and nuance and incomprehensible ambiguity of reality and says "Fuck all that shit, the world is full of big black and white categories. And guess what, if you're a straight white man then you are all the good categories at once."
I don't pretend that I could talk anyone out of an ideology that gives them a firm sense of order, hierarchy and direction. An ideology that makes them unambiguously the embattled good guys fighting against an amorphous but infinitely hostile melange of SJWs, Muslims, queers, niggers, and whichever other representation of a complex world happens to be challenging their identity at that time.
I certainly don't pretend I can talk anyone out of an ideology that places even the most unsuccessful white man above about 90% of the people on the planet purely by virtue of their while male identity. Especially when those men have "seen the light" in a system dominated by liberal discourse that constantly reiterates that "everyone is equal". Equal is bullshit, equal means you're as bad as the niggers and SJWs you hate. That's not a palatable idea at all.
So I don't think this will convince anyone of anything, but I think it's worth reflecting on why an alt right view is attractive. And what sort of person might find it so attractive they to go all in on it.

>> No.10503354

Well then you still have some reading to do about our Edomite serpent seed overlords

>> No.10503449
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Yeah, despite everything retarded that the left does, the greatest argument I have--the only shred of evidence I need-- against lefty politics, are the people themselves. Total fucking losers, in every single way.

It transcends left and right politics, and ultimately boils down to two personalities: collectivists, and individualists.
Collectivists are losers. Garbage excuses for human beings. Cattle. Sub-80 IQ retards. They will never amount to anything in life, and they resent anyone who dares to be better than them. They will kick, and scream, and vote, and protest, for """equality""" to drag everyone down to their level and make everyone as pathetic as them.
Individualists are the movers and shakers. The ones who actually make something of themselves. They don't blame anyone for their failures but themselves, and they realize they are responsible for their own success. Meanwhile collectivists blame everyone but themselves for their failures, and demand that someone else just show up and "make" them successful.

>> No.10503480

Nice 5head.

>> No.10503483


>> No.10503494

It's also an age thing. Conservatives at 20 have no heart. Liberals at 30 have no brain.

>> No.10503503


>> No.10503532

Also the Republican Party isn't conservative. It's moved to reactionary politics. Just as the Democratic Party has moved from liberalism to socialism.

>> No.10503571

Keep trying to describe the alt-right in terms of race, it only makes you look more like an imbecile when you fall back on identity theory to argue against it's antithesis.

>> No.10503577

>Where do you fall biz?
The third option

>> No.10503601

>Especially when those men have "seen the light" in a system dominated by liberal discourse that constantly reiterates that "everyone is equal"
this is the key point, but not in the way you portray it

rather, the crass contrast between the preached "equality" and what these same preachers then act out in practice is what drives the resentment against them.
>niggers get preferential college admissions because whites are overreresented, which is portrayed as a very evil thing
>meanwhile jews are even more overrepresented than whites, this is considered a non-issue and even mentioning it is answered with outright hostility

the west as a whole and america in particular has reached the point where explicit state sponsored racial discrimination has not only returned, but is unironically hailed as a good thing because it's happening to white people.

the mantra of "it's evil and repulsive when whites do it to others, it's good and commendable when others do it to whites" has become second nature to large parts of the left. this is what their preached "equality" looks like in practice, this is what fuels the backlash against the left.

>> No.10503620
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>being attacked every day for being a white person didnt turn you off shitty leftist ideology

>> No.10503621
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I was a libertarian until I became a full blown fascist for a bit before settling into being detached from politics.

Sieg heil.

>> No.10503638

Alt right doctrine is identity politics for disenfranchised white men. While it frames itself as a rejection of identity politics it's really just another version. Look at all the white genocide stuff, the emasculation stuff, the embattled stuff. It's all about building up an identity of white straight males under attack.
I don't know what a true "anti-identity politics" politic would look like. In fact, I'd almost say it's an oxymoron given how intimately tied up politics and identity are.

>> No.10503655
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>While it frames itself as a rejection of identity politics it's really just another version.
Alt Righter here. I can tell you that you are full of shit and this is a basic bitch reddit-tier small brained take on the movement.

>> No.10503666
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Nice to have you on our side, Aids Skrillex.

>> No.10503760

Idk if the right is the party of hitler count me in. Republicans lost nothing conservative about them anymore. If anything they are center left.

>> No.10503799

The alt-right says identity is inseparable from politics.

>> No.10503828

I've noticed all rich people are liberals and all poorfags are conservative. Guess it depends on where you live. I do notice a lot of new rich without any class who vote conservative, but other than that I only see rich people in hick states who are conservative, and frankly nobody in the world really respects hicks, rich or not.

