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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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10500237 No.10500237 [Reply] [Original]

Remember BCH shills last November?

>flippening is mathematically inevitable

ahaha good fun

>> No.10500257

2 years and BTC dies.

>> No.10500269

I mean we better get something together. They halv before bitcoin halvs and if they are still not more profitable to mine its going to open a bad can of worms. You told me this was the real BTC. How many more months do I have to wait before I can use this shit at Mcdonalds or Amazon. You said this was the best P2P currency and I cant use it for shit.

>> No.10500287

Le death spiral xD
I remember some cashie arguing that both chains had the same hashrate because he didn't understand what the dari on fork.lol was.

>> No.10500304

If BTC dies, BCH dies.

Technologically both are completely out of the race. The only thing keeping bitcoin afloat is it's name and the fact it is used as pivot by exchanges.
In these condition, thinking that BCH will earn traction is just being deluded.

>> No.10500347

Bcash with 0 conf transaction isn't out of the race. When it gets smart contracts and they work (no idea how this will turn out) bcash is the best I think.

>> No.10500384

If a significant amount of SHA-256 hash comes on board then BTC would get to the halfening first.

>> No.10500426

EOS has instant confirmation, unlimited scaling, native smart contracts and already an ecosystem of projects.
In what world will BCH be able to compete?

>> No.10500796

What happens if in two years bitcoin doesn't die, huh?

>> No.10500910


Seriously nigger? This shit is as bad as XRP

>> No.10500923
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>> No.10501103

It's vastly superior to any bitcoin based blockchain.
If you're not a fan of EOS you can take almost any of the most recent blockchain projects and they are all technologically superior to bitcoin.

Cashies need a serious reality check.

>> No.10501117


>Delegates can arbitrarily freeze your account

Kill yourself

>> No.10501139

>Operation dragon slayer.

>> No.10501193

One word: Decentralization

Faggit, the value of that alone is why every cryptocurrency is tied to the value of Bitcoin.

>> No.10501236

gtfo with your centralized permissioned "blockchain" you moron.

>> No.10501791

So it's like an "App" in the internet, like a fancy website with cool functions.
Is it 100% trustless, decentralized? Can it be a Dapps? If not fuck off

>> No.10501871


And you morons are convinced that somehow bitcoin cash is the champion of decentralization?

>> No.10501902


The only time people bring up decentralization in the BTC vs BCH debate is when they mention useless non-mining nodes.

Other than that it's mostly about scaling.

>> No.10502408


>> No.10502435
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what, bitcoin lives on in the form of BCH?

>> No.10502529
File: 145 KB, 1212x878, Screen Shot 2018-07-28 at 1.58.53 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

won't cost that much to kill bitcoin

>> No.10502550

plus you need the hardware and facilities + pay people to help you set up everything

>> No.10502589

this coin has been giving me the most consistent gains. So I like it.

>> No.10502629
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Are you guys ready punish Bitcoin Core for being a fake cryptocurrency?

>> No.10502667
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Good luck with that.

>> No.10502823
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Craig, you're drunk again. it's your buddy Amaury, stay right there. I'm on my way to get you.

>> No.10502998

no, that's exactly how it works. BCH gets roughly 1 block every 10 minutes. The average BTC block at the end of the difficulty adjustment is going to be much less in an increasing hash rate environment.

>> No.10503090
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i really hope these two are just joking around on twitter and if not i hope they talk things out

>> No.10503192
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>> No.10503308
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>trusting a bunch of literal con artists

>> No.10503462

"when the entitled elect themselves, the party accelerates and the brutal hangover is inevitable"
-Michael Scott

>> No.10503506

just go plot the occurances of bcash or chainlink spam here via warosu or any other archive, and you'll clearly see the obvious huge ramp ups of spam that don't follow any real price movement or news.

the funny thing is how so many people actually fell for both of them so hard they perpetuate the spam themselves hoping to not hold their bcash/link bags forever

>> No.10503619
File: 1.55 MB, 2000x2500, 348487374854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bch is getting more adoption every day while btc is stagnating.
why do you think bch is almost everywhere btc is?
people recognize bch as the better coin but are stuck with btc until people realize it.

>> No.10503678
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*coin artists

>> No.10503682


Adoption is bad! It means someone might spend their bitcoin instead of HODL!!

Don't be stupid. just HODL

>> No.10503697

uninteresting thread

>> No.10503732
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for you my friend

>> No.10503830

>people recognize bch as the better coin >stuck with btc until people realize it.
Pick one

>> No.10503849
File: 668 KB, 3500x3218, gif dude.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a funny observation! i think he meant different groups of people.

>> No.10504098

I remember when I used to buy drugs with bitcoin. It was fucking great. I miss the simpler times.

>> No.10504169

Why would it though, frend?
Sometimes you just hafta ask,
Why would it?

>> No.10504222
File: 244 KB, 600x800, got something in my pants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitcoin lives on in BCH. BTC has changed to something different.

>> No.10504457

That is how the difficulty adjusts, but it would have to go fucking parabolic and then go back in time for it to affect the halvening