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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 58 KB, 480x360, gok6oej.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10490172 No.10490172 [Reply] [Original]

I seriously hope none of you actually work at McDonalds. I personally had rather be homeless than work there and deal with that level of social stigma and degredation on a daily basis. I mean at least the homeless guy can tell you to go fuck yourself if you make fun of him. The wagecuck can't even do that for fear he will lose his job.

>> No.10490199

>The wagecuck can't even do that for fear he will lose his job.

>> No.10490233

the way i see it. if you have to be a wageslave why not at least take a job working on a loading dock or in a warehouse somewhere? at least then you don't have to deal with that stigma. how can you even hope to land a grill if when she asks what you do for a living. gotta use your head. thats how i see it. there are other options.

>> No.10490267

i used to work at mcdonalds, and a shitload of other fast food places. it's a living hell. I'd rather be homeless or blow my brains out then ever go back

>> No.10490284


Job? You've been a NEET all your life. Kill yourself, you waste of space.

>> No.10490286

>at least then you don't have to deal with that stigma
The stigma of delivering fast, high quality made, affordable meals?

>> No.10490294

tell us your horror stories.

>> No.10490340
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>Dindt i ask fer lurge fries?? Dese r smull fries! No way dese r lerge fries! Gimme merr fries! I wenna talk ta ur menager!

>> No.10490358
File: 434 KB, 1024x954, 92928047-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gave me the right burger I ordered but I don't like it. Give me a refund, NOW!

>> No.10490361


i didn't actually deal with customers, they only let girls do that, I had to stand over a grill and scrape gum off the sidewalks and clean dumpsters grease traps and bathrooms. It was basically like the shittiest job you could have within mcdonalds. 5.15/hr.

>> No.10490379

Is this Barack Obama's new position?

>> No.10490393
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yea. i remember those days. you must have been cucking it back in the early 2000s right? that's what i made back then. not at mcdonalds though. i worked at a gas station. i think now McDonalds pays like $12 or so an hour but that still doesn't cover the stigma of working there.

>> No.10490417


>> No.10490423

there are some wagecucks here.. the scary part.. they give people here advice....

>> No.10490431

I work at a pizza place part time while I look for a job that requires a degree. Makes me want to die. I've been there for over a year now, my coworkers are all arab and hardly speak english. I have to work the front and talk on the phones, and deal with customer complaints constantly, because our staff messes up orders because they don't speak English. I used to work as a driver until my car was stolen a few months ago, and the new (used) car I got ran into issues with the transmissions. Now I literally ride the bus to work from my parents house 4 days a week.

I don't know if it would be worse to work at McDonalds, but I don't care to find out.

>> No.10490466

I worked at McDonald's when I was like 20 or something. The manager just paid me cash. I ended up quitting after a couple weeks. There was actually people there who enjoyed it and relied on the income. They seemed really sad deep down. I mostly did it for weed money while I was in college.

>> No.10490479

doubt you will have any luck with the degree meme. the system has been pushing everyone into uni for the last 10 years and now the market is saturated with degrees. best you can probably hope for is a low level management role in a big box store somewhere. and then theres the trucking industry wich will pay you about 40k a year and pay for your training but its another kind of hell.

>> No.10490498

Your seriously a retard if you work in fast food get a job landscaping or construction if you want at least some respect and money. I see that most fast food workers have inconsistent hours and irregular schedule and I can't see that not fucking with your sleep. Let the robots take over.

>> No.10490511

I drive a truck and make about 80k a year. Luckily I'm home every day but I also work about 12 hours a day. Most of my day is spent shit posting on 4chan,trading shitcoins and other various internet activities. It's not bad. Its the peak of wage cucking I know that..

>> No.10490521

well I've had a couple interviews for state positions i'm waiting to hear back from, i've been in contact with the guys I interviewed with so I feel a bit better than I usually do.

Been considering just driving a truck but I know it's going to be automated in a couple years. I'm just stuck in my own personal hell. I don't know what to do.

>> No.10490547

it will never be fully automated. that i can promise you. theres situations you will get into that a computer cannot do ever. like navigating really fucked up construction zones.

>> No.10490568

80k. is good. you should be stacking cash. in another 10 years you'll be a millionaire easily if you invest it right.

>> No.10490574

dunno what kind of shit degree you're talking about. major in cs gets you an 85k job starting.

>> No.10490584

I don't actually mind working at McDonald's all that much. Sure, I have to deal with some asshole coworkers (customers are actually pretty good), but I would much rather be making money than being a neet. Of course, I'm a 20 year old student who can easily pass as 16 so I don't really have to worry about the stigma.

>> No.10490604

not many people want to do that nerd shit though.

>> No.10490617

M8 airplanes are automated but they still have pilots. Trucks will not be fully automated without operators inside of them. At least not while we are alive. Maybe the odd meme truck going down the highway. Maybe.

>> No.10490655
File: 50 KB, 640x640, 1505764109413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in another 10 years you'll be a millionaire easily if you invest it right.

>> No.10490674

well i assume he's already been working a while so he probably already has a few hundred grand.

>> No.10490714
File: 42 KB, 601x508, Gttfw+girls+my+age+prefer+guys+their+age+or+_0e532426a78c062e5b224150d7760126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw actually work at similar low paying shop in australia at 21. deal with being degraded/humiliated on a daily basis by managers and customers. cant risk finding another job right now.

reading rich dad poor dad, think and grow rich etc under the counter when its quiet at work though. pray for me guys.

>> No.10490718

Hahahaha, yeah. We're all in lamboland soon, right? R..right?

>> No.10490736

Hahahahahahaha this meme again.
Contrary to what they want you to think, entry level shit in CS is filled to the brim.
t. MS in Maths working entry level $60k/year with """""CS""""" poos.
It's not much for a MS, but I wanted to be a college instructor/educator, sue me. Would have probably made bank if I went CS instead of disgusting physics as a bachelor.

>> No.10490737

Feeling this.

>> No.10490739

lol only one in every 10 people get to be millionaires
on this board? more like 1 in every 500

>> No.10490757

it's not what i think, it's what i, and several people in my graduating class, did. then again i live in austin, might not have been possible elsewhere.

>> No.10490786

i feel like the title millionaire should be reserved for people who have $2m. $1m isn't a big deal anymore

>> No.10490834

Some work at mcdonalds and get laid
Others worry about stigma because they absorbed too much media and become self-obsessed

>> No.10490934

I actually have zero savings. Kek :(

>> No.10490935
File: 53 KB, 480x480, offthecharts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw robots will take all burger flipping jobs in a couple of years
>tfw autos will take all driving jobs in a couple of years
>tfw ai will take all phone support jobs in a couple of years

>> No.10490974
File: 181 KB, 1080x960, 1532974109757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just applied yesterday, and feel like my life is finally turning a corner

>> No.10490994

I legit feel bad for fast food employees I remember when I was in high school me and my friends would piss in the garbage bins. Just lol'ing at the poor fuck who had to change the bags at the end of his shift.

>> No.10491025

>MS in Maths

That's pretty low and a teaching position is nothing to be smug about. It's fucking boring.

>> No.10491033

why even bother?
a homeless man makes more than that in charity

>> No.10491051


if you can't afford to pay a living wage you should fucking go out of business, you have a broken business model - that's your problem

>> No.10491112

I disagree, anyone who works in fastfood deserves their slavery

>> No.10491114

Brainlet, you fuck the girls WORKING at McDonalds. Some of them are nasty, some of them are hot, all of them are fuckable.

One summer I ran through an entire mcdonalds, about 6 girls, including a threesome with two lesbians.