>> No.10503836

Fuxk off back to pol you inbred low iq faggot

>> No.10503874

>I've noticed all rich people are liberals and all poorfags are conservative

how can that be true when nigs and spics are something like 90% libs
are they all secret drug kingpins with millions of coke money stashed under their beds?

>> No.10503886

This is completely backwards

>> No.10503899

>t. brainlet

>> No.10503914

Yes. You'd be surprises how easy it is with food stamps and subsidized rent

>> No.10503947

The truth both your and OP's statements are correct. As income wasn't the biggest factor in the last election, it was education.

Also, location like you said. Big cities vote liberal and rural areas usually vote conservative. Because people in big cities can't survive without social programs like free health care, the cost of living is too high.

>> No.10503964

While we're all here and having a relatively non hysterical conversation, I have a question for the strong individualists who "hate collectivism" in this thread.
How does an individualistic doctrine manage common assets like, broadly "the environment"? How is environmental sustainability even conceivable under an individualist doctrine? How do you avoid a tragedy of the commons?
Even if you completely reject climate change as a scientific fact, there are plenty of other environmental issues that are equally threatening to the long term security and survival of the entire species. Ocean biomass degradation, old growth forest removal, mass extinction. There is no question that if Earth is an orchard, we're eating fruit faster than we're planting fruit trees.
But exploitative neoliberal capitalism has zero mechanisms to actually draw in and weigh broader environmental considerations. It seems like a collective approach to environmental management is the only way to even ask questions about whether a short term profitable venture is worthwhile on a long term global scale.
Is there a "right wing environmentalism"? Is there an "individualistic environmentalism"? I'm honestly interested to hear about it. Especially because our generation, unlike even our parents, are particularly, keenly aware of environmental issues.

>> No.10503981

I’m a libertarian
We don’t need roads, legalize heroin

>> No.10504009

Keep this Pol shit of my board

>> No.10504042

Businesses are economically based which is political
If any place is gonna have random /pol/ shit it’s biz

>> No.10504072

You seem to know an awful lot about /pol/ :^)

>> No.10504082

We'll have private roads retard with smart contracts and gps systems.

>> No.10504103


It's identity politics. Come up with a real argument explaining why it isn't or gtfo

>> No.10504120


I attribute Bernie's cuckistry to be a case of old-man-itis. He would've been an awesome president

>> No.10504171

A lot of them never even think of the environment, it's why a lot of them reject the notion of global warming or climate change, because it conflicts with their ideology.

>> No.10504188
File: 30 KB, 600x630, 1_v3vvVO3DuvEB-osQDcIqlw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warren buffet and bill gates are both liberals. Conservative polivies make sure the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Obviously the rich would be conservative. They don't care about destrpying the world for profit so of course conservatives want policies that allow them to rape other countries for their resources abd polute the earth. You're a conservative because you are selfish and greedy. Destroy youself. I also know everyone here will assume im a newfag. I've been here on this board since 2013.

>> No.10504199

>is there a "right wing environmentalism?"
I shouldn't be replying to your shit-tier bait, but there was massive membership overlap between the British animal rights movement and the BUF. See Diana Mitford. Germany was the first country to ban vivisection. Who can tell why you asked this question in a post that was otherwise about individualism

>> No.10504206
File: 44 KB, 470x595, 50a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody checked these evil digits?
holy fuck

>> No.10504269

How is it bait? I literally framed that question in the most non-confrontational terms I could conceive. The environment and corporate malfeasance are the two areas where I feel like the left and right should be pretty much on the same page, but that rarely seems the case. I'm just trying to get a better understanding of why that is.

>> No.10504309

Who cares about American politics, China is taking over the world, you soon will be conquered by China and we all be under comunist rule, Europe will be first, China is sending waves of Muslim refugees to destroy their culture, after Europe they will go after America and the world

>> No.10504311

>individualism and right wing are the same thing
It belies an amerimutt's understanding of politics as a football game. If the right is nothing but neoliberal capitalism, it's the left wing too (Blairite New Labour). So why don't you answer your own question?

>> No.10504333

I was literally responding to a previous anon's anti-collectivist rant.

>> No.10504817

Market failure is the answer to your question. We haven't really devised a good way to effectively price the lost benefit of a pristine environment. I'm not sure it's even possible, especially not in the extisting politcal framework.

I can say, with certainty, that the results of doing nothing will be superior to the outcome of having the government (or their criminal contractors) to fix the problem. In short, the free market will fix it.

I do appreciate that you pointed out other froms of polluition rather than global warming alone. The earth's climate will always change, and we don't currently possess a means to control the climate in the long term, However, the are real and devasting problems associated with other more acute forms of polliution that actually will present a real threat to us. Climate change hysteria is basically just a cash grab.